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Author's Chapter Notes:

It's the longest chapter out yet, I hope you'll like it.

Chapter14: Minors' rights

The muffled sound stopped. Alejandro counted down from ten, but the MAJOR inside was trying to play it coy. He knocked again, more forcefully this time. Still, silence was the only answer he got. He sighed. It was already difficult, he mind was racing with the words he wanted to tell her, despite the fact that he hadn’t really figured what he expected from it, she only made the whole thing harder. He had been far too confused the whole day to make a judgment call right now, he was hungry and he still had some pain in the back of his head, where the stupid apple had struck him. But he knew that they needed to figure what to do together.

“Shannon!” he called while knocking a third time on the door.

But the young billionaire remained silent in here. Clearly, she wanted him to go away, but it didn’t make sense. Sure, he had seen her in what was probably the most unromantic activity she could have done in their first day alone. But it was his room which had been turned into a mess, and he had cleaned it alone. Okay, and she was incredibly sexy, I know, he thought, trying to appease his dick which was already becoming erect again as he remembered the titanic body shivering in its orgasm. Seriously, I need to calm down, I think like a MAJOR!

He got away from the door for the time being. He failed to see any interest in standing against it with one of the tallest person in the world holed inside, pretending she was a mouse. He went back to the diner-room, trying to find if his mother had left him anything to eat. He quickly stumbled upon a MAJOR sized apple and Shannon’s phone. He hesitated and begun pushing the apple with his foot toward the entrance. One such apple was more than enough to quash his hunger for a time. Once he had brought it just before the door of the bathroom, he returned to the diner-room and picked up the phone.

It wasn’t easy, because the thing was heavy and cumbersome. It had looked quite small in Shannon’s hand, so it was probably a normal-sized item, for a MAJOR. But to him, it was far too wide to handle with just one arm. He still managed, huffing and cursing, to bring the phone next to the apple. The Minor then sat, crossing his legs, and struggled to put the apple into his lap. He took a bit out of it.

As often with food made for MAJOR, it had a chemical after taste that he disliked, but other than that, it was far more juicy and tasty than the apples he usually ate. Alejandro took his time, munching slowly, savoring the firmness of the fruit, the way his taste buds reacted to its complex savor. It gave him time to think about what had happened and what to say to Shannon, once she would have gotten over herself. He had never seen a MAJOR over-reacting as much as she. It was really strange, because she had achieved great social success and yet seemed to have as much control over her emotions and urges as a three years old kid.

He glanced at the phone. By some miracle, its screen was intact, and he could read the time on it. 1.37 p.m. With a sigh, Alejandro took another bit of the apple. He could feel his mind returning to the peaceful state he had experienced while waking up this morning. He hadn’t forgiven Shannon, far from it, but he was simply not able to hold a grudge against her. Despite all she had destroyed with such casual indifference to get her own egotistical pleasure, he felt too well to rant or try to get her out of the house.

A sudden rumble made him jump a little. The phone’s screen was lit, a picture of a smiling Shannon, apparently partying hard considering the huge amount of plastic red cup held by extended arms toward her, seized his attention. He noticed the message and clicked on it before the screen went dark again. He knew that what he was doing was reprehensible, looking into her phone, but he reasoned that he had earned this right. Plus, it wasn’t like he would go searching for some dirty secrets or whatever. He just wanted to look at the pictures she had taken this morning.

But when the conversation appeared on-screen, his name caught his attention. He scrolled up, returning to the previous day. Apparently, Shannon had talked about him with some Johanna (wh), the discussion arching back to at least three days. He perused over it, transfixed, forgetting even the presence of the MAJOR behind the door. This Johanna(wh) clearly hadn’t a high opinion of Minors; she kept calling them “sex-pets”. It made him angry, and he read the discussion that much more willingly.

From what he got, the other MAJOR asked Shannon why she even cared about this “Old Creep shantytown or whatever”. When Shannon explained that it was because she wanted to meet a Minor’s childhood friend, her “friend” had mocked her, asking her if it was because she liked them inbred that she wanted to go and pick one in a remote town like that. A shiver coursed through Alejandro’s body when he read the next message from J(wh):

“There is a dozen sex-pets just here in New Orleans which are just waiting for you to let them broke under you. Marco begged me to let you crush his bones under your ass, haha, what a moron! He should know that he wouldn’t be able to endure a tenth of what we do at night babe. Seriously, don’t waste Christmas in Chumptown or whatever. I want you to break my arms the 24th of December, ‘cause I’m being a naughty woman, with my sex-pet licking my asshole while I text you.”

Alejandro shuddered. There was a casual display of both sadism and masochism here that was nerve grating. This message alone implied that Shannon liked to hurt the people with whom she had sex. Until an hour ago, he would have had a hard time assuming it possible, but after seeing her casually destroying something to get her pleasure, it didn’t seem so strange anymore. He began to wonder if he could find some more information on her phone regarding this behavior, even if he knew that what he was doing was a gross violation of privacy.

He barely glanced at the last message sent by Johanna, where she said that she understood why she had went to Old Creep to get this “very sexy little morsel”. The MAJOR was asking Shannon if she could get a bit of it once the billionaire would have finished her games with him. Even with broken bones and bruises, she was willing to “play with the sex-pet’s remains”, just to see if it was tougher than the ones from the city. Alejandro was disgusted. Why did Shannon even bother with someone like that Johanna? She seemed like a whore, only interested in sex and brutal one at that…

He searched for other discussions, and a pattern quickly emerged. All of Shannon’s contact who had the (wh) attached to their surname, without a proper name behind, only talked about how she was “brutal”, “rough” and a “crazy Mistress”, how they wanted to please her at all cost. There was even one guy, Jack(wh) who begged her to come back and destroy his anus again with her “mighty strap-on which dwarf my poor, disgusting dick”. It was sick and Alejandro finally dropped the phone, utterly disgusted.

In each and every message to those peoples, Shannon was cold and distant. With her other, normal, contacts, she was polite, cheerful, caring about them and their problems, asking how their parents were, if such Minor grand-mother was doing well after her sojourn in the hospital… Apparently, she was using her money to help poor families and kept contact with peoples from over a dozen various associations active in the Big Easy and its suburbs. It was hard to reconcile this Shannon with the one apparently gleeful at the prospect of hurting partners or masturbating like a mad woman in his room just hours ago.

Alejandro returned to the apple. He had taken bite after bite while perusing the phone and almost a whole hour had went by, and still the MAJOR in the bathroom remained utterly silent. Pushing away the half-eaten apple, he got up and knocked at the door. This time, it didn’t even elicit a scrambling. Either she had fallen asleep, or she ignored him. Then a third, more frightening thought came to his mind. What if she has hurt herself? It seemed ludicrous at first, but she had clearly been horrified when she had noticed him looking at her after her seismic orgasm.

“Shannon? Are you okay in there?”

Still nothing. Alejandro began panicking. His mind was racing with the worst outcomes possible. He never went to this bathroom, so he didn’t know what was in there, but perhaps there was medication, or razor blades, or something. He wasn’t sure about how he felt toward Shannon, his budding feelings being in disarray after the events of the morning, but he sure as hell didn’t want her dead or hurt. How could he face himself if he had let her die while moping about a bunch of scrap? A bench press does not equate a life, you moron!

“Shannon, come on, open the door please!” he screamed with a hint of fear.

He kept pounding at the door with an impending sense of dread, calling his childhood friends several times, to no avail. Finally, he felt more than he heard a tremor and something massive standing just against the other side of the door. The MAJOR said nothing, but apparently, she was fine, and Alejandro sighed in relief. Still, while he waited for her to talk, she remained silent and it quickly became apparent to the Minor that the gigantic woman was not well at all.

“Shannon? Are you okay?”

“Go away.”


“Go away.”

The sound of her voice sent shivers down the Minor’s spine. She didn’t sound sad, not angry. Shannon’s voice was simply ringing… hollow. He really hated this kind of voice, he had heard one for years after the Incident, his own. It wasn’t until puberty and the changed which came with it that he had finally begun to truly feel something beyond this blur of sadness, disgust and depression which had been a constant companion for almost five years after he lost his arm. But he was a Minor, and hearing this kind of tone rumbling from a titanic MAJOR was unnerving.

“Shannon, I just want to talk, I swear. Come out, please…”

Alejandro was pleading. He was faking it, mostly; he only used this kind of desperate voice when he really needed to get a member of his family out of his shell. Kind of like that time when Mom had crushed a poor stray cat she loved so much one morning, not noticing the poor animal running between her feet. She had spent the whole day moping, the eyes lost in the distance, unable to care about anything until he begged her to talk with him. And she had done so.

Apparently, it worked as well with Shannon than with his mother. She opened the door and Alejandro took a step back. Even then, all he could see was the bottom of her breasts, her shirt strangely wet. He assumed she would do something, but she was simply there, standing, like some sort of immense statue. The Minor took some more steps back and cursed under his breath. Shannon’s eyes were full of silent tears and she was looking away, apparently not noticing what was around her, shutting herself from the whole world. He could see dried snot forming pathways under her nose and fresh material was added to it, without a care at all from the lady.

“Shannon? Are you with me?” asked the young man, unsure of her reaction.

The MAJOR simply stood here. She looked at him, but that was it. It was hardly what he would have called a progress, but it would have to make due. Apparently, her ego had been so badly bruised that she had shut down everything which wasn’t her. Considering what she had done, it was more a proof of her over-inflated pride than anything else. Alejandro would have loved to take her by the shoulders and shake her out of this self-serving miserabilism, but sadly, it was impossible. So, he had to shake her verbally.

“Okay, well, if you don’t want to speak with me… I’ll do the talking, right? So… what about your friend… what’s her name already… Johanna(wh)? Yeah, that one. You had some interesting chat with her, about your sexual life. It’s good to be open minded.”

Alejandro couldn’t suppress a grin when he saw Shannon startled. Her face went from her blank but sad state to a pure depiction of horror. Her hands covered her mouth. The movement caught the Minor’s eyes and it was only then that he realized that the MAJOR wasn’t wearing any panty or thong. He felt a little uneasy, looking at her crotch again, so he forced his eyes upward, to her face. And he simply remained silent, waiting for her reaction.

“You… you looked at my discussion with Johanna?” asked the giantess with a very weak and small voice.

“Yup… and those with Jack(wh) and many others” he added, trying to keep his voice neutral.

“No… no…, why… why would you… Oh God…”

Alejandro sighed as Shannon started to swing back and forth. It was better than nothing, but he had hoped to see her well enough to be angry at her for what she had done in her room, but he couldn’t shout at someone so clearly distraught… even if he suspected that the reason she was in this state of mind had more to do with the fact that he had seen her rutting like some crazed sex-addict than the destruction she had unleashed. That’s the problem with MAJORS… it’s always, me, me, me!

“Shannon. Sit down.”

The titanic woman looked at him, totally at a loss. She kept swinging and her hands were all curled up on her face, wiping tears and snot. Alejandro caught her gaze and hooked it. He refused to back down; despite the turmoil he was able to read in those big, beautiful, eyes of her. He saw shame, anger, sorrow, disgust and fear. Now, he needed to calm her down; it was a rodeo he had mastered when dealing with Lindsey years ago.

“Sit down” he repeated, keeping his voice calm and neutral.

When she had been five, Lindsey had come in his room, despite their parent’s orders that he was to be left alone. Since the Incident, he had avoided her, and she had been quite unhappy. She wanted her “’Rando” and she had come to get him. When he had seen her, he had tried to hide behind a house he was building out of used matches. Her sister had simply destroyed it, rushing thought it to get her brother. When her hands had touched him, he had wailed, terrified, and she had let him go, shocked. Mom had come to get her out of the room and she had returned mere minutes ago to calm down her older child.

During three days, Lindsey had refused to see her brother, and Alejandro had felt guilty. So he had went to see her, and he had found her curled into fetal position when he entered, refusing to look at him because she was afraid that she would hurt him again if she did so. Alejandro had taken a whole day talking with his little sister, showing a neutral and calming face, talking with her slowly and with care, as much as he could as an eleven years old Minor kid suffering from a massive trauma. It had been hard, but quite worth it. The key was to shock the other by talking with her and then offering her a hand.

And just as it had worked with Lindsey, so did Shannon who obeyed his command. She did so slowly, carefully, her gaze never leaving his face. It was always so strange to see how MAJORS could react to the appeasing voice of a Minor; it was almost as if they were designed to calm down when the supposedly inferior branch of Humanity was with them, putting away their need to be competitive and violent, to get rid of a part of their massive egos. Taking a deep breath, he approached the knees of the black teenager.

“Up, please.”

“Up?” asked Shannon, still lost, but calmer.

‘Yes. Up. Put me on your right shoulder, please.”

Alejandro managed to keep his poker face when her powerful digits closed on his body. He said nothing while she took him up and deposed him on her shoulder. Here, he couldn’t use his arm to catch her hairs, like he had done this morning. Instead, he sat upon the massive shoulder and leaned backward a little, using his hand to clutch at the shirt’s material. He tried to savor the sensation of being so close to the face of Shannon, how he towered so much over the house. It’s how they see the world. It‘s always so stunning. No wonder they look down on us, how could they do anything else when they don’t know better?

“I’m sorry” whispered Shannon, turning her face away from his.

“Sorry for what?”

“For… for the way I behaved in your room. For being a… a whore… To…”

“Do you like dominating others this much? Do you need to hurt your partner?” he interrupted. He needed to apply some more pressure.

“I… Yes, but only with MAJORS! I would never… not… not to you, I swear!”

Shannon turned her head again and this time she looked straight at him, a desperate look in her eyes. Alejandro barely avoided some of her bangs, which brushed him, just above his own head.

“Because you wouldn’t need to be brutal, am I right? You could dominate me, or any Minor without having to resort to violence.”

“…Yes…” she meekly admitted after a long time, her skin getting paler as her shame took a toll on her.

“Tell me... do you think that Minors can be your equals, to you MAJORS I mean? Answer truthfully please.”

“I… No…” sobbed the giantess, hiding her face in her hands. “But… but I don’t see you as a Minor! You’re not… not like the others, so you don’t have to worry and…”

“Shannon. I am a Minor” he interrupted; still calm even he felt a pang of anger inside of him. “That’s a part of who I am. I’m a prize to be taken by most MAJORS, that’s even why you came here in the first place, we both know it. But I don’t think that you’ve really grasped what it means to be a Minor here, in Old Creek. Everyone tries to hit on my parents to get some time with me. Just two weeks ago, a neighbor from up the road, coming from Austin, left a letter for me when no one else was home. She’s already 88 years old and a widow, with four kids… and she painted it as positive, because it would mean that we would grow old together, should we bond and marry. That’s how it is here.”

He had her now, entirely. She was listening, she would even hear what he was saying, perhaps even understand it. Now, he had to explain some more to her. It was how he had helped shape Lindsey’s view of the world and Minors in it. That’s how he had made sure that she wouldn’t see the minors as peoples with inferior rights, ambitions and dreams. That was the trick he had understood even before the Incident. Minors were inferiors; despite how much he hated to admit it, it was the truth. But it didn’t mean that they had to possess fewer rights than MAJORS. That’s why Shannon’s idea of a campaign had caught his attention. And that’s why he had to set her straight to make sure that it would work.

“She was right, of course, since a MAJOR will only share half his or her life with a Minor, after all. She’s sexy, gentle, and still in age to bear children… and her husband was also a Minor who died of old age, so I know she would treat me well. It would probably be a good life.”

“But you can’t want it! You should seek more!” interjected Shannon, who was becoming agitated.

“Why so? Society doesn’t want my kind to aspire too much. We don’t have the same rights than you MAJORS. We can’t get a license until we're fifteen, you can at ten. We can’t go to an attraction parks, or a cinema or a mall unaccompanied, if you get caught, it’s the police station and a call to “your” MAJOR…” he let his voice trail, indicating the numerous other examples.

“But… but it’s for your protection” meekly objected the gigantic teenager.

“Is it now? Wouldn’t we be better protected if it was made clear to all MAJORS that we Minors aren’t toys to be claimed, or pets to be adopted? We are peoples, with our aspirations, dreams and hopes. Perhaps that they may seem trivial to you overgrown bullies, but they are ours and one of the first lesson than a Minor must learn is to give up on them.”

“You haven’t given up on your dream!” replied Shannon defensively.

“No? What were they when I was a kid? What are they now?”

Alejandro watched as the MAJOR searched her memories. He wouldn’t have been certain before, but the rush of old memories from the previous evening had reminded him. He had told her, he was sure of it, it was just a matter of her caring enough to find it. To his relative surprise, she only took a minute or so.

“You wanted to become a scientist… just like Auntie Ofelia.”

Alejandro nodded while Shannon’s face lifted. Talking was doing her good, which was what he wanted. He needed her to clean her mess, to begin with, then herself, and she would be prone to doing so once out of her self-pity. He still had a lot to tell her, and she needed to be receptive. Hopefully, she would still be that open after he told her about his current situation.

“Yep. Do you know why I gave up on it?”

“You… you gave up? Why!?”

“That’s what I’m asking you…” he taunted.

“Be… because of the Incident?”

“In part. But mostly it was because, despite the school courses that Mom and Dad got for me online, I could see Lindsey gobbling them up as soon as she had read them while I struggled. I lost my heart. What was the point in working so hard if a six years old could grasp so easily what I couldn’t understand after hours of hard work? That and the special courses in hers and Alaric’s schools, the one nobody ever talk about near a Minor. Too much secrecy, not enough examples to remain motivated. The last Minor scientist died forty years ago so…

So I gave up on all of this. I admitted that I would probably end my life in Old Creek, with a lady who would get to have another husband like three months top after I died or something. Once I had admitted that I wouldn’t become a celebrity, or a scientist, or anything remotely amazing in my working life, well, I turned my mind to other projects. I paint, I draw, I build… It’s slow, hard, especially with one arm, but it’s rewarding. When I’m tired, I read history books about Old Creek, our State, our country, our world, sometimes in another order…”

Alejandro stopped his talking, his eyes delved into the perplexed and somewhat sad gaze of the gigantic MAJOR. Now. It was the moment to ask the gut-wrenching questions, the ones she needed to answer if she ever hoped to become a better person, especially around minors. Despite his feelings, he knew that should see try to lie or sugar-coat the truth, it would be over. They could remain friends, but that would be it, and even then, more like peoples who knew each other’s a little, and nothing more. And he would be fine with it.

“Tell me Shannon. When you left my room earlier, was it because of the havoc you caused or simply because I saw you in your state of lust?” he asked sternly.

“I… I…” she stammered, unable to respond at first, but then she looked at her breasts and ended her sentence. “It was because you saw me… I couldn’t bear the idea that you would see me at my… my most vile!” Her tears resumed.

“I see… well, your honest at least, that’s good. So, I guess you didn’t even paid attention to what you crushed to make your… dildo?”

Shannon shuddered but finally answered. “Some sort of machine to lift weight?”


“I’ll buy you a new one, I swear! A better one even, one adapted to your… your handicap… I mean your arm not… not your size. Being a Minor isn’t a handicap, obviously”, she added very nervously.

“I highly doubt that you could buy anything like it anywhere.”

“It was just a bench press” she meekly objected.

“No. I designed the plans, and crafted it myself. Two years and a half of hard work crushed in mere minutes. By you. Simply because you could and you needed something to get release, am I wrong?”


“Am. I. Wrong, Shannon?” he repeated, letting his anger shows.

“No…” whispered the giantess.

“Good. Admitting it is the first step toward correcting your behavior.”

“Correcting my…” began the massive woman, but Alejandro interrupted her.

“Yes. Correcting your behavior. You need to do it lady, if you want your campaign to be remotely effective. You won’t be able to uplift Minor’s standing in society if you don’t truly care about us. You need to see us for what we are, what are our problems and seek new ways to solve them; ways which don’t require you MAJORS to do everything for us. Autonomy, perhaps even independency for minorkind, that’s what you should promote. Do a good job with it and I’ll be one of your ambassadors to the world.”

“You wouldn’t be my first ambassador? But how could I launch it without you? I… I need you!?”

“No you don’t. New Orleans is so much more populous than Old Creek, you’re bound to find a Minor like me there. And even if it isn’t the case” he added to prevent her from talking, “you’ve bragged about your wealth and clout. Find someone like me in L.A., New York, Beijing, Mexico, Madrid, Paris, wherever he or she may be. Do it. Do it well, and in six monthes, I’ll evaluate your campaign from here. If you’ve worked hard and well… I’ll join you in the Big Easy.”

“You would!?”screamed the MAJOR, clapping her hand in thunderous applause.

“Yes. I would. Because the next days of this week, we won’t be trying to force this campaign and lift it off the ground from here. We will work on you, on us. When you’ll return to New Orleans, you’ll be ready to do well for Minors, I’ll make sure of it. Do we have a deal?”

“Yes… yes, we have a deal” replied Shannon with hope in her voice.

“Perfect. Now, put me down and up you go. You’ve got to take your new sex-toy out of my room. There is no way that I’ll let my baby sister stumble on it, and she’ll be the first in my room this evening, I’m sure; and you need to put back on its feet my bookcase you tumbled. Then, you’ll wash yourself, because you looks like crap, and then we’ll eat, because I’m just too hungry to do anything else…”

The titanic teenager looked at him, perched on her shoulder and, with a very soft, very low, voice, she asked a very important question.

“Would you… would you bath with me?”

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