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Sepia fished his comatose body from the lake of her cum. Tenn fought a wave of vertigo as he rushed up towards her face.

“Where is the food?” she demanded.

He looked at her numbly, dazed.


Tenn looked around, and the jungle swam in his vision. He lifted an unsteady arm and pointed in the direction that felt right.

The world jumped and came crashing back.

Tenn’s stomach heaved as his tiny body absorbed the impact of her movement. She was running. Every once in a while she would slow long enough for to make him point again before leaping back into the brush.

Tenn lost track of time but judging by the soaked state of his clothes he guessed that it wasn’t long before they broke into the clearing. Tucked away behind leafy bushes on one side, and a dense thicket of nettles on the other lay the grand garden. Row after row of tilled land stretched before them. All of it secured by dozens of traps set against countless would-be poachers. None were effective against one such as her though. Sepia trampled their defenses with little notice or care.

Her grip on him tightened until his bones creaked. Tenn looked up to shout and saw fury in her eyes. The words died on his lips, replaced by a terror he’d not felt since their first night together. A fear birthed by the certainty of imminent death.

Sepia strode into the orchard, crushing vegetables underfoot on her path to the sweet fruit in the back. She stopped when she reached them and looked down at him, her rage barely restrained. “This is what they denied us.” She hissed. “This is is what they ate while we withered and died.”

Tenn struggled desperately to speak but breath came in painful, shallow draughts that burned his lungs and left him with nothing to release.

“Night after night they made us peel our skin for their gowns until our flesh cracked and bled. Day after day they offered to guide us to food. If only we would fetch them one more herb. One more fur. One more, one more, one more. Until there were NO MORE” Sepia’s hot breath blasted him with her rage. “Until we were no more…” A tear formed in the corner of her eye and began to run down her cheek. “Until it was only me.”  

Her grip on him loosened as she began crying in earnest and Tenn gasped for air, bracing himself against her trembling fingers. She sagged to the ground and he clutched her fingers tightly. He suddenly felt more lost and confused than ever before in his life. She might kill him at any moment and yet... a part of him accepted that. Even welcomed it. She had used him but she too had been used. He knew instinctively that her story was true. He had been the target of his kind’s capricious nature more than once. He could imagine their relishing of her suffering. And the thought of being lost in the jungle, alone…

Giant tears splashed against her thighs and Tenn’s heart broke. He looked up at her and said the only thing he could think of to say, “Take my life, if it will ease your suffering.”     

Sepia stared blankly before turning to look down at him, “What did you say?”

“I said you can take my life, if it will dry your eyes.”

Sepia sneered, but the cruelty in her mouth was blunted by tears still fresh on her cheeks “You offer me what is already mine to take. I will kill you when I feel like killing you.” When Tenn had no answer for that she continued, “And why would you care about my grief? You’re all liars.”

“Is it so strange that I wish you not to suffer?”

Sepia tossed her hair, flicking the words away like the buzzing of a fly “So much that you’d offer your life? Do not think me a fool. I remember your kind’s treachery. I sleep with their false words in my ears and dream of nothing but betrayal. You think I will deny you death and reward you for the noble offer? Your one, puny life for my family. My friends. Everyone I’ve ever known?”

Tenn felt his courage waver briefly and said, “If my life could be traded for the ones you’ve lost I would give it gladly. If it is in my power to offer you any measure of peace I will.”

“Words.” Sepia spat.

“I speak truly.” Tenn met her predatory gaze, for once unafraid

“Then tell me how to get your people. Tell me how to rip them from their homes as I was ripped from mine.” The glint of rage he’d seen in her eyes before blossomed now into a mad hunger. “Tell me how to get past the violet lilies!”

Tenn’s courage faltered once more yet he found his voice and said, “I do not know this flower.”

Her grip tightened so suddenly the air burst from his mouth before he registered the source of its impetus. “Liar!” her teeth gnashed at his face. “The deadly blossoms you line the trees with, the poison that was my prison.”

Tenn managed to gasp, “No… flower… my… village.” Sepia’s grip relaxed but her eyes remained hateful, mistrusting. Tenn cautiously cleared his throat, “You don’t have to trust me, I can show you. This place is right below one of our roads. Just look up.”

Sepia looked up for a long moment before returning her attention to him. The hate pooled in her eyes was disrupted by a wave of uncertainty, “Maybe there weren’t enough to cover this area, maybe you save them for your homes.”

Tenn shook his head. “This is our food supply. Our homes can be anywhere in the canopy, but our food must come from here. No place is better protected.”

“What protection?”

“There.” Tenn pointed. “Those brambles keep our boars, jungle cats, all manner of beast. And those.” He pointed again. “The leaves are smeared with scents to drive away foragers. Beneath them the ground is covered in traps for everything from the swarming aphid to the mighty horned beetle. Nothing gets in here that my village doesn’t want here.”

“Except for me.” Sepia said, her gaze finally relinquishing a measure of suspicion.

“I lead you here.”

“Because you had no choice.”

“You’re wrong, I had a choice. I could have died.”

Sepia’s eyes narrowed. “So you won’t die to protect your people’s food but you’ll give your life to stop me from crying? You expect me to believe that?”

Tenn paused, uncertain. “I do,” he said finally, looking away. Unable to hold her gaze any longer.

“Why? Why should I believe you?”

“Because I… I….” Tenn began but couldn’t finish, unable to meet her piercing stare.

“You what? You don’t tell lies? You’re different than the rest? Because we’ve been so chummy this last week? Give me even one reason to believe a word you say.” Sepia reconstructed her rage with every syllable.

“Because!” Tenn shouted, at last matching her fury, “I love you.”  

Silence hung thick in the air between them.

“That is ridiculous.” Sepia said at last.

“Why? Because you’re big and I’m small?” Anger sharpened his tongue.

“Yes, to start. Also you’ve been aware of my existence for but a week and know me not at all.”

“You’re wrong, I know you.”

“What do you know of me?” She hissed.

Tenn bristled against her anger. “I know you like to run your tongue along the spine of a fish when sucking the meat from its bones. I know you like to suck the juice from your fingers after eating berries. I know you tug your hair when you’re not sure what you want and you brush your knees three times whenever you stand. I know you favor warm rocks and sunshine on your face and hate the slimy stones in the river bed. I know you hum to yourself whenever you forget that I am there and stop whenever you remember. I know because while you may forget about me, I’ve never once stopped watching you.”

“Those are just habits. They don’t mean anything.”

“Then tell me the things that seeing will not reveal. I am here. I am listening.”

Sepia stared at him for a long time. More than once Tenn thought to break the silence but found he had nothing more to say. Finally she spoke, “Lets say that I believe you. What of it? You are no fit mate, and I could never bear your children.”

“I don’t want children, and I seemed fit enough an hour ago.”

His retort earned a smirk. “Don’t flatter yourself, I had to finish what you started.”

“I nearly won our contest, in another moment you would have moved whether the stone toppled or not.”

“Is that so?”

“It is.” Tenn stood defiantly in her palm.

“Then maybe I should give you another chance.”

“Stacking stones?”

“I had something more direct in mind.”

Tenn’s arms folded, “I’m listening.”

“If you can make me cum, without my help, I’ll accept that you love me. Or at least that you think you do.”

“Agreed.” Tenn said without hesitation.

“And if you lose... “ Sepia’s smirk vanished and her tone dropped menacingly. “I will hear you beg for death.”


Sepia appeared determined to ignore him. Immediately after making their bargain she began pillaging the garden. She moved mechanically, setting to her task with grim determination. Fruits, vegetables, roots all were consumed with barely a pause to chew. The gentle moans of contentment she often gave while eating were missing, replaced by the sound of gnashing teeth and fruit being pulped in her cavernous mouth. More than his village would eat in a week. If she continued at this rate she would the garden would be reduced to desolation in short days. Tenn could not repress a shudder.

Suddenly, her legs began to move. Massive furrows of rich soil heaped behind her heels as her enormous feet plowed the soft soil. Dirt piled nearly to her ankles before tumbling away to either side. Tenn marveled at the force she effortlessly exerted. A single thoughtless gesture excavated massive trenches that would have taken him all day to dig. He had done just that many times in the past. But he had other work now.  

Her massived sex loomed ahead above an ass planted firmly against the ground, sparing him what would have been a near-impossible climb. Her clothing, however, presented a problem. The tight plant fiber hugged her mons like a second skin. The only gap was where the material puckered out where it met her waist.

Approaching the edifice of her body Tenn was grateful for his skill as a climber. The space between her panties and upper thigh was a sheer face and would require considerable skill to scale. Wedging his body in the crevice between the hot flesh of her thigh thigh and her taint he began to climb. It was slow going. When he was nearly halfway up Sepia’s enormous body shook with laughter. Tenn pressed with all his strength, clinging tightly to her hot flesh as tremors ran through her thigh.

“That tickles.” A voice boomed overhead.

Arms wobbling, sweaty palms beginning to slip against her silken skin Tenn pushed hard with his legs, momentarily relieving the strain on his arms. Fighting fatigue he finally crested the middle of her thigh. The remainder curved away in a steep slope that nevertheless allowed his legs to continue pushing him up the wall of her body.He staggered to a halt atop her leg. Catching his breath, he spared a glance up towards the summit.

Sepia continued to shovel food into her mouth as though the garden were going to evaporate any moment. Tenn wondered if he should have led her here. The village would be hard pressed to find enough food to last the coming season without this garden. More immediately concerning-  the sight of it had clearly enraged Sepia. And if her story was true... The thought alarmed him. Would his people really commit such cruel deception? Unsettling intuition told him they would. Dark memories swam like serpents beneath the surface of his thoughts threatening to breach his tenuous hold on calm. The shadow of his enormous captor fell over him and Tenn wrapped his arms tightly against a shiver and turned the dark thoughts away.

The gap in Sepia’s panties was, as he had hoped, wide enough for him to squeeze under. Gathering his courage Tenn sprang into action. His tiny feet pounded against her thigh in a rapid pitter patter. He jumped, arms wide, over the chasm between her thighs. Air churned silently beneath his flailing feet. He reached out desperately for the edge of her garment and his hand snatched the edge of the material. Swinging his body with the force of the leap, he used the momentum to carry him up and over the lip of her garment.

Pubic hair tangled about his feet as he slipped betwixt her massive thighs. Instantly, the heat increased two fold and he found each breath scented heavily with her musk. His foot snagged and he twisted, rolling against the sensitive flesh of her crotch until he rebounded off the hood of her clit. He dangled helplessly for a few moments as a wave of dizziness passed before carefully extracting himself from the web of her vine-like hairs.

The panties turned out to be a boon. Tenn used their taut surface to brace his back and began a tetherless repel deeper into the darkness of her nether region. The smell was intoxicating- an indescribable earthy spice that wrapped his thoughts in a lustful cocoon. Hope of pleasing her quickened into an overwhelming need. Tenn threw himself forcefully at the towering pink lips of her pussy. The furnace heat of her flesh sweat-soaked him in moments. Slowly, the massive orifice admitted his lubricated body between the tight lips of her sex. He kicked and squirmed and wriggled his way deeper; first an arm, then a shoulder, then a foot and a leg. His torso was just beginning to slide between her pink walls when he became stuck fast.

Tenn struggled furiously for a moment to try and back out but the sweat that had aided him a moment before betrayed his efforts, causing his hands to slip ineffectually against her glistening pink lips. Another spastic bout of laughter erupted from Sepia with enough force to rattle his bones. “I feel you squirming down there.” Her voice boomed. Tenn let the shaking pass before deciding to try another tactic. Muggy heat and the steady pressure of her tight-lipped vagina made every breath an effort. He hooked his ankle against one lip and grabbed the edge of the other and pulled with all his might. Muscles shaking with effort Tenn felt his body ever-so-slowly start to pull free. All at once his hand slipped and his hooked ankle went skidding along the slick surface. Like a mire, her sex sucked back the scant inches of progress he’d made.

“Are you’re stuck?” The question was punctuated with another laugh. Tenn flushed with shame as his body was pummeled by Sepia’s derisive laughter. A flood of emotions poured over him: humiliation, anger, sadness, and the spectre of self-loathing. The taunts of the villagers, the hard fists of his peers, the cruel laughter of girls- all came rushing back in an unwanted tide. He had thought Sepia different: dominant, but not cruel. Not so eager to see him fail... not like everyone else he knew. Tears stung Tenn’s eyes, mingling with sweat and the cloying humidity of her sex.

Sepia’s voiced thundered again, “Serves you right. What made you think you could satisfy me without my help?” To Tenn’s surprise her tone was admonishing rather than mocking. Had he mistaken amusement for contempt? Sepia continued “Now you can stay there until I’m finished.” When the last vibrations of her voice faded Tenn slumped over in exhaustion, allowing her sex to hold him in its suffocating embrace.

Sepia continued eating with abandon.

The crunch of vegetables and the squish of fruits percussed rhythmically as she devoured tons upon tons of the village’s winter stores. There was no accurate way to track her progress but he was certain she’d already eaten her fill from the garden- and yet she showed no signs of stopping. If anything her feasting became faster and more erratic. Suddenly, Sepia released a cacophonous moan and everythings began to change.

For a moment Tenn thought she was moving. The taut panties began to pull closer, the heavy lips of her pussy shifted and the already overpowering scent intensified. One moment he was stuck fast and the next the hot walls of her cunt slid over him in a surge of flesh. He started to shout but hot fluid rushed into his open mouth and nose. Sputtering Tenn flailed desperately to get free. No longer trapped he’d lost all sense of up and down.

All around him he felt the hot fleshy walls slipping against his skin, and even hotter fluid filling every gap. Blind and choking, terror possessed him and he kicked furiously. His fingers clawed at the slick walls and his feet kicked into her slimy depths. Juices were everywhere, thicky and heavy. His lungs strained to bursting then- coolness on his cheek. Tenn opened his mouth and gulped air in tortured gasps.

Vision dimmed from lack of oxygen and blurred by a film of milky fluid Tenn sucked down panicked breaths until his terror subsided. When at last his vision cleared he could see Sepia’s panties drawing closer and closer as they tightened against her body. There wasn’t much room between her opening and where they conformed to the lips of her pussy. Thinking quickly he twisted his body, putting his back toward the ground. A pink crevasse stretched before him crowned by slick button of flesh.

Extracting himself from her hole Tenn pulled himself inch by inch through her pink valley. Her panties were constricting quickly, forcing him to worm up her slit towards the bulbous head of her clit. The growing pink nub tented the material around it, offering shelter from the increasingly tight garment. Reaching it at last he huddled beneath the tender pink flesh and marveled at its size. Once his head might have matched it- no longer. It was wider than his torso and taller than his knee.

The growth had stopped and he was trapped in a space eerily similar to a tent. The thick plant material stretched overhead, angled downward toward the edge of her lips leaving a slim margin of a few feet above him and a couple more to either side. The space was almost unbearably humid, the air redolent with her scent. With each labored breath Tenn felt his panic ease, and soft, cottony delirium return. He had experienced it enough times to guess her smell was the cause, but as his mind drifted that knowledge seemed less important than pleasing her.

Tenn reached out and found the rubbery flesh of her clit slick beneath his palms. Its hot surface slid easily beneath his hands as they traced its circumference. On his stomach Tenn hugged the erect pillar of flesh and unthinking, gave it a bite. His teeth scraped over its slick, rubbery surface and filled his mouth with salty moisture- a mixture of sweat and more intimate fluids. He tasted it again, savoring the flavor. Her flavor. The smooth surface was pleasant on his tongue and he hugged her tighter in gratitude. He began lapping at it, hungry for more.

It wasn’t long before another moan rocked through her body and into him, followed by an even more powerful shudder that his battered body painfully absorbed. But the pain seemed distant, as though it belonged to someone else. Tenn continued caressing and nuzzling her with feverish devotion. Heat rose in steamy waves from her sensitive flesh, adding to the sweltering quarters. Moisture began to condense into a shallow pool that squelched whenever he moved.

Far above, moans began to interrupt the crunch of vegetables with greater and greater frequency. There was a frustrated urgency to her voice that Tenn didn’t understand. Was he not satisfying her? He redoubled his efforts, ignoring the suffocating heat he stroked her clitorus up and down with every ounce of his strength. He was rewarded by a slight shift in the nub as moved it ever so slightly toward him before springing back into place. Delighted he pulled again to similar results; the tip of the pink pedestal rustled across the underside of her panties. On the third pull Sepia went wild.   

A wordless howl rang across the garden like nothing he’d ever heard.

Tenn clapped his hands over his ears too late- a shrill note echoed in his skull. All at once the landscape shifted, the pink walls pressed closer, the canvas fabric bunched and a gush of hot, sticky fluid began to fill the tiny space. The hot goo pushed up between his toes then over his knees- filling every crevice as it rose. A shadow crossed overhead followed by a powerful pressure. Air exploded from Tenn’s lungs as cum crested his shoulders. He stretched his neck, angling his head away from the rising tide. Ears ringing, nearly suffocated, his addled mind’s survival instinct triggered too late.

Another shriek rent the air and the white wave surged upward, sealing his sticky coffin.

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