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On horse back a man named Roger who had served as a scout in the military was honestly eager to leave this town. Though he had been born in part of Switzerland Roger's parents moved to a Germanic area close to the capital of the Holy Roman Empire before Switzerland had declared formal independence. When staying in the inn last night something seemed wrong with how people worried over what had to be just some big mouth telling stories. Adding to this people were being reported as missing. The good news is now he could put this all behind him or at lest that is what he thought.

He couldn't believe his eyes as he rode though the forest. Forcing his horse to halt dead in it's tracks Roger got off and stuck to a tree as he remembered his training and experience not only as a scout, but a spy for the Holy Roman Empire. His mission was finished in France and he merely was passing though this town to get back home. He never thought his trip back would so unbelievably be disrupted by what appeared to be some kind of giant girl.

Now looking at the towering blonde decimating the trees that merely happened to be in her path he couldn't help feeling insignificant. Her wounded legs displayed unmatched power as the man heard the loud cracking trees snap effortlessly under her feet as though they were just small branches. Pulling out his notebook from his overcoat he began writing down notes while thoroughly amazed with what he was seeing.

He wasn't the type to ever give the supernatural the time of day or even think for a moment that witchcraft or other kinds of magic could actually exist. But seeing this fascinating titanic towering girl rock the world as he knew it had even a person like him wonder in the back of his mind if she really was a witch or if some magic had done this. He began to wonder if God himself did this despite not ever truthfully believing in any religion.

The only reason such thought's entered his mind was because he could not even literally come up with any realistic or rational explanation for why this giant girl existed. It was truly beyond his comprehension and logical knowledge to use his normal deductions to solve the beautiful colossal nearly seductive mystery before him. She truly was a mystery in a class of her own, outranking anything else this world had to offer.

Meanwhile John still trapped inside Justine's mouth began trying to think of a way out despite how hard it was for him to breathe and while still trying to deal with the fact his mother had been swallowed alive by this titanic girl who now could easily do the same to him. Coughing in the hot wet darkness John still filled with anger that overpowered his fears said, "You damn man eating monster, someone will make you pay for what you have done."

Lashing out at this point was useless and actually counter productive to John as Justine began looking around carefully hoping no one was around so she could have some privacy when she released her solid waste. She felt her bowels becoming greatly impatient as they demanded her to allow the building mostly digested products to move out. Starting by spacing her legs Justine readied herself to poop out in the wild instead of the outhouse she now missed among other things she took for granted at normal size.

Roger wondered how this beautiful towering girl could have been injured. Though the bruise's populating her body had mostly fated away the cut's on her legs and feet were very fresh as they were still bleeding. A thought then came to him. This girl must be a new weapon of some kind being hidden from the world in this rural unremarkable town. Questions poured into his mind far faster than he could hope to explain them as he looked upon Justine with awe as her graceful yet colossal figure began to squat down.

The middle aged man watched in shock as the powerful yellow stream began to unleash upon the ground below with enough force to create a large crater that it filled up to pool into a new warm pond. Between the pillar's of the towering blonde's legs this yellow waterfall only impressed Roger as it pushed fallen large tree branches away toward the edges of the forming pond with ease. He thought this massive girl must have had a lot to drink as the dark yellow pond grew exponentially from the relentless raging golden waterfall coming from the space between Justine's towering legs.

Then Roger realized his horse was panicking out of control terrified of this towering monstrously huge girl doing what to her was purely a mundane necessary act. Though to him just her presence had been intimating enough to warrant healthy amount's of unregulated fear. Compounding the unfolding devastation caused merely by Justine expelling the liquid that had built up inside her bladder he watched as a large brown textured tube shaped object fall into the newly created pond as it created a golden wall of liquid in it's wake when it impacted the surface.

While starting to struggle while trying to expel the next block of solid waste inside her bowels Justine thought, (John called me the monster after trying to kill me. It just isn't fair, I have always been getting blamed and attacked while not being able to do anything about it. Now that at last I can fight back it's turning me into someone I don't want to be. I thought making them pay was righteous judgment. I know Brad betrayed his wife, James cheated on my friend and John stabbed me in the back yet I can't stop feeling like I shouldn't do this. I have killed so many now that it doesn't feel like there is a road back. Even though I don't want to do this, I can't turn back now after everything I did. John needs to die or else he will get more people to attack me.)

Breathing became a nightmare as the little air John could take in was hostile to his lungs as he coughed most of it back up. At this rate his death would be from asphyxiation due to a lack of oxygen in the hot cramped wet space he was pinned under by Justine's massive strong slick elastic pink tongue. When John thought he was going to pass out, Justine allowed her lips to part as her breathing increased leading to a wave of fresh air at last washing over him. He barely managed to poke his head up enough from the strong resting tongue into the current of fresh air headed for Justine's powerful lungs to take a deep breath never more thankful in his life to breathe easily again.

Roger noticed how relieved the towering blonde looked as a 2nd massive wet brown log dropped with a thundering splash into the pool of her liquid waste. He knew if he was directly under her where she had chosen to expel her waste that it surely would have been his death. This thought made him feel his existence was surely minuscule when staring at her towering beautiful figure.

After casting her conscience aside Justine moved John with her tongue to push part of his body out between her lips. She thought he should at least see the world one last time before she swallowed him alive. Getting a full view of the outside world again with his body between Justine's wet plush lips John took in greedy deep breaths as he hoped this was a sign Justine might entertain letting him go. John unaware of Justine's intent to swallow him moments from now looked down seeing the forest below destroyed with mangled trees covering a great yellow pond with giant brown islands drifting in it. Even from here he could see white fragments embedded on the surface of the brown waste Justine had just expelled.

Suddenly he felt a powerful ruthless suction force, it whisked his body quickly into Justine's waiting throat. He fought kicking and screaming as very smooth wet slick flesh began to contract around his body. Feeling his decent downward in total darkness John knew what had happened, Justine had actually finally at last swallowed him alive. The sound of her deep pounding heart beat entered his ear's as he used his lungs to the fullest to scream in terror. What came from below getting louder by the moment was the roaring growls of Justine's stomach as it contracted and relaxed trying to shift around the still living contents inside.

As he was kicking against the smooth slick surface that tightly encapsulated him John still descending downward felt suddenly like his legs were able to move much more freely. In the following moments he in total darkness fell onto someone that pushed him away and yelled, "Will you stop eating people, you God damn witch!"

This was hell to John being trapped in total darkness with the ear damaging screaming from other terrorized doomed people, the intolerable overpowering stench that nearly forced him to vomit, the loud restless groans and the itchy rank liquid half of his body was soaked in. He slammed his arms beating into the wall of rippling acid producing flesh as he refused to become nothing more than part of the giant brown piles of waste he had just seen before getting swallowed. Reality quickly crashed though his own denials as he soon realized this was going to happen. He couldn't believe this girl who used to be someone he trusted was now using him as nothing more than protein to keep her massive hunger in check.

Now Roger could claim his composure was failing him as his spine felt icy chills after watching a man pop out between the titanic girl's lips before being hastily slurped back in to be immediately swallowed alive. Seeing this horror unfold before his very own eye's kept his senses razor sharp knowing he could be next if she spot's him. Trying to remember what his experience has taught him Roger made sure to note her state of malnutrition wondering if she had been abused. He thought it might explain her wounds and why she had eaten that man.

Still this situation was terrifying now, Roger knew the only security he had was being obscured from her view. If this towering hungry monstrously colossal girl found him he could very well be studying her from the inside instead. Nothing in his past encounters could ever have truly prepared him for this kind of threat. On a number of missions he had felt powerless, but now he couldn't feel more inconsequentially insignificant barely daring to look at the highly dangerous giant beauty that could swallow a man whole.

Compounding his plight Roger had lost the horse as it had run recklessly away to flee from the carnage Justine's bowels and bladder had inflicted upon the ground under her towering figure. If he made it out of this situation alive replacing the horse would be only a minor concern compared to how he would be explaining any of this in an official report to his government. He nervously watched as it seemed the mysterious marvelous breathtakingly beautiful towering girl was standing up after having finished expelling the last of her built up waste.

As Roger saw the towering dangerous girl walking away causing the trees in her path to bend and snap with every step forward she made he reviewed his notes. He had guessed based on his experience observing as a scout that she was between 160-180 feet tall making her a terrifying prospect to ever dare attack. Once he could get somewhere safe within the Holy Roman Empire Roger planned on trying to sway leadership to invade Switzerland to capture or kill what he believed to be the result of a super advanced unexplainable weapon program by the government of France or Switzerland.

Once he felt mostly safe Roger walked toward the spot the unbelievably gigantic girl had expelled her bowels. Even though he already saw a man get swallowed alive he had to know if he was the first. Now at the edge of the golden pond that made him feel sick as he took in the stench it emitted he could clearly see what was in her solid waste. Torn clothing was clearly embedded with bones that appeared to be fully intact upon the brown wet vast surface of the solid massive log shaped object. The skull was unquestionably human as it's empty hollow eye sockets starred back into the horrified eye's of the Spy.

Looking away Roger found himself wholly disgusted and fearful beyond reason. Before leaving this town he felt it was moral duty to warn them that this giant girl isn't a tall tale and that she eats people alive. He had no idea how he would get anyone to believe this was really happening, but his conscience wouldn't allow him to give up without even trying. The walk back to the center of town to buy a horse was going to take some time only compounded by his fear he might encounter the giant deadly man eating mysterious girl again.

Chapter End Notes:


It was a real struggle to figure out who I wanted "Roger" to be. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to be a traveler or not much less what kind of work he did that might relate somehow to make things more interesting.

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