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Chris’s head was still spinning from all the excitement. After Noreen’s giant foot had stepped right on top of him as he was lay prone in the bathroom carpet, he never expected that he’d actually stick to it, held in place by Noreen’s own dried secretions. It was a terrifying ride; Chris was screaming the entire time, but his voice was so small that Noreen couldn’t hear him. Though he’d been stuck under Shannon’s foot just a couple days ago, this time he was face out; it wasn’t much better, however, as now he could see the dangers coming with each step, wondering if each was going to be the step that ended him.
Even when Noreen was standing in the kitchen by herself with no one around, she still couldn’t hear him (at least, he thought she couldn’t). Chris certainly got an earful though, when Noreen used her toes to scratch her leg; the scraping sound was unbearably loud, and Chris couldn’t even cover his ears. He wondered if Shannon would ever find them.
Eventually, however, Noreen stopped moving, and the weight upon him lessened; yet, Chris remained firmly in darkness. He figured she must’ve been sitting on the couch with her feet on the floor.
His relief, however, was short lived. It wasn’t long before Noreen had gotten up and started walking around again. Thankfully, though, it didn’t last long; plus, he could hear Shannon talking in the background. Chris tried calling for help again, but all his cries were muffled, not to mention the booming voices of the two giantesses drowned him out.
Then, Chris felt himself lifted high into the air; he watched helplessly as he flew over Noreen’s left leg and back towards the floor, stopping about halfway up. He was already nauseous from that journey when Noreen started swinging her foot back and forth and bouncing her leg up and down. At one point he threw up, the vomit all but disappearing within the carpet below. He was begging for her to stop, but the torture persisted. When it finally did, Chris was lifted up once again as Noreen rested her right ankle over her left leg.
His eyes grew wide with excitement; he had a direct line of sight to Shannon. Just the sight of her filled him with hope, eager for her to pry him off Noreen‘s foot. Chris’s joy only increased when he was finally discovered, but his happiness turned to anger and frustration when Shannon refused to tell Noreen that he was there. It wasn’t long before he was in a tug-of-war between Noreen and Shannon: one trying to pull her leg back, and he other trying to pull the foot towards her. When Shannon finally won the contest, Chris was hoping the torture was over, but he then had to endure Shannons giant finger nearly squishing him; not once, but twice!
Then, when Noreen’s giant face came into view, Chris gritted his teeth, wondering exactly how she’d react. His answer came swiftly: Noreen freaked, almost screaming at the sight of him. He was swung violently as he felt himself lifted high in the air, the floor directly below.
This was it, Chris thought, she’s going to squish me! Luckily, at the last second, Shannon came to the rescue. Noreen toppled onto the couch and he nearly vomited again. Soon, another giant finger came into view, but Shannon appeared overhead, telling Noreen to look at the bottom of her foot. Finally, after over an hour of torture inside her panties, inside her vagina, and underneath her foot, Noreen finally discovered Chris.

“Oh my God! CHRIS?!” Noreen exclaimed, covering her mouth in shock. “What the hell?! How did...? Wha-Why are you...? WHAT?!”
Noreen was so dumbfounded seeing Chris squirming on the bottom of her foot, and had so many questions trying to come out all at once, that she’d completely lost the ability to form complete sentences. Shannon, meanwhile, was reeling from the unexpected revelation and had to calm her down.
“Noreen,” Shannon said, “just calm down, okay?”
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?!” Noreen flustered, “Shannon, Chris....he’s....he’s....T-TINY!”
“I know, girl. I know. Please, just relax. Okay? Take some deep breaths.”
Noreen obeyed, nearly hyperventilating. Eventually, her breathing started to slow enough to start speaking again.
“Okay....okay. I’m calm....I’m calm.” Noreen repeated, composing herself. “Shannon, why is Chris so small? And why....is he stuck to my foot?”
“Sweetie, look, I know you have a lot of questions, and I promise I will explain everything, but first, I’ve got to get Chris off your foot. Do you have any tweezers?”
Noreen was staring at Chris, mouth gaped open, and so mesmerized at his situation, that she neither heard nor responded to Shannon’s question.
“Noreen!” Shannon said, grabbing Noreen’s jaw and pulling her head up to reestablish eye contact, “Honey, focus. Your tweezers, where are they?”
“Tweezers....right,” Noreen stammered. “Um, u-upstairs bathroom....uh, le-left-hand....drawer.”
“OK,” Shannon replied, currently breathing just as rapidly as Noreen, “Sit tight. Don’t move. I’ll be right back. Just don’t....move!”
Noreen nodded and Shannon took off, her eyes watched Shannon disappear, stomping up the stairs. Then nervously turned her head back to the tiny teenager on her foot, unsure of what she was supposed to say.

Chris, in the meantime, had been squirming and wiggling, trying to loosen himself from Noreen’s sole. Even being discovered hadn’t helped to calm his nerves; he wanted to be free from his sticky situation before anything else unexpected happened. As Shannon was trying to calm Noreen down, Chris was starting to feel the hopelessness of his predicament. He still hadn’t displayed any signs of growing back to normal, and, at this rate, he wondered if he’d even survive long enough for it to happen. He just wanted this day—nay, this whole stupid week to be over with. Furthermore, he was so embarrassed from what had just happened with Noreen that he didn’t want to talk about it, with either giantess, hoping that Shannon would just get him unstuck, take him home, and not do anything crazy until he was big again.
Secretly, though, Chris was worried that wouldn’t be the case at all. Noreen and Shannon were practically best friends, and Shannon would probably admit the whole thing. What’s worse, what if Shannon not only explains everything to Noreen, what if....what if Shannon convinced Noreen to have a little playtime herself? Noreen may have been a lot nicer to Shannon, but Shannon could be very persuasive. After all, she gotten him to chug the spiked beer that made him shrink in the first place. Chris felt doomed to be a plaything the whole time he was tiny; he felt there was no way out.
At that very moment, Noreen turned her head back from watching Shannon disappear upstairs. Her giant gaze fell upon him. Their eyes met; in that instant, Chris could see right into Noreen’s soul. The look she returned wasn’t one of fascination, apprehension, or even disgust: it was one of genuine concern—concern, fear, and possibly even sadness. This wasn’t the expression of someone who wanted to hurt him; this was someone who wanted to help. Noreen may have been Shannon’s friend, but her demeanor was far different towards him; much more kind. She might be just the person to keep him safe. Chris knew that even with Shannon upstairs currently, his time alone with Noreen would be short; he needed her help, NOW!

Noreen almost couldn’t bring herself to look at the tiny Chris again. She felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment mixed with concern. She couldn’t believe it! Never in her wildest dreams could she ever have imagined that a person could get so tiny, let alone that that person would be Chris, a boy on several occasions she took care of. She felt she should talk to him while Shannon was upstairs, but she wasn’t sure what she should say. It was quite an awkward situation, holding a conversation with a tiny boy currently stuck to her foot. She wondered exactly how he’d gotten there, but she already knew the awful truth.
Noreen took a breath, about to address him, when she heard Chris uttering tiny squeaks and wiggling hysterically.
“Hey kiddo, it’s OK,” Noreen cooed, “just relax.”
Noreen strained to make out his tiny voice.
“Don’t worry, Chris. Just hang on,” she assured him. “We’re going to get you off. Shannon will be back soon.”
“....Noreen....save me....”
“I-I know, sweetie. We’ll save you, don’t worry.”
Noreen saw Chris pull his head up off her sole; he was shaking it frantically.
“Sweetie, I’m sorry,” Noreen sighed, “I can barely hear you. What are you trying to say?”
Noreen listened intently and Chris shouted as clearly as he could.
“What?!” Noreen was taken aback. “Chris, what do you mean? H-How could SHANNON have done this?!”
Just then, they both heard Shannon pounding back down the steps.
“No, Noreen,” Chris tried to squeak, “don’t let her take me back! You have to help me!”
“Shh!” Noreen hushed his squeaking, not hearing a word of the rest of the conversation.
“Okay, I’ve got the tweezers,” Shannon said, getting down on her knees next to the couch. “Now, give me your foot carefully.”
Noreen nodded, reluctantly pushing her foot towards Shannon.
“OK. Now, don’t move!” Shannon demanded.
Noreen sat perfectly still as Shannon grasped her ankle to keep the foot steady. Slowly, she moved the tweezers closer to the stuck teenager. Chris shied away instinctively as the giant prongs came in close. They contacted Noreen’s sole just off to his right, she flinched reactively.
“Noreen, sit still!” Shannon snapped.
“Sorry, I’m a little ticklish,” Noreen replied nervously.
Shannon continued the rescue operation, instructing Chris to grab the prong. Chris gripped it tightly with his right hand as Shannon lifted it slightly. The tiny boy’s arm loosened; he tried holding on longer, but lost his grip, slamming back to the surface like a rubber band. Shannon gritted her teeth as she tried to move the tweezers closer to him. This time, Chris was able to wrap his whole right arm around the prong; as Shannon lifted it, he was finally pulled free. Shannon quickly dropped him into her hand.
“Chris,” she sighed with relief, “sweetie, are you all right?”
Chris simply sat in Shannon’s palm and nodded, embarrassed about where he’d been.
“Okay Shannon,” Noreen said, “I wanna know what’s going on. How did Chris get so small?”
“Look Noreen,” Shannon replied, “it’s a little hard to explain.”
“Well, you might want to try, ‘cause I’m a little freaked out over here.”
“Well, you see....it all started Saturday morning. We were...”
“Saturday?!” Noreen interrupted. “You mean he’s been like this for two days?!”
“....Yes,” Shannon reluctantly admitted. “Now, would you lower your voice, please?”
Noreen huffed and motioned for Shannon to continue.
“As I was saying,” Shannon continued, “Saturday morning, Chris....drank a little bit of this potion that I have that makes things smaller.”
“Wh-wait,” Noreen interrupted, “potion? Wh-What potion?”
“It’s just a potion I have for shrinking things and he drank some of it.”
“What?!” Noreen reeled.
“But don’t worry, OK? I’ve been taking good care of him.”
Chris nearly flipped when he heard Shannon’s statement. He immediately hopped up and began jumping up and down, cursing the giantess. Noreen caught Chris’s temper tantrum, though she couldn’t make out what he was squeaking.
“Uh huh,” Noreen said dubiously, “Something tells me Chris doesn’t exactly agree.”
Shannon saw Chris’s actions and glowered at him, subconsciously telling him to be quiet.
“Okay,” Shannon admitted, “so, there may have been a few....incidents.”
Chris’s squeaks became even louder.
“What kind of incidents, Shan?”
“Well....” Shannon hesitated, “there may have been a couple times that I accidentally.... misplaced him.”
“Why do I get he feeling there’s more to it than that?” Noreen queried, crossing her arms.
“Okay, so we’ve had some close calls, but he’s fine,” Shannon said quickly.
“Shannon, he’s not ‘fine’: he’s the size of a flea!” Noreen scolded. “And why do I get the feeling these ‘close calls’ are a lot more serious than you’re letting on?”
“Look, we don’t need to go into all the details, OK? The important thing is Chris is safe now.”
“SAFE?! You call this ‘SAFE’?! Shannon, look at him!”
“Noreen, would you please calm down.”
“How exactly am I supposed to be calm about this?!”
“By not panicking, first off.”
“Yeah,” Noreen said sarcastically, “in the meantime, what are we going to do about Chris?!”
“We just have to wait till it wears off, OK?”
“Well, how long until it wears off?”
“I’m, uh, not entirely sure.”
“Look, it’s not permanent, OK? It’ll wear off eventually.”
“How can you be sure, Shannon?” Noreen asked dubiously. “What if he’s stuck like this?!”
“My thoughts exactly!” Chris squeaked, though neither giantess heard him.
“Look, I just know what to wear off, OK? In the meantime, I really need you to keep it a secret, please?”
“That’ll be kind of hard to do if it doesn’t wear off before his folks get home,” Noreen remarked.
“Noreen, I told you: it’ll wear off. It’ll just take a little time.”
“And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?! Keep him in a cage?! Christ, he was under my foot, for Pete’s sake! I-I could’ve squashed him!”
“Noreen, I know, but look: he’s alive and intact, relatively speaking. He’ll be OK.”
“He’s NOT ‘OK’, Shannon! Geez! Why do I get the feeling this isn’t the first time something like this has happened?!”
“Um, well....” Shannon hesitated, scratching the back of her head with her free hand.
“Oh....my....God!” Noreen exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands. “It’s a miracle he’s still alive!”
“I know this looks bad, sweetie, but he’s a lot more resilient than you think!”
Noreen was about to respond to Shannon’s surprisingly offhanded statement, when she recalled Chris’s accusation.
“Shannon,” Noreen asked sternly, “why do I get the feeling that YOU’RE responsible for this?”
Shannon was like a deer caught in headlights.
“BECAUSE SHE IS!” Chris yelled.
“Chris!” Shannon scolded.
“Shannon, you did this on PURPOSE?!” Noreen exclaimed.
“Um, well...” Shannon stammered.
“Shannon?” Noreen asked forcefully.
“Look, I was....just trying to have a little fun, that’s all.”
“Trying to have FUN?!” Noreen yelled. “Shannon, what were you THINKING?! How could you do this?!”
“Noreen, please,” Shannon begged, dumping Chris onto the arm of the couch, “let me explain...”
“No, Shannon!” Noreen said firmly. “This is....this is....absolutely BEYOND rational! You’re supposed to be taking care of Chris, not torturing him! Especially not like this!”
“Noreen, I told you I was taking care of him until it wears off.”
“Yeah, well you’re doing a pretty lousy job, Shannon! Speaking of which, how exactly did Chris get here in the first place?!”
“*Sigh* We we’re taking a walk when I ran into you. He must’ve fallen out from my...Uh, where I was keeping him.”
“Wh-Why would you take him for a walk when he’s like THIS?!”
“Because we’d been cooped up in the house for 2 days and I needed to get some air.”
“Jeez, Shannon. You mean he was under my foot since my WALK?!”
“No!” Shannon denied. “I mean, I don’t think so.”
Noreen turned back to Chris, who was watching the two women bickering his whole time, and knelt down near the couch.
“Chris,” Noreen said quietly, “where were you this whole time?”
Chris turned beet red; he was too embarrassed to admit the truth.
“It’s OK, hun,” Noreen reassured him. “I won’t get mad, OK?”
“Well,” Chris said, “You were in the bathroom and I was trying to get your attention by pounding on your foot. You didn’t see me and stepped right on top of me!”
“So, it was YOU in the bathroom and not some bug?” Noreen replied. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry.”
Chris shamefully look downward.
“But, that doesn’t explain how you got HERE, to my place.” Noreen continued.
“Um, well,” Chris squeaked, “Shannon had me....between her....boobs....when she saw you.”
“Shannon!” Noreen remarked irritably.
“And, uh, while you two were talking,” Chris continued, “I, kinda, fell into your....*gulp* underwear.”
“In my...WHAT?!” Noreen exclaimed, standing up, motioning and cupping her hands over her mouth, “You mean you were...the whole time I was...but that means you were...the itch I felt was...YOU WERE IN MY...”[*]
The epiphany was too much for Noreen to handle. She couldn’t even finish her sentence; her body went limp, falling backwards. Shannon reacted quickly, catching her friend and dragging her over to the couch, positioning Noreen’s head at one end of the couch and her feet on the other. Chris scurried out of the way of Noreen’s falling head as Shannon laid her on the couch.
“Good Lord, you killed her!” Chris exclaimed.
“Oh, she’s not dead!” Shannon scoffed at his ridiculous statement. “She just passed out. Now, sit tight for a second while I get her situated.”
Chris simply threw his arms up in the air, as if giving up, and watched intently as Shannon finished working, crossing Noreen’s arms across her chest.
“There now,” Shannon remarked, admiring her work.
“Shannon,” Chris called over, “what are you doing?”
“I’m laying her on the couch so it looks like she fell asleep. That way I can convince her the whole thing was just a dream.”
Chris stood in shock. His one chance for salvation from Shannon’s torment was passed out on the couch. It was as if Shannon were trying to erase any knowledge of his existence. Chris didn’t know what to do: he didn’t want to leave Noreen, but he wouldn’t have much choice.
While Shannon reached down for the sack of remedies, Chris frantically tried to wake Noreen back up.
“Noreen! Noreen, wake up! Wake up, please!” he shouted. “NOREEN, WAKE UP!”
“Chris you little bugger!” Shannon remarked, catching his attempt to rouse Noreen. “Come here!”
Shannon’s giant hand reached for the tiny boy; Chris tried to get away, but lost his balance and fell on his butt. Before he could recover, Shannon’s huge fingers wrapped around him. He yelped in fear as his cries were cut off.
Shannon kept her fist closed as she walked over to the door, maneuvering the bag she was holding onto her wrist to open the door. She pulled the door open and stepped outside.
“Sweet dreams, sweetie,” Shannon called as she closed the door.
She headed down the walkway to the sidewalk, as made her way down the street and around he corner. Once she was well out of sight if Noreen’s duplex, Shannon checked to see if the coast was clear, then bent down to drop the sack and carefully open her hand.
“You naughty little boy,” she scolded. “Trying to get away from me.”
“Look, Shannon...” Chris tried to explain.
“I thought we had an agreement, Chris: no one finds out about you being small. It’s our little secret.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t have been in this mess if it wasn’t for you.” Chris replied irritably. “You were the one who insisted on going for a walk. It’s not MY fault I got squished between your boobs and dropped into Noreen’s panties!”
“Hm, must’ve been kinda fun for you,” Shannon giggled.
“It wasn’t ‘FUN’,” Chris angrily retorted, “I was scared to death! I was stuck inside her the whole time she was exercising! I almost got SQUISHED!”
“Well anyway,” Shannon said bluntly, “I think we need to have a little talk about your trying to get away, but first, we need to get you home. I’ve got a long walk ahead of me.”
Shannon reached for the neckline of her shirt and pulled it open; Chris started squeaking in protest:
“Uh uhn, no way Shannon! I’m not going in there again! Not after all the trouble I went through!”
“Chris, we’ve got at least a half hour walk before we get home. I have to put you somewhere safe.”
“Can’t you just hold me in your hand?” Chris whined.
“I could, but I’m NOT holding my hand closed the whole time, not after that stunt you pulled.”
“But Shannon...”
“No ‘but’s little man, now where can I put you?”
“Well, I’m NOT going in between your breasts again,” Chris said sternly, “and just in case you get any thoughts, I’m not going in your panties again either—front or back. I’ve had enough of THAT for one day!”
“You’re absolutely right, Chris: I can’t put you those places, and I don’t have pockets, so there’s only one place left.”
While Chris was inquiring where he was going to ride, out of sight, Shannon slowly slipped her right foot out of her flip-flop, then squatted down.
“Hey!” Chris uttered at the sudden drop in altitude, “Shannon, what are you doing?!”
“Hang on!” Shannon remarked.
Without warning, she dumped her hand. Chris shouted in fear as he fell, quickly landing on the soft surface of her flip-flop. Chris knew exactly where he was! The odor was strong and pungent; it was even worse than Noreen’s feet, the foam cushion having absorbed months of Shannon’s foot sweat.
“Ew, Yuck!” Chris exclaimed, “Shannon, why’d you put me down here?!”
“Sorry, little guy, I can’t hear you,” she replied, standing back up.
“Shannon WAIT! What are you doing?!”
“OK, little guy,” she called down, “hang on.”
Chris watched in horror as Shannon’s giant, fat foot came right for him, her toes crawling along the surface, pulling the sandal onto her foot, and teasing the tiny boy.
Before he’d finished his shouts for mercy, Chris began running in the opposite direction of Shannon’s approaching foot, but with each tug of the sandal by Shannon’s plump toes crawling along the surface impeded his progress. Realizing he’d never make it to the edge, Chris ran straight towards the toe strap, thinking it might be a safe spot if he could just get to the other side; but by the time he’d reached it, Shannon’s toes surrounded him. He saw the sticky crevices between the giant toes, dripping with sweat, coming straight for him. Chris pressed his back against the scrap, putting his hands in front of his face to brace for impact; thankfully, the giant foot stopped just before reaching him.
“OK sweetie,” Shannon called down, “now, strap yourself in.”
“What are you talking about, Shannon?!” Chris shouted up. “I’m NOT riding in your stinky sandal with your smelly ass feet! Ick, Shannon, it stinks down here! What did you do, walk 20 miles?!”
“Honey, it’s the only place left that I can keep you,” Shannon grinned.
“Sorry hun, no can do. Now, I’d strap in if I were you, otherwise you might go flying off.”
“SHANNON, PLEASE!” Chris begged.
“Do it now, or you’ll find yourself riding in my panties for the entire trip, and I’ll leave you there the rest of the day!”
Not wanting to endure any more undue torture, Chris relented, hastily finding a way to brace himself for the upcoming walk.
“Now, if I hear any more complaints out of you before we get home,” Shannon warned, “ I’ll take the long way home.”
“Wait! WHAT?!”
Chris couldn’t utter another word; Shannon’s foot slid the rest of the way into her sandal, pressing the tiny boy between the strap and the crevice between her big and second toes. Chris’s face was now buried, and nearly his whole body enveloped, in sweaty skin, covered in toe jam. He was struggling and pleading for mercy, but Shannon had started walking, paying no heed to his tiny plight. Even if she could hear his cries, she’d simply ignore them. Chris was in dire need of rescue from his captor, but it seemed help would never come. Regardless, he’d have to endure the torture in its entirety while Shannon made the journey back to his house.
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