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Author's Chapter Notes:



The Federation Chronicles

Olympus Colony

Chapter 9 The Goddess of War

"Goddess Bellona.. Goddess of War.. We have given you your sacrifice. A great orator for the infidels has been struck down by your faithful subjects."

Tyrian boasted of his accomplishment. But he was still far from confident as he gazed around the great table that he and his lieutenants huddled upon.

Around him were several cages containing Fayaa’s personal pets. Along the back of the table where the hutch rose up there were several more cages with humans within looking out at he and his officers with the eyes of envy and defeat. Envy of his freedom compared to their own.

There were two naked ladies with beautiful braided hair closer to the Goddess who sat before them, chained at their waists to each other nervously sitting, seemingly skittish at any movement that their Master might make.

Their fears proved well founded as the twins were lifted up by their chain hoisted by Fayaa’s index finger.

The two ladies hung like limp puppets. Their eyes closing in fright.

Fayaa maneuvered the naked twins over to her mouth and be began licking at their legs and feet. The twins kicking and resisting the best that they could as the tongue kept slathering their limbs.

Amused laughter seeped from the Giantess as she kept up her torment of the bodies before her face.

"And who was this great man who did my dirty little deed?"

Tyrian looked to his lieutenants nervously and they returned the same expression back to him. Having no other options Tyrian decided to tell the truth for once.

"He was killed by one of your subservient Goddesses, my Mistress. She probably mistook him for a common thug as he did not leave the scene as quickly as he had been told to. But his death was a noble~"

"Silence you bug... I will have to take steps so that my underlings can be recognized. From now on, you all will wear pure black I think.... And will call yourselves the Black Hands of Death... Yes that sounds menacing enough.. . I will tell my girls to take a hands off approach to you all. Giving you free reign to do anything you wish without their interference."

Fayaa was impressed with her quick off the cuff ideas. Then she thought some more. Her eyes looking out of her top floor security headquarters window.

"You will begin murdering every worshiper of the false Gods that you can get your hands on. So many that they will scream for order. This will do...."

"But Goddess, they outnumber us ten, perhaps twenty to one. Could you possibly help us kill some of them?" Spoke Lucretius, one of Tyrian’s newer lieutenants.

Tyrian and the other’s eyes shot open with fear and disbelief.

This was Lucretius’s first visit to the security headquarters and Tyrian quickly realized his mistake in not briefing the now doomed officer.

Lucretius looked at the others to see why they were so shocked at his speaking without being asked to.

Then he was engulfed within a pink fist that brought him back to Fayaa’s irked looking face.

"What is your name, mortal? Oh never mind, it doesn’t matter anyway."

Fayaa dropped the two twin ladies to the table top and used her free hand to de-cloth Lucretius who began shrieking and begging for forgiveness. Of which Fayaa just ignored to quickly dip him in a bowl of reddish brown looking sauce once the man had been made nude.

Then he was raised back up to her lips where she swallowed him whole. Right down her throat in one gulp without even chewing.

Fayaa, licked her finger tips and when properly cleaned to her satisfaction looked back down at Tyrian and his men.

"Does anyone else wish to second guess the Goddess of War’s directives today? I am still kind of hungry after all.... Anyone?"

Fayaa gave them a cute innocent smile. The men didn’t dare move as she regarded them.

"Now go back to your own kind and carry out your Goddesse’s decrees. Use your heads to infiltrate and assassinate rather than your brawn. With their numbers that would seem obvious enough to an intelligent sentient being... Are you at least that? Let’s for your sakes hope so..

Mariana, take them out the way that you brought them in before I decide to make them all my lunch for the day."

A Titan peacekeeper who had been guarding Fayaa’s entrance door stepped forward and began callously doing as instructed.

"Yes Goddess." She sarcastically smiled.

The men meekly waited as the peacekeeper lifted them by the handfuls and shoved them into the carrying case like one would do with discarded dolls.

Taking a secret lift out of Fayaa’s room Mariana took them down to the first level and tipped them out of the plastic case roughly dropping them to the hard packed dirt of the back alley of the security headquarters building.

As they tried to right themselves and stand again the Titaness sneered down to them.

"I’d get those rags of yours dyed black as soon as possible you little runts.. Otherwise Matilda or even me is liable to squash another one of you by mistake, You all look alike from our vantage point. ha, ha, ha!"

Laughed the cruel Giantess as she lifted her flat leather sole threateningly over the group of terrified men before withdrawing it and disappearing behind the large metal door that she slammed shut behind her.

Tyrian rubbed his sore arm that he had landed on. Trying to kneed out the pain.

"Ok, you heard Goddess Bellona, we’ve got our tasks before us.. Let us go back to Shanty Town and commence to doing them."

The twelve men began to move along the shadows of the building walls, ever vigilant of the massive footfalls that the regular Titan colonists made going to and fro various locations for their various reasons.


"And this is my office Mara... Your’s will be down the hall. Where all of the official data collection and communications will be coming in. Let’s go take a look at it."

Mara was impressed with her sister’s governorship suite... It had a big huge meeting room with several soft looking couches and chairs. There were futuristic looking consoles near the furniture where dignitaries or other important people could confer back with their superiors during meetings.

There was a very long wooden table with several chairs on each side which Mara assumed the regular higher ups to Glendoria’s cabinet would regularly meet.

Simple, to the point, and inexpensive were the furnishings to her sister’s everyday job was the mood that Mara got as she followed her down the hall to where she would be interning at.

Her father pulling the necessary strings to make the summer’s internship count as credits towards some future college degree should she decide to go that route.

At the end of the hallway was a door that led into a room with several computer terminals with 3 dimensional holographic displays giving various types of information to this segment of the colony’s governmental needs. There were weather patterns floating in the air as a young lady with short red hair watched and made notes.

There were other terminals with words and encrypted symbols that unlocked messages floating in bright amber and green colors above them just waiting for somebody to suck it up into a datapad and deliver it to the right location.

Mara saw a nerdy looking young lady, barely older than she was moving holographic symbols around in the air in order to interface with the mainframe computer system there. She had curly red hair, pail white freckled skin to compliment her thin frame. Dark rimmed glasses to make her look more intellectual than just plain silly, adorned her face as well. The glasses doing nothing to help the Roman costume that bedecked the rest of her body Mara noted.

"Hello Kariga.. This is my little sister who will be interning in this room with you. You said that you could use some help and here it is.."

Glendoria put her arm around Mara and brought her forward to meet the computer and communications technician.

The distracted com tech began backing out of the program that she was interfacing with in order to greet her new help.

Mara at once noticed a little human female sitting in a small portable plastic case the size of perhaps her fist, that looked like it was functioning more as a paper weight than anything else as it sat on a stack of official forms.

The human lady within had been sitting with her back to the glass and watching her master do her job as if she were watching a movie. Mara supposed there wasn’t much else the lady could do as she sat on a floor strewn with hay and not much more.

"Hello Mara, so you’re the new help!" Said the computer nerd while offering her hand for a introductory shake.

Mara returned the gesture and just meekly nodded her head being somewhat embarrassed still of the reasons for her being there in the first place.

Glendoria sensing the slight dip in etiquette chimed in for the sake of saving the all important first impression between the two.

"Mara’s kinda shy at first but once she get’s going you’ll wish she never got started!" The three ladies laughed at the poke.

"Mara is my little sister and she’s a wiz with these computers. She can pilot most anything already too! That’s part of the reason why she’s here right now interning but we wont go into that." Said Glendoria with a knowing grin to her sister.

Mara finally woke up after studying the computer systems spread throughout the room and suddenly came out of her shell. One of which at the far side of the room was contained within a sub-room that had a glass wall making the contents exposed to her. This had got her attention more than anything else.. It was a machine with all kinds of what appeared to be guns with long thick needles that narrowed to pin prick sized ends that were attached to robotic arms with injection hoses that fed into the nozzles at the end of the needle tipped guns.

There were several tanks that were feeding chemicals and other liquids into the machine which in turn fed the next stage of that medium to the injection nozzles of the guns to make hardened substances at the end product..

"Uhm Kariga... Is this a Pecular Bio Ecto Unit Array that I see here? Complete with 3D manufacturing capabilities? Because if it is, I have a friend who is even more gifted then I am with mechanical structure fractals and could be a big help here if you all needed something made!"

Kariga’s eyes widened with surprise at the strange question but wisely deferred it to Mara’s older sister.

"Well, one intern I could handle.. I don’t know about two, but if the Viceroy here decrees it then that would be up to her. I’m just a information handler in the end. And I see to it that information goes to the right sub-colonies here on Olympus. After that. I like creating new things that could help out some of our labor force as a hobby but that’s about the extent of it."

Mara’s eyes lit up again.

"So you’re trying to help the humans like my sister is doing?"

Kariga nervously looked over to the Viceroy for approval to which Glendoria smiled while nodding her approval.

"Go ahead Kariga, my sister here is one of us. And she’ll be trying to help us improve their lot as well. You can be as open with her as I am."

Kariga returned the smile.

"Yes Mara, I’m trying to help out like everyone else in our group is trying to do.. For example, the food dispensaries that give the humans Titan food was my invention. The way that the food is handed out got decided by others. But it was my brain child."

Kariga and Glendoria both frowned at the mention of Ilsa’s intervention of how food was dispensed but decided not to get into the politics of the colony with Mara so quickly.

Glendoria decided to leave these two to talk about the various computers and their capabilities while she tended to another errand that she was there for.

Kariga then directly addressed the Viceroy.

"Any word on when the Holosuits are going to arrive and further our cause?"

Glendoria nodded with a slight frown upon her lips..

"They should have already been here. I’ve got the shipping team looking into it. But in the meantime all goes as we’ve previously discussed. So not to worry Kari, as soon at they get here you’ll be the first to know.. Ha, ha.

Ok Kari, I’m going to leave you Mara while I head over to the Medical facilty and visit the Vet so that I can get Derrick his annual check up. I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour."

Kariga nodded her approval and began talking about the various networking terminals with an excited Mara who had completely forgotten that her older sister was even there as they began walking towards the interior of the large networking room.
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