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Author's Chapter Notes:

Pretty long chapter, but some rare gentle giantess from me. 

Once we arrived home, I was fished out of her bag and dumped on the floor in front of the couch. Keira just pulled her feet up and layed back, turning on the t.v., ignoring me.

I tried to stand, but my ribs weren't ready and I fell to a knee. Keira just glanced at me and rolled her eyes.

"Oh my God, stop crying. I didn't even punch you that hard!" She said, disgust in her voice.

Having lived with Zoey for the last half a year, I knew not to complain about anything. It's not that Zoey didn't believe me. . . She had broken ribs with her thumbs multiple times, No. . . She just didn't care.

I tried again to stand, and this time succeeded. I wobbled back and forth before heading towards the stairs. In my head I knew I wasn't going to be able to climb them, but I wasn't about to hang around Keira either.

She watched me attempt to climb the first stair and fail miserably.

"Ugh! do you. . . want help or something?" She asked as if it was the biggest burden imaginable.

She scooted off the couch and thumped over to me. I only curled into the fetal position, holding my chest.

"Get away from me! you'll only make it worse. " I said, though it hurt to speak.

"why are you still acting hurt?! I barely even punched you! get over it!" She spat, as she crouched over me.

"My ribs are broken!" I whined, feeling and sounding pathetic.

"Oh shut up! You're ribs are NOT broken! You just want me to feel bad about hitting you! Well I don't so you can stop whining!" She exclaimed before reaching down to grab me.

I knew I had to stop her, and showing her the damage felt like the only way. I pulled my shirt up, revealing my black and blue body. As expected, her hand recoiled.

"Oh fuck!" She said under her breath as she began to panic. "Cadence is gonna kill me!" She whispered, backing away from me. " think Keira think. . . It's ok, I'll just. . . uhh. . I'll just cover up the bruises with some make up! then. . . then you just stay in bed until they fade!" She concluded, before stepping over me and pounding up the stairs to her room. A moment later she came back down.

"Ok. . . " she said looking around. Let's get you somewhere I can get a good look at you."

"Just put me on my bed Keira!" I groaned as she set a pallet of make-up down and grabbed me in her hands.

"Calm down, I'm gonna help you out! I took small animal care in high school. " she told me proudly as she roamed around the kitchen looking for a suitable place to put me.

"Please please just take me to my room!" I said as loudly as I could manage.

"Fine! Whatever. You better promise not to tell Cadence about this though!" She threatened as she climbed up the stairs.

I said nothing.

I felt her fingers slide in and grip my ribs.

"Promise!" She said loudly, giving me a little squeeze.

"Oww! Fuck! " I screamed. "Why did you do that?"

"Because! I'm really pretty sick of your shit! You just straight up refuse to get along with any one and insist on having a stuck up attitude." She began, throwing my door open. "I'm sorry that I broke your ribs, but if you're going to be a complete asshole about me giving you help to make up for it, then fuck you!"

Without warning, she tossed me on to my bed roughly. All manner of shooting pains occurred as I landed awkwardly. The yelp I let out didn't seem to bother her as she leaned in so her face was right in front of me.

"Fair warning, you better watch yourself from now on. You see me coming, YOU get out of MY way! I don't care if you were in a room first, If I walk in, you leave! No more mouthing off either! If I don't like the way you speak to me, there are going to be consequences, got that!?" She ranted in my face.

I looked her over briefly, before nodding, defeated.

"Good!" She said, before standing up and walking out the door, slamming it behind her.

I was used to that type of shit situation by now. It was a mood that Zoey often got into. The only thing I could do, was find a place she never went, and set up camp there.

The next few hours were spent just focusing on recovering. Healing bruises and soreness rarely took very long, but broken bones usually took a few days. Still much faster than a normal human, but it sucked none the less. The last toss Keira so graciously gave me, didn't help in the least either. So much so that I never found the strength to move and just plain passed out where I was.

I would definitely need Cadence's help when she got home any minute. . .

The help never came. I eventually just fell asleep on my own.

The next morning, I woke up to my body being stiffer than it ever had been before. Impossibly, my ribs hurt more than yesterday and my breathing was incredibly laboured. I guess without any food in my stomach, healing wasn't going to happen, but as long as I stayed in my room, I wasn't going to eat.

I knew Cadence should have come in to check on me already. . . Something wasn't right about it. Painfully, I crawled to the edge of the bed, and looked down. It wasn't the furthest of falls, but breaking my neck wasn't on the agenda for today. It took me awhile but eventually I got enough blanket to the edge to be able to climb down.

The first thing I noticed was that the door was open a crack. Odd, considering Keira had slammed it shut yesterday. It was possible Cadence had opened it without disturbing me, but not likely. It was even less likely that Keira felt remorse for her actions and let me out. Either way, I pushed it open and walked to the stairs.

Glancing towards the girls bedrooms I saw that Cadence's door was still open exactly the way it was yesterday with the light off. Thankfully Keira's door was closed. I felt the coast was clear so cautiously I began to scale the stairs. It was probably a mistake, but I eventually made it to the bottom, worse for wear. That is when I noticed her. .

Sitting at the kitchen counter, her giant traveler's pack obscuring her and yet giving her away as her back was turned.


What the fuck was she doing here?

I approached silently from the rear, unsure of her purpose there. She was a good friend of Cadence and myself. Plus a studio mate of Keira I guess, but still. . .

As I neared her, she suddenly stood, causing me to jump. She turned around and immediately looked down at me. Her expression is what surprised me. It wasn't the usual look I had come to expect from the limited people I had been exposed to, no. . .

This was a look of joy.

Her hands went over her mouth as she watched me walk slowly towards her, clutching my chest. She waited, motionless as if waiting for an old friend at a bus stop. Finally I made it to her feet and collapsed.

I woke up to a warm feeling all around me. I was laying on something soft and submerged in warm water. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was Tess, sitting over me, texting on her phone. The next was that I was completely naked.

I lunged to cover myself.

"Why the fuck am I naked?" I screamed.

Tess gave me her trademark smooth gaze.

"I needed to get a better look at you." Was all the explanation I got.

I looked down to see that I was laying in a clear plastic container on a dish towel. The water was the perfect temperature and I noticed what looked like herbs floating in it too.

That was one of the many things that made Tess incredibly interesting. Her family was originally from Jamaica and she practiced her own style of . . . Something? You couldn't deny that she definitely had some type of aura about her. The weight of the air changed when she walked into a room.

"What exactly is this?" I asked, laying back and closing my eyes.

"It basically makes the body more susceptible to further treatment."

"Treatment?" I repeated

"Yes treatment! You seem to have broken all but 2 of your ribs, little one! Or did you not notice?" She asked with a soft smirk.

"Little one. . ." It was something Tess called all of the younger artists in the city, regardless of their actual size. It was something like younger brother or sister. . . Not an important note but it somehow had more weight now. . .

"Yeah, I uhh. . ." I began.

"It really doesn't matter how it happened. . . The important thing is that we're going to make it better." She assured me.

Tess always seemed to have a way of making a person feel better. Whether it was just messing up a painting or real life issues, her motherly tone always cut through it all and it was working now too.

With my eyes closed, I could only hear what she was doing as she rummaged through her pack. It was the one item she was never without. Rain or shine, Tess had her travel pack on her back. When he was with her, she even stuffed her son inside to keep him warm and dry and also just so she didn't have to carry him in her arms.

"You just carry random healing ingredients in that smelly old thing?" I asked her as she continued to fish through it.

"Haha no! I just had a certain hunch that I might need them today. " she said, knowingly.

"Did you. . .did you hear our argument at the studio?" I asked, opening my eyes.

She was quiet for a moment.

"Bits and pieces. . . But even for me. . . It was hard to believe I was hearing the voice of someone I thought was dead for the past 6 months, you know? "

I just nodded and closed my eyes again.

"Was it worth it?" She asked after a second.

"Was what worth it?" I asked, confused but still relaxed.

"Whatever comment or 2 cents you put in to make her hurt you like this. . ." She said, calmly as she finished pulling out ingredients.

". . . No. Not this time." I admitted honestly. "They just. . . .SHE just brings out the asshole in me."

"They? Has Cadence. . . ." She trailed off.

"No. . .umm. . . It's a long story, but it's where I was for the last 6 months."

"I've got nothing but time. We have catching up to do." Tess said as she walked to the cupboard and began to dig for a mixing bowl.

"Are you sure you want to know? You can't go spreading it around. . ."

She gave me the "my lips are zipped" motion and placed the bowl on the counter beside me.

"Ok." I said, taking a deep breath.

"So. . . The night I shrunk. . . It was pouring rain right. . . I had just been kicked out of my studio by that fucking bit-

Tess raised an eyebrow at me.

"A-anyway. . . I was packing my shit up when it happened. I couldn't comprehend what was happening so I wandered into the street, and SHE was the first person I came across."


Tess began with her home remedy for whatever was bothering me as i spoke. She started with a hunk of some type of ultra soft clay.

"It sort of started out legitimate enough. . . She offered to take me to her house and let me call for help. . . That was fine only. . . . When we got there, the plan suddenly changed. . . . First it was "We'll call after we get you cleaned up". . . Then It became "We'll call after you eat and after you sleep and after I get home from work. . . . By day 3. . .I knew it wasn't happening."

Tess said nothing but the look on her face said enough. She put the clay into the bowl and mixed in a random oil and some black sand.

"The first 2 weeks were kind of the border. I basically just got to know her. At that point she didn't seem too out of the ordinary besides not letting me leave. Then one day it all sort of changed. . . . She became increasingly bitchy and dominating. . . Started throwing her weight around. . .by the end of the first month she had me in her videos."

"Videos?" Tess repeated, but still not stopping what she was doing.

"Yeah. . . She was. . .a self proclaimed fetish model, if you know what that is?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Vaguely. I know some of the younger girls around the city do it for extra cash. I've never personally seen it done though, I guess" she answered.

"Either way, there is a fetish for giant women. . . And she fell right into the ultimate scenario for it. Her own, real, tiny man. At first it was gentle, but then she got more physical I would say, then sexual, then straight violent. I never knew what she would do next, but she had a certain routine or set of moves that her audience preferred. "

"She sounds like a. . . Troubled individual." Was all the comment I got out of Tess.

"She's a monster!" I corrected her.

"Hmm." She replied.

"Whose a monster?!" Keira interjected as she stomped down the stairs.

Tess became quiet as she finished mixing her clay. It was now a red and silver mix with the consistency of cookie dough. She placed it on a plate and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.

I said nothing either.

This immediately pissed Keira off.

"What! Now you're not talking to me either?!" She shouted at Tess. "Whatever he told you. . . He was lying, ok?!"

"He never said anything about you." She said calmly as she checked the temperature of my water with a finger.

"Good! Because he knows better!" Keira huffed.

I finally opened my eyes to see Keira was wearing her work uniform. A moment later I closed them again.

"So what, you're just here to baby him?" She sneered.

"I didn't even know he was here. . It's not like any one TOLD me." Tess informed her, letting Keira know she was disappointed in her.

"Yeah right. You knew since yesterday!" Keira accused.

"How could I have known? You told me you were talking on the phone. " Tess replied with a warm smile.

"Well whatever! It's not like he even wants help anyway. I offered to help him yesterday and he pretty much spit in my face! He whined about his broken ribs but he seems fine enough to be doing whatever you guys are doing!" Keira said, walking past us and over to her work shoes.

"Hmm. Maybe he just finds me more. . . relaxing? I don't know exactly, but whatever helps him heal up, right?" Tess suggested, the smallest hint of condescension in her voice.

"Sure! Whatever you want to call it!" Keira spat back, before walking out the door to go to work.

"Are you two ever going to kiss and make up?" Tess asked, taking the clay out of the microwave.

"Well, this whole situation certainly doesn't help. That's for sure. Before. . . Sure she was still bigger than me, but it's not like we got anywhere near physical. I would never lay a finger on her anyway, but I at least knew she would give me the same courtesy. Now though, things are so much easier for her when she can literally squash our beefs."

"Has she ever. . . You know. . . Messed with you. . . Before this?" Tess asked, unsure of how to pose the question.

I chose not to say anything.

"That bad huh?" She replied after giving me time to answer.

"Anyway, the clay is ready. We just need to transfer you into it. "

I opened my eyes again, and found the strength to stand. She had already dug into the clay and made a pocket for me to fit in. I gingerly climbed out of the warm water dish and stepped into the mushy clay before laying down.

Tess had the temperature of the clay just about unbearable to the touch, but I stuck it out and layed down. Immediately I felt an odd shock in my ribs and was about to stand again, but Tess had already begun squishing the clay in around my body.

"It's going to feel weird at first. Probably too hot, but the more heat you can take, the better it works. Just relax and invite it in." She said, and somehow her words calmed me.

She continued to pack and knead it in around me until only my face was exposed. Never had I felt such complete envelopement and I never wanted to leave it.

"Comfortable?" Tess asked, although I'm sure the look on my face said it all.

"You're an angel." Was all I said.

"Aww, thank you! I mean, I have to take care of my little brother! We all thought you were dead! Seeing you alive and well is the greatest thing to happen to me in a long time!" She replied enthusiastically.

"If you want to go to sleep, I can hang around until Cadence gets home. I have to put together a lesson plan for my beginner art class anyway."

I mumbled my approval before nodding off again.


"Hey! Preston!"

I woke with a jump. It took me a moment to remember where I was and why I couldn't move. Looking up, I saw that Tess was calling to me.

"Hey umm, you want to look at this?" She asked, looking at her phone.

She moved it in front of my face. It was a picture of a group of people. Overwhelmingly underwhelming.

"What is it?" I asked, flatly.

"It's a picture of my beginner's art class. I was thinking about why the name of that girl who captured you sounded so familiar. . . . It's because there is a Zoey in my class!"

"What!?. . . . Let me see!" I shouted, and I found the strength to wiggle my way out of the clay.

Tess zoomed in on the picture, and sure enough, there was Zoey.

My face went pale. Tess studied me as she held the phone for me.

"It IS her, isn't it." She asked, confirming her thoughts.

"You. . . You need to kick her out!" Was all I could think to say.

"Preston, . . .I can't just kick her out" she said, regretfully.

"Why not!?" I shouted, getting more worked up than I wanted to be.

"Because! She payed money for the class. $300 bucks. "

"How I feel isn't worth $300 bucks?" I questioned.

"It's worth more than that, but this way. . . I can kind of keep an eye on her too, you know?"

"She has already met Keira! Cadence said she saw her at the grocery store! It's only a matter of time before she closes in on me!"

"I mean, do you know that she is actually even looking for you? She could just be interested in learning the basics of painting from one of the best painters in the city. . . " Tess offered.

"Ha!" I snorted rudely, and was made to witness something I had never seen before. . . Tess giving me the death glare.

"I didn't mean it like that Tess!" I quickly back pedaled. "Just that I know for sure she is planning something."

"She's not half bad you know! At painting. She seems like a good kid." Tess said, defensively.

"I know. . . Because I taught her. In the beginning she wanted to learn to make sets and props. . . Then she figured out she could just force ME to do it. . . . You know the deal. . . Either I do it, or she sits on my chest until I pass out, or she squeezes my head between her feet until I-

"Ok! I get it!

"Sorry. . . " I said, calming down.

"I don't get it! You're deathly afraid of this Zoey girl, Keira is basically promising to break more ribs and Cadence is a wild card as always. . . . Why do you insist on staying here? Why not just go home? "

"Tess. . . You don't understand. . ." I said solemnly.

"Oh don't give me that! I went to your funeral, Preston! I comforted your parents, and I'll be damned if they don't ever get to see their son alive again!" She said, standing up and folding her arms stubbornly.

"Maybe. . Just maybe. . . . I'll visit them. "

"Umm, no. . . . You WILL. . Visit them." She replied in a tone I hadn't heard her use before. It was that definite tone that girlfriends and wives used that gave their significant others no choice in any matter.

I wasn't phased.

I only gave her a smug smirk.

"See no! It's not a choice! It's either you visit them, or I. . . . I'll. . . . I'll sit on you til. . .you pass out!" Tess threatened awkwardly with a smile and a laugh.

"The thing is. . . It was never a verbal threat. I just knew she would flatten me if I antagonized her." I explained, smugly.

"Yeah well. . . . I'm not really the bully type." Tess said, shrugging her shoulders and sitting back down.

"I appreciate that, believe me!" I said with a smile.

Just then, we heard the front door slide open roughly. A second later, it crashed shut. Tess gave me a look of worry.

The sounds of bags being dropped carelessly, before Cadence came walking down the hall. I could tell immediately she was pissed off about something.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked rudely of Tess.

Tess was just about to answer when Cadence spotted me on the counter.

"Oh so what. . Now you're just letting everyone see you?!" She demanded, scowling at me. "And why the fuck are you naked? "

Truth be told, I had honestly forgotten about that. I guess I was just genuinely comfortable with Tess.

"It. . . It just helps with the healing." I stammered as Cadence stood over me, arms crossed and displeased.

"Healing?!" Healing from what!?" She shouted.

Unconsciously, I began to tremble in the presence of this angry giantess.

"It's not a big deal! I just got into it with Keira at my studio. . . "

"SHE TOOK YOU OUTSIDE? AND TO YOUR OLD STUDIO OF ALL PLACES!" Cadence screamed, her face turning beat red.

"I think I'm going to go. . . I'll see you both later, ok?" Tess said calmly before packing up her stuff and leaving us alone together.

"Cadence, listen I. . . "

"Don't you dare! I don't want to hear any of your bullshit right now! I've had a bad couple days and now I come home to this!"

I listened as I put my clothes back on.

"Taking you to the fucking studio?! How much of a bitch can she be!?" She asked, calming down but still worked up.

"She said it would do me some good to get out of the house. . ." I began, weakly.

"I don't give a shit what she said! How much good did it do you to take whatever damage she gave you, huh? " Cadence barked, bringing her face close to mine.

"Really. . . It's fine. . " I started, downplaying it.

"No it's fucking not! I gave her a fair warning of what would happen and she just blows me off and fucks with you anyway?! I don't think so!" She shouted, slamming her fist on the counter.

"Cadence. . . What's ACTUALLY bothering you?" I asked, looking her dead in the eyes. "I know you don't care THAT much about being my babysitter."

She was silent and looked away, crossing her arms.

"Stop being a big baby and just tell me!" I said, not feeling like putting up with her moodiness.

"FINE! It's my fucking family!" She snapped.

"And?" I coaxed.

"And nothing! It was the same old shit it always is with them! My dad was a complete asshole about his money. My mom was a her usual condescending, cunt self! My brother always has his snarky comments about how I live my life. "

"So why stay for two days then?" I inquired.

"I didn't have a choice! When they pay for everything, I kind of have to play along to continue living this way! I can usually handle it, but they pushed me too far this time! They all ganged up on me like they were planning that shit!" Cadence said, angrily pounding her fist on the counter.

"Anything. . . You want to talk about?" I asked, just trying to be a good friend.

She gave me an odd, irritated look, before taking a deep breath.

"That's the problem! It was about you!" She said, getting more upset. "My dad was bitching about the 4 grand in camera gear I bought. My mom asked about the psychiatrist appointment."

"Did you tell them about me? " I asked, suddenly worried.

Cadence said nothing, looking away.

"Cadence. . . What did you tell them?" I demanded, walking in front of her and glaring.

"Seriously. . . . Get out of my face. I'm not kidding." she replied, and I felt the venom in her voice.

I took her advice, backing up a few steps. She continued looking away into space.

"Look, I was able to lie to my dad. I told him the stuff was for me and my art. My mom. . . She talked to the therapist and already knew about you before she even asked me. She was just seeing if I would tell her the truth. "

"And what did she say about it?" I asked, looking up at her."

Cadence just shook her head. She was on the verge of tears now.

"She said. . . .She suggested. . . That I. . .That i put you down. . ." She finished, just as tears began to stream down her face.

I was shocked. I had never actually met Cadence's mom, but for anyone to straight suggest killing another human being in their hour of need just for the hell of it. . . .

All I knew is she better pray that I never did meet her.

"What the fuck?" I shouted at her in disgust. "What the hell is wrong with her!

"I don't know! People don't believe me when I tell them she is a psycho bitch! I told her to fuck off, and my dad kicked me out."

"So what. . . .like you're cut off now?"

". . . No. . . .My dad is a push over. He can't stay mad at me for more than 5 minutes. My mom. . . Can go fuck herself." Cadence said, and to my relief she managed to crack a smile.

"So are you. . . Alright?" I asked, hoping the drama for the night was over. My day had already been wasted recovering from my squabble with Keira.

"No! But it's not your fault. You're not going anywhere. You can stay here as long as you need to and I will get you whatever help you need!" Cadence said, wiping her eyes and standing up.

"So what now?" I asked asked, sitting down on the edge of the counter.

She thought for a moment.

"We stick to the plan! We go back to chipping away at Zoey! I didn't get the chance to see how our 2 new clips were doing while I was gone!"
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