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If bedlam had heralded Sepia’s arrival, then its subdued sibling gripped the village now. With almost clinical detachment Tenn evaluated their escape routes. The trunk of the tree was riddled with passageways but it had been sundered by the giantess’s growth spurt and the halls appeared to be flooded by her cum. That left only the rope bridges that lead to nearby trees, but all of those were well within Sepia’s vast reach. People everywhere waited at windows and doors, too terrified to stay but even more terrified of being the first to attempt an escape.

There were no clever words to escape this situation, Tenn knew. Elder Theo must have known it too because he had fallen to his knees, head hung in defeat. Fearful murmuring filled the air, broken only by the increasingly distressed groans of overtaxed wood.   

“No more volunteers?” Sepia waited, drawing out the moment before continuing, “Then I will start with you.” She plucked the slumped Elder from the platform and drew him to her lips. This time, instead of simply swallowing him whole she angled his body, slipped an arm between her teeth, and bit down. Theo screamed.

Sepia grinned.

The tiny morsel cracked and popped audibly as she chewed, her macabre smile never faltering. Theo continued to scream and howl and curse, twisting futilely in her grasp. Sepia appeared completely unaffected by Theo’s distress. “You vermin are surprisingly tasty,” she said. “I almost regret eating the first two so quickly.” With that she took another bite, this time a leg. Tenn looked away, he had wished- even prayed for Theo’s death but not… not like this. The elder’s screams devolved into unintelligible agony which Sepia rewarded with another bite. Losing more than half his limbs seemed to be the Elder’s limit. Mercifully, he passed out.

Tenn felt sick to his stomach. He should stop her, but how? Would his voice even reach? Would she listen? He had to try. Summoning all his strength he shouted “Wait!” But the shout came out as a gurgling wheeze, his lungs heavy with fluid. The village had disabled the one person who might have been able to save them, Tenn thought bitterly. All the beatings and humiliations he had suffered at their hands came rushing back and suddenly he no longer felt the need to shout. Let them suffer, he thought. Let them reap a goddess’s wrath.  

As though hearing his thoughts Sepia finished eating Theo and reached towards the nearest house. The roof wrenched off easily in her hand, revealing a small cluster of people. Their terrified screams rang out across the village until they reached Sepia’s mouth. It shut on them, cutting off their cries completely until her mouth opened again to chew. With each chomp of her massive teeth the screams became weaker until silence fell on the village once more. This time, it was short lived.

In a wailing tide, people flooded onto the platform and nearby branches. They made for the bridges, swarming in columns that unnervingly reminded Tenn of insects he had seen. Was that how he looked to Sepia now? Like a bug? Scooping villagers up by the dozen Sepia began to feast. No longer simply swallowing them she seemed to revel in pulping their helpless bodies in the reddening guillotine’s of her teeth. Tenn stared in horror-filled fascination while the dark shapes of everyone he knew were pulverized in Sepia’s jaws. Moonlight caught a glistening river of blood leaking from the corner of his lover’s mouth and Tenn shivered.

The first wave reached the bridges. Almost lazily, Sepia snapped the vines- flinging the bridges out into the darkness and sending villagers scrambling backward towards another escape. But there was no escape. One by one she dismantled every exit until the panicked mass of bodies milled about like ants on a disrupted mound. Satisfied her food wasn’t going anywhere Sepia resumed eating.

A single voice rose above the panicked din, “There’s no way out!”

Pandemonium struck. Some villagers braved the tunnels, sinking into the copious mire of Sepia’s juices. Others ran back into houses, desperately seeking shelter. Still others threw themselves from branches, falling silently into pyrrhic darkness. Most fell to the ground, despair overtaking them at last. Clutching each other they wept as Sepia gathered them up and ate them it hearty bites that crunched sickeningly. The crowds dwindled alarmingly fast. Popping roofs off houses Sepia slurped up their cowering contents, chewing contentedly.

Then she started to grow.

“Mmmm.” Sepia purred, “This is going to be a BIG ONE!” Despondent, the remaining villagers looked on in mute terror as the avatar of their destruction began to expand. Branches snapped as her shoulders widened, the trunk groaned mightily and the sharp cracking of timber accompanied Sepia’s heavy moans. “MORE” she yelled. Her hands worked feverishly, tearing into homes and sweeping up villagers- stuffing them ruthlessly into her maw. Her widening hips forced her legs to coil around the tree as her thighs expanded, splintering the trunk between them with by inexorable swelling larger. One of the thick branches that’s base was part of the platform finally surrendered to Sepia massive right tit, with a terrific snap it fell away from the tree. Suddenly unsupported the heavy breast wobbled, and careened into another branch- crushing a group of people beneath its incalculable weight. Sepia didn’t seem to notice.

“YES, MORE!” Her entire body pulsed larger accompanied by more cracking timber. Her left breast caving in the remainder of the platform, leaving the mighty branches that supported it dangling askew. She was pushing people recklessly between her lips, no longer bothering to chew. “MORE!” she howled with a crazed gleam in her eye. Was she looking at him? “ONE MORE!” As if on cue she pulsed larger again. Her legs stretched further down the trunk, and Tenn suspected the entire top half of the tree would have simply fallen off she released the pressure between her thighs. Doing quite the opposite, Sepia gyrated against the tree. This time her legs were not enough to steady it.

With a deafening roar of splintered wood, the trunk bent away exposing a splintered ruin. Hot white fluid gushed into the gaping wound and over the edge of the tree. Tiny shapes were caught in its flow, like bugs trapped in sap they oozed slowly down the trunk. Tenn clung to his perch, feeling vertigo as the entire world shifted beneath him.  

The whole village was tilted away from Sepia now, the top half of the tree leaned crazily as wod splintered and cracked. Branches bounced wildly and the tree bent further and further under her vast weight. Sepia cried out again, “ONE MORE!” And grew. Her hands struggled to grip the now pathetically tiny houses. They crumpled beneath her hands like paper. Her legs now much thicker than the trunk stretched far away into the darkness below. Her mountainous bust expanded again, grinding most of the remaining villagers to paste beneath their gelatinous tonnage.

Far below a series of popping and snapping sounds began percussing. The sound of the roots being ripped up, Tenn realized with shock. He looked at Sepia’s titanic body. Her back was arched away from the tree, with breasts like milky hills reflecting moonlight. The towering crowns that were her nipples could have pitched a tent large enough to shelter a family. Even for her size her breasts were huge, completely covering her ribs. They spilled over the crook of her arm when she reached out to tweak a nipple.

Tilted at this new angle Tenn could see what had allowed Sepia to maintain her precarious position. The growth of her legs and monumental backside had reach an adjacent tree. She was sitting on it; the trunk trapped between her enormous buttocks like a thong. Her voluptuous ass bent the entire top half of the tree at an angle opposite to the village. Sepia was effectively wedged between two trees, either large enough to house a village of his people- and neither able to fully support her weight. Tenn suddenly felt dizzy.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH,” Sepia screamed in ecstacy and Tenn clapped his hands over his ears, momentarily forgetting his need to hold on.

Suddenly, he was falling.

For a moment, time seemed to slow. Moonlight revealed the ravaged canopy. The ruined village. Everything he knew was gone. He wouldn’t miss it, he knew. It had never been good to him. With a pang of regret he realized it was all he would ever know.

Tenn plunged into darkness.

And stopped. The impact drove fluid from his lungs, clearing whatever had been blocking his throat. Flesh pressed against him, surrounding him with silky soft heat. Tenn opened his eyes. Sepia was there her face almost too vast to behold. “Think I’d forget you?”

Tenn was speechless. He could only stare: in wonder at her beautiful golden eyes larger now than his entire body, in awe of her dark hair glistening with sweat and thick as ropes, in lust at the pert lips that could easily smother his entire body with a kiss, and in fear at the bloody teeth those lips revealed in a smile.

He felt overwhelmingly puny and powerless. Like a seed blown by the wind, landed on the flank of some great beast. And yet... she was no beast and where he lay was no flank. Her breast was plush and warm beneath him. Her vengeance spent- her eyes were filled with something else. Something he had not seen before... Concern?

Her words were soft, barely more than a whisper, “I will not eat you, little one.”


Sepia scrutinized him for a long moment before looking away. Her cheeks reddened. Was she blushing? “Why don’t you come with me and find out,” she said cryptically.

Having only moments before resigned himself to death, Tenn decided to press his luck and said, “As your prisoner?”

Sepia was caught off guard, for the first time since they met she seemed uncertain. “No,” she said finally, “If you wish to go I will not stop you. But before you do I want to tend to your wounds. You won’t make it far as you are.”

If Tenn hadn’t already been lying down he surely would have needed to sit. He felt almost overwhelmed by her offer- nearly driven to tears with relief, but a little voice inside him still wanted something more. Gathering his wits and his courage he replied, “Well if I’m not your prisoner, what am I to you?”

Sepia rolled her eyes, which was a wildly dramatic gesture given her size. Then she leaned in for an even more dramatic gesture. Her breast lifted up and her lips pressed down, sandwiching Tenn between silky warmth and wet heat. Despite the pain still wracking his body, he became instantly aroused. When Sepia pulled back he very nearly cried out for her to come back. “Does that answer your question?” she said.

“If that’s an answer... I think you’re going to hear that question a lot.” Tenn said, smiling.

“Someone’s getting awfully full of himself.” Sepia said flatly, but couldn’t hide a smile.

The fear and despair, the anger and bitterness seemed to wash away in the aftermath of her kiss. Tenn stretched out on her bust, closed his eyes, and let his mind wander. His lover had a mouth that could swallow his passion or his life. Strange that red should represent both, he mused. He was only just beginning to understand the broad spectrum between the extremes of desire and fear. Those sepia tones.

A deep rumbling sounded far below.

Tenn eyes opened. “What was that?”

“My stomach.”

“Are you still hungry?” He asked, incredulous.

“No, but I feel one coming on.”

“One what?” Tenn barely got the words out before the world beneath him started to shift.

Sepia’s hot breath washed over him as she started to grow.

“One more.”



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