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Author's Chapter Notes:

Here is the last chapter. Sorry for the long wait.



"Janet go get the seasoning," said one girl. Amazingly, she left one of my arms unrestrained in the cuff. She must have forgotten to lock it.
I made quick work of the other locks holding me down. Then I made a break for it. I rushed passed the women who tried to stop me.
"Come back!" shouted one. Yeah right. That would work. Come back so they can eat me.
I ran out of their house and down the street. I kept running hard. It's a good thing that I was in shape and could sustain a decent speed for a few miles. I caught a lot of looks from passing females, turning to watch me run by naked. I really wished those dame girls hadn't removed my jumpsuit.
Anyway I pounded the pavement all the way to Kimberly's apartment building. I rushed upstairs and banged on her apartment. She answered quickly. Upon seeing me her face registered relief then surprise.
"Ran your clothes right off huh?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I said flatly.
Kim nodded wisely and stepped aside to let me in.
"I just wanted to see you once more. Before..." I didn't finish the sentence. I didn't need to. She knew I couldn't stay. I had to go on the run. I doubted I would get far. Perhaps I would just turn myself in to the authorities.
We hugged for a while. Despite eating thousands of men like me, I had come to love her. But to protect her, I couldn't stay. Finally I had to let her go. I walked to the door, opened it, and...
There were four policewomen standing on the other side of the door. One had her hand up to knock. I turned to Kim. She looked as surprised as I was.
"You didn't tell me you were going to call them!" I said angrily. "You said you would walk with me to turn myself in."
Kim's first reaction at my words was one of surprise. Then understanding. Then gratitude. She realized that by saying she was walking me to the police station they would not accuse her of harboring a fugitive.
I nodded to the officer and raised my hands. She put on the handcuffs and led me away.

"Well, well. What have we here?" Ms. Krossburg's voice rang out like a sounding of death. It was two days since my arrest. The papers had made a big deal of it and I had even given a few interviews to reporters hungry for a good story. They had called me an anarchist and a coward, unwilling to give my life for the greater good. Then, they had taken me to a meat plant, shrunk me down, sterilized me and sold me. Apparently Ms. Krossburg was hungry for her old employee because she was looking at me with that beautiful face of hers and her mouth full of saliva. She made you want to be her dinner in a way I can't describe. But I knew what was coming.
I was standing on her desk, naked and hairless except for the eyebrows. Despite this, Ms. Krossburg seemed to recognize me. "My little friend has come back to me so darn little," Ms. Krossburg continued. "A bit of a shame. It would have really been fun to engage in some activities that don't involve simple predator and prey relationships. I think that we're past that now that your shrunk. No, just another piece of food on my plate. Just another meal to digest and forget. Ah what might have been."
She picked me up and winked. "What are the odds of me getting you to eat at random? Don't bother to answer. I had a friend pull some strings and send you over. Not chance after all. They were going to give you to the chief of police to eat in front of a camera, then changed their mind and decided a celebrity would be better. But I had other plans. I wanted you all to myself. And now I have you."
Apparently her monolog had ended because her mouth opened wide and she shoved me into it. Her mouth caressed me and moved me down her throat. Her warm slick tongue caressed me from below, pressing me hard into the top of her mouth above me. Her teeth pushed close on either side. It was quite a difference from when I was only an inch tall. Then the mouth was vast and Kimberly had barely noticed my struggles as she swallowed me down. Now, I took up the whole of my new mistresses' mouth. I knew I had her complete attention otherwise she would have gagged. I was aware of her long nailed finger pushing my rear and then my feet deeper into her mouth. There was no way I was strong enough to resist her. I reminded myself that I had fed people to this hungry mouth a few days ago. Perhaps this was my comeuppance.
Her throat guided me downwards into a tunnel where unknown numbers of men had disappeared and never been seen again. I thought it was all over but she did not swallow until all five inches of me were in her mouth, suppressing the swallow reflex for an impressive period of time but scaring the hell out of me in the process. I expected to be the moment that she chose to send me to my doom with every passing second. Each second I prayed for salvation that I knew would never come Finally, the esophagus got to work and started shoving me in the direction indicated, right to her belly. 
A shockingly cold gulp of water passed me by and helped speed the process of swallowing me. I shivered as the slick esophagus walls, tight around my body, pushed me into her stomach. The plus side of this was it was much warmer in here. I soon found I would have preferred the cold to the acid.
I half lay and half floated in her belly. Just as it was in the mouth, my increased size made for a somewhat different experience in this woman's belly. Instead of feeling like a speck in a carnivorous cave I felt like I had been stuck in a hot black bag full of chemicals and being squeezed a lot. It was the most wonderful horrible feeling. I was aware of Ms. Krossburg's muscle lined stomach pushing me around. It was hard to breathe. The feeling of restraint, suffocation, darkness and extreme burning combined into a terrible feeling of claustrophobia. I screamed and flailed around, mindless in my panic.
I missed Kim. I wished she had eaten me rather than Ms. Krossburg. Still, it didn't matter anymore. At least I said good-bye.
"Settle down in there," came Ms. Krossburg's voice. "I have a meeting to go to this afternoon. I want you to be at least partially digested by then. I can't have you wiggling around in agony while I'm trying to concentrate."
With a little laugh she fell into silence. I screamed a little, cried a little. (Hey no one was there to see me cry.) I knew this was the end. It was the horrible but desirable end that all men would share in this world. 
After dong a fair bit of paper work, Ms. Krossburg arose an hour and a half later and proceeded to her meeting. She didn’t think twice about the tiny mass of nutrients sloshing about in her stomach.
The End. 
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