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The next morning I called Doug.

"Good work kid," he said over the comms. "Your save is still sleeping. He was pretty tired. I have a feeling that he knew he was going down her gullet last night and couldn't sleep the night before as a result. There wasn't much burning. You must have gotten him right out of there."
"I made a quick job of it," I agreed.
"Look, the boy is gonna be working with you and Mr. Bates. Expect his arrival tomorrow. You're gonna be working together, alright?"
"Sounds good, Doug."

I passed the day at work doing my job. I got a lot of smiles from Kimberly and Tiffany who, judging from the hushed whispers between the two girls, had heard about my staying with Kim the previous evening.

Mr. Bates didn't exactly congratulate me on a job well done because we were both around women all day, but he shook my hand particularly hard and gave me a quick wink and a smile. I knew he was proud of me. It was a wonderful day. I was on cloud nine.

I spent the evening with Kim. She didn't eat anyone so I couldn't pick up another save but I loved being in her company.

It was the following day that everything went to hell.
I had simply done my job for a few hours, anticipating meeting the man I had saved two nights ago, when I got the call. Ms. Krossburg wanted to see me in her office. There was no refusing her so I found myself before the oak doors ten minutes later.

This time, the aid at the front desk ushered me in politely without asking a question. I supposed that my way had been made clear by the Ms. Krossburg.

I knocked at the inner door that lead to her ornate office.
"Come in," came a voice behind it.
Upon entering, Ms. Krossburg looked up. "Darling," she said.


"What can I do for you today Ms. Krossburg?" I asked, polite and neutral.
A wolfish smile appeared on her lips. She stood up and rounded the desk accenting her hip movement with every step.

Putting a hand up to my chest she smiled and began to dance, slowly swaying her hips from side to side. Some rather sensual music began to play from somewhere. She guided my hands over her "shirt." It was more like a sports bra than anything else.

I trembled at the feel of the material so fine that is that I was quite sure it was human skin. It made me wonder with trepidation what wretched fellow had been flayed to provide this gorgeous female’s adornment.

One thing though, I noticed her rather ventricose belly. It was not flat as many men seem to prefer; but I found it captivating, yet, with a shudder, I guessed, like all the females in this age with such seductive beauty, her belly had been fed with countless number of humans; and, no doubt, the very man whose skin she had been wearing. Profound fear gripped my heart. Surely she did not intend to skin me?
"You're quite an attractive man you know," said Ms. Krossburg.

"You're pretty darn hot yourself."

"Thank you. You know, the first time I saw you all I could think about was eating you. You're quite a full package. I could gnaw on your arms all day. I have this great abdominal recipe and I'd love to eat your buns medium rare. I bet they're nice and juicy."

She accentuated her meaning by caressing the specific body parts as she spoke of them. I felt like a marked man.

"But you're so damn attractive," Ms. Krossburg continued seductively. "I just can't bring myself to eat so lovely a face; but I suppose I must if I have to….."

"It's not like you could anyway," I pointed out. "I passed my tests to live. I won't be eligible for retesting until I'm thirty." I felt this was a good point to bring up since all the talk of "food" seemed to be getting her hungry. She was almost salivating and I could see her enticing nipples pushing out from under her delicate top.

"I know," she cooed. "I suppose we'll just have to make do with what we can. Why don't we start with you taking off your clothes?"

She thumbed the release button and ripped off my suit. I felt a little colder and slightly more exposed. I began to shiver.

"Mmm…look at that," she murmured, caressing my...

A loud "Bang!" at the door made us both jump. Then the door flew open to reveal a large tall woman who had plainly just knocked the door off its hinges with a well-planted kick.

A police woman walked into the room. She was accompanied by Kimberly and a man I didn't recognize. He looked to be about my age and was similarly dressed in the one-piece suit. Or I should say; he was dressed. I think I speak for both Ms. Krossburg and myself when I tell you that we were both mollified to be seen in such a position.

"Ms. Krossburg, are you alright?" asked the cop with not even the hint of a smile on her face.

"Er…yes, um," said Ms. Krossburg, taking her hand off me.

"Ms. Krossburg, we have reason to believe that two of your employees are living outside of the law," the cop continued in a no-nonsense tone.


"I'm afraid so, ma'am," the cop continued. "This young gentleman here," she gestured to the man standing next to her, "claims that he was eaten by this young woman two nights ago." She pointed out Kimberly who had a deer-in-the-headlight look about her.

"The young gentlemen," continued the cop, "says that he was no sooner in her belly than he was transported out of her stomach and to a lab facility several miles away. Apparently, several men have been transporting female food out of their stomachs and to a makeshift hospital where digestive damage is repaired before sending the man out with a portable transporter device. He then befriends females and waits for them to eat a man so he can teleport the food out of her stomach and to this lab. The whole process then repeats from there."

"But how do you know this?" inquired Ms. Krossburg.

"The young gentlemen was taken out of this woman's belly and asked to assist in such operations. Fortunately for us he has a conscience. He knows his proper place is in this woman's digestive track and that's where he'll be going once we've rounded up the last of the gang. He's already handed over the scientist, a man named Doug. After an interrogation, we got from him that two men, one named Bates, one named Jake Smith were operatives for this ring. We made haste here and caught the former." She stuck her thumb over her shoulder and into the hall where Mr. Bates was in the custody of another police woman.

"Now all we need is him." The cop pointed to me. "You can eat him now if you want but I'll have to escort him to the kitchen and make sure he doesn't slip away."

Ms. Krossburg stepped away from me. "By all means, take him." she said. "And do stay for lunch," she added to the cop while grinning wickedly at me.

The cop nodded to her colleague in the hall who left with Mr. Bates

"Come with me," said the cop. She had her blaster in her hand so I figured it best to obey. I followed her out of the hallway.

"We know that you were originally eaten by Kimberly," said the cop. "But she says you had sex with her. Of course now we can't feed you to her."

That was true. If a man had sex with a woman he was technically not allowed to be eaten by that same woman; a strange rule but an old one in this society.

The four of us marched into the kitchen. "Now him, he's going to be shrunken down and swallowed again," explained the cop, nodding towards the guy who sold us out.
"Why did you do it?" I asked him.
"We're food. We're supposed to stay that way." the man looked angrily at me.

"Digestion isn't painless you know. It's agony. I really was eaten by Kimberly and it was the most painful experience imaginable."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" said Kimberly.

"It's not your fault," I said to Kimberly. "I should have let him cook in there for a while before transporting him out of your stomach. That way he wouldn't be in such a rush to be eaten again."

"Say what you want but I'm still going to be eaten by a beautiful woman." He grinned widely at Kimberly who grinned back.

"Yes. They're going to give you back to me so I can eat you again." said Kimberly. "You'll wish you had never set eyes on me by the time I'm finished with you. I'll make you pay for killing my lover. By the time I'm half done with you you'll be begging for me to swallow you. You'd be surprised how many times you can bite someone without them dying."
She said all this cheerfully but the man's face grew more than a little troubled.

"That's enough, you too," said the cop. "Let's get this guy in the oven and then we'll worry about re-shrinking you." she said turning towards the man.

While her back was turned I grabbed a pan and whacked her over the head with it, knocking her out. Kimberly did the same to the man next to her and the two of us were left standing over them in the deserted kitchen.

"I have a bad idea," said Kimberly.


 "He is delicious," I heard Ms. Krossburg say around a mouthful of food. I felt a twang of jealously at those words. The guy who had sold me out was on her plate. Kimberly and I had stuffed him into the cooker and she had wheeled him out on a tray, minus the head. The girls in the other room were really digging in and, from the sound of things, enjoying it.

Great, now all I had to do was get out of the building without being seen. Kimberly said she would meet me back at her house. What then? Would I spend the rest of my life hiding in her apartment? I was sure to be discovered sooner or later. Worse yet, what if they realized Kimberly had helped me. I suddenly knew that I could only stay at Kim's house for a moment. Gotta grab some supplies. After that I would be on the run, on my own.

I made my way down a fire escape and into a back alleyway. I started running for Kim's apartment, hoping to get in and out of there before she arrived. I would explain it all in a letter that I loved her.

  Just as I rounded a corner I suddenly found myself faced by a group of university age girls. They looked to be about nineteen years old to maybe twenty-one or so. I stopped in my tracks. I saw in their faces looks of delight, and then they broke into squeals as if they had just come across a famous pop star.   I tried to smile disarmingly, then I turned to run back, but in a flash they surrounded me.

  At once I felt their cool hands all over me…. My chest, back, shoulders and limbs. One daringly felt the pouch of my genitals and I realised I was in a very dangerous situation.  It is well-known that gangs of girls roam the streets and open spaces looking for likely victims, with one intent, no…more than one intent.   In order to increase their gastronomic appetite by teasing, tormenting and torturing prior to satisfying the hunger in their young bellies.                                                                                                                Okay, so I’m a male, have the strength of a male, but against eager predators of about ten I wouldn’t stand a chance.



Chapter End Notes:
Once again banfield saved my credibility as a writer by correcting spelling. The last part at the end is also his. We hope you enjoy the new addition.
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