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John slowly came to, blinking the bright white halos out of his vision. He was lying on the cold, wooden floor of the house. How long had he been out? He needed to check on the girls, he coldn't let Gloria down on the first day here. Painfully, he rolled himself onto his chest and pushed himself up. He balled his fists and aggressively rubbed his eyes, trying to clear the painful light from his vision. As his senses returned to normal, John saw a wall in front of him. It was strangely uniform, with no visible paint cracks or marks or scuffs. It was painted a pale pink color with beige undertones. Confused, John reached out a hand to touch it. As quickly as he did that, he jerked his hand back. The wall was soft. Soft and warm.

An ear-shattering rumbling noise assaulted his ears and he instinctively clutvhed his hands to his ears. The wall began to move, raising itself up into the air. Stunned, John's eyes followed the wall towards an unbelievable sight. In front of him was an enormous leg, nearly ten times his size, hairless and smooth. His eyes followed it up to meet the enormous, shining eyes of Emma staring down at him.

Her deafening giggle forced his hands to his ears once again. "Hi John! Look how cute you are now!"

John surveyed his surroundings. It seemed like he hadn't made it past the entrance of the house. The door stood like a skyscraper above him. More importantly, Emma was sitting with her legs crossed - trapping him with her sheer size. She leaned over and he had to crane his neck just to keep eye contact. "Emma! What's going on? What happened to me?" John tried to hide the panic in his voice.

"You're tiny now silly," Emma replied in a matter-of-fact voice. "That's what we can do here."

"Emma!" Another deafening voice, this time Kate's. "You were supposed to tell me when he woke up!"

Kate walked up behind Emma. If Emma was huge then Kate was a giantess. Massive, slender legs led up to short athletic shorts and a casual graphic t-shirt. Her face was slightly obscured by her breasts,making it seem like a golden-brown halo of hair obscured her face. "Sorry Kate, he just woke up and, look at him, he's so cute! Way better than-"

"Ssh!" Kate quieted Emma who looked embarrased. "Hey there John, you look surprised."

"Kate! What's going on? You need to go get help right now!"

"No. I don't think so. We're all fine."

"Fine?? Look at me!" John was furious. Kate and Emma were so nonchalant in ignoring his condition.

"Yeah, this is how it's going to be John. You're going to be our shrunken slave when we're all alone. But don't worry, you'll still be able to work and live your life when Gloria's around."

"But what abut da-" Emma tried to interrupt but Kate kicked her in the side. "Ow!"

"Fine. Ugh, I guess you should be warned. If you don't do what we want you to do, or if you try to run away, we're going to punish you. Just like dad." Kate's smile turned devious.

"Tell him what you did Kate!" Emma was nearly bouncing up and down, John was having trouble keeping hisbalance due to the vibrations.

The smile widned, it was predatory now. "Well, John, since Emma is so excited I guess you should know." Kate leaned down, still towering over John. She extended a hand and he tried to dodge out of the way but it was impossible thanks to Emma's leg-prison. Her hand was surprisingly strong, the wind was knocked out of him as she grabbed his body between her fingers. He could feel her body heat flowing through him as she raised him far above the ground. Each finger compressed a diferent part of his body, until just his head was poking out of her fist. John took shallow breaths, trying not to give in to the hot pressure all around him. 

Kate's giant eye filled his vision. John tried to squirm away but she held him firm. "Our dad wasn't any good full-sized or tiny. He always tried to run away. He made mom sad and never visited me. And, just before Emma was born, he said that he was leaving to go far away and might not come back for a long, long time. That was when I learned I could shrink people in this house. I got mad. Really mad. And the next thing I knew he wasn't any bigger than you, no bigger than my big toe."

Kate was walking now, John could feel her hand bobbing up and down as she strode deeper into the house. "Mom thought he left. He was going to anyway so I just kept him. Until Emma was born."

"Yeah!" Emma piped up, somewhere behind you. "Tell the story!"

"Then I waited. He was my little toy, but he never wanted to be my toy, get it? He always wanted to leave me." Her voice was almost sad now. It didn't take a genius to tell she would have some major daddy issues if she didn't already. "So I did the one thing that would keep him from leaving."

"Ask what! Ask what!" Emma was nearly manic at this point.

"You heard her, ask what."

"Wha-what did you do?" John asked.

"It's not what I did, it's what Emma did. He didn't want to be a part of my life, now he has no choice but to be a part of hers."

"Kate, I don't understand." 

"Here, I'll show you." She said this playfully. but John couldn't help but feel the menace behind her voice.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Emma's voice droned below John. He looked down and nearly fainted. Kate was holding her hand at an angle that had him nearly dangling above Emma's open mouth. Her slimy, shiny, pink tongue was writhing in her open mouth, like a snake trying to hypnotize its prey. John could see between the gaps in her baby teeth into the pink-turing-black hole that became her throat. A thin strand of saliva separated her lips, vibrating as she breathed out. Her eyes were focused on John, excited, tracking his movements within her sister's hand.

Suddenly, the world around him lurched. He was falling. John caught a glimpse of a pale red light slipping between her lips before he was enclosed in the humid darkness. He had landed on Emma's tongue. Before he could get his bearings, the muscle underneath him lurched upwards, forcing him against the hard roof of her mouth. Her tongue undulated, moving back and forth beneath him, covering him in a thick layer of saliva. Horrified, John realized she was tasting him. 

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM" John thought his eardrums would burst as the horrible vibration assaulted him. She was moaning! He tasted good! Emma's mouth was slowly filling with saliva as her body tried to convince her to swallow him, it smelled like a combination of mint and sugar - no doubt a result of her morning routine. Against his will, John's body forced him to inhale. Instead of air, he sucked in the saliva as her tongue rolled him around her mouth. She shoved him against her molars, bruising him in the process.

Suddenly, light in the darkness. She was smiling. From the inside he could see her lips part, light reflecting from her shiny white teeth. A force sent him rocketing out from underneath her togue and he hit a hard surface. Gasping, John rasied his head, fighting against the weight of the nine year old girl's spit that coated his body. She had spat him out into her hand.

"I hope we didn't scare you too much John," Kate's concerned voice reached him through the haze of fear and oxygen deprivation. "I just wanted to show you what would happen if you misbehaved. But I know you won't, you're too nice and silly. Right?"

"Yes. Yes Kate!" John needed to appease her for now. Then, once she grew him back to normal size maybe he could escape or at least tell Gloria about this. The sound of the garage door opening made them all pause...

"Well, look's like the fun is over, for now." said Kate. "But we'll pick up where we left off tonight. Don't you worry -" she added, noting the concerned look on John's face, "we'll have much more fun tonight, you'll love being our toy." 

John caught a glimpse of another mischievous smile before the light assaulted his senses again. He curled up on Emma's hand, oblivious to the world around him. Soon, the light consumed everything. 

"I'm home!" Gloria called, "John, honey, how were the girls? Not too much trouble I hope?"

Chapter End Notes:

My buzz has worn off so this is where it ends for now. Please let me know if there's any interest in continuing the story, it's hard to judge quality but it'd be nice to know if anyone likes it. If you have anything you want in the next chapter, please let me know

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