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Author's Chapter Notes:

Shorter than the previous two chapters, this is more like 2.5 than 3. This is how I planned chapter 2 to end but it was already taking too long. I struggled to get this part finished for some reason, found it really hard to get it to a state I was mainly happy with.

Less vore/sexy stuff this time, but sets things up for future fun times.

Dangerous Games

Alexa lifted her mouth from her friend’s crotch and looked down her body, between her hanging breasts.

“What are you two up to down there?” she asked.

Francesca had the widest grin on her face. “Two? Nope, consider your ‘pussy’ eaten. I didn’t meant do it so fast, but once she started to come out of you, she just went right on down.”

Alexa looked puzzled for a moment, so Francesca continued.

“Goddess it feels strange. Like, good strange. And filling.”

Alexa’s look quickly shifted to one of realisation and shock.

“Francesca! What did you do!?” she demanded.

Her friend looked surprised at her tone. “I ate Mandy?” she replied, questioningly. “Like you said…” though she sounded unsure of herself.

 “I said no such thing! Bring her up, now!”

The look on Francesca’s face shift to one of annoyance.

“Well hang on just a minute there. Mandy said she was ‘your pussy’ and you said to ‘eat my pussy’. She even said was fine with it!”

Alexa ran the words over in her head. “That is NOT what I meant and I’m pretty sure not what she meant either!”

She shift her body around off her friend and sat on the bed facing her. Francesca sat up as well, shifting into a cross legged position, one hand resting on her belly, stroking it slightly.

“Well I didn’t know that! It just made sense to me. You couldn’t bring yourself to digest her, so you were asking me to do it for you. You know, what are friends for, and all that?”

Alexa sighed heavily, arguing wasn’t getting her anywhere, so she took a calming breath before continuing. “Ok. I get it, it was a misunderstanding. A very strange one, but still, sorry I shouted at you.”

Francesca’s smile returned. “Thank you.” She looked down at her belly, which was slightly rounded in her sitting position. “It’s so weird knowing she’s inside me, just under my hand.”

Alexa lent forward and poked her belly. “Tell me about it, it was weird having her inside me, but it’s somehow even weirder knowing she’s inside you.”

“I can sort of feel her there, filling my stomach, all the time. I wonder why other food doesn’t feel like that.”

“Because she’s not food. She’s my girlfriend.” Alexa tried to keep her voice calm. “And now I’d like you bring her back up.”

“Right, yes. About that. I was sort of hungry and she is ever so filling… I think she should stay where she is.” She could see Alexa about to interrupt and help up a hand to stop her. “Hear me out, please, I do actually have a serious point.”

Alexa frowned, but waited for her to continue.

“What you and her are up to is dangerous, and I mean politically and for your family. Dating a human is one thing, which I imagine you mother would frown upon, but the whole swallowing kinky sex stuff… surely you realise what would happen if she told the wrong person about that?”

“You mean people like Humanity First, right?”

“Yes, among others. It wouldn’t just be angry blog posts or ranting, the connotations of what you’re doing could reignite the conflict between our people!”

“Oh come on, that’s a bit over dramatic.”

“No, Alexa, it isn’t.” Francesca sighed. “Humans have always resented the power and influence we have over them, and the perceived abuse of that power pushed us into a bloody war. If you think everyone has moved on from such feelings, you clearly don’t know humans as well as you think, and what you guys are up to could be twisted into a rallying cry for those who cling to such feelings.”

Alexa gave her a friend a suspicious look. “You’re pushing this awfully hard, how come?”

Francesca stared at Alexa for a long moment, then sighed. “It’s sort of my job, to keep you out of exactly this sort of trouble.”

“Wait what? Your job?”

“It’s complicated, ok. Anyway, it’s a topic for later. Right now we’re discussing the contents of my stomach, remember?”

Alexa didn’t look happy but waved her to continue.

Francesca looked more serious than Alexa had ever seen before. “I suspect it could be seen as borderline treason telling you this, but given the situation I think you should know. Back during the war, when spies were caught within the palace grounds, they were dealt with swiftly and permanently.”

“Well yes, that was pretty standard practice for both sides.”

“And as queen, your mother decided that she should be the one to carry out the punishment.”

Alexa was wide eyed as she realised where this was going. Francesca could practically see her putting it together and continued.

“Yeah, I think you get where this is going. You mother must have swallowed at least a hundred spies before the treaty was signed. Everyone knew she enjoyed it, but it served a purpose, so no one raised an objection. Now, just imagine what would happen if one of these groups trying to stir up trouble again found out that the queen’s daughter was swallowing people.”

Alexa felt lost for words. “Shit. Really? She used to do that? How did I never know?”

Francesca shrugged “Both sides agreed to keep it out of the public, for the good of the treaty and future relations. I don’t doubt some of these trouble makers know though, they just can’t do anything with it. But if they had proof that a member of the royal family was doing it…”

Alexa felt like the wind was knocked out of her, that such a secret had been kept from her.

Francesca put her hand on one of Alexa’s olive-tan legs. “Do you see now? Mandy is a catastrophic political manoeuvre waiting to happen. It’d be better if she stays here” she patted her belly “in me. I was pretty hungry, it won’t take long.”

As if on cue, her stomach let out a long groan. For Mandy, it was a loud rumble that filled her ears. She’d been able to hear most of the conversation so far, and had some questions of her own, not that she could ask them. She wouldn’t entirely blame Alexa if she agreed, given some of the implications made. She actually found herself more annoyed that Francesca would be the one to digest her and not Alexa, which she knew was a pretty odd thing to be annoyed about.

While the two of them had been talking, it’d been getting steadily hotter, tighter and noisier inside Francesca’s stomach. The slimy walls around Mandy’s body had started to move, contracting and relaxing, massaging her body, and she could feel a hot tingling on her skin. There was no getting around it, Francesca had started to digest her.

Alexa stared at Francesca’s belly, shocked at the revelation about her mother and struggling with the terrible thought that her friend was right. ‘At the very least I should be the one she becomes part of!’ her inner thoughts prompted, reminding her she had already had her chance to digest Mandy and she refused. ‘But should I do it? Can I do it?’ her thoughts felt slow and confused.

Francesca’s gut squirked loudly.

Alexa’s thoughts cleared. ‘If I keep thinking this over and arguing with myself, Mandy will be winding her way through Francesca’s gut by the time I make a decision!’

“No. I accept what you’re saying, and I almost agree, but I won’t have you digest Mandy, I love her. At the very least I should be the one to do it, but it should be my AND her choice.”

“Are you really sure? If it comes to it, would you be able to do it?” Francesca replied.

“I don’t know, but that’s not the point. Either way, I owe her more than letting her be a meal for your stomach.”

Francesca pouted and patted her belly. “Aw but she is such a good meal. I’ve never felt so satisfied about my food this way before.”

“I know, I really do. But no, you can’t have her.”

“Fiiiiine.” Francesca rolled back and opened her legs. “At least make me climax first, it’s also the first time a meal has made me horny!”

Inside Francesca, Mandy was squirming, wriggling her body, trying to push the confining walls of flesh back and failing. Her skin felt hot and raw, much like a bad sunburn. She felt a lurch of movement, her inner ear feeling like she was falling, as Francesca rolled back. The end of the lurch brought a sudden squeezing sensation that moved slowly up her legs and over her body. The stomach lining behind her head softened, then opened just as another wave of pressure moved down her, firmly pushing her. She felt slippery walls stretch tightly around her head. ‘Well damn, I guess this is it.’ Was all she thought as she began to enter Francesca’s gut.

Alexa told herself off for even feeling tempted by Francesca’s demand. She knew what her friend was playing at. “No, you’re stalling for time so you can finish digesting Mandy. Bathroom, now.” And she pointed to the door with a look of royal authority in her eye.

“Goddess damn it, you know me too well. Fine.”

Francesca got off the bed and walked to the bathroom sink, Alexa following behind. She leant over and gagged, her abdomen tightening as she tried to force her stomach contents up. After a moment she look at Alexa, shrugging. “I can’t feel her struggling any more… it may be too late…”

Alexa’s eyes twinkled with wetness. “No! You try again!”

Francesca leant over and pushed a hand into her belly, her other hand putting fingers into her throat. She gagged hard and a small trickle of acrid coffee smelling liquid trickled out.

“Again!” Alexa cried, a tremble now in her voice.

“Alexa… I’m sorry… she’s gone…” but she saw the look of pain and sadness in her friend’s eyes. “I’ll try one last time.”

She pushed again with her hand against her belly, pressing it hard, coughing on her fingers as they pushed into her throat. She gagged, her abdomen muscles convulsed and she squeezed her eyes closed at the uncomfortable sensation rising inside her. Mandy slid from her gagging mouth and splashed into the sink water.

Francesca stepped back, coughing hard, as Alexa rushed forward, scooping Mandy up in her hands. Her skin was red and tender looking, and as Alexa lifted her up she cried out.

“Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Put me down put me down!”

“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault. Are you ok?” Alexa blurted all too fast.

Mandy sat down next to the sink, keeping her arms and legs from touching anything as much as possible. “I hurt all over and smell like the inside of a coffee grinder, but I’m alive and only a little digested.” She tried a smile but grimaced at her stinging skin.

Francesca sighed. “Don’t take this personally, but I really do think it’d be better all-round if you were in my gut now.”

Mandy managed a croaky laugh “Hah! I was, mostly.”

Francesca and Alexa both managed a look of surprise. “What?”

“I was in your gut.” She pointed at Francesca’s abdomen “Your stomach had massaged me plenty, making me nice and tender” she waved a hand over her red skin “and then forced me onward into your gut, which was freaking tight I can tell you. I was just pretty much just waiting to pass out from lack of air by then.”

Francesca swore “Damnit!” but quick apologised on seeing Alexa’s face “Sorry…”

Mandy found her eyes locked on Francesca’s belly, fascinated by the strange situation she was in – that she was sitting opposite a girl who’d moments before had her in her gut and was about to fully digest her. “You must have pushed damn hard to get me back up from where I was.”

“Yeah, I was pretty damn sure my stomach was empty by then! I wanted to make sure Alexa knew I’d really tried though, so she’d see it was over and you’d gone.”

Alexa was giving Francesca a very sour look by this point. Before she could say anything, Mandy cut her off.

“Look, I don’t blame you for trying to make me disappear, you thought you were doing the right thing, to protect Alexa as well as the preventing some big political upset. Obviously, I don’t want to die, but even so, I’m not going to hold it against you.” She turned to Alexa. “And neither should you” she dipped her head with a grin “m’lady.”

Alexa’s eyes widened “You… heard everything, didn’t you.”

“Mostly yeah, with the odd gurgle interrupting here and there.” She shifted her weight a little and winced at her sensitive skin.

Alexa’s face took on a look of concern. “That looks really sore…” she glanced at Francesca “… do you have anything to help?”

Francesca looked around the bathroom “I’ve got some after-sun lotion somewhere, which may help a little.” She pulled a blue bottle from a shelf and handed it to Alexa, who took it without a word and turned away.

“Hold out your hands and I’ll squirt some on” she said to Mandy.

Mandy held one hand up in a stop gesture “Before that, you need to make a decision. I at least agree that if I’m to end up in one of you two’s gut, I’d much prefer it to be yours, and after-sun tastes horrible.”

Francesca stepped up close to Mandy “That is such a weird thought. You were in my stomach, my gut even, and now you’ll be in hers, but for good this time.” She made a small snort laugh “Well, until you… you know… come out…”

Mandy laughed loudly, ending with a small “Ow ow ow”. “Been there, done that, it was awesome.”

Francesca grinned “Ooh? You two didn’t waste any time did you?!”

Alexa rolled her eyes at both of them. “Goddes! This is supposed to be serious, you’re as bad and gross as each other.”

Francesca shrugged “It’s why you love us!”

“Ugh, if you weren’t so big I’d put you both where you belong right now and take a long hot bath while you digest.”

Francesca found herself looking at Alexa’s firm toned belly. ‘Goddess I’d like that… what is wrong with me!’ she thought privately. “Oh I bet you would, and we’d be fucking each other the whole way… sounds sort of hot!”

Mandy laughed at that thought. “Aaaaanyway…”

Alexa got down close to her girlfriend “I love you too much, I can’t make you disappear, even if you sound like you almost want it right now.”

“I… don’t want to disappear, but I also don’t want to be used as a catalyst for a new conflict, nor do I want someone in the shadows to turn up one night and vanish me away.”

Alex cooed “Aww, you worry about others too much. I’m just not sure I could do it.”

Francesca cut in. “If the situation arises that it needs to happen, then you know already I can and I will. I want you both to agree to let me handle it, if needed.”

Alexa looked nervous, the feeling of it being real setting in. “I’m… not sure, I mean…”

Mandy cut in “Deal.”

“Mandy!” Alexa exclaimed.

“You know it makes sense, and I fully believe when… well, *if* it comes to it, you’ll manage it.” Before Alexa could reply she continued. “Now, I’d love some of that soothing cream!”

“Don’t think we’re not talking about this later…” Alexa said as she squirted a large blob of cream onto Mandy’s outstretched hands. She started covering her body with it, wincing now and then as she did so.

“Too right, I have some questions of my own!” Mandy replied.

Alex turned to Francesca “Speaking of questions, what was that about your job?”

“There’s not too much too it really, after we became such close friends, your mother took my aside and basically strong-armed me into joining the royal guard, though that was only really in name and to allow me to know of some of the more secret royal history. I didn’t train in combat or anything.”

“So my mother basically set you up as a spy. One of my only close friends.” She sighed. “That’s oh so very typical of her.”

“Not so much a spy… she basically tasked me to try and steer trouble away from you, or you away from trouble.”

Alexa snapped back “Hah! Not sure if ‘Handler’ is better than ‘Spy’!”

Francesca looked genuinely hurt. “Do you think I had a choice? Do you think I could just say ‘Thanks but no thanks’ to your mother, the queen of our people? It was horrible. I was devastated. I… I had planned to propose to you! But after being given my ‘task’… I just… it didn’t seem…”

Alexa took a deep breath and felt her anger calm. She got up and hugged her friend. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t blame you. You’ve always looked out for me, even before my mother interfered.” She drew back and looked into Francesca’s eyes. “Seriously, you were going to propose to me?”

“Yes! I was going to do it that summer where we trekked down into the valley and camped out all week. Your mother pulled me aside the day before we left.”

“Oh, yes, I do remember you being a bit stiff that week.” Alexa stared into her face for a long moment, then leant forward and locked her mouth over hers, kissing her deeply. After a moment she pulled away and simply said “Yes.”

Francesca looked puzzled a moment, then surprise sprung up on her face. “Oh! OH! Really?”

Alexa simply replied “Yes!” again, grinning.

From behind them, Mandy called out “Well this is awkward but … congratulations, I guess?”

Alexa stepped quickly over to Mandy, dragging Francesca behind her. “It’s only awkward if you let be.” Then she grinned, her cheeks turning a little red. “Sooo… I know we’ve only just started dating proper, but…” she looked at Francesca, who grinned back and nodded “… how would you like to enter into an Amazonian marriage?”

Mandy simply couldn’t resist the chance, even though she felt surprised and a little shocked, and replied “Well, I’ve already entered into an Amazonian, so why not?”

Alexa rolled her eyes.

Francesca chuckled “I’m glad I didn’t digest you now, your sense of humour is as bad as mine and I love it. You are however waaaay too forgiving, not that I'm complaining. Seriously though, you’re ok with this? I mean… most humans…”

Mandy waved her concern away “I’m not most humans though am I.”

“Yeah but… I mean you hardly know me, and I just almost succeeded in digesting you!”

Mandy shrugged. “But Alexa loves you and trusts you, so as far as I’m concerned that’s good enough for me. I guess I should really ask though, how does this work?”

Alexa replied this time “Well, since Francesca is the eldest, she is technically the one who has to propose to you. We will be marrying her, though technically once it’s complete it’s seen as each of us is married to each other person.”

“So everyone is sort of equal?”

“Not exactly, Francesca will be the ‘Mitéra’ or ‘Mother’ of the family, so when we have children she is the ‘Plíthos’ or ‘Host’ – basically she’s the one who gets pregnant. Other than that, yeah it’s an equal partnership.”

Francesca chimed in at this point “Apparently, deep in our history, small wars erupted around arguments over who should be the mitéra in some larger families, so this rule was formed by the previous queen, about a thousand years ago now.”

Mandy laughed “And here I thought it was going to be complicated!”

Francesca turned to Alexa. “In this case, my love… and goddess I’ve wanted to call you that for so long… I will defer this to you.”

Alexa was properly blushing now. She got down close to Mandy. “So, Mandy Eschera, will you marry us?”

“Of course!” she got up and planted a kiss on Alexa’s lips. “I love you, and you…” she waved for Francesca to come down to her level, which she did “… I’ll be getting to know you a lot better.” And kissed her too.

Francesca’s stomach made the loudest grumble at that very moment. “Sorry, I’m really damn hungry… you were sort of really filling but… you know… since you came back out…”

“Well this is officially the strangest proposal I could imagine. Let’s order takeaway – I don’t want to be filling your stomach again. At least… not right now.” She added with a wink.

Alexa groaned. “Goddess, my mother is going to just LOVE this, but right now, I really don’t care. I think we all need a relaxing evening of food and getting to know each-other… well you two do at least, since you’re going to be married!” She reached for her phone. “What are we having?”

Mandy burst out “ME!” at exactly the same time as Francesca pointed at Mandy saying “Her!”

“Goddess I regret this already!” Alexa said with a laugh. “Chinese it is.”


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