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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter 2 Unwinding back at home.



Karen slowly trudged up the twenty three flights of steps still wearing her Exterminator’s Assistant one piece around her body. It protected her from the November cold much better than her blazer had if that were any small consolation to looking like a steam-auto mechanic.

In one hand she had a bag full of her broken and ragged clothing. In the other a bag of fruits and vegetables that the bonus helped her afford. She even had a container of blueberries for her and Edward.

She passed row after row of plexi-glassed apartments stacked one above the other. Taking on the appearance of ram shackle hovels with bits and pieces of quilts that people were able to find in the town dumps in order to make privacy curtains for their walls.

Row upon row went upward along the wall provided by Mrs. Rhoda Gayle Gunkel who was presently cashing in on the latest craze of turning spare rooms into apartment complexes for the Littles in order to supplement her income. Being a widow, with no security trust or job to help her through her midlife this government sponsored boon for nearly three years running now made subletting her town-home to the continual influx of Littles seeking employment in the capital city a necessity.

Many of her own friends were doing likewise and had originally tipped her off to the money making opportunity that Her Majesty had created by passing the Little Employment Opportunity Act.

Now that Littles could earn a guaranteed by law minimum wage and be granted free education by remaining employed, thousands upon thousands came flooding into the city regardless of the dangers involved.

The Queen had even implemented a Littles Infrastructural Grant program that made the building of Miss Gunckel’s apartment complex no money out of pocket.

There were even painted walkways for the Littles now that Giants were expressly forbidden to wander into lest they receive a hefty fine for doing so.. A permit was required to enter such zones now after so many Littles wound up flattened on the sidewalks a couple of years back.

Mrs. Gunkel’s huge Brobnagian face appeared alongside Karen’s as she laboriously continued her trudge upstairs..

“You’re two weeks behind on your rent little carrot top.. I’m afraid, one more week and I might just add you to my pot of stew little lady!”

Karen huffed and carefully put her bags down to face the Giantess.

“Miss Gunkel.. I got a new job and will be able to pay you the rent this weekend in full plus back rent.”

The Giantess frowned and considered.. After a moments thought, the heavy set lady who could have used a dab more make up with the silver pulled back bun of hair continued.

“Alright but this is the last time. Would you like a lift up the final five flights of stairs my lady?”

Karen brightened.. She was so exhausted.

“Yes please Ma’am!”

The Giantess smiled and reached for the Little whose arms outstretched to receive the much desired assistance.

But at the last moment the giant fingers moved down and tips of those said fingers grasped one of the bags and quickly lifted it away. In one deft motion she dropped it right down her hatch with monstrous teeth that gnashed shut. A gulp formed and traveled down the throat under the evil smile that had blossomed.

“I hope there was a puppy in that bag! Don’t forget to pay your rent this Friday or you’ll wind up in the very same place that bag of goodies went!”

With that the Giantess turned and walked away sneering at some of the other Littles who had approached their windows in order to see what all of the ruckus was about. Miss Gunkel tended to worry everyone when she was near.. If Littles were caught anywhere but her spare room then the next thing they saw was the bottom of her shovel pointed ankle boot before they became another vacancy to be immediately filled by the next little refugee seeking cheap rent due to their poverty.

Karen forced herself not to burst out laughing.. Miss Gunkel had chose poorly and had only managed to swallow her old second hand rags and shoes. Her prized food still sitting a step up from her shins.

With a grunt she gathered it and began traversing the final flights of stairs.


Edward could hear the skeleton key turning the round tin lock. His Goddess had arrived home.

Getting up from his soft cloth mattress which really was nothing more than a old red sock that Karen used until holes showed up in the toe areas,  he immediately pressed himself to the cage wall right next to the door.

His beautiful benefactor looked tired and sweaty.. Many of her billowed curls were now wet spindly spires stuck to the sides of her face.. And what was she wearing? A green overalls suit no less?

Edward smiled. His Goddess had gotten a new job and it looked like she’d bought some groceries too! It was turning out to be great day he mused..

Edward straightened out his hair and checked his breath.. All was in order.. He even readjusted his loin cloth re-tightening the belt. He had spent a whole two hours cleaning it with the water Karen had left in the sowing thimble for him. She would refill it for him every day along with his waste bucket so that he had fresh water to drink and clean himself with.. She truly was a compassionate owner!

Karen came inside and placed her keys on the coffee table. Or what resembled one.. It was actually a old discarded match box with a piece of orange fabric thrown over it to hide the advertisement painted all over it’s surface..

Then she took the groceries over to the kitchen counter and began putting them into the cardboard cupboards that only looked like they were authentic.. Sort of.

Upon finishing this task she returned to the couch where Edward’s cage hung upon it’s iron stand. A smile forming on her face once she had spotted her pet man eagerly grinning and waving back at her. A box of blueberries in her hand.. His favorite.

Karen had found Edward last winter curled up along a drain pipe freezing and starving to death.. Someone had either inadvertently or purposely kicked him to the side as they passed on their normal way to some normal task forgetting about him just as quickly as he had gotten in their way.. He didn’t even resist when he was lifted up and placed in a coat pocket. His cracked ribs kept him from doing much more.

It never seemed to amaze her that her own kind, knowing how the Brobnagnians treated them would turn around and meet out an identical abuse upon those weaker than themselves if given the luxury to do so. Having learned nothing and only wanting to mimic what they considered to be their superiors.. A wondrous compassionate thought never even occurring to them due to their eagerness to be like the big people.

Karen nursed him back to health over the course of the next entire month. When he was back to his original stamina they began getting to know each other better. She even began taking him out of the shoe box she had originally stored him in so that he could be closer to her..

Now, almost a full year later they had formed a unbreakable bond. Sure he missed his meat as Karen was a vegetarian and expressly forbid such “noxious consumption” as she had termed it, but it was much better than dodging foot falls all day long and competing with rats for discarded food like he had been not so long ago.

Karen pulled off her clog hopper boots and slung them to the side... Then she began fidgeting with his door lock which she had to install when she found him wandering around her apartment one day having climbed the cage bars and shimmed down the iron bar stand all the way down to the floor.

He had earned himself a disciplinary spanking over that too as she explained to him the dangers of being trodden upon once again as if his first brush with such an incident wasn't enough to learn by.

Soon the door was opened and her hand entered retrieving the Tiny from his home. Edward was brought to her pliant warm lips and received kisses upon his entire torso and face.. He could only smile and bask in the attention that now ended his boring day in the cage. Warm hands squeezed him lovingly and he melted from their supporting embrace.

Edward was soon lowered to the coffee table as Karen removed her one piece utility outfit.

She plopped down up on her couch, which served as a bed too and propped her black stockinged feet close to Edward who immediately approached them knowing his duty.

“How was your day Goddess? Looks like you had a tough one and there’s a run in your stocking! I didn’t do it! He sheepishly looked into her eyes for agreement.

Karen bent her foot away from Edward to learn that he was indeed correct. Then she moved it back towards his direction so that he could get busy with his daily chore.

“Yeah well I’ll be buying some new stockings soon Edward.. Those damned heavy boots are what’s responsible for that. Don’t worry I wont blame you for it.” she smiled.

“They probably smell because I’ve been running around in them all day but I’ll be giving you a nice tasty reward for your efforts if you try hard enough.”

Karen smiled and waved a single blueberry that she had retrieved from the small box of them... She knew that they were Edward’s favorite.

Edward looked up and dreamily smiled.. “Such a benevolent owner I have!.”
With his task at hand he drew up closer and quickly learned that her prediction as to their odor was indeed spot on.

They were pungent with a full day of exertion applied to them.. They were still very damp from her sweat as well.. He could even see rings of compacted soil behind the nylon stocking net upon her leathery soles.

No matter, he had a job to do and was grateful to do it even without the promised treat at the end.

So push and punch and slam his body into her soft soles he did.. They kept talking while he worked.

“Does it pay more money Goddess?”
“Edward.. I’ve told you a million times.. I’m not a Goddess and you don’t have to call me that.”

Edward smiled.. He loved this petty debate that they would get into just about every day.

“Oh but what is a Goddess? I feel she is a supreme being who saves my life and keeps me clothed, fed, warm, and protected... You’ll never convince me otherwise my lady.”

Karen just smiled and shook her head.. She had to admit, that after a demeaning day in a world of Giants it was nice to be respected by someone at the end of it. A cute little someone at that.

“What all did you do my Goddess?”

“Karen began eating the berries and looked out her front wall which was uncovered allowing her to see the wall screen outside that Miss Gunkel had placed on the opposite side of the wall of apartments as a added perk.. Public television. Yet usually only on the channel that she preferred that they watched which was either BBC-1 or BBC-2 which stood for Brobdingnag Broadcasting Channel in both cases respectably...

The still as of yet uncovered plastic wall also allowed others to see her nubile nude body with nothing more than a pair of hip high silken socks which a Tiny was busy trying to massage but she was too tired to care right now. After all, how many other Littles had she accidentally seen fucking who had their front walls exposed too and were just too damned exhausted from their twelve to sixteen hour shifts to give a damn..

She had taken the pains to paint her two side plexi-glass walls so that she could have some semblance of privacy while she showered or relieved her bowels into her simple toilet which amounted to no more than a chamber pot. There was a spicate to run cold water out of a tap which she had to heat with her coal burning stove which served as a cooking device too. The apartment was as Spartan as sparse could be. But she had to start somewhere. Her prospects in the countryside were like everyone else out there. Starvation and pillage. Might being right.

“I’m making tons more coin now and we’ll be moving out of this dive soon Edward. To a apartment that has a air lift and has carpet and is quiet, and has hot water and air condtioning.. And I’m going to buy you a gentleman’s suit and me a blue silk dress and some sexy pumps!”

Edwared began pushing his back into her smelly instep.. But was still curious as to why she hadn’t answered his other question so repeated it.

“And what do you do at your new job my Goddess?”

Karen sighed.. She had hoped that he would catch her hint at avoiding the question and drop it but obviously had not. She brought both of her dirty silken soles together and gently crushed his whole body in between being mildly irritated so thus deciding to tease a little roughly. Shuffling them up and down listening to his muffling as he tried to gain purchase for air. Parting them he fell back down to the soft quilted table top landing on his ass. Only to be compressed by one of her soles with nothing more than a bitty grape sized head sticking out panting back the air he had previously lost.

“I don’t want to talk about it Edward... I’m seventeen years old.. You’re twenty six. We have a goal now.. To get out of this cheap doss apartment my little chuckaboo and start living the real life while we’re still young enough to do it.. I want us to be able to eat fruit and berries every day. Instead of porridge and skilligolee ” To buy you a silk pair of britches rather than my old sock I sowed together for you.

Edward had to admit that she made a pretty good convincing argument.. Eating better all the time would be a dream come true.

Karen moved her foot that was blotting out Edwards entire body and plucked him from the humble makeshift table.

Bringing the surprised Blefuscian man up to her blue stained lips she kissed his face again thereby turning his cheeks and nose a cute dark shade of berry stain.

Karen brought the last saved berry to Edward’s face and marveled at how the Tiny being began earnestly chewing and clawing at the melon sized fruit that her finger tips held in place for him. She absolutely adored feeding the adult man for the entertainment value alone knowing full well that he was capable of feeding himself yet relishing the position to either give him another bite or deny it on a whim.

Edwards hands and lips were turning blue as he feverishly ate for the first time since last night.

When Karen was satisfied that her cut and hard bodied man had eaten enough she simply took it away and swallowed the half eaten berry herself. His disappointment briefly flashed until Karen lowered him down to her left nipple and supported his body with the soft palm of her hand as she got up and drew her front wall curtains closed. She still had her modesty after all she was glad to acknowledge.

On the return she took her hand away forcing him to hold on to her teat for dear life. Extorting a giggle from her amused lips due to his sudden plight.

She crashed down on upon the couch once again and laid back drawing a patchwork quilt up to just above her lovely belly button hole.

“If I let you eat too much Tiny man, however will you have room for my mother’s milk?”

Karen grinned and began softly rubbing his back with an index finger as Edward remounted her nipple and began sucking her teat for all he was worth the subtle suggestion not needing to be repeated to him.

Karen’s other hand slowly drifted to her dampening privates. They both still had some work to do before sleep time.

Chapter End Notes:

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