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Author's Chapter Notes:

Now we return to Grey as he now needs to once again avoid becoming dinner for a giant. For those of you who liked the first story and giant interactions this chapter should be up your alley. 




Laying against the floor, Grey watched out the window as the sun traveled across the sky. The farm girl-who he had since learned was named Sera-was hard at work cutting tomatoes and boiling water over a quaint fireplace in the kitchen. By the smell of it she was making some sort of tomato stew, mixed with onions, squash and other herbs she picked from the garden.

Occasionally Sera would take breaks from the cooking and walk into another room where Grey could make out the faint voice of an older woman whom Sera referred to as “Ma”. Grey would hear the giant’s mother cough on occasion as Sera fetched her water to help ease her ailing throat before leaving to continue with her chores. It was obvious that the mother wasn’t doing well, and by the sounds of it it seemed as if she hadn’t been for a while. Watching the giantess diligently work and tend to her sick mothers needs, Grey couldn’t help but both admire and pity the poor girl. That empathy however, was heavily damped by the fact that she intended to serve him with dinner.

Grey hadn’t said anything to her over the course of the day. After being caught, Sera carried him inside and set the cage on the kitchen counter next to a window.

“Now you sit tight and stay quiet.” she had told him. “I gotta’ lot of work to do and don’t need you botherin’ me none while i’m doing it.”

Grey responded with a brief smiles and thumbs up, which got him a curious look.

“Well aren’t you a spunky little fella’.” she said before going to do her chores.

If Grey hadn’t found her accent cute then he might have shot back with something snide but ultimately he decided it was best to try and stay on her good side. So instead he sat in his cage obediently, watching her go about her daily routine all the while silently biding his time. He would find his chance to escape, and if all else failed he could always resort to an illusion to make it happen.

Sera swept the floor, washed and setting out the clothing to dry, checking on her mother and prepared food for tonight's meal. Occasionally Grey would catch her glancing over at him as if unsure what to make of his unanticipated silence. Each time Grey would simply smile and wave only to make her more confused before she returned to working on the task at hand.  

Hours had passed, the two of them repeating these small exchanges until Sera made her way to the counter, wiping her hands off on a small white hand towel she had set aside.

“The stew smells great.” Grey said, determining that this was as good a time as any to try and strike up a conversation.

Sera jumped nearly dropping towel as she stepped backwards.

“Wandering Woman preserve me!” she exclaimed, putting a hand to her chest. “You nearly caused me to jump out of my skin, scaring me like that!”

“My apologies, I didn’t mean to.” Grey said trying to sound sincere.

Sera took a deep breath and collected herself.

“You know, you’ve really had me on the ropes all day, sittin there, quite like. Twiddling your thumbs like some sorta layabout.”

“Well you did want me to sit here and stay quiet. I mean I can see how busy you are, why would I want to bother you?”

Sera looked at him at him almost at a loss for words. She took a deep sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair exasperated.  

“You know with all the trouble you’ve been giving us, stealin’ from our garden and givin’ me a scare, I oughta cut you up now and add you to the stew. I’m sure it’d smell real appetizing then.”

Grey’s expression paled a little bit, only half of it acting.

“You… you wouldn’t… would you?”

Seeing the terrified look on his face, Sera appeared to grow a bit guilty.

“Naw… I wouldn’t. I apologize for scarin’ you like...“ Sera paused. “I apologize…? Apologize... to a human?”

Sera grunted, arching her back against the counter.

“You’ve been workin’ yourself too hard lately ‘Ser’.” she muttered to herself.

Grey sat down crossed legged on the floor.

“Been rough lately?”

“You bein’ serious right now?”

Grey played it off with a shrug, which Sera responded with another sigh. She starred across the room, almost at nothing as she reflected on her stresses.

“Yeah things have been hard lately.”

“How long has your mother been sick?”

“Little over a week now but I don’t think it’s anything serious. She ain’t as young as she used to be and doing all the extra work around here with my Pa’ gone has been rough for her. Not to mention the harvest isn’t going so well. No thanks to varmint like you always pickin’ at what we do get. Barely have enough to sell let alone keep for ourselves. But i’m here takin’ care of her cause that what kids do for their parents, ya’ know?”

“I don’t actually.”

“Oh right, I forgot your a human. You don’t know stuff like we giants do.”

“No I get the concept, it’s just... my parents died when I was still young so I never got the chance to understand.”

Sera fell quiet.

“Oh.” she said after a moment. “I’m sorry to hear that.” she paused again. “There I go again, apologizing to a human. Sounds silly.”

“I mean who's gonna know?” Grey said teasingly. “Me, the human? Yeah let me go tell all the other giants what you did, we’ll be gossiping about it for hours about it.”

He managed to get a laugh out of her with that, feeling a small bit of pride in doing so.

“Well aren’t you something. This whole time I thought you were one of them real quiet types but here you go shootin’ off at the mouth.”

“Like I said you were busy, I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Well… I appreciate that. That was really kind of you.”

She sounded somewhat sincere and didn’t even make an attempt to dismiss it. Grey took that as a sign that things were going well, but he needed to push a little further.

“So I know this isn’t my place to ask but, what happened to your dad?”

“To be honest I don’t know.” Sera answered. “He went off to your human lands nearly a month ago an’ he’s been gone ever since. He knew it looked to be a rough season so he thought maybe if he could catch a couple wild humans and sell them on the market we’d at least make enough to get by. Lots of people have been doin it lately so it was better to go now while he still could, but now there are stories popping up. Stories of people not coming back and humans that use magic to kill giants. It makes me concerned, ‘specially since he ain’t back yet. I just pray that wherever he is, the Wandering Woman will watch over him and guide him back to us.”

That was the second time Grey heard her use that term. Wandering Woman. Oddly it sounded familiar, like he had heard another giant say that name too, maybe at the inn? Nothing The Hunters taught him mentioned something like that but it sounded almost like a holy figure to them, yet if that was true this Wandering Woman was just as useless as God was for most things, because Grey had a strong suspicion he knew what happened to her father. He must have been one of the giants killed the day of his first mission, at least the timing worked out for that to be right. As far as he knew every giant that invaded that day was killed, meaning Sera’s father wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. Grey wanted to sympathise with her loss, having lost his own parents he knew the pain she must be going through. Yet, he couldn’t find it within him as he recalled the chaos in the village his team had been sent to. Homes destroyed, families and lives left in ruin, watching as Kai was killed. How could he feel sorry for something that could do all of that?

“You seem offly quiet all of a sudden?” Sera noticed.

“I’m just… a little confused about something.”

“That so, what about? You know we giants are purty smart, I’m sure whatever you're confused about I can answer pretty easily.”

“I didn't it’s something that's been on my mind for a while.”

Sera seemed to look at him in a manner that implied he continued. While unsure if he should proceed, Grey sighed and decided to get it off his mind.

“It’s just… why are we so different? I’ve been watching you all day and all of your actions are things that mimic things that humans do yet…  you don’t see it that way do you? So i'm trying to figure out what is it that makes humans and giants so different from each other.”

“Well that’s a silly thing to ask. For starters it’s in the name; we’re much bigger than y’all.”

“And that’s it?” Grey continued.

“Well course not, we can use magic. Well some of us can, you need to go be educated on how first, but the point stands that we can. We’re smarter and stronger, we’ve got culture. I mean humans are simple creatures and just kinda crawls around and eat whatever you can get your hands on.”

“You know my kind also builds towns and cities right? We even farm and raise our own food, and have our own culture.”

“Well yeah but you started doin’ all that by watchin’ us.”

Grey was taken aback by her claim, never in his life had he heard anything so absurd.

“Well what about our families?”


“My parents were taken from me when I was just a child, taken by a giant. From one person to another how can you say that's okay? What if you were in my shoes, how would you be able to justify something like that?”

Sera appeared deeply disturbed by the question.

“Well i’m awful sorry that happened and all but... i’m sure your parents probably went towards feeding someone's family so... that’s something. It’s kinda like how you’re gonna help feed mine.”

Grey went silent. Did… did giants really feel nothing? Was it really that difficult to see humans as people? Since the first step Grey took into giant territory he couldn’t help but be amazed by all the similarities they had, yet no one seemed to acknowledge this, if anything they fought against it. It was like they were hardwired to only see humans as food and nothing else.

“Listen,” Sera began. “It’s been real nice talkin’ with ya’ and all, I’ve been really stressed out these past few days and it was just good to get some of it off my chest but I think we should stop now. Your startin’ to get these strange thoughts in your head and I don’t think it's healthy for either of us. But if it makes you feel better just know that what your doing is a big help.”

“It doesn’t make me feel better, but I guess I appreciate the effort.” Grey answered sarcastically.

“Oh don’t be like that… and if you can do me one more little favor, my Ma’ doesn’t know I found you so I want to make this a surprise.”

Grey sat silently before slowly giving her a thumbs up to which Sera smiled.

“Your the best little man.” she said as she went back to preparing the stew.

As Sera left Grey sat alone taking a moment to wonder aloud to himself. “Looks like I’ll need to make this a dinner to remember, I wonder what kind of illusions I can create...”



The sun casted a warm yellow and orange glow into the room as it began to set. Sera lit a few candles to help keep the creeping night at bay and by the savory aroma that hung in the air, Grey guessed that dinner was just about done.

The smell alone was enough to entice Grey to want just a sip. With all the days he spent out on the road a nice warm home cooked meal was just what he longed for. Setting aside his hungry desire for now, Grey instead kept his mind on the events to come. He wasn’t gonna let his hunger get him in trouble a second time.

Third if you count that business with the honeypot.

Having finished setting the table Sera approached the cage.

“I’m gonna go fetch Ma’, if you could do me another big favor and just act all polite like, like you were doin’ earlier that would be a big help.”

“I suppose I can do that.“ Grey stated. ”M name is Grey by the way, in case you were curious.”

“Gray? Like the color?” Sera asked unsure.

“Yeah except it’s spelled differently, not that it matters.”

“Well alright Mr. Grey, just act all kindly for us and you’ll have really done me a great service.”

Sera turned and walked away, disappearing behind the door to her mothers room. Grey waited quietly; a little annoyed by her request. Sure just put on a smile and act cheery as he was eaten alive. Where these giants serious? Still Grey couldn’t find it in him to be mad, Sera seemed like a nice girl, it almost upset him that he would have to ruin her night a little too escape.

The door opened and Sera stepped out, helping her mother to the table. Despite the difference in age Grey could clearly see the resemblance as the two women walked side by side. Though her mother's hair was much darker with the exceptions of a few Grey strands, their faces were similar, and Grey could imagine that in her youth the older giant was probably just as beautiful.

“Smells lovely dear...” Sera’s mother said through a strained voice.

“Thank you Ma’, but there's a little surprise to go along with dinner tonight.”

Sera’s mother looked confused Sera’s excitedly made her way to the counter and quickly grabbed the cage. The swiftness of which startled Grey as he balanced to keep himself from falling.

Sera made her way back to the table, holding the cage out for her mother to see. Grey couldn’t help but topple forward this time as the quick motion and sudden stop had him land face forward. As he reorganized himself Grey looked to see the giant woman’s blue muted eyes peering through the cage at him.

“Our trap finally worked!”Sera exclaimed ”I’ve just been itchin’ to show you all day.”

Her mother smiled weakly. “That’s great hun’, we’ve been needing a turn around like this.”

With both hands Sera pulled the top of the cage open, tilting it around and dumping Grey onto the table. Expecting this Grey maneuvered as the cage shifted, carefullying footing himself across the wooden bars and even managing to land on his feet as he dropped onto the table. He threw up his arms in presentation expecting to see impressed looks from the giants above only to be disappointed as it was clear neither of them took notice.

“He calls himself Grey, he’s a bit of a odd human; super chatty and not afraid of nothin’.”

“Sounds like he may have been bred well.” the mother stated.

“Wait, what does that mean?” Grey said out loud.

“You think so? Well he did say he wasn’t from around these parts.”

“You were talking to him?”

“No hold.” Grey began. “What did you mean by ‘bred well’?”

“Yeah, I mean, just a little. Like I said he’s very talkative and very calm all things considered.”

“He must have been bred then, humans who were raised tend to act more calm like.”

“-you see you said it again and the word ‘bred’ implies so many things-” Grey continued in vain.

“I guess that would make sense.” Sera said. “No wonder the little fella’ fell for the trap.”

“His previous owner must have lost him, though I’m sure he’ll taste just as good though.”

“-for just a second can I-”

“Oh!” Sera exclaimed. “Ma’ I forgot to mention this but Grey here is just for you. Hopefully a little protein is just what you need to make you feel right as rain again.”

“I guess not...” Grey surrendered.

“Oh no dear I couldn’t.” her mother insisted. “You work so hard making dinner and picking up around the house, it’s only right he should go to you.”

“But Ma’ you're the one not feeling well, I’m sure he’ll give you back some energy.”

“Well this is a very morbid conversation to be present for.”

Sera’s mother smiled. “Even if I wanted to I don’t think I could sweetheart. My throat has been awfully sore lately and I don’t think I could manage eating something like him at the moment.”

“I could always cut him up and make him easier to swallow?”

“NO!” Grey shouted out of instinct.

Surprisingly he managed to get the attention the both giants with that. Suddenly feeling their eyes on him Grey straightened himself before clearing his throat with a slight cough.

“Personally I would like to avoid that option if possible.” he stated somewhat sheepishly.

“Sera.” her mother said softly, cusping her hands in her own. “You work so hard for me and the farm, you need the energy more than I do. The stew will warm my belly and is much easier to swallow. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

“Are you sure Ma’?”

Her mother nodded before Sera embraced her in a hug.

“Oh thank you mama, I love you.”

“I love you too sweetie.”

“What a touching family moment.”

Really tugs at the heartstrings, doesn’t it?

After their long mother daughter embrace Sera looked at Grey who was doing his best to remain patient with everything going on around him. He could have easily attempted to run at anytime during that exchange, but instead he decided to stand back and watch it play out. Besides he found himself in a very similar predicament to the one he was in with Jule and her friends. Sure he could make a dash off the table, but reaching the door without being caught would be difficult. That coupled with the fact that he had a trick up his sleeve kept him from making any escape attempts just yet. It wouldn’t be long now until he set things in motion.

“Well Mr. Grey I have to say it’s been a pleasure.” Sera said with a smile.

“Are you talkin’ to the human?” her mother said concencered, but was surprised as Grey responded.

“The pleasure was all mine.” Grey smiled back. “But you know you don’t have to do this anymore, after all you were saving me all for your mom. So since she’s not interested would it be too hard to ask that you just let me walk out?”

“Don’t go gettin’ cold feet on me now.” Sera said playfully. “Tell you what if being eaten scares you, I promise i’ll be gentle. I’ll even send you off with a kiss for how sweet you’ve been to me.”

“I appreciate that, but really I’d prefer living.”

“Oh hush now.” Sera said as she began reaching for him.

Grey sighed, he didn’t actually think talking would save him but it was worth a shot. As her fingers drew near Grey knew it was time to put his plan into action. From what he understood about his powers they were illusionary, meaning while he couldn’t create a physical image he could create images people perceived as real.

Closing his eyes Grey began to focus. He started by imaging a knock at the door. The image was a simple one, as one of the giants went to answer the door they would be met with another giant who would distract them as he made his escape. Grey needed a vivid image to draw inspiration from so he imagined the blonde giantess from the night before standing at the doorway. She would distract them with some story or another, all while Grey would sneak off and hopefully out the still open door before they were any the wiser.

Taking in a deep breath Grey breathed out slowly, trying to force his will onto this illusionary scene he concocted. He expected his plan to be set in immediate motion, but as stood waiting for the knock he heard nothing as Sera’s fingers wrapped around his torso.

As Grey was lifted from the table he kept himself from panicking. Maybe it was a bit too dramatic starting off with a knock. After all he had never heard his illusions speak or make noise before so maybe he was hoping too much with an auditory effect. If that was the case Grey would just have tweak the scene a little. Again Grey closed his eyes, focusing on a new image. This time he envisioned the giant from last night, the same gruff faced bearded man whose breath stunk of beer. This time Grey would drop the theatrics and just focus on making the giant show up. The sudden appearance of a stranger in their house would be more than enough to startle the two women. Sera would most likely drop him and while they dealt with the perceived threat he’d sneak away. Granted this scenario didn’t leave the door open for him but at least he’d be able to hide, and maybe one of them would flee the house in a panic, allowing him to still slip outside.

Recalling the same process as before Grey opened his eyes, expecting to see the giant man standing in the kitchen, but was instead met with the view of Sera’s tremendous face as she smiled softly.

“Awww,” she began. “I can tell your nervous, since you keep closing your eyes and breathin’ all heavy. I promise it won’t be so bad. Now here let me give you that kiss I promised.”

Looking around frantically for the giant illusion started to feel panic set in as Sera’s lips puckered and he was moved towards them. Grey realized that perhaps he was too assured of himself, thinking he could create an illusion that big right off the bat. As the adrenaline kicked in Grey began rethinking his approach. If a giant was too big then he needed to make something smaller, smaller but just as intimidating. Something or someone who could scare the giants enough to release him but still be easy to imagine someone… someone like Zeke! Zeke was perfect! If he could imagine Zeke with his green aura that would be more than enough to frightened the two giants.

Shutting his eyes tightly Grey struggled to put himself in the same mindset during his last successful conjurations. The adrenaline helped as he recalled how desperate he was, and using that as a source of motivation he tried creating the same kind of illusions, this time mirroring Zeke in appearance. Zeke would appear standing on the table donned in his signature green hunter’s cloak that Grey knew him to wear often. He held his bow out high and charged the green aura around the arrow as strong powerful gusts of wind kicked up around him.The image was more vivid than anything else he had imagined so far, having seen Zeke demonstrate the ability than once over the course of his training. He knew it would work this time, practically feel it even. Breathing out and anticipating that seem cool release of energy, Grey felt nothing as he opened his eyes and was pressed into Sera’s lips.

Grey’s head was pressed in between the massive lips as Sera-after what felt like a very long and “generous” moment-pulled him away with a wet and audible smooch. It was certainly a first for Grey, one that left him dazed as he wiped some of the wetness from his face.

Before he had a chance to reorient himself, a slight smile appeared on Sera’s face, and Grey found himself being brought towards them again as she readied her lips. Not in the mood for a second round Grey brought one of his hands up defensively, pushing against the plush skin as he was pushed forward. Sera parted them just slightly allowing Grey hand to slip inside her mouth. He could practically feel the humidity between his fingers as Sera’s tongue rose unexpectedly and lapped across his hand.

Reflexively Grey tried to pull his hand free but a powerful sucting force from the giant’s mouth pulled it back, this time pulling it in past his elbow. Sera didn’t stop there however, before he could attempt to pull away he found himself suddenly sucked in up to his shoulder. Realizing what was happening, Grey started panicking as he was being slurped into the giant's mouth.

Placing his free hand on the giant’s upper lip Grey fought to keep himself from being pulled past them. Without warning, Sera’s mouth suddenly opened, her tongue worming its way out and catching him as he fell forward. Once Grey was secured on top of the writhing appendage, it receded back into her maw, carrying him along with it as Sera closed her mouth behind him.

Inside the dark and salivating cavern, Grey was welcomed by the strong smell of tomato and garlic on her breath, a obvious side effect of having been testing the stew all morning. Her mouth began to water, as Grey sat atop her tongue, saliva starting to drench into his clothing. Slowly her tongue began to shift, tilting back as Sera readied herself to swallow him.

With little times and options left Grey knew he needed to act fast. Closing his eyes he struggled to focus. Everything he had tried up until this point had failed, so he needed to so something he knew that worked. He needed to imagine himself. Nothing special, nothing flashy just him. Suddenly appearing in front of the giants face, ready to attack her with a sword or weapon of sometype. If he could just startle her then maybe she would cough him out. As Sera’s head began to tilt as well, the pooling saliva in her mouth went with it, creating a watery slope that lead towards her throat. Grey couldn’t hope to resist as he started slipping back. Ignoring the impending fate that awaited him Grey struggled to focus. Focus on himself, of him appearing suddenly, an image that would startle the giant and get him out of this hell… just focus on himself then maybe...

Finally catching on.

Grey opened his eyes. Despite being surrounded in darkness, he felt a sudden chill wash over him. It had worked, despite being unable to see he could feel it, but as her head continued to tilt back Grey still found himself slipping as the back of Sera’s throat opened to receive him.



Sera didn’t waste time in savoring her meal as she prepared to swallow Grey. She wanted to put the human through as little torment as she could before the end, though she couldn’t help but close her eyes as she appreciated the taste. Opening her eyes however Sera was met with a frightening sight. It was Grey, he was somehow free and flying right towards her carrying a sword. Not knowing how to respond Sera did the only thing she could do as she opened her mouth to scream.



On the inside just as Grey could feel the throat muscle clutch around his legs, the lips parted, letting streams of light into the damp pink mouth as just for a moment Grey caught a glimpse of the illusion he had managed to create. Working just as well as he had hoped, Grey quickly learned there was an unforeseen side effect to his actions. As Sera opened her mouth she breathed in heavily, her throat suckeing in a large blast of air. Her throat widened even more as Grey was sucked downward, losing his final glimpse of the outside world as he was pulled down the giant's throat.

Anticipating this to be the end Grey was surprised as he found his decent suddenly halted as he came to to a stop in a tight fleshy tunnel. Feeling small trickles of air flow past him, Grey came to realize where he had ended up. During Sera’s sudden moment of breathing in he had been sent down the wrong tube, meaning he was currently lodged within her windpipe.

Unsure whether or not to call his new predicament a blessing or not, Grey felt as a sudden rush of air flew up from underneath, but little of it passed by him as his body took up much of the space in the tube. Suddenly the area around him jolted, pressure started building as he could feel the walls desperately trying to keep the airflow going in vain. Suddenly a new pressure was formed as Grey could feel something from the outside press into him. Grey knew what must be happening on the outside, as he continued to feel Sera grab at her throat. She was choking, choking on him.

“Sera!” Grey heard a muted cry through fleshy wet walls

Sera’s whole body lurched as Grey suddenly felt himself pushed upward, not enough to set him free but enough to help. Again her lurched this time freeing Grey from her trachea as he was thrown from Sera’s mouth and set tumbling across the wooden dining room table.

If there were a record for amount of times some had almost been eaten, you’d hold it by now.

His legs shaking, Grey reluctantly got to his feet, brushing off layers of saliva and… god knows what else as he turned around to see Sera’s mother standing behind her, patting her daughters on the back as Sera rubbed her throat.

“Honey you must be more careful, you can’t go scaring me half to death like that.”

“I… I thought I saw somethin’...” Sera answered hoarsely.

“Shh. It’s alright. Here let me handle this.”

Grey didn’t get so much as a second to catch his breath as he saw the mother come to grab him. He didn’t have the time or strength to start running, so he closed his eyes and focused on another illusion. So far he had only been successful in making illusions of himself, yet they didn’t necessarily need to act like him. If that were the case then maybe... Grey paused as an idea sprung to mind. It was worth a shot.

Focusing on the image he wanted to create Grey felt a sudden surge of warmth leave his body. Opening his eyes Grey saw a blinding violet light directly next to him. Standing at his side was the image of a hunter, garbed in a green hunters cloak and carrying a longbow that glowed with a purple aura; which was odd as Grey had originally pictured it as being green. While the illusion mimicked Zeke in almost every aspect, it’s face instead appeared identical to Grey.

“It’s me… the illusions need to be me...” Grey mumbled.

The mother froze as the green clad hunter aimed at her. Her eyes widened in fear as she stared down into the blinding purple glow of the hunters bow.

“Run!” she turned back to Sera.

Listening to her mother, Sera quickly made her way towards the door.

“Stop!” Grey shouted in an attempt to stop her. Needless to say it didn’t work.

If word got out about what happened, things would only become more difficult. He needed a way to stop her, and while an idea did spring to mind, he wasn’t sure if he could pull it off.

“God I hope I can make two of these things.”

Focusing on conjuring a second illusion, Grey was hit was a powerful chill that nearly took his breath away. Opening his eyes suddenly in surprise, Grey fought to catch his breath as the sensation slowly dispersed.

“What the hell was that!?”

Looking up a new illusion similar to the first stood on the counter closest to the door and in his hand he held a bow that was glowing with the same violet aura as the first. The illusion caught Sera’s attention almost immediately as she halted to a stop. Looking back to her mother Grey was pleased to find that his first illusion was present, both copies standing stoically as they aimed at their intended targets. This feat did not come easily, as even now Grey could feel himself growing tired just by maintain their presence. He would have to deal with this quickly.

“If you don’t want to die, I’d walk back to your mother right now.” Grey said as he steadied himself, trying to hide the fatigue in his voice.

Slowly and cautiously, Sera walked back to her mother’s side. The illusion on the counter continued to follow her with his arrow, almost with a mind of its own. Now that Grey had the giants under his control, he was unsure how to proceed. It was as if they were at a stalemate as the two women looked between him and his illusions.

“I know who you are.” the mother finally said, catching Grey off guard.

“Do you now?” Grey responded quickly.

“You’re The Trinity. The group of magical giant killers we’ve heard rumors about.”

Seeing this perfectly wrapped opportunity presented to him, Grey didn’t waste time in taking it.

“I see our reputation precedes us.” he answered confidently, hoping that this time with magic at his disposal things would run much more smoothly than the last time he pulled this charade.

Sera’s mother appeared tense as he “confirmed: her fears. Looking at Sera she smiled weakly before turning back to Grey.

“I know what you’re here to do an’… an’ do whatever you like with me, just let my daughter go. She’s a good girl, young and a full life to looked forward to. I’ve lived my time and am ready to go if that means she gets to live.”

Sera looked to her mother as tears formed in her eyes. Grey couldn’t help admire the woman for her willingness to sacrifice herself but his magic couldn’t hurt them. It was all just a show. Even if it could Grey didn’t have any intention of harming them; even though they had almost made him their dinner. Either Way Grey didn’t want to torment the family, and thought up a quick way to end things.

“You should count your blessings this day, giants.” Grey announced loudly. “I’ve been held here long enough, killing you two would simply waste more of my time, but I leave you with a warning. If our paths ever cross again I will not be as merciful a second time.”

Feeling satisfied with his display Grey readied to depart.

”You killed him, didn’t you.”

Grey stopped, pausing to look back as Sera spoke up.

“I don’t know what your talking about, but it would be wise too-”

“Don’t play dumb with me!” she yelled. “My father, you killed him!”

“Sera please.” her mother inisited. “Forgive her sir, she's gotten a bit carried away...”

“We heard stories of your kind, going around and killing people. When my Pa’ didn’t come back I knew something what must have happened.”

“If your father went to our kingdom he assumed his own risks.” Grey answered in return, but it did little to stop her as she fired back.  

“Do you know how hard it’s been for us since he left? Did you ever stop to think that maybe he had a family?” tears began streaking down the sides of her cheeks as she became more hysterical. “You’re a monster! An unfeeling, ruthless, monster!”

Grey knew the best thing to do was leave. Engaging in this conversation would only provoke her, but hearing those words, being called a monster by a giant got to him. It was as if something had awoken inside him, as he threw all sense of precaution to the side and shot back.

“And what of the families killed by giants years? What about the thousands of lives ruined because giants come to our homes and destroy them! You call me a monster, when you’re the ones that kill and eat us without the slightest bit of regret? Do you expect me to pity you? Do you expect me to feel sorry because your dad came to our land to ruin more families? Giants are the reason I lost everything! My parents, my childhood, even the woman I...”

Grey hesitated, trying to take a moment to reel himself in.  

“How come its the same everywhere?” he continued. “Giants intentionally doing everything they can to make our lives a living hell. You turn a blind eye to us, ignore the fact that we feel just as you do and suffer even worse because of you. Is it because you’re bigger than us? Does that give you the right to make us suffer?  Well? Can you look me dead in the eyes and tell me that I don’t feel the same pain you do? Can you?”

“I… I...” Sera uttered before breaking down into heavy sobs.

Congratulations Grey, you got her to cry.

Despite the relief of releasing his anger, Grey couldn’t say he was proud about what he accomplished.

Sera’s mother held her daughter in a reassuring embrace, trying her best to soothe her. Grey knew he had overstayed his welcome. Yet he couldn’t find it within him to leave it like this. Something about it didn’t feel right, after all he always had difficulty making smart decisions when a crying woman was involved.

Grey looked to his two illusions, still both standing intently as they aimed their glowing arrows at the giants. He couldn’t address the situation with them around, so while it could be dangerous he needed to get rid of them.

“You two umm… leave me for a moment. I can handle this from here.” Grey announced more for show than anything else.

As Grey said this the two illusions vanished from sight, and Grey felt a sudden surge of tension released, almost as if he had been holding his breath this whole time.

Grey walked across the table towards Sera and her mother trying to think about something to say.

“Sera… I... I know it’s not much at this point but I was telling the truth when I said I didn’t kill your father.”

Sera managed to stifle a sob as looked up in his direction.

“Then why hasn’t he come home yet?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then… is there a chance he’s still out there?”



Grey managed to get her to stop crying, looking as if he had ignited some hope in her, even if it was a false one.

“Listen, I should really be on my way now and-”

“I want you to take me to the human lands.” she said suddenly.

“‘Scuse me!?” her mother exclaimed.

“Yeah, I’m going to agree with her. What!?” Grey followed up in similar confusion.

“If my Pa’ is out there I need to find him.”

“Sera, I don’t mean to lead you on or anything but even if I don’t know what happened, that doesn’t necessarily mean he will be… you know. Going out to look for him will only put yourself in danger, not to mention the trouble it would cause...”

“That's why I want you to take me there. You know the way and with you by my side I shouldn’t run into any trouble.”

Grey was dumbfounded. “Leading a giant back to my kingdom is about the most asinine thing i’ve ever heard.”

“I swear I won’t hurt no one, and if you think I might you got your giant killing magic to stop me.”

“Sera stop and think about what your asking here.” her mother said.

“I am Ma’. If Pa’ is still out there then we need to find him, we can’t go on like this without knowing.” she turned to Grey. “I know that after all i’ve done to you I have no right to ask, but I’ll do anything. I promise so long as I live I will never eat another human, in fact I promise I will do what I can to help ‘em even, but please I can’t do this without your help.”

Grey opened his mouth to say no, but hesisted. Honestly her proposal wasn’t a bad one. After his escape from the scar faced giant Grey didn’t have any plan to fall back on. He had intended to just focusing on surviving but so far that in itself was proving to be difficult. With Sera willing to help him he could at least not worry about surviving, and maybe he could even enlist her help in trying to find Jule and Amelia. That being said returning to human territory with a giant would be more dangerous for the both of them, than she realized. Especially with the terms he left the Order on. If a scout were to spot him and he were captured well... being charged with treason would be generous at that point. It was dangerous but would it be worth the risk?

Debating over the choice presented to him Grey looked up and noticed Sera staring down, practically beginning with her eyes.

Now how can you say no to  a face like that?

“Fine.” Grey said defeated. “I’ll help but you need to do exactly what I say. If we are seen together by anyone it will be very bad for the both of us. Understood?”

“Thank you...” Sera said softly. “Thank you so much, I can’t even begin to imagine how I can repay your kindness.”

“Oh I have a couple ideas.” Grey answered sternly. “But we can discuss those once we’ve come back alive.”

“Hunter.” Sera’s mother said. “If you are going to do this I need you to make me a promise. Promise that you’ll keep Sera safe. Promise that not matter what happened to my husband that she will come home safe and sound.”

“That's a lot of responsibility to take on.”

Taking a deep sigh Grey responded.

“I promise.”

Sera’s mother gave him a hesitant yet stern nod before quietly turning to her daughter and embracing her one more time.

“Please be safe.” she whispered to her.

“Shucks Ma’, I’ll be fine.” Sera said reassuringly.

Grey watched as they had their moment, waiting patiently for them to finish before speaking up again.

“Alright so if we are actuallying doing this you should start packing now. If we leave first thing in the morning  we should get there by-”

A knock on the door interrupted Grey mid-sentence as everyone froze and turned to the door.

“Strange, we normally don’t get people knockin’ at this time of day.” Sera stated. “Don’t worry, I’ll answer it.”

Grey tensed a little bit as Sera moved, insiticinvely wanting to stop her with another illusion. Sera seemed to notice his hesitation and stopped before flashing him a smile.

“Don’t worry little fella, I’m not gonna do anything. Besides, were basically friends now, and friends look out for each other. Right?”

Grey remained dubious of that claim but relaxed a little as he let her continue. If he was really going to travel back to the human kingdom with her he needed to learn she could be trusted. Besides, now that he had agreed to help she had no reason to betray him, it was in her best interest to keep him around. Yet as he let her go, Grey couldn’t help shake the feeling that he had made a mistake.  

Sera opened the door just a crack as she peeked outside.

“Good evening ma’am, can I help you with somethin’?”

There was no response for a moment as Sera stood waiting. Slowly the door creaked open slightly more, as she collapsed to the floor. Sera’s mother and Grey watched on in horror as a pool of blood began to form under her head. Stepping over the body, Grey recognized the scared face of the giant that entered, a dagger stained in crimson with Sera’s blood in her hand.

As the giant entered she scanned the room before locking her eyes on the table, as she starred in Grey’s direction

“It really pains me to intrude on such a heartfelt family moment like this, but I have business to attend to.”

Sera’s mother screamed, but was quickly silenced as the dagger flew through the air, embedding itself in the woman's skull. She went quiet, as a horrified expression clung to her face, eventually collapsing to the floor, all the while the scar faced giant kept her eyes fixed on Grey, not slowing for even an instant as she made her way across the room.

“You… you killed them?” Grey stuttered in disbelief.

“Oh don’t go blaming this on me, this is your fault. You know I’ve had one hell of a day because of you.” the giantess began. “First I had to deal with the debacle at the inn, silence witnesses, cover my tracks. It’s a miracle I didn’t burn down this whole town down trying clean up the mess you left me.”

Seeing the giant nearly upon him Grey quickly focused and summoned an illusion. It was identical to the ones he called before, standing in an attire matching Zeke’s and aiming a glow violet arrow toward his pursuer. He had it fire immediately, hoping to catch the giant off guard as he turning the other way and ran. The giant didn’t so much as flinch as the illusionary spell phased straight through her.

Quickening her pace in a step of two, she swooped her hand in, catching Grey off the table effortlessly as she held him in front of her face. Grey struggled, clawing to break free before stopping and picturing another illusion jumping at her face with a sword. Again he had succeed in summoning it but as the illusion leapt, arching back it’s sword, the giantess didn’t so much as blink as it flew into her face, disappearing from view.

“Then I had to set up a magic detection field around this whole town. Do you know how long something like that takes to prepare over an area this large? I knew it would be worth it though. It was only be a matter of time before you tried casting one of your little tricks on someone else, and then I would find you. The waiting though was agony. So many little snot nosed brats learning cast their first sparks, or some jackass trying to impress a girl with a little magic show? With all the false leads I chased, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t do it.”

Grey said nothing, instead responding by pushing against the giant’s fingers in a desperate attempt to free himself.

“You know the worse part of all of this, I can’t even make you suffer for putting me through all that. For you to be useful to me I need to bring you back whole and alive… now that being said...”

The giant opened her hand slight, maneuvering Grey until she held his chest between her thumb and forefinger. Grey looked at her confused until the fingers of her other hand clamped down on his leg.

Grey’s began to worry as he looked at her confused.

“Wha… what are you doing?”

“Do you remember what I said back at the inn? Something about breaking your legs once I caught you?”

Grey’s face paled as she began applying pressure on his leg.

She smiled. “You humans are such delicate creatures, it really doesn’t take much. Just a little squeeze and… ”

The pressure she exerted on his leg was beginning to become unbearable as Grey winced through it.

“Wait! Don’t do thi-aghhhh!”

He heard a crack before letting out a scream, his leg having just been crushed between the giant’s finger tips. Grey breathed heavily through the pain, gasping for air until he suddenly felt the giant’s fingers on his other leg.

“Wait!” Grey called out. “You can’t!”

Grey screamed again as she began to applying more pressure.

“Oh don’t worry, I intend to have you in perfect condition when I present you to my boss. I know the perfect mending spell that will fix all of this right up, not without its own fair share of pain and agony mind you, but you’ll cross that road when we get there. You see, this? What you’re experiencing right now, this is for me. For all the stress I had to endure over the last twenty or so hours.”

Grey opened his mouth to speak, but found he couldn’t breath as the pressure on his leg became to much to bear. Eventually unable to support the force any longer, another loud crack was heard as Grey screamed out in anguish.

The giant held him in her hand, twisting his leg slightly as she closed her eyes and listened to the screams.

“Like music to my ears.”


Chapter End Notes:

So I have one more chapter that was included in this "chunk" of chapters I had been working on. Onfortunatly due to my schdule I couldn't get around to finish editing it, but because of the chapter it is I also didn't want to try to rush it. Instead I'm releasing these this chapter as well as the previous now, and intend to get the next hopefully by next friday. Expect answers to start being revealed. 

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