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Author's Chapter Notes:

Who would have thought, I managed to squeeze on last chapter out of 2017!

Chapter 21: Admitting weaknesses

 “I need to go to the restroom, could you please get me out of here?” asked Alejandro.

The waiter looked at him all confused. It was obvious that the Minor was angry, and apparently that MAJOR didn’t know how to react. He looked at the teenager's parents, which made the small teenager all the more angrier, but he did it best to contain it, at least for now. Don’t lose it here man, you only need to go to the restroom and it’ll be fine. Finally, after his Mom nodded at the waiter, the MAJOR gave each customer his entry and then took Alejandro and put him back on the floor.

“There is a special door for Minors to enter the restrooms, and then a special section for your kind, sir” said the small MAJOR, clearly hoping to earn some points with Alejandro.

“Thank you” muttered the Minor before sprinting toward the door.

He took notice of neither the floral pattern carved into the wooden frame nor the fact that the the restroom he had to use was clearly a recent addition, a relatively small metal box in a corner of the vast entrance used by MAJORS. He noticed however that Minors of both genders had to share it. Not that it really matters when I’m the only one in this town anyway… He went in and looked at himself in the mirror.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down, and his anger, which had flared quite suddenly dissipated just as quickly. Instead, he felt hollow, as if someone had taken a part of him. It took him almost a minute to realise that he was feeling just like he always had for the past ten years. This realisation hurt badly. Being healed now felt a lot less like a gift and a lot more like a curse; he hadn’t felt this bad in years and he had grown accustomed to the pain back then ; now, it was wreaking havoc in his mind and made his stomach painful, because he knew he could feel so much better.

He knew that his mother had meant well, but what she had said had stung him, badly. He was certain that he had a complete High School level education and was undergoing a college one right now. Apparently, it wasn’t the case, and it made him doubt himself. What do I truly know…? How can I be sure that the courses I’ve used weren’t meant for… for kindergarten or something! His reflection was livid with shame and anger, but his eyes were reddening, and he couldn’t keep his tears in check, they began rolling on his cheeks in silent sobs.

Alejandro let himself fall to the ground. Right now, all he wanted to do was to curl himself into a ball and be brought back home, and never again leave his room. Since this morning, his moods kept swinging back and forth, and his current sadness was tiring him really quickly. The worst thing was that his family knew it was a sensitive subject, ever since he had told his Mom, years ago, that he didn’t really want Lindsey’s help anymore, because she made him look stupid.

It had been the only time where his sister’s tears hadn’t shaken his resolve. It was simply too humiliating to struggle for days to barely comprehend a problem only to have her solves it in mere minutes. Before all that, he had hoped that he could become a scientist or something, but he had thrown away those dreams long ago. If he was to be honest, Shannon’s campaign, for all its probable flaws and self-interest for the MAJOR, had at least reignited some spark in him to actually do something of himself instead of wallowing in despair and cynism.

Now, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what his Mom was trying to do. She wanted him to go to a High School, like that Miss Ivory, and get some traditional education and diplomas. The only question concerned only her ulterior motives : did she wishes it because she had found Shannon’s wanting when it came to him and she hoped that he would find some other MAJOR to hook up with at school, or did she truly only wished that he got to interact with peoples, especially Minors? It was a tough question, and he couldn’t answer it, not right now at least.

“But what’s the point, anyway” he said out loud. “All I’ll get will be false sympathy and the like by MAJORS wanting to bond me and probably hang out with Minors who can’t even decide what to wear without their parents telling them.”

That was probably very unfair of him to think that… about the minors at least, because he had read a lot of information from minors going to school and still getting a rather common education making them subservient and all. He guessed that courses for minors were simply vastly different from MAJORS’ and that only a very few of his kind even bothered with normal ones. After all, it wasn’t exactly as if they could open a shop or become a model or an actress, or whatever, really, without some MAJOR allowing them to.

This idea made him angry, and he clung to this feeling. Being angry was, after all, better than being sad. It had been anger which had saved his brother’s life during the Incident, it had been anger which had allowed him to forget his fear and defy Joseph, back when he still had his two arms. Those memories allowed him to fan the flame of his wrath, but it was a pale imitation of how he had felt every day for ten years. Getting whole and good, it turned out, made it harder for him to hold on his anger, something he didn’t really like much right now.

Opening the faucet, he passed cold water on his face to wipe out his tears. Once done, he dried his visage with the paper meant for hands, and watched again at his reflection. His eyes were still red, but now he wasn’t so livid and he had some resolution in his gaze. Better, much better. Now, get your ass back in the game, return to the table, pretend to enjoy this stupid social event and roll with it. There is nothing else you can do anyway, beside begging mommy and daddy to bring you back home or spending the whole diner sulking. And neither are acceptable options, so onward you go man!

It was strange, how the peoples closest to you, that you loved very much, could still make you incredibly angry or hurt so easily. He guessed that different aspirations and visions from one’s future could lead to it, even if everyone wanted the best for him. It didn’t really make it easier to accept however… Especially when he felt he had no control over it, not when the whole word was comprised of peoples who could outclass him physically and mentally without even trying…

He exited the restroom and immediately collided into something very massive and warm. Falling on his ass with a small yelp, he looked at something he failed to comprehend at first. Then, he recognized the colour… it was one of Shannon’s calves. He looked up and up, until he saw her hands on her hips, curled into fists and far, far above it, her angry face; partially obscured by her mighty tits. Her eyes were ablaze with reprobation. And he couldn’t care less.

“Watch were you going, Shannon!” growled the Minor teenager, without making any effort to mask his anger.

“Is that all you have to say?”

Her voice was cold and he could hear her own fury. He knew he should have been afraid, but while he had struggled to fan his anger before, her attitude really made it easy. He refused to give in. She may be bigger than any MAJOR I’ve ever seen, but she ain’t no boss of me! She doesn’t have any right to be hovering over me, all arrogant and all that shit! He shot her a baleful glare; one he expected would shock her. Instead, she simply looked at him with… contempt?

“Really? Is that how you want to play it out? You snap at Auntie, who actually cares about you more than anything in the world. You shut yourself inside the toilets, leave us hanging and that’s all you have to say when I come to check on you? Watch were you going Shannon!? Is that it!”

“Yeah, that’s it! You’ve got a problem with it, don’t stand just against a door used by Minors, you whale!” roared Alejandro.

“Whale!? WHALE!? I care about you and that’s how you reward me? By insulting me!?”

The gigantic MAJOR stomped, making the still on his ass Minor shake as if he was in the middle of an earthquake. It was absolutely terrifying but he refused to give in and grovel. He had sworn, long ago, that he wouldn’t submit to any MAJOR, and even this incredibly massive, powerful, smart and beautiful one wouldn't make him break this vow. It was basically all he had that no MAJOR could have over him: his guts. It was, after all, far harder to be brave when almost everyone on the planet could reduce you to bloody pulp than when you were the one doing the crushing.

“Oh please!” he shot back at best he could. “You’ve probably heard far worse from a lot of peoples! And don’t pretend that you aren’t insulting me, and all Minors, left and right. You don’t even fucking notice it, I’m willing to bet!”

“The fuck are you saying, you stupid little moron!? I’ve never insulted you like that!”

“You just did!”

“No. I. Didn’t!”

As she ended her sentence, Shannon pushed a little his body with her monstrously massive feet. Despite his best efforts, he fall back toward the Minor’s restroom door, only to have his path blocked by her immense fingers when she crouched and seized him, before returning to her full height. The way he was carried, her right hands surrounding his torso while his legs were left hanging, was extremely uncomfortable. His precarious position took a great chunk of his resolve and her extremely outraged look almost destroyed it entirely.

“Now you’ll listen to me mister! I want to know why you just push everyone away when someone talks about school. It would be awesome for you to go to High School, you would make friends and all! ANd you're smart, so you'd be able to learn a lot there! So spit it out!”

“That’s none of your god damned business, so drop me this instant, you overgrown bully!”

“Oh, I’m a bully now? Funny how you failed to call me that all day long… I had some attitude that a bully could have, and yet you went along really well!” she grunted. “So go on, speak your mind. And if you actually manages to make sense, I’ll drop you. Otherwise, we’ll stay here, just like that, until you get back to your senses and go say sorry to your mom!”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! What do you care if I go to school or not? You didn’t even ask me about it when you offered me an ambassador position!”

“I didn’t because I would never have assumed that you would willingly refuse to learn more! Isn’t the whole point of what you would want for Minors? That you guys and gals could all learn new things whenever you want it?”

“Oh yeah! Minors can all go to High School or whatever, where they’ll be belittled all day long by the “superior” MAJORS right? I’m sure it’ll help a lot, to have all those so powerful and intelligent teenagers all around me. The fact that they would all be a lot younger than me and way, way smarter all day long, all only caring about getting me in their pants, it would be so good for my health, my self-esteem and my aspirations, right! Ho, Alejandro, how silly of you, you couldn’t even solve this equation with six unknown factors in five minutes! Here, let my ten years old self do it for you!”

This close to her face, Alejandro had a harder time reading all her feelings, but he saw in her big, beautiful, eyes that his little outburst had surprised her. Then, her eyes became incredibly hard, and just as cold as steel, and he felt her powerful digits press down on his ribcage, making him wince in pain.

“Ow, Shannon, what are you doing!? You’re hurting me!”

“Yes. What can you do about it?” she asked, her voice as cold as the northern wind.

“Nothing, and you fucking now it!” he screamed, trying desperately to push away the digits pressing on his body, to no avail.

“Yeah. Physically speaking, I am a superior breed, compared to you. Admit it.”

“The fuck?!”

“Admit it!” she growled, shaking him a little.

Bordel, have you lost your mind?”

“Admit. IT”, she repeated, a very threatening tone, frightening enough to dissolve all of his resolve, if only momentarily.

“Okay, I admit it, you’re a superior breed of human compared to me… Now drop me and don’t bother ever talking to me again!” he added in a roar.

“Won’t do. We haven’t finished talking, you need to come out clear! Does it bother you that I’m physically able to do things that you’ll never be able to do?”


“Speak up your mind, little guy!”

“… No, it doesn’t, it comes with the fact that you’re a MAJOR, and I’m not” he finally admitted, begrudgingly. “I’m not stupid enough to constantly think about it, it would be a waste of time… and so is this stupid discussion, so put me down, you brute!”

“No, I told you our little chat isn’t over… If you’ve come to term with the fact that us MAJORS are stronger than you, then why does the fact that we possess more brain power still upset you that much, sweetie?” asked the black behemoth.

Alejandro blinked, totally lost. All of her anger seemed to have disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. Instead of her glaring at him, her eyes were full of worry. Her hand didn’t crush his ribs anymore, instead its fingers were massaging it, soothing his pain away, and her second one came under his feet to offer them some surface to stand on. The change of attitude was so sudden that the Minor teenager didn’t know how to react and only managed to stutter some incoherent syllables. What the hell is going on here?

“Alejandro, beautiful? Why are you okay with us MAJORS being physically stronger but not with the fact that we are mentally superior too? Please, answer me…” she pleaded, her eyes suddenly begging him to keep talking.

“What are you doing Shannon?” he managed to reply instead, his voice hollow. “You give me a scare, you belittle me, and suddenly you’re all worrying about me? What’s your sick game, seriously!?”

“You wouldn’t have told me anything if I had shown you my true feelings right away. We both know it” she calmly explained. “Now, I need you to tell to me why it’s not okay for us MAJORS to be superior to Minors in pure potential, whatever it may be…”

“Because it’s unfair! Isn’t it obvious, putain!?” snapped the diminutive young man. “Because you’re already all so tall and strong, and you’re all always healthy and you live like 200 years and shit, you get to fuck around with a Minor or ten for decades, then get to hook up with one of your kind when you’re bored, while I’ll probably end dying of an heart attack at sixty or turn into a senile old shit if I grow older than that! How come nature couldn’t at least give us Minors something where we are better than you guys!”

A wave of shame washed over Alejandro, because he had had to reveal the truth to someone he had feelings for, despite their recent encounter after ten years, and because his voice was incredibly whiny. If even he could hear it, there was no way he didn’t sound incredibly pathetic to the massive woman holding him in her hands. It brought back colour on his cheeks, which were now burning red. He really hated the fact that he had to blurt his deeper thoughts into the open like that, but Shannon’s bipolar behaviour had simply surprised him too much and he hadn’t be able to keep it down. It was really emasculating.

He wanted to turn his face away from hers, but before he could do, the giantess moved, at an incredible speed for someone so massive.She took a step toward the wall and pressed his back against it, before pushing her lips on his face. Her tongue wormed her way into his mouth, and contrary to their kiss this morning, this one lasted for a long time. He tried to push against it at first, but she was relentless, and his mind was battered by her incommensurable desire to comfort him. Once more, almost all of his defences crumbled and he was left panting, his mind opening against his will. It was only when she brought her tongue back into her cavernous mouth that he managed to erect his mental walls again, and even then, he was panting hard, his mind battered.

“Oh, my love… you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself. You have gifts that any MAJOR self-respecting can’t help but crave: imagination, an ability to love and care beyond anything you can even imagine, and an incredible determination… and you’re way smarter than you give yourself credit for. In fact, I think you’re mistaking intelligence and smartness and that’s why you don’t feel so hot about going to school.”

“You aren’t making any sense” mumbled the Minor, wiping some lipstick from his face.

“Am I not? I think it’s more that it’s a MAJOR point of view that you can’t, or perhaps, don’t want to understand.”

“And going to High School would help me understand it?”

Alejandro managed to convey his disbelief and cynic vision of the world in that sentence. It was almost nothing, really, compared to the show of force that his wannabe girlfriend had displayed, but right now, he couldn’t refuse any victory, however small it was. That’s fucking pathetic, really, he couldn’t help thinking.

“Nooo” replied the titaness, “but it would definitely do you good to interact with other MAJORS, and possibly Minors! You’ve always been alone in this town, we both know it, so interacting with some of your own kind can only be good for you. It’ll help you put your own place in this world in perspective. Especially…”


“Especially when it comes to what you can or can’t do, and how we see our lives with you Minors. Not everyone dream about affairs with you only to enjoy decades with only MAJORS after you’ve passed away… In any case, I couldn’t do it, not if we had a life together” she added, her voice so low, almost inaudible really, that Alejandro couldn’t be sure he had heard it right.

“Excuse me, what was that?”

“I can’t imagine anyone replacing you if we end together, that’s all!”

Now, it was her turn to be embarrassed, but the Minor couldn’t understand why. She was a MAJOR, and thus over-emotive by default, so a sudden crush on him couldn’t be anything else for her than a never-ending relationship. As for himself, he wasn’t already projecting past the current week. For one, her little display of aggressive behaviour had shaken him and he supposed that there would more should they officialise their relationship.

But there was also the fact that they had met each other roughly 24 hours ago. In his eyes, memories from ten years ago, even as pristine as the ones he had recovered, hardly formed the basis for a stable and long term couple. This didn’t mean that he wasn’t attracted by his titanic friend, quite the contrary in fact. Eh, she’ll be the subject of a lot of wet dreams, no matter what happens next, just because of what she did today, he had to admit. Not that he could tell her that.

“Yeah, well… you shouldn’t plan this far away. You never know what could happen…”

“What do you mean? Are you… are you telling me that you don’t want to give me a chance to prove my worth to you?” asked Shannon, a look of horror on her face. “Alejandro, I’m sorry if it shocked you earlier, but I swear that it was all an act -well, mostly an act, I really don’t like being called a whale. I wasn’t truly angry at you, and I’m sorry if I hurt you! Please, let me have this week to show you who I am!”

“Jesus, you’re overreacting like crazy… I’m simply trying to tell you that you shouldn’t plan for long term goals like, I don’t know, marriage, kids, and my freaking death just right now. I’m not telling you that I don’t want to give you a chance… thought I’m not sure you deserve it after your little act…” he added menacingly.

“But you love being dominated!” whined the giantess.

“What? No!” yelled Alejandro.

“Of course you do! In the bath, you craved for it, I felt it, and saw it, it was obvious in the way you behaved! You know that you loved the fact that I was so massive compared to you, baby!”

All the diminutive teenager could do was stammer stupidly, his face reddening so quickly that he was afraid it would burst because of blood pressure. It left enough time for the MAJOR holding him to press on.

“That’s not a bad thing; there is always a dominant and a submissive in every couple. It’s not always too obvious, but it’s true. In our case, I just happen to be very domineering and you happen to be submissive, even if you don’t realize it yet, that’s all.”

“Non… Nonsense! It was simply your mind altering my feelings and behaviour!” countered Alejandro.

“Really?” asked Shannon in a very sultry voice which sent shiver down his spine, while placing a finger just against his crotch. “Then, how could you react if I told you that all I want right now is to push you in my ass-crack and return to my chair, so I could have you pinned under me, unable to do anything but futile struggle, or perhaps some humping in my asshole… What if I told you that I can do it here and that no one would be the wiser, because they wouldn't be able to see or hear you? That I could do it, return at the table and tell to your parents that you’re still upset and need some times to calm yourself while grinding you under me, hum? Because, it appears that it would please you greatly, beautiful…”

“I… I…”

Alejandro wasn’t able to speak. His breath was rugged and hollow, his body betraying him. He had an erection which was brushing against Shannon’s finger. The worst -the best?- part was that he couldn’t feel her mind thundering against his own. It was all his own doing.

“Admit it, baby. It’s not shameful, it doesn’t mean that you’re less of a man… it simply mean that you like it when someone takes the wheel. Luckily for you, I really love to take it” she whispered in his ears.

“You… you’ve made your point… now please, can we go back to the table” he pleaded.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to…”

“Yeah, I’m sure! Please!” he interrupted, a little afraid of losing it here.

“Fine” giggled the titanic MAJOR. “But remember to say sorry to your mom, beautiful” she teased while dropping him carefully on the floor.

Alejandro couldn’t help but think that the diner would be really long…

Chapter End Notes:

Okay, I really need to go back working on my novel draft, this one is already twie as long and I've been working on it only for a month. I really need to up my game, damn it!

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