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Author's Chapter Notes:

Zava and Mark go to town

Unexpectedly, Mark pulled from his pocket one of the small square devices many people in the multitude often held in the air whenever she faced the mob of spectators, which he had thought was a camera. Now that she could get a closer look, the object was really rectangular, and in the back, it had a shiny screen, but it was too small for Zava to make anything of it. He turned his back on her, holding the device in front of him, as he looked at Zava over his shoulder, smiling.

“Ok, this is the final touch… humor me, Zav. I guess it would be better if you held it but I know you can’t….” he turned his face to the device. “Hold your hand a little higher, just in front of your face, Oops, steadier, I almost fell off… yes, a little farther from your face, lower… higher, closer, no, farther….yes, right there! Now smile! So beautiful!! Hold it, hold it… OK”. He tapped at the screen in quick, knowing movements for a few moments and then put the contraption away, back in his pocket.

Zava was mystified… “I have no idea what you’re doing, you little nut”. She whispered, with a giggle, but then got serious “Oh, Mark what are we going to do? Are you a prisoner now too? I don’t think they’re going to let me… let us go that easily…”.

“I don’t have much time to explain, babe, and I can see them down there already getting impatient because they can’t hear what we’re saying, so I’ll be quick. I can explain more on the way”.

“On the way to where?” Said Zava, hopeful.

“First for some shelter for you, the second concession I could get, and one of the reasons I was not here sooner was that Betty and I were doing the arrangements for your rescue, buying clothes, etc.”.

Zava blinked. “Betty is here?”

“Yes, she is down there, but listen first, Zav. They gave us permission to go to the local airport. I rented a hangar there for us. You’ll have to walk there. It’s about a mile of yours and a half (17 of mine). I think we can get there in about two hours, probably a little more”.

“Great!” Can’t wait to get the hell out of this effing place!. “Let’s go right now! I do not think there is much daylight left”. Having to spend the night here is NOT an option… I think I’ll go on a rampage if I stay here an hour longer, bots or no bots!

“We have a little more than two hours of daylight. There will be some things I and them will have to take care of before we set off. There will be a military motorcade preceding you, so the streets are clear, and you do not step on anyone”

“Gods forbid” said Zava, paling… she could not help imagining, with a shudder of utter horror and disgust, the sickening feeling of feeling a little screaming person’s squishy body splattering under her bare foot... GHAH! “How did you manage all this? The SID would not have let you go that easily if they had captured you” Zava’s appreciation of Mark’s resourcefulness had kept going about up a notch a second since he appeared.

“Tell you on the way…please set me down… they are getting twitchy… twitchy people with guns, Zav”

No way! I’m not letting them take you from me!  Zava hesitated, but at Mark’s beseeching look, she tightened her lips, closed her fingers on him, holding him in her fist as she kneeled, sitting on her haunches and lowering her hand to the ground.

“Don’t go far… I’d go mad if I lost sight of you again” she implored. He squeezed her thumb, reassuringly, as he shot a last smile at her and then hopped to the ground. Zava sighed and then caught sight of Betty, obviously the long-haired blonde in blue slacks, who was approaching with Mark’s shoes on her hand, smiling; McAllister was following close behind with his usual escort. As she got closer, Betty gave Mark his shoes and waved at Zava, crying:

“Hi Zava! Long time no see!”

“Hello Betty! You look so much prettier with your hair long! I did not recognize you” Said Zava, smiling and waving back from above.

“I suppose I look better in an outfit that has not been washed by hand, like, 500 times in three years. I only owned two changes of clothes back when I was in Bitagweh, your town, you know”.

“Well, I only have what you see on me,”, said Zava, laughing, “less than half an outfit and no shoes, and if I had been transported here ten minutes later than I was, I’d not even have this on, so let’s count our blessings”.

Betty covered her mouth as she could not help bursting into laughter.

“That is the Zava I know!”

Betty and Zava kept making small talk, but Zava was determined not to let Mark out of her sight. While she talked, she followed warily his every move.



McAllister was looking at the two women when they started chattering happily, so different from each other; one pale, good-looking and slim, but puny by contrast with the other tanned, gargantuan and overpoweringly appealing woman.

When Zava smiled, she changed from already very pretty to movie-star luminous, even in her soiled clothes and disheveled hair. Even the usually composed and stern Dr. Poole and the terse captain LeLacheur could not help but stare at the giantess in bewitched admiration, he saw. It was clear Zava had the crowd behind them and even his soldiers (and by now, surely the media) already in her pocket, with barely any effort. Mark approached him. Seeing a tall, grown man as Mark being picked up off the ground twenty meters into the air in a second, being held with barely two fingers of the giant beauty, as if he weighed nothing, was something McAllister would never forget: it was surreal, incredible. He was pretty sure Zava was strong enough to lift a tank if she had a mind to it.

“Colonel. Forgive me if I seem hasty but I think we better hit the road before twilight catches up with us. Zava’s big eyes can see much better in the dark than us but let’s not take any chances of unfortunate accidents or property damage occurring”.

“We’ll be ready to go in ten, Wilson”. Said McAllister, reluctantly tearing his eyes from Zava. “Dr. Poole, is the mask ready?” The Dr. nodded. “Captain LeLacheur?”

“My people are already reorganizing the barricades and the motorcade. The way is being cleared ahead of us as we speak. I think we better go before people figure out where we’re going and get in the way”. Said the policewoman. “I take it you will ride with us, Mr. Wilson?”

“No ma’am. I’ve got a better ride”.


“Zav, we’re about to leave, Please put this on”. Mark was holding a two-meter square of finely meshed cloth with straps tied to it. Zava reached for it. It looked like a kind of surgical mask. She proceeded to put it on over her mouth and nose.

“It is part of the quarantine procedure”. Dr. Poole interjected, loudspeaker in hand. “A cleaning douche will also be installed outside the hangar and everyone going in or out of the building will have to go through it, except, of course, you, Miss Casafus, who would have to remain there for 30 days”.

“I understand” Replied Zava, voice muffled by the thick cloth. Let’s go Let’s goooo…  I swear I don’t want to see another lighthouse in my life… she reached for Mark, who lifted his arms so they were not pinned by her fingers as they closed around his legs and torso, to be then lifted into the air… where she paused.

She almost put him into her cleavage, as she usually did, but… she caught herself, stopping the practiced and customary movement of her left hand, with which she usually held one boob aside to widen the gap between her breasts before setting his boyfriend between her tits. There are children down there in the audience, cameras all overdefinitely not appropriate, she sighed.

Early in their relationship, they had tried carrying Mark standing on her shoulders, holding on to her hair, but it had proven too difficult for Mark to hold on as she walked, and the one time they did it, he soon had to beg her to grab him before he fell. After quick consideration, she settled for holding Mark a little below her breasts against her midriff with both hands. He would get hot and sweaty there but at least he could look out from there and… there is NO CHANCE IN HELL I’m going to give him to the police motorcade.

“I’m ready” boomed the now clearly impatient Zava. McAllister and LeLacheur were already on a squat and broad military vehicle, at the head of the cortège, ahead of Zava, on the road. No sign of Betty, though she surely was around, as there were about ten vehicles on the procession. Five ahead, five in the back, with a wide space between them, clearly to have Zava as a sandwich in the middle. They were waiting. Almost disbelieving she was finally leaving this accursed place, Zava stepped timidly out of the field on tiptoes, fearing to encounter opposition, but nobody tried to stop her.

She stepped over the low stone wall surrounding the lighthouse. A few people, probably the keeper and friends and family, were at the top of the lighthouse, looking down at her from slightly above her head. She smiled and waved at them as she passed, they waving back, cheerfully.

In a few more tentative steps, she was on the road. The crowd had split into two, at each side of the narrow street, barely wider than her hips; five cars behind, five cars in front. She winced as she felt the thin pavement warp slightly under her feet. She was going to have to tread very lightly. Hopefully downtown the pavement would be sturdier. She was already becoming aware of the costs Mark would have to incur into to maintain her at the beginning, and did not want to add up to it with road repairs.

“Zav. I know that look in your eyes when you picked me up… what’s making you uncomfortable?” Sounded Mark in her earpiece. He can always tell…

“Oh, Mark… so many things…” she whispered through the mask, I’m sure the little people around me can probably hear every word, though. “My limbs feel so heavy… I feel almost naked in front of all these people… I’m hungry… I’m cold… and I’m about to piss myself; the cold is not helping for this last”. Mark gasped.

“Holy shit! Why didn’t you say something before, love?” he muttered, clearly very concerned.

“I’ve been holding it for a while now, dear, I know it was stupid, but in that field, in front of so many people, even TV cameras… with no way to get this tight shorts off without flashing everyone… or dripping on my undies or feet, you know the mess I splash around if I don’t hold it open with my fingers… just wanted to delay the awkwardness as much as I could, at least until after dark…” not sure now If I’ll make it to the airport, though... Let’sgoLet’sgoLet’sgo “should not have drank so much pasta broth…”

“Um… can you hold it a little longer”.

“I’ll try…. Why don’t you tell me how did you convinced them to let me go?” Let’s try to think of something else beyond my bladder. Finally, the procession started to move. She started to pace forward, gingerly. “or rather start telling me where you landed”.

Mark then told her most of what had happened after he woke up, his stay in the hospital, tied to the bed, Betty’s help, the trips downtown, the video he prepared and uploaded (he had explained the concept of online data to Zava long ago), the reporter, and then he got to the part where he had almost kneeled in the tent. Thanks to the video of the news sites, he was almost up to date to what had occurred to Zava, so far.

“… and then the President (our country’s leader) called McAllister, and he wanted to talk to me… he had already seen both videos, the reporter’s and mine, and I had already put an online petition and a social network page about us, both featured in the reporter’s video and mine (I’ll explain later) all of which went viral (again will explain later), which prompted many human rights organizations, think tanks, the United Nations chief, universities’ and even SETI’s (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) researchers to be already contacting the White House, I mean, the President’s office, and senators, flooding them with requests to allow you the opportunity of a probation period before adopting you as a honorary American citizen, as the first sentient extraterrestrial known to appear on our planet”. Mark paused, and then at a loving squeeze of Zava’s fingers, prompting him to continue:

“Zava. It is important not to understate the significance of having you here on Earth and in America. Before you appeared, the only proof of any life beyond this planet were mere hints… hints! of bacterial remains. And now you’re here, and you are a little hard not to notice, my love, way larger than a microbe! The first extraterrestrial being ever encountered in the history of humankind is a sentient, intelligent, English speaking humanoid, no less! (not to mention giant and sexy as hell)” Zava laughed throatily behind her mask at this as she kept walking. Mark continued “They convinced him a good precedent had to be set, as you were quite probably not hostile, and quite likely not the last alien we’d encounter. The fact that you were my de facto spouse and that I was an American citizen also helped, as the United States obviously would want to be the first country ever to grant asylum to a marooned person from outer space”.

Mark did not mention the fact (obvious to him, if not to Zava) that the fact that she was also de facto practically impossible to hide, abduct or imprison in secret had really, really helped. No way the men in black could haul THIS alien in a black van to a secret CIA prison. Mark was also sure that the fact that she was a woman, and a damn comely one at that, had also helped Zava score points, unfair as it may be to future, less easy-on-the-eye aliens. It was easy to feel sympathy with such a giant bombshell as Zava.

“Well, they’re going to be a little disappointed when I can’t give them any anti-aging elixirs, or blueprints for teleporting pods, rayguns or warp drives” chuckled Zava, using some of the terms Mark had read her from science-fiction books.

“We’re not out of the woods yet, babe. The probation thing is serious. We’ll have to receive the visit of many experts and politicians (some of them also likely religious or immigration bigots) which will have many questions, many of them uncomfortable, that’s for sure, and we cannot possibly please them all. We’ll have to submit both to medical exams, etc., and you will have to study politics and history to pass the citizenry test, eventually. I’m almost certain we’ll be summoned to Congress for hearings”.

“I can do all of that. As long as we are left to our life together”. Said Zava, defiantly. “I will NOT accept you being taken from me”.

“Don’t worry. That was the first concession I got. We’ll do it together”.

They continued for a while in silence, as Zava digested all Mark had said. In the rosy light of sunset, she could see, from her privileged height, with wonder, the little, adorable houses with very well cared for lawns (a rarity in her hometown), little tree orchards extending into the distance in the countryside, many of them loaded with ‘apple’ fruits, cute little cows and sheep in equally cute pastures, little barking dogs, birds flying around her, no bigger than flies.

As they approached downtown, beautiful villas which Mark said were probably of powerful and wealthy politicians like senators and ex-presidents began to appear. But all of them were barely waist-high to Zava. She felt, delighted, like she was walking through toyland. She could see cute little cars, motorcycles and bicycles riding around, and of course, little people everywhere: in the streets behind the police barricades, in windows and balconies, peering out of cars, all of them mouth agape as she sashayed by. She was increasingly aware that she was the ONLY person her size in the whole wide planet, which was both devastating and awesome at the same time.

Seeing them so small and thin, she could not help recalling the many times she had inserted Mark fully or almost fully into her hungry sex (and just as many times he had wriggled his way in and out of her cunt on his own). Once she was almost not being able to get him out of there, which was why they came up with the silk lifeline idea. And every person she was now going to encounter was as small as to fit inside her pussy or her mouth as well, smaller than just one of her breasts. She wondered how would it be to see a tiny couple having sex from up close… Why am I thinking of this?  She shook her head.

Zava was distracted from these unsettling thoughts as they got to an unexpected obstacle. She could now see, not so far ahead, at least to her, the tower of control of the airport, and the runway and hangars. But right in front of her there was a heavy intersection, packed with cars behind barricades at her sides.  The problem was that power lines were also crossing above the intersection.  They were high enough that she could not expect to be able to step over them without getting entangled in them, damaging them and receiving in turn a nasty shock or even dying as a result. She could see there was no way around them, and other streets were narrower and packed with cars and people.

Jumping was out of the question, as she did not want to find out if in this stronger gravity environment, she could leap over them, or if her bones would resist the jump. She would have to crawl under, there was enough room for that.

“Mark, I’ll have to let you off ‘till we clear these wires” she set him down on the floor and he jogged across the intersection, under the wires, waiting for her beyond to be picked up again. She got on all fours and then flat on her stomach against the ground. Then she crawled under the power lines, with plenty of room to spare above her back and ass, but barely keeping her tits from popping out of her top with the effort, scraping her elbows against the curb. The whole maneuver made it also plain that her bladder was getting fuller and more urgent by the second. She was uncomfortable aware that the little people around her were getting an eyeful of her legs and ass as she crept under the wires.

As she made to stand again, she realized she was getting tired. She suspected it would be several weeks until her body fully adjusted to the increased gravity and thinner air. Then she remembered Mark and bent over to get him, remembering too late that her ass in her too short shorts was being displayed to the procession and spectators behind her. Not for the first time in the last day, she was now glad she had not been wearing a skirt for the hot springs hike with Mark.

She started to walk again behind the other cars, cold sweat of exertion running down her back and between her breasts. Holding back urination beyond what was reasonable was also starting to take its merciless toll. Her dainty feet were also getting sore from walking barefoot on tarmac, no matter how thin, for over a mile. The concerned look on Mark’s face as she grabbed him made it clear that he realized how close she was to losing it. Just a little longer… hold it a little longer… it won’t do to piss myself in front of the whole world. She pointed to Mark, ahead of her, more of those flying cameras, ‘drones’, Mark had called them, buzzing around her, but a respectful distance, catching footage of her strut through town.

She started to walk a little faster, the motorcade increasing its speed accordingly. It was clearly a mistake, as when they were a few blocks from the airport she stepped a little too hard with her heel and she cringed as she felt the tarmac give in, cold water oozing from the cracks to wet her foot, as she obviously had smashed a pipe. Shit! No choice but to keep walking, though. No one seemed to notice the mishap. Thank the gods that was not a gas line.

Thankfully, they soon made it to the tree-lined chain-link fence near the runway. LeLacheur, the police captain told her with the loudspeaker that she would have to step over the fence and walk to the hangar across the runway, because she surely would not fit under the clearance gauge at the airport’s entrance. The airport had already stopped all traffic an hour ago to make way for her. Mark would guide her to the hangar. The cavalcade had to go all the way to the airport gate a few hundred meters ahead and make a detour to catch up with her.

Zava, legs trembling, stepped over the fence and, feeling under her feet the firmer tarmac of an airport runway, designed to hold heavy airplanes, walked a little faster. Mark told her to head to hangar 51, which she could see, relieved, ahead, marked with large red numbers. She got there, the doors already ajar. The groundskeeper or something was standing outside, looking up at her in amazement. She set Mark down, and he went to the man, got the keys from him after a brief greeting. She did not wait for their exchange to end. Getting in all fours, she got through the waist-high hangar door; inside, she found she could sit in the ground comfortably, she saw, without scraping her head on the ceiling trusses. Mark entered behind her and struggled to close the giant doors. Zava helped him, and as soon as they were alone and in relative privacy, she took of her mask and then she strained to take off her shorts and black thong, throwing them aside. Soon, now bottomless, hands cupped on her crotch, she muttered:

“Mark…. Please tell me you also prepared something for this… or that you have a truckload of sawdust… or a big mop… at the ready…”

He immediately ran to a corner near the door, bringing what looked like a big cardboard funnel, shiny with what seemed to be wax, lacquer or something.

“Zava… get to the middle of the hangar!” she could see a miniature manhole there. Mark ran with his funnel to the manhole and quickly took the lid off, inserting the two-foot wide funnel’s beak on it. Zava crawled near, and squatted near the manhole, inching closer to the funnel on her heels. Mark held the funnel in place, beak on the manhole, the mouth of the funnel against her pussy lips, held spread by fingers of both hands now. That’s it, buddy… reached my limit…. Ahhhh….

She released her bladder, or rather her bladder gave out, a foot-plus-wide stream shooting out of her urethra into the funnel, which noisily rechanneled everything into the drain, Mark pushing the funnel against it with evident effort against the strong flow bursting out of her.

Mark had explained her once about the 21 second rule of urination, but to her it seemed to take half a century until she finally squeezed out the last drops, these failing to reach the funnel, annoyingly trickling down one of her buttocks and into the floor. Mark, helpfully, brought her what seemed to be a bed sheet, which she used to wipe herself (and the floor), Mark politely turning her back on her for the duration of this embarrassing operation.

Zava let herself fall down on her ass onto the cold floor, relief escaping her with a long sigh; her bladder and piss hole felt a bit sore from holding it for so long. Now, spread eagle, awkwardly holding the wet makeshift napkin in one hand on the air, the other hand on the ground for support, she laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.  Her pussy was now fully displayed to Mark, who had turned to face her already, eyes widening at the enticing womanly panorama in front. But he remembered himself, and scurried away to bring both a trashcan in which Zava deposited the napkin, a keg of powdered soap and a hose. He helped Zava wash her hands with the last two, as she said, while reaching for her shorts and panties as she finished washing:

“You actually had the time to make that funnel?”  

“Well, I knew we were going to need it, but I hoped it would last longer” he said, looking at the now crumpled funnel, which obviously would not stand for another use, although thankfully it held through one session… it would have been awkward if it Zava’s stream had pierced it before… her jet would have knocked him to the ground. I’ll have to go shop for something sturdier”. He shamelessly looking at her slipping her bottom up her long legs while trying not to bump her head on the ceiling. “In fact, I have to go shopping for quite a few things”

That gave her pause…

“Please don’t leave me alone Mark… you promised”, she begged, voice breaking… “At least for tonight, be with me…I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep myself together without you tonight”

“Zava… you cannot sleep on the cold cement floor… you need proper food, a heater, a blanket…”

“I can make without for tonight, just… just don’t leave me… I need you”.

“What if I leave you with Betty for a while, while I’m out… It’ll only take an hour” 

“Why don’t we sent her shopping?” she said, sulkily, and a little childishly, she realized as soon as the words left her lips.

“Zav, be reasonable, Betty is very kind, but she is no engineer. I know what I need, but I cannot describe everything to her.  She can keep you company while I get you what you need to be clean and comfortable for the night and tomorrow”.

“You’re right… but please come cuddle with me till she gets here”. He approached her. Zava grabbed him hungrily, holding him tenderly against her chest with both hands. His little hands caressed fondly the yielding flesh of her bosom.

So nice to have you back… So nice to hold you in my hands… warm and tight against me.


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