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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the longer than usual delay between updates, my work life took a toll here, and when I came hom I simply couldn't write... Anyway, I hope you like this chapter ! We will return to Lindsey soon, and this one is "introducing" the shadier part of this world, in a sense.

Feel free to comment :)

Chapter 30: One, Two, Thressome

“No we won’t” said Alejandro, standing his ground before his standing and clearly hornier by the second, fiancée. “No way we’re doing it, that’s just fucked up.”

“Come on! It’s just some hours of harmless fun. She’ll get a good amount of money, hush money, and sign a waiver to make sure she won’t talk about it to anyone. And of course, she’ll get some advantages if she ever want to work for me. I’m generous like that. It’s no big deal, really, when you think about it, peoples do it all the times. You should meet Alexa, a friend of mine, she does something like that every other night!”

“Yeah, well I’m not engaged wit that woman. And I would like you to understand how terrible what you’re planning truly is. First, you want to commit an act you know is frowned upon, even in a society as hyper-sexually charged as the one we live in, so it’s a demerit. Then you want to leverage your fame, power and general ability to achieve whatever you want to corrupt a young girl. That’s a 10 out of 10 on the Fucked Up Scale” huffed Alejandro, counting on his hand.

“What? How is that a demerit? I can do everything in this country. Baby, I could kill a man live on TV. and peoples would still support me. That’s the world we live in, and while I want to make it fairer for your kind, I know its rules, and I actually happens to like some of them. I can’t see why I wouldn’t make the best of it for us!”

“I thought you told me that your psychiatrist had left you off the hook” grumbled Alejandro. “Because it’s starting to sound as if you went to see a hack!”

“Hey! He’s very competent. It’s not his fault he sported a crazy boner during our last session and…”

“He did what!?” yelled the young Minor, utterly baffled at this revelation.

“It wasn’t like that!” tried to explain Shannon, surprised by his outburst, apparently, even if he couldn’t understand why. It was almost as if she was falling back to old and bad habits. “He hadn’t before and he put an end to the sessions after it. He never tried anything indecent really!”

“Yeah? Well you’d still better try and find some other therapist to meet, young lady! Not everything can be solved by brute force, influence or sex! Sometimes, you have to actually earn things!”

“But haven’t I earned my fame, my wealth?” countered the gigantic MAJOR. “I mean, only my body was given to me by chance, and it isn’t that powerful in the long run.”

“It’s plenty powerful from where I am” huffed Alejandro.

In fact, it was particularly impressive with both of them side by side on the ground. He barely came up with her knees, and looking up, from his point of view, her face was obscured by her mighty underboob flesh and her wide hips. It wasn’t unlike standing next to a statue, only this one was living, breathing and able to trap you in her hands and then make you surrender to her every desire. And all that without resorting to the bond, even if he could always feel her mind thundering just outside of his mental defenses.

“I’m not that monstrous… am I?” asked Shannon after a moment of silence, sounding suddenly strangely vulnerable and insecure, somehow making him feel bad about what he had said.

“What? No! I never said you were monstrous! It’s just that… well, it’s kind of hard to pretend that you aren’t a powerhouse. Izzy told me that her step-sister stopped a bus from crashing when she was barely eleven or even younger, and she only remained at the hospital for a week after it. So I guess that for you, it would be possible to deadlift something like that, right?”

“No it wouldn’t” explained Shannon a little haughtily. “Shouldn’t you know that the structural integrity of the bus would be compromised if I did it?”

“Are you trying to teach me how physics works? You, to me? Me who had to craft two ben…”

“Oops, I think she’s here!” chirped Shannon, her voice drowning his own as a bell rang in the manor, announcing a guest. “I hope you’re ready!”

“We won’t do it!” yelled Alejandro even as the woman he loved simply walked over him to go and meet the High School student who had somehow stroke her fancy for some threesome sex.


They did it, of course. Not in there room, somehow it was their private refuge for Shannon, their place where it was just the two of them, and no one else. He hadn’t seen them, because the few times he had been here, he had either used the Minor entrance or been brought by Shannon herself, but the small man was pretty sure that there were guards all around the perimeter, making sure that no one could even scratch the doors leading to this saint des saints.

Alejandro had never been in this particular room, which wasn’t surprising considering that Shannon’s personal lair made his mansion looks like a small shack, even when discounting the need to accommodate her formidable size. Here, the bed was lower, but also wider than the one the two lovebirds shared, and near it was a closet full of “toys” which made Alejandro’s blood run cold. He had thought that Shannon’s strap-on was massive, but those things were terrifying: whips, of all kind, from the simplest, to some with barbed metal at an end, handcuffs, and other tools he couldn’t even name, nested here and waiting to be used.

“Should I… Should I drop my clothes?” weakly asked the blond MAJOR, who looked utterly puny compared to the black behemoth towering over her.

Alejandro took a sharp breath. It was incredibly humbling to see his fiancée looking so massive. He knew that she was crazy tall, he even knew how she compared to other MAJORS. But somehow, she had always managed to not appear in her full size, or simply drew so much attention to herself that his mind had never managed to come up with a real comparison. Here, there was another woman who was far taller than himself, 2 m 44 (8f) against 1m83 (6f), with very impressive curves… and she looked ridiculously small and flat.

“I’m not the one you should be asking that kind of things tonight” purred Shannon. “I told you Jessie, consider it a very personal course on how Minors things matter too.”

“Ri… Right, sorry” mumbled the blond amazon. “Should I drop my clothes, mister Ferrand?”

“You can call me Alejandro” replied the young man, on an automatic mode, as he gawked at both MAJORS. “My father is Mister Ferrand.”

“Okay…” slowly said Jessie, looking quite unsure of herself. “But should I get naked or not?”

There was a tinge of anger, or at least irritation in her voice now. Alejandro guessed that she was a MAJOR all right and that it was Shannon’s superiority, both physically and socially, which had cowed the other woman’s ego enough that she would ask for orders, or at least permission, to a Minor. But her natural self couldn’t exactly be kept in check so easily, and displaying weakness clearly made her drop her more subdued behavior. And Alejandro decided that as much as he didn’t like the idea of a threesome with some MAJOR has his “slave”, he liked the idea of being at the very bottom of a threesome even less.

“Yeah, you can get naked and wait on the bed” he said, faking more confidence that he had.

Without a word, the blond girl removed her clothes, so fast that during a split second, he wondered if he hadn’t just witnessed some sort of magic trick. And she had a bra which was able to contain her big perky breasts. Somehow, he felt mesmerized by those two big basketballs on her chest. They were a lot smaller than Shannon’s, of course, even proportionally speaking, but they were a lot better proportionated on her body. Shannon’s were simply humongous, to the point that any Minor woman with tits like her probably would have had a hard time just sitting straight and suffered a lot of back pain. But he loved to snuggle between them, so they got a pass.

“Anything else, Alejandro?” asked Jessie, who had clearly noticed his eyes wandering on her torso.

“Don’t get cocky, the both of you” thundered Shannon, a predatory smile on her face. “In the end, I am the Goddess here, and you serve ME! You’d better remember it, Jessie. Here, my will his law, and if I don’t contradict it, it express itself through my Alejandro. Are we clear?”

“Yes Miss Matthewson” meekly said the smaller MAJOR, rushing suddenly to lay on the bed as Alejandro had asked.

“Good. Now, prepare yourself. We are bonding together.”

“The three of us!?” asked Alejandro and Jessie in the same time, one quite afraid by this idea, the other clearly extremely enthusiast.

“No. Only me and little Jess here. We wouldn’t want to intrude, and, well, she told me that she is a Tier 1, I may as well have some practice here on careful bonding, don’t you think, Itty Bitty Jessie?”

“Uuh… Sure? I guess?” mumbled Jessie while Alejandro arched an eyebrow but said nothing.

He stood silent as the two MAJORS locked their eyes. Jess suddenly shivered and grunted, as if something had hit her violently, she even took a step back, but then clenched her jaws and fists and looked as if she was trying to intimidate Shannon, an idea so ridiculous that Alejandro couldn’t help but chuckle. Shannon was a lot taller, heavier and still clothed, it made her obviously in control, even he could say it. And yet, his power-hungry fiancée, who liked nothing else half as much as dominating someone nodded approvingly.

“Good. Show me what you’ve got. I need to know if you have what it takes to work for me! And I need to know what I can do that won’t break you… or the people I care about” she added, smiling at the young Minor, who wondered exactly what she had in mind.


An all-powerful shriek of pleasure escaped Jessie’s lips, making him wince, but Alejandro still played dutifully with her breasts. It was strangely enjoyable, to have a partner whose massive tits weren’t so firm and heavy that he couldn’t even make a dent in it pushing. Jessie’s were soft and her pink nipples reacted deliciously under his ministrations… and Shannon merciless ravage of her pussy. I would never have believed that I would miss my left arm so much in a moment like that, thought the Minor. Had he had two arms like most peoples, he would have used one to stroke his hard rock penis right now.

Shannon was using her wide fingers to fuck the smaller MAJOR, and her titanic body simply loomed over them, the already agreeably large –to him, at least- frame of Jessie, as petite as she was for a MAJOR, was simply unable to hide the naked glory of his fiancée, whose eyes were to fiery ball of lust. She was clearly enjoying herself very much, and Alejandro noticed that she way she held Jessie’s left leg was already straining it, the muscles in it starting to spasm a little.

“Careful, sugarplum” he said softly.

“I know what I’m doing…” she growled, her voice drowning the last whimper of the blond’ orgasm.  

“I never said you don’t. I just told you to not hurt our partner of the night” insisted the Minor.

During a second or two, Shannon seemed irritated and her hand clutching the leg tightened, making Jess wince in pain. Immediately, the black titaness’ features softened and she looked dejectedly at him, trying to convey how sorry she was, without stating it out-loud. I guess saying “I’m wrong” really is alien to MAJORS. Not that he had expected her to not be domineering. Contrary to what his family, and even Izzy, thought, his love for this billionaire did not make him blind to her unsavory tendencies.

“You shouldn’t bother with non-verbalazing efforts” huffed Jessie. “I mean, we are bonded, Shannon.”

Her arrogant smirk was erased almost as quickly as it had appeared, when Shannon pulled her hair violently, while adding a second finger to the smaller woman’s vagina. Alejandro felt his dick harden even more, possibly more than ever. He had realized that he liked being dominated by Shannon in bed, but to see her literally toying with someone who was able to do the same to him… It was incredibly sexy, even if he knew he would have to put the brakes on everything if his lover seemed poised to go too far. He would never forgive himself if he let someone be hurt by Shannon because he wouldn’t have wanted to speak up to her.

“Don’t get too cocky, little bitch” hissed Shannon, bringing her mouth close to the blond’s right ear. “I’m the one in charge, of you, of this threesome, of the bond. Just because you can peer in a little doesn’t mean that you get to act all high and mighty. Consider this a lesson in how to interact with your superiors. Only show your teeth when you’re able to tear them down. Otherwise, bide your time, and prepare to strike. And now, lay on your face, with your ass high. You’re sufficiently lubed and ready to some rough pounding of your pussy!”

“And me? What should I do?” asked Alejandro, who was suddenly starting to feel like a third wheel.

“Whatever you want my love” rejoiced Shannon. “It’s the greatness of a threesome! One participant is never let out! And you have the advantage of being the smallest... make use of it, everything is fair game! Just remember to let us know where you are at all time.”

“Gee, I wonder why I would forget about it” huffed Alejandro, who still tried to think of something to do, and was hit by an illumination. “Okay, try to not move her too much Shannon please.”

“Where are you going?” asked Jessie, who was following is every move.

“You’ll see…” he replied, smiling wickedly and even cackling like a maniac a little for emphasis.

The Minor retrieved a condom from a pile on the nearest nightstand and quickly put on over his erect penis. He then rushed toward the length of Jessie’s body, and jumped on her wide back, crawling toward her ass, which was still waiting for Shannon to put her strap-on and ravage the soaked pussy of the blond. From where he now stood, Alejandro smelt how aroused the smaller MAJOR was, and he could also see the folds of his lover opening, glistening in her own juices. What he had in mind was dangerous, but totally worth it, he decided.

“What the fuUUUUUUUUUCK” yelped Jessie when the small man managed to wriggle on her wide derriere and penetrate her anus, strangely easily.

“Really!?” asked Shannon, looking quite stunned when the Minor turned his head to look at her.

“What? You told me to do what I wanted to do. And well, I would love to make love to her with you.”

“Fine by me” moaned Jessie. “I just love the feeling of your dagger in me babe!”

“I’m the one calling my baby “babe!”” roared Shannon, leaving the bed so violently that the two smaller peoples on it screamed in unison when Jessie lost her balance.

“It’s not my fault he’s liking my anus so much. I think it’s still growing” purred the blond.

“Yeah? Well, you’ll feel something far bigger in you, little bitch!”

“Yes… I can’t wait to have it in me, my Goddess” slurred Jessie. “Please, makes me feel small, makes me feel your fury, your power!”

“If you think it’ll make me go gently on you, you’re dead wrong small stuff!” sneered Shannon. “My Alejandro is mine alone. But it’s good to see you knowing your place!” she finished, turning back toward them so they could see the size of the monster between her legs.

“No!” protested the Minor. “It’s too big Shannon, you’ll hurt her!”

“Don’t listen to him Goddess! I want this big bad strap-on inside me, while your little lover pound my ass with his burning rod!”

“Good, because I would have put it there anyway! I hope you’re ready for the ride of your life my love, I don’t think neither of us as ever done something like that!”

Alejandro couldn’t even protest, Shannon simply pounced on Jessie and lifted her rear higher in the air. She then proceeded to shove her enormous strap-on, wider than both his arms, into the wet pussy. The blond MAJOR roared in pleasure and even Alejandro moaned when he felt the plastic monstrosity brushing against his penis through the body of Jess. It was a surreal experience, as if he was feeling some massive beast entering the woman he was anal-fucking. With a groan, he started to gyrate his hips as best he could, putting his legs on the exterior of the MAJOR’s ass-cheeks, so they wouldn’t be crushed by his lovers wild buckling.

“Oh my God! It’s so… so big!” screamed Jessie.

“No, you’re just really small, like all Minors” moaned Shannon, putting her right hand on the back of the blond’s head and forcing it on the mattress.

“I’m a MAJOR!” managed to yell the young woman, her voice a little muffled.

“No you’re not!” groaned Shannon, her voice full of pleasure. “I’m a MAJOR, but the rest of the world? You’re just Minors, the whole lot of you: small, frail, beautiful, precious… And yet you all fight, and pretend that some of you are better than the others… You need someone like me, a MAJOR, a real one, to bring you all in line.”

“Really? And how to you intend to do it?” asked Alejandro, between arduous breath as he pounded Jessie’s ass while being shaken by each and every move his lover did. “Having sex with everyone to submit them to your will?”

“Hum… I love this idea… World peace and the end to racism and segregation through sex. You really is great for new campaigns, my love” moaned Shannon. “But no, I don’t want to dilute my brand right now, and it’s funnier to put back those slightly taller Minors in their place with some brute strength, one bitch at a time.”

“Yeah, as if…” started Alejandro before being cut off by Jessie shacking her impressive ass.

“Less talking, more fucking please!” complained the blond, her face still pressed on the mattress.


Shannon looked at the sleeping form of Alejandro. Her fiancé had lasted far longer than she expected, after a tiring day and only a little rest. As she had read during his nap, two MAJORS bonding with a Minor nearby did achieve some interesting results. She doubted her Alejandro would ever be so bold as to crawl on a woman he didn’t know to fuck her in the ass. Yet, thanks to the echo of Jess’ and hers’ ego clashing against each other, and his mental barrier being weaker, she had managed to make him go a little wild.

She hadn’t dared to reveal that his defenses were almost down, and she now felt a little guilty about it. But just one glance at his happy sleeping face, and Jessie laying languorously against her side, playing weakly with one of her enormous black breasts. She closed her eyes for a second, enjoying the sensation. It made her feel so powerful, to have her lover and a woman at her beck and call. Jessie had accepted a deal, proving that she was more than a pair of tits. She seemed shrewd and the black titaness expected her to become of use quite a lot in the future, both in bed and outside.

“You sure you want me in your companies?” mumbled Jessie, as if on cue. “I’m not exactly a great student, average at best.”

“Not all of my most trusted employees are able to display a wall of diplomas” explained Shannon softly. “And it’s extremely useful to have eyes and ears in places none of my competitors or unruly shareholders will suspect.”

“So, I’ll be a spy for you? Like, in James Bond? Or Mission Impossible?”

“No” laughed Shannon. “You’ll be an important cog in a machine, not some super-agent, I’m sorry. But if you work well for me, you’ll be rewarded handsomely. For started, you may end moving to my personal staff, if you so wishes. But I’ll warn you, it isn’t an easy feat. Plus, of course, if you liked tonight, I’m pretty sure that I could convince Alejandro to have another session with you. I sure he really likes your curves.”

“Eh… I don’t know. He’s so… so sweet. I don’t think it would be able to keep doing it, it would be like taking advantage of hi, you know?” lazily replied the blond MAJOR. “God, your tits are so massive, it’s crazy. And so heavy…”

“I know. Thankfully, I’m built sturdy enough to lift them with ease all day long. But anyway… you’re right, he’s so damn cute, and innocent, I always feel dirty when I’m doing the naughty with him, like I’m some devil temptress.”

“Does he know it? Because if he does…”

“He doesn’t” affirmed Shannon. “He’s too pure, too innocent, to ever learn it. I think he… he truly idolizes me, and it’s kind of heavy.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to handle iiiiiiiiiiiiit” yawned Jessie mere seconds before finally falling asleep.

Shannon looked at the small blond and sighed. She couldn’t reveal to Alejandro what she had offered her, he wouldn’t agree with it. He couldn’t understand what she had to do to push her campaign, preserve and even cultivate her wealth, clout and general influence. It added one more thing for her to hide from him. She hated doing it, she would have wanted to truly be open, to share everything with him. But at the end of the day, she was not only a MAJOR, but a billionaire, with so much sensitive information, schemes, backdoor deals… It would have put him in danger, if she revealed something like that, too many peoples would already try to use him once the news of their relationship became more than High School gossip, in an hour or so, she guessed.

And worse, he could turn against me, in a worst case scenario, she admitted, hating herself for thinking it but unable to refute the truth in it. She wouldn’t ever be able to hurt him, not even to silence him, in any way, shape of form, but some of her employees could take action on their own. Alejandro was her weakness, her Achilles’ heel, and she wouldn’t have it any other way, but she needed to take steps to protect them both. The questionable, steps which could end her in jail, or exposed as a hypocrite. Once more, she looked at the message she had received from the Masumoto and her answer to it.

“I’m sorry Izzellah Ivory, but if it’s the price to pay to make your kind better, I’m willing to pay it. Plus, I’m sure you’ll grow to love Mei as your personal assistant and more once you’ll have signed a deal with me.”

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