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Ashely closed his math book finishing up the studying he had planned for today. He still had a few days before the exam and was using his time to study, unfortunately Clair had been busy most of the week and still didn't have time to study with Ashely. The exam was Friday, which was in 3 days, which didn't leave much time to study if you hadn't been already. Tomorrow would be the last math class before the exam, usually they would go over problems that students had issues with or any question regarding the exam. There weren't many problems that Ashely needed help with but maybe in class someone might ask something that Ashely couldn't think of. Deciding that maybe it was best to get some decent sleep this time so he could be on time, Ashely decided that it was late enough to go to bed. It didn't take too long before Ashely drifted off to sleep.




Ashely was going over his notes in class before Clair came in a few minutes before class.

"Did you study last night," Ashely asked.

"No," Clair said pulling out her notes. "I still got a few days till the exam."

Ashely looked skeptical but before he could talk Professor Steven entered the class. He gave everyone a warm welcome before he started the class. Other students started asking questions regarding the exam. Ashely didn't seem too worried as a lot of the questions covered he seemed to know how to solve or where the asking student went wrong. That was until he noticed that Clair. She seemed to be asking a lot of questions that were basic or didn't understand the steps the class was taking to solving the equation in question.

"You seem lost," Ashely told Clair.

"You're not? When did we cover this," Clair asked as she tried to solve another problem.

"Last week. You need to carry the X."

"Oh... oh that's how you do it," Clair said as she completed the problem.

"That's it. You need to study tonight. No more excuses," Ashely told her.

Clair rolled her eyes at Ashely, "Ok mom. Do you want me to eat my vegetables too?"

"If you don't I'll have to ground you," Ashely joked.

"I would love to see you try," Clair laughed.

"Is there something funny you would like to share with the class," Professor Steven asked.

"No, sorry Professor," Clair said as she went back to school work.

"Tomorrow come over to study," Ashely told Clair who nodded in agreement. "Because it looks like you really do need help," Ashely said as he pointed out another mistake that Clair made.




Thursday's class went by like a breeze and Clair's classes should be over around 3ish giving Ashely plenty of time to try and help Clair get a lot of studying done. Ashely just finished making himself something to eat when Clair knocked on the door. Ashely hurried over and let her in.

"Ok, teach me oh wise one," Clair said as she came into Ashely's dorm.

Ashely shook his head. "There is much you still need to learn young grasshopper," Ashely said in his best impression of what an old master would say to a young pupil. Which was not very good.

Clair couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's get started," Clair said as she headed toward Ashely's room.

"Let me just grab my food," Ashely said. As soon as he got his food he headed into his room where Clair was already comfortably set up ready to go over some practice problems that Professor Steven handed out for the class to practice with. It didn't take too long before they were both studying hard and helping each other whenever they got stuck or had questions. They looked over each other's notes and give each other tips on how to remember how to solve similar problems.

It wasn't until about 5 did Clair's phone ring. She looked down and saw that her alarm was going off. "Shot. It's time to go," Clair said as she started to pack her stuff up.

"Go? Where?"

"William's got a gig tonight and wanted me to watch him play."

Ashely just looked shocked, "But, you have to study."

"I'll be fine. Besides all I need is a 70 or higher on the exam and I'll pass." Clair said with such confidence that Ashely almost believed that she would be ok. That was until he noticed some of the practice problems they did together. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Don't stay up too late studying," Clair said as she was already rushing out the apartment.

"Clair," Ashely called out but she already left. Ashely could do nothing but shake his head. "You need to study too," Ashely said to no one. He knew that she still needed to study and not go off playing. Ashely didn't have any plans tonight because he was going to study with Clair till they were both 100% guarantee to pass that exam. But with Clair gone, now what was he going to do? Study by himself?

Ashely let out a sigh as he started to head to the bathroom. It wasn't like his roommates where here to play video games with either. After using the bathroom Ashley decided to eat a snack and watch some TV. Heading to the couch, Ashely slumped down on the couch and turned on the TV to one of his favorite channels. Sitting there by himself Ashely started to zone out as a rerun came on. Ashely barely even noticed the front door to the dorm room open letting in one of his roommates, Phil.

"Hey Ash," Phil said walking in.

Ashely just gave a lazy wave to his roommate almost not even noticing him there. Ashely continued to zone out on the couch as he finished the last of his food.

"What are you doing?" Phil asked.

"Watching Tv," Ashely told him as Phil headed to his room.

"You know you'll get fat if you sit around like that," Phil said from his room.

"There isn't much else to do," Ashely told him.

Phil came back into the living room. "Well, you could come to the gym with me," Phil offered.

"I don't know," Ashely said not sounding interested. "I don't want to..." Ashely said looking at his arms imagining them bulky from lifting weights.

Phil seemed to read Ashely's mind as he grabbed at him and helped him up, "You won't gain that much muscle mass." Phil was already leading Ashely toward his room, "Look just come with me and spot me, you might like going to the gym. You never know," Phil said trying to persuade Ashely. He disappeared into his room.

"I don't know," Ashely said again.

Phil reappeared in shorts and a slim shirt to work out in. "You never know, you might enjoy it," Phil suggested.

"well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to go," Ashely said already having his will crumble to Phil's.

"Great," Phil said already grabbing Ashely's hand and heading for the door. "Let's go."

"Wait," Ashely protested yet Phil didn't listen. Ashely was glad he was in a decent outfit as Phil dragged him toward the door and to the gym to work out. This wasn't something he had planned for the night, but then he really didn't have much to do tonight anyway. Besides, there could be a few hotties there.

Ashely was already pulled out the front door almost without his shoes on. "You'll enjoy this," Phil said as he led Ashely out of their dorm and toward the campus gym. Ashely followed Phil as they headed toward a workout that Ashely was not looking forward to right now. The closer they got the less Ashely was sure about this. He never even touched a weight or any workout equipment in his life. As Ashely walked with Phil he couldn't help but notice how a bunch of students said hello or knew Phil enough that they would greet him. He sure was popular. Ashely saw the gym coming into view. Never having gone to the gym before, Ashely didn't know if this gym was large or small for one, but compared to the other buildings on campus it was large. It was at least a few stories tall.

"This is the gym," Ashely asked looking at how large it was.

"You never been to it yet? It's free to use," Phil said acting like that was a decent reason to go.

Ashely didn't say anything as he followed Phil to the open doors that lead to the inside of the gym. As Ashely entered the large doors he noticed there was a gate where a few people were in line waiting to get past. Ashely also noticed that there was someone in a gym uniform collecting money from the person in front.

"I thought you said it was free," Ashely said feeling lied to. He wasn't about to spend money to workout.

"It is for students. The gym is open for anyone, but non-students need to pay an entrance fee." To illustrate his point, Phil showed his student ID and they let him through. Ashely followed his lead as he showed his ID to the worker. Ashely half expected to have to pay but when they let him through, Ashley couldn't help but feel silly for doubting Phil. He never lied or mislead him before, so why would he now? "You'll need a towel," Phil said as he grabbed one of the workout towels that were for everyone to use to wipe down their sweat. Ashely followed Phil as he led them to one of the rooms that had a bunch of different equipment that Ashely had no idea how to operate. Ashely noticed that there was music playing over the speaker system for the gym to listen to as they worked out. Looking around Ashely noticed there weren't a lot of people in the room. Just a few handful of people as they were all on different equipment lifting weights or exercising.

"This way," Phil said as he headed over to a bench that had a large metal bar over it with a bunch of weights on the side. Ashely watched as Phil started to add weight to both sides of the bar before getting under the bar. "Can you spot me," Phil asked.

"Spot," Ashely asked not sure what he meant.

"Oh right," Phil said clearly misunderstanding how much Ashely understood about working out in a gym. "I just need you to help me if I can't completely my set."

"Right..." Ashely said. "What's a set," Ashely asked not sure what he meant. Ashely couldn't help but hear someone scoff at his remark from behind but didn't say anything else.

"It's fine, a set is a bunch of reps or the amount of times I bench this weight."

"Oh," Ashely said feeling silly for not understanding such a simple request.

Phil got ready as he did a few quick stretches before reaching up and lifting up the large metal bar with what had to be Ashely's weight on each side. Ashely knew Phil was strong but he didn't know that he was THIS strong. With almost no effort Phil did a quick set and put the bar back up on the stand.

"Wow," Ashely commented.

"Just a warm up," Phil told him.

"A warm up?"

"Yep, ok your turn," Phil said getting up and giving Ashely a turn. "How much weight?"

"ummm," Ashely thought not knowing what he could do.

"10 pounds?" Phil offered as he held up one of the smaller weights.

"Yeah, I can do that," Ashely said looking at the size of the weight in his hands.

"Ok," Phil set the weights on the bar and got ready to spot Ashely. "Whenever you're ready," Phil said as he waited for Ashely to lift the bar.

Ashely reached out and grabbed the bar. Pushing up Ashely felt the heavy bar move off the rack and held it out like he saw Phil do. As he attempted to repeat what he saw Phil do Ashely let the bar drop down to his chest and felt the immense weight pushing down. Ashely wasn't expecting it to be so difficult as he attempted to push the bar back up but wasn't able to. Ashely felt himself straining to push the bar off his chest but found he just wasn't strong enough. "Help," Ashely squeaked out for help. Phil effortlessly grabbed the bar and pulled it up off of Ashely before he hurt himself.

"Shit, my fault," Phil said feeling bad for putting too much weight on.

There was a chuckle from behind as the same person from before commented with a condescending voice, "Should have started with just the bar."

Phil ignored the comment as he took the weight off the bar, "Ok, try it now."

Ashely was skeptical as he attempted it again. It was a little easier but not by much. By the time Ashely was done with his set he was sweating and felt sore. "You do this every day?"

Phil laughed, "Not every day, but close to it."

"Now what," Ashely asked wondering what they were going to do next.

"We do 3 more sets," Phil said getting ready for his next set.

"3?!" Ashely asked stunned.

"Well, I'll do 3 if you want you can rest. It is your first time," Phil told him.

"Should just leave," the heckler from before mumbled as Phil started his next set. Ashely wasn't sure if Phil heard the man, but Ashely did his best to ignore it too.

Ashely watched Phil bench another set of weights, more than before with just as little effort as before. If it was hard for Phil, he didn't show any sign of it. It wasn't long before Ashely and Phil were done with their sets on the bench press. By then there were a few more faces that entered the gym but still the gym looked bare due to the size of it. Thinking that they might be done, Ashely didn't realize that there was still more. Phil lead the way toward another workout section saying something about having to work the other arm muscles. Ashely didn't know which ones he was talking about, he always thought it was like 1 or two muscles in the arm but when Phil was telling him which workouts affect which group of muscles he knew that he might have made a mistake. This wasn't going to be a short workout. Phil brought Ashely to the dumbbells to do curls. Ashely watch again as Phil went to a large set of dumbbells and started to do his work out. Ashely grabbed a pair of the more smaller ones and tried to follow Phil's movements. It was tiring as his muscles were already feeling sore from the previous work out. Just as Phil finished, Ashely did too.

As Ashely was resting and preparing for another set he heard a larger man clear his throat causing him to turn around. The larger man was obviously not a student and had to be someone who came to the gym to work. It was the same person from before that didn't seem too pleased with Ashely's presents in the gym

"You're in the way," The man told him.

"Oh sorry," Ashely said moving to let him get to the large set of dumbbells on the row below the small ones that Ashely was using. Ashely had to wait until the man was done with all his sets before he moved on and allowed Ashely to get to his weights.

"You done," Phil asked Ashely obviously not aware of the set back.

"Umm, I still got a few left," Ashely told him as he continued his workout. "I'll be right behind you."

"I can wait," Phil told him as he waited for Ashely to finish. As Ashely did his curls Phil gave him some tips like breathing and posture to help him.

When Ashely was done they went to another workout station that had another bar hanging down on a chain with a set of weights in front of it. Ashely again watched Phil take a seat and grab the hanging bar from above and start his work out by pulling the bar down to his chest and then back up. Ashely proceeded to follow Phil on his work out until he was done with his set.

"I'm going to grab a spot for the next machine."

Ashely didn't say anything but it would have been something like, NEXT? Ashely had to catch his breath as his arms were already getting sore to the point he wasn't sure he could move his arms. Ashely was still resting for a moment when he heard an annoyed sigh behind him. Afraid to even look he heard the condescending voice that seemed to be following him. "Some of us would like to finish our workout on time."

Trying not to sound to snippy Ashely replied, "Sorry but this is my first time."

"I've noticed," He told him not sounding impressed at all.

Not even going to dignify his remark, Ashely reached up and pulled the bar down and completed his last rep before heading over toward Phil.

"Everything ok," Phil asked.

"Yeah," Ashely replied.

"You're not too tired?"

"I can still go," Ashely lied as he felt like his body was about to give out. For whatever reason Ashely felt like he needed to see this through if not for himself, then to prove to that dick of a person that he wasn't going to let him sway his determination.

Ashely followed Phil lead as he led him throughout the gym. They had to have used every machine in the gym. It wasn't long before they were coming down to the last exercise. By now the gym seemed pack and a lot of the new comers seemed to be part of Phil's football team. As both Phil and Ashely got to their last sets on the seated rows, Phil finished before Ashely. Just as Ashely was about to do his final set, another student called out to Phil.

"Hey Phil," He called out from across the room.

"Bill," Phil greeted. "Hey Ash I'm just going to head over and say hi. You good?" Ashely nodded as he got ready to do his last set of seated rows. "Cool. Shout if you need help."

Ashely watched as Phil headed over to greet the fellow student that he recognized as part of the football team. Ashely used this time to rest for a little bit before he did his last set. Looking around at all the people working out, especially the hotties, Ashely really didn't mind doing this more often. Maybe not as much as Phil and the other regulars, but once in a while wouldn't hurt. In fact, it seemed to make Ashely feel more self-confident in his figure than before.

"Look kid, you need to either finish or get up."

Ashley couldn't help but roll his eyes. Whoever this guy was it was like he was following him around the gym. What was his problem? Wasn't there somewhere else he could go? Hell, the way the man looked, it didn't seem like he needed to workout.

"I'm almost done," Ashely said trying to not sound irritated by the man.

"My girlfriend moves faster than you," He commented.

Under his breath Ashely couldn't help but say, "If she's as big of a dick as you, wouldn't that be your boyfriend."

As quietly as he thought he said that, it wasn't quite enough.

"What was that punk," The man said yanking Ashley up from the equipment.

Before Ashely could defend himself, Phil was already rushing across the room.

"What the fuck do you're doing," Phil said yanking the man's hands away from Ashely and separating the two of them.

"This little bitch got a mouth on him," The man said still pissed.

"He's my friend you dick," Phil said making sure that Ashely was behind him and out of reach from the stranger.

"What did you call me," The man said getting ready to fight Phil. No sooner did he take a step forward did half the gym come over and start to defend Phil. It was all his football teammates. The man realized that he was out number. Before he did something stupid like pick a fight with the entire football team, he took a step back. "Whatever," the man said as he walked away. "Just make sure your whore stays out of my way next time." Before Phil could comment one of the gym employees came in.

"What's going on," He asked realizing the commotion.

"This asshole attacked my friend," Phil told him.

"Is this true sir?"

"I don't need this," The man said as he tried to dodge the question.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"This is bullshit. The fag started it."

No sooner did those words leave did the employ took the side of the rest of the gym, "Sir it would be best if you left and didn't come back. We don't appreciate this kind of attack, especially on our students."

"Whatever," The man said pissed off as he headed out of the gym.

"You ok," Phil asked checking up on Ashely.

"Yeah..." Ashely said still kind of stunned from the attack.

Phil didn't believe him as he looked him up and down to make sure he wasn't hurt. "The nerve of that bastard," Phil said.

"Thanks," Ashely told him. "All of you," Ashely said to the rest of the football team that came to his defense. They might not have known who he was but it meant a lot that they came to help him.

"A friend of Phil's is a friend of ours," One of the football players said which the others agreed with.

"Seriously Ash if that fucker even looks at you again, you let me know. I'll take care of him."

Those words meant a lot to him. Clair was the only one that ever defend him like this before. "Thanks, that means a lot."

"Look, we're having a pregame party tonight. You want to come," Phil offered.

This shocked Ashely. He had never been invited to one of their parties. It was usually sole for football team members only. "I don't know. I have an exam tomorrow morning."

Phil just laughed, "A relaxing party is just what you need. You've been studying all week, you know your shit. Come on," Phil said trying to persuade Ashely.

"I mean... can I think about it?"

Phil held up his hands, "Definitely. Don't make me pressure you into going." "Alright guys," He said to the rest of the football team. "I'll see you all tonight."

The rest of the football team said bye, as Phil and Ashely headed back to their dorm to clean up and get ready for the football team's pregame party. As they got back to their dorm, Ashely asked Phil a little more about the party.

"Whose going to be there?"

"It's just a football tradition, we normally just all meet up the night before a game and just party and relax. It helps loosen up the team," Phil told Ashely. Then he grinned at Ashely, "Oh and to get drunk, obviously."

Ashley couldn't help but laugh. "Obviously." Ashely used the dorms water to shower up and clean up before heading to his room. Ashely couldn't help but notice all his notes on his desk for the exam. Maybe Phil was right, Ashely should relax. He did feel pretty stressed out. Especially after that jerk at the gym. No sooner did that thought pop into his head did Ashely got an idea.

"Hey Phil," Ashely called out to his roommate in the bathroom showering.


"You said the entire football team is going to be there," Ashely asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just wanted to thank them for today, you know do something for them."

"So you're coming with me," Phil asked over the running water.

"Yeah," Ashely said with a grin on his face. "I'll be there."

"Cool," Phil said. "Give me 10 minutes."

"Take your time," Ashely told him as he returned to his room. Ashely didn't even bother closing the door as he went to work.




Charlie was steaming mad as he entered is home. He had been going to the that gym for over 3 years now and because of some wimpy ass kid who didn't even know how to lift weights properly got him banned. Charlie went to his fridge and grabbed a beer. He needed to cool down. As much as he hated weak and useless people, like that sissy kid, he couldn't get upset again and damage his place. Trying to calm down Charlie closed his eyes and went to raise his beer to his mouth to take a sip, but found he couldn't. Frowning, Charlie opened his eyes and found that it was dark out.

It was only after he attempted to move did he realized that everything was wrong. He was still standing but he couldn't move his arms or legs. Also, he found that he was in some kind of box or container that surround him from all sides. It was like he was in a rectangular box that was his size.

"HEY! WHATS GOING ON," Charlie yelled out... but there was no sound coming from him.

There were muffled sounds outside his mysterious prison that Charlie couldn't make out but found that there were people near him. Who were they and how did they do this to him so fast?

Suddenly Charlie felt his entire world shake as he felt himself get tilted sideways like he didn't even weigh more than air. He felt himself starting to sway back and forth as he was transported to another area. All the time Charlie shouted out for help or demanded an explanation, but no one gave him either. After a long time of waiting he heard a door open and more muffled noise could be heard from the mysterious box he was trapped in. There were multiple voices that were being muffled that Charlie couldn't make out, which only frightened him more. Suddenly he was tilted upright again and the movement stopped. Whatever he was in must have been set down. Now what?




"So what is it," Bill asked. Bill was one of the football players on Phil's team. Nicknamed Big Bill for obviously his size. He easily took up the whole room with his massive size.

"Well," Ashely said a little nervous with all eyes on him. He only told Phil it was a gift, and not what it was. Hopefully everyone liked it. "I just felt like I needed to thank you all for today," Ashely said still nervous. "I mean, you guys didn't have to stand up for me, but-"

"Oh stop stalling and tell us already," Bill said laughing.

"Right..." Ashely said as he walked over to the human size container he brought in wrapped up in wrapping paper.

"I still don't know where you were keeping that in your room," Phil mumbled at the size of it.

Ashely grabbed some of the paper and quickly started to rip the paper off to reveal a cardboard box. "My parents thought it would be funny to give this to me," Ashely lied. "You know as a joke. I just thought you all might want it instead," Ashley said as he opened the top of the cardboard box and quickly flipped it so that what was in it could slide out onto the floor for everyone to see.




Charlie heard his prison get assaulted and the top open. Light shined in above him but it didn't reveal much of his prison. Suddenly his entire world tipped and he felt himself sliding out of the box and onto the hard floor. He was assaulted by the light from the room as he couldn't quite make out what he was seeing. When he could see again he noticed he was around a bunch of young adults that were massive in size to him. They were like huge monstrous beast. They all looked shocked and surprised, more than Charlie was.

Finally, one of them spoke, "Is that... a..."

Charlie heard from across the room a familiar voice. It belonged to the twerp earlier today. "Sex doll? Yes. Yes, it is."

Sex doll? What was he talking about. He was a person.

Suddenly the entire room filled with laughter and cheering as someone grabbed Charlie and lifted him up over his head.

"THIS IS AMAZING," The bulky person said.

Charlie was frightened and confused. Worse was he still wasn't able to move as he was being moved through the air as if he weighted nothing to this animal of a human.

Charlie heard again from the sissy kid, "I thought that you would enjoy it if I dressed it up for you."

No sooner did he hear that did he notice a mirror on the wall that allowed Charlie to see the situation he was in. He screamed out in horror.

Charlie was not Charlie anymore. He was a petite blonde blow up doll dressed up in a school uniform from what seemed to belong to the Bulldogs, the rival of the university gym Charlie always went to. Charlie was able to confirm his fears as he spotted some familiar faces in the crowd from earlier today that were at the gym. They must all be part of the football team.

"What do we do with it," Someone said laughing at the doll.

Charlie heard that brat laugh, and then answer. "Well, you fuck it of course."

The whole team seemed to pause at the comment.

"Fuck the Bulldogs," Someone said out loud. The entire room cheered as they started to chant, Fuck the Bulldogs, over and over again.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO," Screamed Charlie as the large person carrying him moved him to a room with a door and simply tossed him on the bed before closing the door, leaving him in the dark. Charlie desperately tried to move but couldn't. All he could do was listen to the chanting outside of the door. Charlie was so fucked...




"Who's going first," Someone laughingly joked.

"The virgin," someone shouted out which everyone seemed to agree with except that one person

"I'm.. I'm not a virgin," he replied which everyone either ignored or didn't believe him.

"Virgin," Ashley asked Phil.

Phil just laughed, "He's the newest on the team, Tim. Transferred in a few weeks ago, hasn't even played a game yet. Therefore, virgin."

"Oh," Ashely said understanding now. "So, he's not a virgin?"

Phil just laughed, "Chances are he might be by the way he's been reacting to the nickname."

Ashely couldn't help but laugh at the possible coincidence of the guys nickname. Ashely watched as Tim tried to fight the group of football players but in the end, was shoved into the room with the sex doll. Once the door was closed and Tim had his privacy with the doll, Big Bill shouted through the door. "Don't take too long, I want next."

"No way B.B., you'll break it," Someone said. "Give us all a chance before you break it." Bill only let out an evil laugh. A laugh that let Ashley know that this might not be the first time that Big Bill broke something from his sheer size before.

"you want a drink," Phil asked Ashely.

"Sure," Ashely said as Phil lead him to where there were some drinks. As soon as they got their drinks, Ashely felt like it was time to ask Phil the question of the night. "You going to use it too?"

This caused Phil to choke on his drink a little, "What? No. Hell no, I mean thanks for the gift to the team and all but, dude come on."

"What," Ashely said all innocently. "I'd be insulted if you didn't."

Phil just snorted. "Then I'm sorry I insulted you but you won't catch me touching that thing. I'd have to be black out drunk to even think about it," Phil joked obviously not serious.

"The nights still young," Ashely said over his drink.




Charlie watched as the mysterious kid was shoved into the room before he was locked in with him. This couldn't be good.

"I'm not a virgin," Tim shouted out at them all trying to get out only to find he couldn't. He was stuck in here. "Damn it," Tim shouted out loud giving up on the door. With nowhere else to go the man walked over to the bed and looked down at the sex doll just lying there on its back waiting for something to happen. Charlie watched the kid looked down at him. There seemed to be a curiosity in his eyes. He couldn't possibly be thinking... he wouldn't.

To Charlie's dismay he watched as the stranger took his right hand and brought it close to him and near his mouth. Slowly he stuck a finger into the gaping hole that was waiting for something.

"Wow," Tim responded as he stuck his finger further into the open hole as he explored the strange toy.

Charlie could do nothing except feel as the digit explored his mouth and moved around until it seemed to want to go deeper into his mouth. Suddenly the finger went as deep as possible as it made its way down Charlie's throat and started to gag him. Gag him? He could gag!? The intrusive finger wormed down his tight esophagus as the curious kid couldn't stop himself from playing with him.

"Wow," Tim said again as he started to move his finger deeper until he couldn't fit anymore into Charlie. When he finally removed his finger, he looked down at his hand and noticed the slimy film that covered his finger and hand that were just in the dolls mouth. "It must have been lubricated," he told himself as he wiped the mysterious liquid on the dolls football jersey. Charlie was still coughing, that apparently couldn't be heard, from having his throat fingered by this stranger when he heard a zipping from off to the side.

"NO STOP," Charlie wheezed as he watched the stranger remove his pants. But he still didn't hear him as a large bulge could be seen from below his waist. "Get away from me," Charlie cried from fear as the last line of defense was removed releasing the snake out into the open.

"Might as well," Tim said as he picked up the doll. Charlie was lifted and positioned so his face was lined up with the man's junk. It was right in his face aimed for the uncovered mouth that for whatever reason was leaking a little liquid, like droll. The man didn't even give Charlie a heads up as he pulled him forward until his member was already shoved as far as it could go down his throat. Charlie wailed over the stick that was stuck in his esophagus.

"Ohhhh," Tim moaned from the weird feeling of warmth and tightness, yet flexibility that came from the material around his dick. The liquid lube was slippery and slimy almost as if it was saliva from a real person. Charlie gurgled as he struggled to talk or breath with something so big blocking his throat. He shouldn't have to need to breath, he was a fucking doll! But that didn't stop him from having the need to breath.

"Is it vibrating," Tim questioned as he felt the tip of his dick get massaged from some mysterious vibration. It was like the doll was trying to talk. "Oh shit this is good," Tim said as he pulled out a little and slammed it into the plastic doll as he fucked the doll's feminine face over and over again. He listened to the sounds that the doll made, from the suckling and sloppy sounds made by its throat, to the sounds of squawking from the doll having the air in its body getting moved around from the force of Tim's fucking. As much as Tim didn't want the sensation to end, he couldn't' stop himself as he sped up his hips and gripped the doll by its almost human like hair and yanked the doll down into his crouch and held it there for a few moments. The vibration came back stronger than before. He swore that it was like the doll was screaming for air, which was impossible. It didn't take long before the sensation made Tim burst, as he forced his load down the small tube that wrapped around his dick. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,oooooo, yeah." Tim said as he kept pumping his hips into the vacuum like pipe that wouldn't let go of his penis. It was like it didn't want him to pull out yet. Finally, when his member wilted, Tim could extract his shrunken member from the sex doll. Tim looked down thinking there would be a mess left with his cum leaking out, but there was nothing coming out of the mouth except that mysterious fluid. "Wow, that was amazing." Tim pulled up his pants.

Charlie was crying but couldn't feel any tears coming down his cheeks. He just got face fucked and it hurt painfully. His mouth and throat were sore that it felt like someone poured hot oil down his throat. Worse he could still feel that flaming liquid semen burning a hole in his stomach right now. How was that even possible? Did he have a stomach? It wouldn't be the strangest thing considering how he was just chocked by a cock when he was just a big blown up doll used for sex. Charlie watched as the man left the room and got a huge cheer from the football team. Thinking that it was over, Charlie was horrified when he noticed someone else walk in and close the door. This guy didn't even waste any time. He was already stripping down and yanking out his member.

"I'm going to fuck you Bulldog slut," he said with an aggressive tone.

"Get away from me," Charlie cried but was yanked toward the man violently. Before he could attempt to say anything else the man position himself over Charlie's plastic breast and was already humping into his face. Again, he chocked and gaged on the meat stick as the man had his way with him.




"You guys won't believe it. That thing is amazing," Tim said to everyone out of the room.

"I bet it would be for a virgin," Big Bill said laughing.

"Hey, I'm serious. It was like I was really fucking someone." Everyone laughed at the amazed virgin. "Fine just wait till you have a round with it," Tim told everyone. "Then you'll know what I mean." Ashely couldn't help but smirk. Of course, it was amazing. There wasn't a doll like that in the world.

Ashely turned back to someone he was talking to, Nick.

"So you ready for that math exam tomorrow," Nick asked.

Ashely frowned, "How do you know about that?"

Nick looked hurt. "I'm...I'm in your class. You don't remember?"

Ashely tried to think of all the other students in the class but sadly shook his head no, "Sorry."

Nick let out a defeated sigh, "Figures. I'm in the back a few seats behind you."

Ashely gave him an ashamed look, "Sorry, I don't tend to look behind me that often."

"It's ok, I understand. So, are you prepared for the exam?"

"I think so, I'm pretty confident about it," Ashely told him.

"I hope so, I'm like 70% sure about it. Professor Steven's exams can be killer sometimes."

Ashely kept talking to Nick about their math class while they drank. It wasn't long before whoever was in the room with the sex doll came out amazed at how it felt and going on and on about it like Tim did. One after another each team member went into the room and fucked the doll until there were only a few who hadn't used the doll yet.

Ashely was looking around for Phil to see where he was at but couldn't find him. Finally, Ashely started to ask around, when someone said they saw him.

"Where is he," Ashely asked a little worried that maybe he was sick or passed out.

"Over there," the person pointed toward the sex doll room. Just then, the door opened and Phil stepped out.

Ashely couldn't help but grin. "How was it Phil," Ashely asked.

Phil didn't look at Ashely as he grumbled, "Good..."

Ashely couldn't help but laugh, "I knew it!"

"Is it my turn yet," Big Bill asked sounding a little agitated and a lot drunk. "I've been waiting for hours now."

No one seemed to argue with Bill.

"Finally," Bill said as he walked through the door and closed it behind him.

"Welp there goes the doll," Someone said as everyone laughed as the large football player was obviously not going to hold back.

Charlie felt sick and abused. He had countless people use him already and he couldn't stand the aching pain his body was in. His mouth was used countless times, not to mention that he recent discover that he had two other holes down stairs that were used too. Luckily it seemed more people were fascinated with his mouth than his plastic pussy or anus but that didn't mean people hadn't tried those either. They were feeling sore, but not as much as his throat that burned from the copious amount of hot semen that ran down it. What Charlie also learned was that no matter where he was injected with the scorching liquid, it all ended up in the same spot, in his stomach. Apparently, all his holes lead to his gut where there was a torrent of boiling liquid bubbling in there making him feel nauseous from the feeling. No matter how much he felt sick or how hard he was fucked, the liquid didn't spill out of him it only gathered in his stomach. To Charlie's sickened hatred he heard the door creek open. How many people were there?

Suddenly a massive bulky monster of a person towered over the bed.

Oh Jesus!

"Get over here," The behemoth said as he grabbed Charlie by the leg and pulled him closer to him.

Stay away! Charlie tried to scream out but found again for the countless time, no one heard him.

The enormous beast flipped Charlie as he felt his stomach flip with him. There was the sound of muttering than a zipper. Charlie couldn't see anything as he wept from fear. Suddenly there was the sound of creaking as the large man got on the bed and positioned himself above Charlie.

"Don't break too soon," The Giant said as he lowered his enormous body on top of the small plastic doll. Just as Charlie assumed that the Giant was going to use his vagina as a means of release, he felt one of the gigantic hands touch his rubbery butt and fumbled around till he found a hole. It was his ass.

"Wait," Charlie tried to say only to feel something like a fist touch that small rubber hole. There was a loud grunt as the monster didn't even wait as he rammed his enormous tree trunk member into the tiny puckered anus. Charlie let out a silent scream as all the air in his nonexistent lungs escaped him.

"Ooooo, that's tight," The Colossal man said as he wiggled his body to get into a better position while still trapped inside the blown-up doll. Not giving the doll a chance to recover, since it was just a stupid plastic doll, the immense football player just started to thrust into the fuck toy.

Charlie felt the enormous weight of the football Giant crash into him flattening him into the bed and threating to make his entire body pop from the sheer pressure. Screaming for him to get off him, Charlie tried to escape but found that he was stuck and unable to move. It was a shame that Charlie was a doll because he was sure he would have passed out from this and be saved from having to deal with this nightmare, but that wasn't the case. The massive man wrapped his arms around Charlie's body and pulled him closer, bending him more than a normal person would be able to contort to. He was practically compressed into a ball as the man continued to mate with him. He felt the arm of a dick stretch and throb from pleasure as the creature that was assaulting him as he continued to drawl pleasure from his pain. Charlie felt his insides burn and rip from the size and friction caused by the rode shoved up his ass. Charlie could hear his body squeal and squeak like a balloon about to pop, and the bed creak and groan from the weight and force behind each thrust. It wouldn't be long.... Charlie prayed that it would end, one way or another.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," The monstrous man roared.

Charlie cried one more time as the pace picked up to a horrifying speed that wasn't humanely possible for someone that size. Any noise that could be heard from outside the room was silence from the battle cry released by gigantic person. Then just when Charlie didn't think he could be crushed anymore, did the vast football player slam his body down as hard as possible, like he was trying to fuck through Charlie and into the bed itself. Charlie felt his body warp and twist with the immense pressure of the encompassing body pressing down on him. If someone looked from above, there wouldn't have been a trace of Charlie to be recognized. The fire hose shoved up his ass suddenly turned on as a hot gush of steaming semen shot straight out of it and deep into Charlies bubbling gut. Charlie felt like throwing up as the liquid surged through his plastic intestines or tubs and joined the already massive amounts of cum. It was like lava, as it felt like Charlie's body was melting from the sheer heat of it. Filling whatever capacity that Charlies stomach could hold, and then some. Finally, after the beast finished ejaculating into him, Charlie felt the fat cock slowly shrink a few sizes. Just when he thought the massive body would get up off him, he heard something horrifying.


GET OFF ME!!!!!!!!!




"Is he ok," someone asked as everyone was silence after hearing Big Bill orgasmed so loud they thought the house would fall apart.

"You check on him," Someone dared.

"Fuck that."

Ashely walked over and knocked on the door. Slowly he opened it and noticed, Big Bill laying on the bed passed out and snoring like a bear.

"Where's the doll," Someone asked from behind Ashely. Ashely peeked a little closer and noticed a small glimpse of the doll under Big Bill.

"Under Bill," Ashely told them.

"Awww, I wanted seconds," someone said.

"Then you wake Bill up," Phil told him.

"... It's fine."

Everyone laughed, "Yeah that's what I thought," Phil said as he closed the door to leave Bill with the sex doll. "See you in the morning buddy," Phil said as he closed the door shut.

The only sound that could be heard was Bill's loud snores and if you listened carefully you would hear the sound of the sex doll squeaking under his massive weight and size from each breath he took.




Ashely ran to his math class with Clair. "Why are we always late," Clair said as she hurried to their exam.

"I was drinking last night," Ashely told Clair, "What's your excuse?"

"Will's band didn't finish till later last night. He said he would call me later today."

"You still coming to the football game right," Ashely asked between his out of breath gasps.

"I'll see."

"Oh come on Clair you have to come," Ashely begged not liking how Clair was bailing on him.

"I'll let you know later after classes."

"Fine," Ashely said sounding upset.

They made it to class and opened the door. Luckily, they were a few minutes on time so they wouldn't be locked out of the class room for being late to the exam.

"Want some gum," Ashely offered as he pulled out a stick of gum for both of them.

"Sure," Clair said as she took it. "Thanks."

"Its what brothers do," Ashely said with a smile on his face.

"Best friend slash brother," Clair said opening the door to the class.

Ashely and Clair headed to their chairs before the professor showed up. Just as Ashely was going to sit down he noticed Nick in the back like he said and gave him a wave hello. Nick looked at Ashely and gave him a wave too. Before Ashely could say anything, Professor Steven came in and closed the door.

"Please put your notes away and pull out a scrap paper for the exam," the professor said to everyone.

Ashely looked toward Clair, "Good luck."

"You too," Clair said as she took the stick of gum and put it in her mouth.




"CLAIR," William screamed as he saw her enormous mouth open up. In a split-second William was shoved into Clair's awaiting mouth. She didn't even waste a second, as soon as William's new body landed on her tongue he was he was shoved over to her right cheek.

"STOP," William screamed, but Clair didn't even flinch as she slammed her teeth down onto Williams body. William let out a sound of agony as his body was crushed and smushed by the enormous pillars that were Clair's teeth. William's body screamed as he felt himself quickly become mashed into a gooier like material from his previous solid state. William didn't have time to understand or regain his composure as he was again struck by the massive teeth. William felt the crushing pain from those molars biting down on his body. Suddenly he was flung from Clair's right cheek over to the other in a quick flick of her tongue. Clair went back to chewing on William's body as she absent mindedly played with him. William was assaulted by Clair's soaking wet spite as it seemed to build up and attack his body. It felt weird as William's body constantly soaked up the spittle and when he got smashed by the crushing choppers he felt the liquid gush out of his body. This cycle continued on and on, as William was in constant agony from the continues act of Clair chewing gum.




Clair looked down at the exam as she tried to think of how to solve this problem. She couldn't recall how to do it, and was pondering how to attack it. She didn't even know she was doing it but she was really biting into the gum she had trying to maul over what to do. Acting out of pure instinct as she thought she felt her tongue pick up the gum in her teeth and moved it toward the front of her mouth...




William didn't understand what was happening until he saw the blinding light of the outside world flood in and show him the outside world. Still not understanding what was going on, was she going to spit him out? He felt the massive tongue pushing into him from behind, while his body was forced to wrap around it. That's when he felt himself starting to stretch in a painful way as a gust of steamy air blew at him from behind. Yelling out in pain, William's body was expanding as his skin started to thin out as he got larger and larger as the hot humid air filled him up. He was pushed out of Clair's mouth and into the outside world of a classroom with students all around focused on their papers.

"HELP ME," William shouted out for someone to stop this torture.

No one listened.

Suddenly William felt it happen as his body started to rip from being stretch too far from the bubble that Clair was blowing. There was a loud pop as William felt his body rip and explode.




Clair jumped with the rest of the class as she realized that she just blew a bubble. Everyone looked at her as she skittishly said, "Sorry."

"Clair, do I have to remind you that we are taking an exam?"

"Sorry, Professor," Clair said.

"No more distractions please," he told her.

Clair nodded as went back to her exam. Slowly she pulled the gum back into her mouth as she started to chew it back into its blob like shape.




William was powerless as he was again back in the torturous mouth. The devastating attack on his body continued as the heat, saliva, and repeating chewing didn't slow down. The only reprieve that William got was when Clair paused her chewing to mouth out what she was writing down. Then she would go back with vengeance as she chomped down into his body and played with him. Sometimes she would press his moldable body up to the roof of her mouth and press him flat until he was covering her palate completely, only to be peeled off by that massive python of a tongue. Other times she would roll William around in her mouth until he was a perfect ball soaking in her juices just to crush him again with her teeth until he was as flat as a pancake. William was defenseless as all he could do was take the abuse, still feeling everything being done to him.




"Times up," Professor Steven said as he announced the end of the exam.

Clair set down her pencil as she just finished. She looked over to Ashely who was already done and seemed to be doodling on a spare piece of paper. He had an image of a man shouting, "I'm gum boy!" It was some hilarious comic he was doodle about a man made of gum fighting a large mouth belong to a Giantess. Clair laughed to herself at the funny images Ashely drew as she headed up to turned in her exam and leave the classroom. As soon as she left, Ashely came out too.

"How did you do," Ashely asked.

"I should have studied more," Clair whined.

"Told you," Ashely gloated.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Clair said sounding a little upset that he was right about having to study, "Whatever."

"So, are you not going to come to the game after school?"

"Let me talk to William after school, maybe he might want to go with us."

"Ok," Ashely said smiling. "I'll look forward to seeing you two there. Did you want another piece of gum?"

"Sure," Clair said grabbing another piece. "This one was losing its flavor anyway."

"There's a trash can-" Ashely started to say when he heard Clair gulp loudly. Ashely looked at Clair with a disgusted look. "Did you just swallow your gum?"

"Yeah," Clair said nonchalantly as she started to put the other piece of gum in her mouth.

"You know gum doesn't dissolve in your stomach," Ashely told Clair as they continued to walk to their next class.

"That's just a myth. I've been swallowing my gum since middle school, and I'm fine."

Ashely couldn't help but laugh at Clair's words, and William's plight as he heard the screaming coming from Clair's gut. Ashely realized that Clair was right as the screams started to die down until there was nothing left.




Ashely sat on the bleachers waiting for the football game to start. He thought that Clair wasn't going to show up, but at the last second, she arrived. "I thought you weren't going to make it."

"I wasn't going to," Clair told Ashely sounding upset.

"What happened," Ashely asked.

"It's William. I've been trying to reach him all day and he hasn't replied back," Clair told him.

"I'm sure it's fine, he might just be busy," Ashely remarked trying to easy Clair's mind on William.

"I don't know. Last night..." Clair said not finishing.

"What," Ashley asked.

"Well, we... we kissed and made out after his concert a little. I'm just thinking... was I a bad kisser? Is he avoiding me cause he didn't like it?"

"No," Ashely said putting a hand on her. "Clair if he's ignoring you than he's a shitty person. If he's a shitty person than you shouldn't give a shit about such a little shit like him."

Clair frowned at Ashely words, "Why are you using shit so much?"

Ashely just laughed and shrugged, "Just thinking about William bailing on you like that just make me so mad."

Clair gave Ashely a hug and thanked him, "Your right, if William wants to ignore me than he can go and be a piece of shit somewhere else."

Ashely couldn't help but laugh again. A piece of shit was what he was, and a lot closer than Clair knew.

No sooner did Ashely cheer Clair up did the football game start. Ashely watched as the football team rushed the field hyped for the match. The game wasn't even a close one. Ashely watched Big Bill knock down 3 people at once. Phil was on fire tonight as he was playing better than he ever had. Even the Virgin, Tim, was able to play and score some points. By the end of the game it was 48-3 and a complete stomp against the Bulldogs. Once the game was over Ashely rushed the field with the rest of the stands as they greeted their football team with cheers of approval.

"You guys murdered them," Ashely shouted at the football team.

"Fuck the Bulldogs," They chanted, laughing with Ashely at their inside joke that no one else knew about. As the crowd slowly dispersed from the field Ashley and a few others were still there with the football team as they grabbed their gear and leave for the locker room.

"I got you guys something for the victory," Ashely told everyone as they were heading back to the locker room.

"What," Phil asked.

Ashely just winked at him, "You'll see."

Curious Phil walked into the locker room as the rest of the football team was there looking down at a small wrapped up gift.

"What's that," Bill asked looking down at the small gift left on one of the benches in the locker room.

Phil picked it up and opened it up. No sooner did he open it did he laugh. The rest of the football team cheered and laughed as they saw the gift left by Ashely. It was a football jersey of the next team they would be playing against, with a note on it saying "Fuck the Turtles!"




It had been years and years since Charlie even remember being human. In fact, it was more like a dream of him being human than what he was now. Charlie could hear the chanting outside the bedroom that was his home. Charlie now didn't mind it as much, it was better than being locked away in a closet or drawer for 8 months completely forgotten about. Those were the worst times because Charlie could do nothing but wait until the football season started to be blown up and used like the sex toy he was designed for. At least when he was fucked, Charlie was able to pretend that he was still human, even if it meant being abused by the large burial football players. The tradition for Charlie to wear the uniform of the opposing team and then proceeding to pleasure the football players was all that Charlie was good for. At least when he heard the team cheer for their victories, he knew he did his job well.

Suddenly the door opened up and Charlie could hear the chant, "Fuck the Hornets!"

In walked the quarterback for this new season as he stumbled in drunk.

"Time to get ffffffffoooooked," He slurred his words as he gave Charlie a grin.

Charlie didn't even say anything after learning long ago it was pointless. He just waited as he listened to the familiar sound of a zipper being pulled down. The increased breathing of the male as he got closer and more excited at the idea of fucking Charlie.

It was the beginning of the season and Charlie had to make sure the team started it off with a win tomorrow.

Chapter End Notes:

Tell me what you all think.  Also if there are any mistakes, I know it's a long chapter, should I have split this up or is the length ok and not too long? 

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