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Chapter 25: Bonding

The four MAJORS were literally k.o.-ed standing. Alejandro couldn’t actually say he was surprised by that reaction. Just the previous evening, he had told them that he hated bonding. Even his father, who had understood what he had in mind was awestruck, probably not expecting him to go all-in like that. The Minor teenager wondered which one of his family members would shake out of his or her stupor first and try to talk him down from bonding with Lindsey… and thus Shannon afterward. It turned out to be the one he expected the least.

“No. No way” said Lindsey.

“What the problem? I thought you found it unfair that the both of us were never bonded?”

“Well, yeah, it is! But I won’t bond with you now, no chance in Hell.”

“And why not?”

“Because… Because if I do and it works and all, you’ll go to Shannon and you’ll be in danger!” growled his sister, stomping her right foot with enough force to make the wooden floor crack menacingly.

“Calm down Lindsey” said Ofelia, her voice shaky but still authoritative. “Nobody is bonding nobody. Alejandro, what you have in mind, it’s too dangerous. You’ve almost been bond-raped once, and the sequels would have been… far worse than those you experienced nonetheless. If Shannon loses it… I couldn’t bear the idea of her ravaging your mind, sweetie.”

“That’s why I need to train with Lindsey Mom. Both Shannon and her are Tier 2, and both have no experience with bonding. She’s the closest things I have to help me prepare. I know I can do it Mama. I know it. Please, let me have this chance…”

Alejandro never liked begging. It usually made him feel weak, pathetic… For ten years, he had consciously avoided situations where he would be the one grovelling to obtain a favour, just to spite the memory of Joseph Mac Ferlan. Now, he couldn’t care less. The dream-like possibility of a better world for minorkind was perhaps salvable still, and he couldn’t let his pride get the better of him and prevent him from doing what was needed.

“Lindsey, do as your brother asks you” ordered Jules, pale but resolute.

Mi amor…” begun Ofelia, but he cut her off.

“I know… But we both swore, when we learnt that we would have a Minor child, that we would offer him the possibility to make his own choices, to let him makes his own mistakes to learn from them. We have to let him do it, Ofi, it is our duty as parents.”

“And what if I’m disagreeing with it” roared Alaric, shocking everyone. “It’s too dangerous bro! Lindsey doesn’t know how to handle the bond, and Shannon’s may be even more unstable that we fear. You could be… you could be turned into a ragdoll, a mindless corpse or worse, you could become her toy!”

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take, Al’. I told you, despite everything, Shannon made me see a possible future were I could be more than just a stay-at-home partner, a world where I could actually help my fellow Minors, everywhere. I’m not willing to risk my sanity for some deluded pride that I could be important. I’ll never be someone important, and I’m okay with that. But I can at least be someone, and so can other Minors, and it would already be an improvement over what most of us are… Come on bro, trust me on this, please.”

“… Fine… But I’ll be in the same room as Shannon and you, got it? First signal of danger for you, I’ll clobber her down, no matter what it takes to make sure she doesn’t fuck with you. Deal?”

“Deal. So… Lindsey, are you ready?”

“I… I don’t know… I…”

Alejandro’s sister was stammering, clearly lost and confused. Her older brother couldn’t blame her. It was basically her dream come true but in the worst way possible. Instead of some happy fairy tale where he would have awoken one day and had asked to bond with her because he just wanted it, he had to so just to prepare himself before confronting Shannon freaking Matthewson. It was no surprise that his Little Lind didn’t know how to react.

“How about we do it in my room, just the two of us? What do you say?”

“I… But what if I mess up and fry your brain or something?” asked his little sister, a mask of worry etched on her face.

“You won’t, don’t worry.”

“You can’t know that!”

“You’re right, I can’t. But I can trust you, and I do. Isn’t it good enough?” he asked, fear still perceptible in his voice.

Lindsey’s lower lip was shaking, but she got off her ass and walked toward the stairs, without a second glance at anyone. Alejandro looked at his parents and his twin and raised his thumb up.


“So… what do I do?” asked Lindsey, fidgeting on the ground.

“First thing first, calm down kiddo. I’m sure you’ll handle everything just fine, okay?” joked Alejandro, quite nervous himself.

“Yeah… okay… But seriously? What should I do!?”

“I… don’t really know. Didn’t you have studies about that in school?”

“Well, we’ve got some theories, but I’ve never practiced it…”

“So, how about you begin with the talk, and we’ll proceeded from there?”

“Fine. So…” Lindsey’s voice trailed off as she scurried her brain for every scrap of memory about bonding. “The first thing is to have both minds open and relaxed…”

“Okay, well, it doesn’t sound so hard” joked Alejandro while he felt his stomach lurching, his primeval fear of bonding returning to the forefront of his mind.

“Your mind is always closed ‘Rando… I don’t think I’ve ever felt it in all my life more than yesterday, and even then, it was pretty tight.”

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll handle it, don’t worry. What’s next?”

“Well, since I’m a Tier 2… once our minds are open, I must project mine into yours. In theory, since my own is vastly more powerful that yours, I should be able to force a connection without you being able to mount a resistance.”

“Just like that? Isn’t it… really invasive? I mean, there isn’t step to be… invited in or something?”

“Yep, just like that. Opening your mind fully is basically inviting the bond, you know?”

“Oh… okay… And what happens next?”

“Don’t know. Teachers had all different experiences, really, it wasn’t helpful at all.”

“Did any of them ever tell you what would happen if the core of the Minor’s remained closed off despite all of this?”

“Hum… not that I remember. Then again, most Minor’s mind aren’t closed, or barely guarded if they are. Yours is a fortress big bro, so I guess that if I can’t reach your “core” we can’t bond.”

“FIne... then don’t worry, I’ll deal with it as best I can. Just, tell me, does physical contact help?” Alejandro was trying to hide his fear, but the closer they got to the actual bonding, the more nervous he was becoming. All the help will be good, I guess

“Yes, the teachers said that it was necessary for Tier 1, useful bonus for Tier 2 and dangerous for Tier 3, so in our case, it would probably be good to… to touch hands or something.”

“Why would it be dangerous to have physical interaction with a Tier 3?” asked Alejandro, confused.

“Because their minds are too powerful and thus really dangerous for Minors, from what I got out of Mom.”

“Wait a minute” interrupted the small teenager. “Mom talked about Tier 3 to you? She always refused to open up with me about anything related to Tiers…”

“Well, it’s really more a MAJOR things, ‘Rando, sorry; it’s not exactly useful for you to know what Tier someone is… well, except Tier 3, I guess.”

“Don’t sweat it” replied her brother, who had more pressing matters in mind. “Just, can you explain a little more?”

“I’m not sure I should…”

“Any shred of information can help, you know?”

“Fine… So, Tiers 3… They can influence MAJORS and Minors alike if they want to, but against us, it has to be intentional, while to mess with Minors’ brains, they just need to be around you guys. So, if one of your kind is near a Tier 3, her mind will be messed up and she’ll find the MAJOR more attractive or funny, things like that… and if she touch a Tier 3, all her defences goes down and anything the MAJOR will tell will result in a bond. They are shallow, from what Mom told me, but still, bonding with just a touch, it’s quite something. ”

“Whoa… That’s a little frightening.”

“Yeah, indeed. I can’t tell you how happy I was to find out I was just Tier 2! I wouldn’t have been able to stay at home with you if I had been Tier 3! I would have been too dangerous for you…”

“I’m sure Papa and Mama would have found a way around it” said the young Minor, trying to alleviate his sister’s fears. “But, anyway… are you ready for the first try?”

“Ready when you are” nervously replied Lindsey.

Alejandro took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He then proceeded to take down all of his mental defences. It was harder than he had anticipated it to be, because a part of him didn’t want to do it. As soon as some barriers were destroyed and he moved to other layers of his mind, they sprang back, perhaps a little shakier, but still. It won’t work like that, he realized. I can’t just destroy some walls; I’m used to guard my mind so it reacts instinctively… I need another approach.

Alejandro sat down, cross-legged, not unlike those Buddhist monks he had seen in many documentaries on his computer. He had read and learnt a lot about those guys and their meditative techniques when he was younger; it had helped appease his fears after the Incident. He tried to relax, leaving his mind’s defences intact. Then he visualized them, the massive castle he was so used to live in… and he changed it into a simple house. It was hard, his mind resisted, but not as hard as destroying the stone walls he had imagined before. He could feel his forehead frowning but he kept his focus inside and not outside.

“’Rando,” asked Lindsey, “what have you done? I can almost feel… something... from you, that’s so strange! It’s like you’re… here, like, behind a wall except that it would be a paper wall or a water wall, I don’t know!”

Alejandro did not answer her question. He focused harder, breathing at a slower pace to calm down his body. He could feel his pulse lose some speed, returning to normal after an early morning of quickening, and then dropping to lower than usual. Finally, he managed to erase the house, leaving only a plain in his mind’s eye. He wasn’t sure how long it would last however, nor how long he actually wanted it to last and make a bond possible… He didn’t dare talk but instead put his hands in his sister’s.

At once, he felt her mind rush to collide with his. For a fleeting moment, his mental barriers tried to rise again, a reflex he couldn’t control, but they were blown away by the strength of Lindsey’s natural power. He grunted as their minds tried to accommodate each other. It was so different than anything he had experienced with Mac Ferlan that he actually had no point of comparison, and he didn’t really knew how to feel about it. He had been very young the last time he had been bonded, so he couldn’t remember it, and with Joseph…

“Oh my God!” shrieked Lindsey, startling him and almost ending the bond at once.

“What? What’s happening?” asked Alejandro, opening his eyes to look at his sister distraught’s figure and her right hand massaging her left one.

“Mac Ferlan… what he did to you… I’m so sorry, ‘Rando!”

The Minor was engulfed in his little sister’s arms, and it took him a certain time before realizing what had happened. When they had bonded, she had had access to all his memories. He guessed that the fact that he had thought about Mac Ferlan had somehow connected the present with his past trauma and forced his sister to experience it. He suspected he too could go and watch at least a part of her memories, because he could feel a way of reaching directly inside her brain, but he didn’t want to intrude… Furthermore, it seemed somewhat closed or at least as if he had to push past some sort of frontier.

“Don’t worry, you can go inside all you want” whispered Lindsey, still holding him tight and even cuddling him a little.

“Uh? Are you… reading my mind like that? I mean, Shannon did, but here it seems… deeper, somehow” said the puzzled Minor.

“Yeah, I’m inside your mind, big bro, so I can know everything you think” chirped the MAJOR in an attempt to defuse her brother’s tension.

“Hey, that’s unfair! I can’t do that, I have to concentrate to read your surface thoughts or significant memories. All I have direct access too are your feelings! I can’t go plucking words out of your brain!”

“MAJOR’s privilege” joked Lindsey between tears.

“Why are you crying, Little Lind?”

“Because… because it feel so good to be bonded, I don’t think you can realize it ‘Rando. It’s like… like all the tension I had, that I hadn’t even realized I felt was just… gone. Your mind it’s like, I don’t know, a chasm which take all the violence, all the competitive feelings that I have and give back peace, serenity, joy… and yet it’s kind of… blurred I guess, you can feel it, right?”

“Yeah. I think it’s because we’re siblings, it would be clearer if we weren’t. I guess it’s a natural evolution to ensure that Minors aren’t kept inside the family and avoid inbreeding. Mom would know better than me, thought.”

“Yeah… But I want to hear your opinion, ‘cause I know it would make you happy, and I want you to be happy; that’s all I want for you…” said Lindsey.

“Well, since you ask…” begun the Minor before a rush of happiness washed over him. “Wait a minute” he giggled, “have you… have you done that? I think, I think that you’ve changed me for good”.

The young man couldn’t help but laugh, even if he knew he should have been worried. He was just far too happy to feel bad. Everything was so great around him! Lindsey was more beautiful and funny that he had ever remembered her to be, and his room, despite the devastation that Shannon had brought in it a day ago, looked just perfect. It was so strange, to feel happiness in even the smallest thing, and yet it was how he felt. He didn’t think that anything could make him feel bad this day… Yup, he could basically go to Shannon and no matter what she would do to him, he would still be happy.

“Alejandro, get back to normal, please!” pleaded his wonderful little sister, a sense of urgency in her voice.

As suddenly as the bliss had descended upon him, he returned to his normal state, which was hard. Suddenly, he had to face his nervousness, the worries about Shannon, himself, his future… A part of him craved the return to the blissful state he had so briefly experienced, but the majority of his being was afraid of it. Thinking straight had been impossible in such a happy disposition, and now he even felt fatigue washing over him, as if his brain had a hard time coping with the sudden mood swings.

“Sorry” said Lindsey. “I didn’t think that just a passing idea would influence your behaviour like that.”

Usually, she would have asked him to not be angry with her, but while she was in his mind, she had no need for such a trivial request. It was quite strange, because the bond made Alejandro feel both energised and tired. He guessed that Minor’s mind weren’t meant for various change in behaviour during a bond, and he could feel the beginning of a headache forming in his temple. Perhaps it’s better if we stop the experiment here, we already know that I don’t turn all crazy when bonding.

He had to admit that he was quite surprised. He hadn’t expected it to proceed so easily. His mind wasn’t putting a fight to push Lindsey away, even while she could peer into his most private memories and thoughts. He had trepidations, especially after the emotional roller coaster than Lindsey had unwittingly imposed on him, but he didn’t felt as bad as he had expected. He guessed that bonding was, after all, rather natural even for Minors and that his body was overtaking his mental reflexes, once it had been clear that he wasn’t in danger like he had been with Joseph. It also felt less… deep, either because he was too young back then or because being his sister, Lindsey couldn’t create a bond as all-encompassing as Mac Ferlan had. However, he was thankful that Shannon and he hadn’t shared such intimacy in the bath…

“Whoa, that some kinky stuff here!” giggled Lindsey.

“What the… Hey! Don’t look at those thought, you perv!” screamed Alejandro, while his little sister was laughing so hard she ended falling on her back.

“Oh God, you’re such a boob’s guy, I would never have suspected it!” she managed to say between to burst of laughter. “With the way Mama looks, at least I’m sure you won’t creep on me when I’ll hit puberty!”

“Hey, cut it out, will you! I don’t want my baby sister foraging into my sexual fantasies and… oh shit!”

“OH MY GOD! What was that dream! And that’s what she did with your bench press. Whoa!”

“LINDSEY, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” roared Alejandro.

“Fine, fine…” mumbled the pre-teen MAJOR. “But well, I sure hope that I’ll find a Minor who can look at me and feel like you do toward Shannon” she added while cutting off the bond.

“Okay…” sighed Alejandro, still as red as a tomato. “Time to go and pay The Minor by the Sea a visit, I guess…”


“I’m not really sure I can do that sir” said a black-haired teenager, clearly embarrassed. From what Alejandro could see, she could have been cute, if not for the over-use of eyeliner and look of absolute boredom which seemed to be her constant feature… when she wasn’t nervous. Too bad, with her straight black hair cut behind her ears and freckles, she had an exotic look to the Minor, painfully aware of how unusual it was for him to be interacting with other MAJORS beyond his family. Plus, he was almost certain he knew her, but couldn’t place a name on that pale face.

“Why not. We’re friend of her” patiently explained Jules. “We just want to see her before she leaves.”

“The thing is, Miss Matthewson has ordered us to not bother her or not let anyone enter her room or come and come see her… I’m really sorry, but she said that she would buy out this hotel and have us all fired if we didn’t obey her orders… And I'd like to keep my job... and my family's Hotel...” she added after a pause.

Alejandro wasn’t so sure that this girl would be too sad about the hotel closing, but apparently, a job was a job, especially in Old Creek. He guessed that there weren’t that many opportunities here, for a MAJOR. As a shut-in Minor, it hadn’t really been a problem up until now, but now that he actually hoped to do something useful of his life, he had to admit that his hometown wasn’t the best place to start a job hunt.

“Please Cherry…” begged Lindsey, “you have to let us see her. She won’t do anything to you, I swear!”

“Uugh… Listen Lindsey, I for one can’t afford to lose my job. Not everybody’s a rich kid… no offense, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrand.”

“None taken” replied Ofelia with calm. “But please, miss Overrock, it is of the utmost importance for Alejandro that he may see Shannon…”

“Alejandro’s here?” yelped the MAJOR before plunging over the counter to finally notice the Minor, offering him a rather pleasant view of her small but noticeable cleavage. I’ve been spoiled by Shannon, admitted Alejandro as a smile came to his face, because they aren’t that small, she’s already packing more in her bra than Mama, and she’s fifteen if I remember right! But focus man, you aren’t here to be oogling at the employee’s rack.

“Hey Cherry” he said out loud, waving his arm. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine! I’m so glad to see you, it has been years! But wait… if you’re here to meet with The Shannon Matthewson then it means that she is…”

“Yup, the little girl who used to mess with your air when we were kids. And I really need to talk with her, okay? Can you do me the favour? I’ll owe you one, big time if you help us!”

“Of course, don’t sweat it!” replied the MAJOR, a little too eagerly to be honest. “Follow me!”


Alejandro looked at the restroom door. Cherry had elicited to not open the main door leading to Shannon’s room. She had heard from her uncle that there had been quite a commotion there the previous night and having seen how massive Shannon was, she didn’t dare displease her too much, even with the chance to earn points with Alejandro. The only problem was that the access to Shannon’s room was through a Minor's room with a smaller door leading to the shared bathroom. Alejandro couldn’t fathom why someone had designed the hotel like that, but quite frankly, he couldn’t care less at that time.

The only problem was that it meant that his brother couldn’t come with him. Alaric hadn’t been happy at all about it, but they couldn’t really argue just outside Shannon’s door. Cherry had told them that she had sounded strange when she had ordered the young clerk to not let anyone bother her, and Alejandro refused to wait more. He had to settle things right here, right now. Finally, Al’ had given up and went to stand vigil against Shannon’s door, ready to burst it open at the first sound of trouble.

That’s how the crippled Minor found himself pushing slowly and carefully the massive door leading from the restroom to the room proper. He gasped a little, savouring the fresher air. The toilet’s bowl was full of vomit, its smell stinking and powerful, which had almost been enough to make he empty his own stomach, so aggressive it was. Gritting his teeth, he exited the smelly toilets and searched for Shannon.

He immediately found her, prostrated against her bed, on the floor. Her hairs, unkept and wild, looked like some massive hedge of thorns over her upper body. He noticed that she was nude and sweating abundantly, as if she had a fever. Her back was turned toward him and he could see her ginormous backside moving rhythmically has her whole body shivered. She’s losing it, he realized. Oh boy, in what mess did I choose to dive straight into?

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the wooden frame of the restroom door, hoping to elicit some kind of reaction. Instead, nothing happened, so he knocked again, louder. He wasn’t really ready to approach her in that state, not as long as she wouldn’t have noticed him. Better safe than sorry, he reasoned. Yet, she still seemed to ignore him, so he knocked a third time, loud enough to be heard outside the room, hopefully.

“Go away…” growled the gigantic MAJOR. “I told you that I don’t want to be bothered by anyone. So. Go away or I swear you’ll spend the rest of our days jobless…”

“Well, it wouldn’t really be so strange for a Minor, you know?” replied Alejandro.

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