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With each step that Maxine took toward Grey Town, William Bellamy resisted in every way he could. One thing that he couldn't believe that he was being carried around by a woman of her stature. Even with the threats of injury he still struggled as much as he could since he knew what was ahead for him.

Most likely once he was sent back toward the east he would be having an appointment with the hangman. This appointment was one that he wanted to miss more than anything in the world. He did all that he could to try and free himself but the ropes around his wrists and ankles were too tight for him to escape. He also tried to remove the cloth on his mouth but once again he was unable to, if his hands were free then the task would have been easy, but alas this was not the case.

For Maxine and Charles, they simply continued their walk and they could see Grey Town in the distance but it was still some distance away. Charles was also looking at his book as he had a better look at the numbers he had written down. He was figuring out how much free gold they had with them and how much should be set aside for things like food and possibly staying at an inn.

He walked close by to Maxine who kept walking forward. Her gaze was fixed onto Grey Town which came closer and closer with each step she took. For the time being she took little notice of what Charles was doing and was also doing what she could to stop William from escaping.

"Ma'am I was wondering if I can have a moment of your time," said Charles who looked up at her for a moment. She continued to loom over him but her face turned to look down at him and she didn't show too much emotion.

"What is it?" asked Maxine. Her tone of voice suggested to him that she didn't want to have her time wasted.

"Well I've been going over the numbers and I've figured that after we've received the reward we will be in the black for a good long while if we manage it properly. I know that you've mentioned about having some for a personal activity but after that I have a few suggestions for how to manage our gold."


"Like restricting ourselves to how much we spend a day unless something comes along that needs to be addressed." He saw William really struggling but Maxine more or less ignored him and just focused on Charles. "Like if we have to pay a toll to cross a bridge or one of us becomes sick and we have to see a healer."

"I don't get sick. My body's too big for anything to affect me in that way. I suggest that you keep my appetite in mind when you're making your limitations."

"Of course, I know that because of your great size you will eat much more than I could possibly hope to, no offense."

"None taken."

"We'll also need to buy some supplies while we're in Grey Town as well before we can make our way anywhere else. But we can still have a nice warm meal before we leave, it does us both the world of good."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, I might buy a sharpening stone in order to help maintain your sword. Since I'm your squire I guess one of my duties is to make sure that your sword is properly maintained for use."

"That is one thing that you can buy but I must warn you, never touch my sword without first asking for permission. Touch it with a single finger and you'll lose that finger, do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear."

The pair continued to walk on in relative silence for the rest of the trip. William's efforts to free himself was for naught as he saw himself approaching to Grey Town. He had been there on a few occasions but he knew that as soon as he was taken to the authorities his life was practically over.

He doubled his efforts for freedom but all this got him was a tooth knocked out by Maxine. He was still conscious but it dazed him enough for him to not resist. This was just what she had wanted but she had also pulled her punch. She didn't want to accidentally kill him or she would lose some of her hard-earned gold.

Upon arriving in Grey Town some of the people that the pair walked by looked up in amazement at Maxine. Not only because of her height but the fact that she was carrying a fully-grown man over her shoulder as if he were a child. Some of them would ask her how tall she was when she walked by, she always replied with the sarcastic answer, 'Taller than you.'

Grey Town itself was a place that needed to be upgraded as the buildings were all very old and needed to be replaced. For now, this wasn't an option but a few buildings had been torn down in order to be replaced. The process was slow but it was carrying on at its own steady place.

Like William both Maxine and Charles had been there before. For Maxine she had been there more often then she would try and remember. She more than knew her way around and quickly she made her way to the building run by town's police force. They often wore plain clothing so that they wouldn't be spotted very easily but some donned the armour and sword that was expected of them.

The building itself was located near one of the many inns located inside of Grey Town. It was a relatively large building and there was a guard standing outside of it. He wore heavy armour and his sword looked sharp enough to cut a man in two. Nothing of skin could be seen and he was an intimidating figure. Charles was cautious but Maxine remained how she was.

The guard looked up at Maxine and from his body language didn't seem to be bothered about her height. His facial expression might have given something away but under his helmet this was impossible to tell. She did look down at him and she waited for him to speak first. He was standing in front of the door and unless he moved on his own free will it would have to be by force.

"What brings you here on this day?" asked the Guard. His voice sounded like he was repeating a phrase that he would say numerous times every day. "Do you have someone else for us Maxine?"

"Yes, I do," replied Maxine. She turned slightly so that the guard could see the face of the still gazed William. "I have the highwayman William Bellamy, he's wanted in Willenhall and I am dropping him off here." She didn't react over the fact that he knew her name, Charles was surprised but he didn't say anything.

"Hmm, I am aware that he is a wanted man." His armour began to clang against itself as he began to step aside. "Enter and claim your reward, best to get scum like him off of the streets."

"Thank you and you perform your duties well."

With that Maxine ducked in order to get through the door and be inside of the building. She was able to stand up to her full height in there as the ceiling was high enough for her to do so. Charles walked closely by and he could see many of the town's police force at work as they were processing people who had been arrested. Most of them were for more minor crimes and would likely be out with a fine by the end of the day. A few of them who had more serious crimes wouldn't be seeing freedom for a fair while.

Maxine knew exactly where she was going as she walked through and eventually placed the still dazed body of Charles onto a seat by a desk. Sitting at the desk was an educated man with a quill and piece of paper. He was a fairly old man who seemed to be a few short years away from retiring. This wasn't the first time that he had seen her so he didn't have the same reaction as many of the others.

"So, you've bought someone else," said the man. He barely got up from his seat as he spoke. "Who is it this time?"

"William Bellamy," replied Maxine. "A highwayman who's wanted in the east. Are you prepared to take him off my hands?"

"Indeed I am." He watched as Maxine showed him the face of William. He was still unconscious. "Is he dead?"

"No, he's just taking a nap although I was tempted to end his life a few times."

"For some scum that's the best thing to do." He then turned to two other men who were standing nearby. They quickly approached her and grabbed onto William. She didn't resist as they took him away from her and she could see the man at the desk writing something down on a piece of paper. It took him a few moments to write it but he then held it up to her. "Take this to desk round back and take your reward."

"Thank you." She took the slip of paper out of his hand. "I hope to see you again soon." There was much of a genuine tone in her voice and sounded more like a curtesy rather than really meaning it.

"And so, do I although if it were under the right circumstances of course. Don't think you want to be behind those bars."

With that Maxine left the desk with Charles began to make her way toward the back of the building. She walked by several people who were locked up in cells. She ignored them as she heard them throwing insults about her height and the fact that she was a woman wearing knight like armour. Charles remained by her side but also walked away from the cells as much as he could. He didn't want to think about what would happen if any of them got their hands on him.

Eventually the pair did reach the desk near the back where they had been told to take the slip of paper. The item itself was given to another man who then gave it Maxine. Rather than counting it she checked its weight to see whether it was correct. To her it weighed about right so she thanked the person who gave it to them and then left with her temporary squire following closely behind.

A few minutes later Charles found himself sitting in a private room at a nearby inn. It was available for those who wanted to perform an activity in private. This ranged from various different activities and this one was simply counting the gold. Maxine sat on the table and watched as he counted. She saw him counting a few coins before writing it down in his book. This continued on for a few minutes until he felt that it was all accounted for. She had been drinking out of a large cup of ale and she looked at him just as he was finishing off writing on the page.

"Ma'am I have some good news," said Charles. "All the gold that was promised in the reward is accounted for. Ten thousand gold to be precise, should be enough to last us for a while. Might I ask how you want to divide it up?"

"Yes," replied Maxine as she took another sip of her ale. "One thousand will go to you for your efforts, that's more than fair. Five hundred of them I need before we move out back to meet Gregory."

"Thank you for your generosity." He wanted to ask her what her five hundred gold was going to be for. He knew that she wouldn't tell him and most likely would act negatively toward him. "Might I make another suggestion?"

"And what would that be?"

"Well, have you heard of something that's recently come along called a bank?"

"I've heard something but I'm not sure about what it is."

"It's a place where you place your money where it would be safe. You deposit your money at once branch here and let's just say you're in Flea Bay you can withdraw it from a branch there. Your money will be safe from thieves and you don't have to worry about misplacing it."

"But how would I get my money back out? I take it that I can't just walk in and demand my money."

"They give you a little book in order to record down how much is put in and taken out. That way they know who you are and how much you have with them. I would recommend using it myself, now that I have some money now I'm restarting my own account. Would you want to start your own account?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure." To her what he was telling her sounded too good to be true. In her mind there had to be some kind of drawback to all of this. She couldn't see it at that moment in time but she had a gut feeling. "Give me a bit of time to think about it, then I'll give you an answer. But for now, take the money up to our room, do what you please with your part but ensure that it remains safe."

"If that is what you want ma'am then so be it." He wanted to try and convince her about putting the money into a bank but he felt that it was best that he didn't. There was a small chance that she would react negatively to this and he didn't want to be at the centre of her rage.

The pair continued to speak for a few more minutes before Maxine took a small portion of the gold and left the inn. The remaining gold stayed with Charles and although she didn't fully trust him she still allowed him to take it up to the room that they were hiring for the night.

Once Charles had gotten into the room he could see that there were two separate beds. Both of them were normal sized and he couldn't imagine Maxine fitting onto either of them. Each bed was a little over six feet long but her nine-foot frame wouldn't fit on such a small area. Images of her trying to sleep on it appeared in his head. He couldn't help but chuckle and in his mind, it would be like an adult in the bed of a baby or small child.

Charles decided to put the gold underneath one of the beds and he put a couple of items over the bag in order to try and disguise it. It wasn't viewable very easily and for now it seemed to be the best hiding spot. He did take some of the gold out for himself and with him confident that the gold was safe he left the room and made sure that it was locked behind him. He wanted if he could find anything of use for their journey, he was sure that he would find a few things.

Meanwhile Maxine continued to walk through the streets of Grey Town. Heads turned at the sight of her but her vision was squarely focused on a building not too far away from her. It was a relatively large building that did have a man walk into and another one walk out of. She didn't move her gaze from it and kept walking until she reached the main entrance to the building.

As usual she had to bed down in order to get through the door and she couldn't fully stand up to her full height immediately. At this part of the building the ceiling was too low for her to do so. She did see that the room was lit by candles and had a scent from a distant land. There was also a small desk close by with a man with a goatee like beard stand behind it. He was quite well dressed in clothing that some people would consider to be exotic.

The sudden appearance of the super tall Maxine did catch him by surprise but he kept his composure and simply looked up at her. She was definitely the tallest human being that he had ever laid eyes on and he could see that she was armed with a sword. However, he knew that she wasn't here to cause any trouble. Instead he knew that she came for the services that he offered.

"May I help you on this fine day?" asked the Man. His skin was a different shade to what was the norm in Angleland. He also spoke in an accent that was also foreign to these lands, she knew that his people came from a land to far to the east.

"Yes," replied Maxine. Her expression didn't change and she placed some of the gold that she had on the table. "I would like to purchase the premium services and I'm going to need one extra as well."

"Hmm." He looked at the gold that she had placed on the counter. It wasn't enough to cover what she was asking but he watched as she placed more on. Within a few seconds she had placed more than enough on the counter. A few she kept to herself as she planned on using them later on. "Of course, ma'am, we'll get to it right away." He then took the gold off of the counter and placed it within a safe behind him.

No sooner had this been done three beautiful women stepped out from a room that was very close by. All three of them wore dresses that both looked beautiful and were very revealing. Maxine doubted that they were wearing anything underneath. Each of them approached the towering woman but none of them could possibly hope to match her height.

One of the women was only just over five feet tall and was barely taller than one of Maxine's legs. Another of the women held out her hand to her and she didn't hesitate in grabbing it and she was led into another room. She heard the man tell her to have fun as she was led away.

Within moments Maxine found herself in a room with a large bath that was designed for multiple people. Thankfully there was only her there and the three women waited around her as she began to take her armour off. They were supposed to do that but she knew that they would struggle with this so she decided to do it herself. She also didn't want any of it to get damaged.

After she was done removing her armour she went down to one knee so that it was much easier for the women to reach her. They began to remove her underclothing and over the next several seconds more and more of her skin was being revealed. Even on her one knee the women still struggled to take off her clothes but after a short while they were capable of completing the task.

Maxine's naked body was now revealed for the three women to see. She had some muscle on her and even seemed to have a six-pack developing. Muscles could be seen in her arms and her breasts were surprisingly small for her body. They still seemed quite large in comparison to a normal woman but for her body they looked to be undersized.

There were also a small number of scars on the upper part of her body from where she had been cut in the past. The cuts had since healed over but when one of the women touched her skin they could feel that it was warm and soft. One of them even placed the side of her face on the skin just to feel it's softness.

With Maxine now completely naked she stepped into the bath and sat down inside of it. For a normal person it would go up to their shoulders. For her it only went down to just above her bellybutton and her breasts were still quite far above the waterline. It looked a little funny if anyone was watching but the women began to prepare for what they had to do next.

One of them stepped to one side so that they could acquire some soaps and primitive shampoo which they quickly took to the others. Once they were all ready they began to bathe the tall woman where she sat.

Out of the three women there one concentrated on Maxine's hair. Another focused-on cleaning her upper part while one had lifted her dress and had stepped into the warm water. She was cleaning Maxine's lower parts and it seemed be struggling a little with it. The wannabe knight herself did help as she would lift each leg whenever the time came. But she felt relaxed in this place.

There was a small amount of giggling amongst the women and one even brought Maxine a glass of wine which she quickly drank. She could feel the women soaking and cleaning every part of her body, she was ready for what was to come but she knew that now wasn't the time. She hadn't yet been fully cleaned and she wanted to get her money's worth.

She could feel the fingers of the women on her skin and one of them was even touching her breasts. It gave her a warm sensation inside which was becoming difficult for her to contain. It was obvious to her that the women who were bathing her were the mistresses of their trade, she couldn't hope to have such service from anyone.

After several minutes of bathing the cleaning was finally done and Maxine stepped out of the pool. The women grabbed a few towels and began to dry off the towering woman. To reach the high points the tallest one had to stand on a chair but even then, the red-haired woman towered above her.

The women were careful with how they dried Maxine, one of the women was particularly drying around Maxine's vagina. Every touch around that area sent shockwaves throughout the tall woman and it made her knees go a little weak. She still kept her composure and her stance as the drying continued.

There was a sudden screech as the woman standing on the chair began to fall off. It was likely she would have hurt herself if Maxine hadn't acted quickly and grabbed onto her. The chair struck the ground but the woman found herself in Maxine's strong arms. To her it was like she was a child being carried by an adult. The normally armour-clad woman barely felt the others weight in her arms.

Rather than putting her down Maxine kept the woman close to her and kept her in place using only one hand. The other hand was being gently pulled by one of the other women as the drying had been finished. The bath had just been a starter for them and what was to happen next would be the main course.

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