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Author's Chapter Notes:

The Federation Chronicles
Olympus Colony
Chapter 3 The Semi Annual Report

Glendoria was about to make her quarterly report to 142 Floor Leader of the Imperial House of Representatives whose name was Garba Gleebo.

Glendoria was filled with stress and dread as the appointed time came closer to just seconds away rather than hours and days.

Pushing back and righting a stray lock of hair that had fallen out of her bun tie, looked at the mirror one more time to make sure her appearance was proper for this most important meeting.
Garba had given her this lofty position due to a favor that she owed to Glendoria's father from a past indiscretion that was covered up by the said family member.

Glendoria knew though, that once her usefulness had run it's course, and a clever way to renege had been secured, Garba would find a way to wash her hands of her and take full control of this colony via a more loyal sycophant who she could already tell was being groomed in the Senate. It would be done with a mixture of dirty money and a democratic process with Garba coming out smelling like a rose.

But that was to be a future battle to fight. For the immediate present she needed to keep ahead of the fox and just survive this video conference.

Suddenly a beeping sound indicated that Garba was in the que and the screen lit up to show a middle aged lady with grey streaks flowing through what was left of her dark wavy hair.

The aging politician immediately addressed Glendoria.. "Ahh, Miss Glendoria Artemis, Viceroy of Poseidon satellite Olympus, and chief executive Ecologist for the said satellite, oh how ever are we doing today?"

Before Glendoria could respond as the concern of the question was false to begin with the Floor Leader pressed on.

"And how are my loyal toga wearing Federation citizens behaving these days too?"

Glendoria did not appreciate the slight that Garbo used in the attire that she and the other's wore on this hot and humid planet. So in her best tone of appeasement Glendoria attempted to save face for her and her fellow colonists.

"Now you know Miss Gleebo, I did not choose our cultural theme on this moon. That was decided upon by the very Senate that you are a member of. As they decide the cultural theme of all colonies throughout the Federation.

I was opposed to this attire at first but was won over by the sensibility of it due to the extremely hot days and humid weather that requires cloths that breath as the ancient Roman attire seems to do quite adequately. The Senate has proven wise and practical once again." Glendoria skillfully countered.

Garba smirked at her subordinate's politically correct response.

"Well, I have to admit that the ancient costume that you are wearing with the purple stripe down the front does befit you in any case. You really look like an ancient Goddess in that get up!" Garbo snickered at her own snide remark.

Glendoria winced to the slight as well because there was an embarrassing grain of truth in Garbo's off handed remark that they would need to address... Perhaps an issue that might make her usefulness last a little longer.

"Um on the topic of Goddess.. The people there.."

Garbo cut her off. "Tell me at the end of the report.. For now I need figures as I've got a whole cadre of Generals breathing down my throat with ambitions to spend our profits for wars we haven't even gotten into yet. For the love of the Empress."

The Viceroy dutifully looked down at her data pad and began reading out the figures.. They were mostly good. At least this was on her side.

"The gold mines on Olympus are producing twenty to twenty five pounds per month now. Silver is at 75 pounds. And the tin mines are up to 1500 pounds per month. With the nickel at 65 pounds. The copper output has swelled to 375 pounds with.."

"Just tell me what the Glowberry figures are." Garbo rudely interrupted again.

Glendoria knew that everything hinged on this crop. It was the whole reason for them being there and would be the reason for her replacement too once the desired outcome had been met. This was where the art of deception fenced and embraced truth in order to make desired ends.
Glendoria could be dismissed if she appeared incompetent too so the tight rope she walked on this subject was the cause for many sleepless nights for her. And would require just the right answer... One that appeased just enough to out way the annoyance that it was bound to produce.

"We are up to sixty seven percent of our projected harvesting goals at this point. We will need more humans to push the figure up any further though. We keep losing them at an alarming rate due to over-work, suicides, escapes, and other accidents that have been occurring."

Blaming the humans was her safety valve but it cut both ways. The humans had proven in the past that they alone could pick the Glowberries better than any other race and make the maximum amount of recovery in the minimum amount of time.

Glendoria knew that this was not the way that she wanted to go. She just needed to buy herself more time so that her plans would come to fruition. Plans that would see these human's lot changed for the better and perhaps even emancipated as that word kept sweeping around the various political houses as of late.

Garba frowned and became very serious.

"Ok Glendoria, we will continue the importation of humans to your colony. I will also have Fayaa, our devoted head of security begin euthanizing any humans found to be committing any class 2 offense or higher. Deserters are to be punished and given the same treatment for a second offense. The Empress knows that we are already pilfering all of the breeding farms as it is. Any wild humans caught are brought along too. I suspect before long all of the humans on this side of the galaxy will be working for you my dear."

Now it was Glendoria's chance to make requests.

"With all due respect Miss Gleebo, throwing free bred humans and wilds into the same cases is causing a lot of problems. Problems with fighting and bullying my head Sociologist has reported. More care needs to be implemented in separating them. The breeding farms are making nice obedient humans that are not well equipped for the fierceness of the wild ones. Which brings me to their present living conditions.

They are abhorable. The reconstituted Tolbot arena can't hold many more as their is squaller everywhere. I'd like to request a new settlement for them so that..."

"Request denied. They will make due with the living arrangements that we have made for them , we already went over budget when we made them that silly train car system that you supported. They'll live in high rise apartments if need be before they're getting one more inch of Titan real state." Garba quipped.

Glendoria nodded because she was about to hit the older lady with interesting news again. "Um, to their credit Miss Gleebo, they are adapting to the overcrowding in a most unexpected way...
With the wood and twine that we've been supplying them with, of which we need to triple our supplies of might I add, they've started making second story structures. Mita, one of our anthropologists even found what could pass for a three story apartment the other day. This shows intelligence!" Glendoria smiled hopefully. To which the Floor Leader sneered.

"No, it shows that they can copy Titan structures like a monkey copies the hand actions of a idiot making fun of them at a zoo. Nothing more. But in any case with them making multi storied dwellings that should help with the overcrowding wouldn't you think?"

Glendoria's words had been turned on her once again. But she still had hope that she might gain something, anything for the plight of the humans.

"There is another matter that I need to raise Miss Gleebo..."

"Well go on and spit it out. I haven't got all night you know."

We suspect that they have begun seeing us as deities.. A statue has been built in my image and likeness that even has my named monogrammed upon it. I think that the overworking of them is making them irrational and somewhat delusional. It begs the case that we should cut their hours from twelve down to perhaps six at the most. They already have a hour commute on top of everything else and."

"Did you say that they see you as a Goddess now?"

"Yes Miss Gleebo, and every other Titan that they're coming into contact at this point, which only proves their overworked status. They are forming governments and factions now too. There is wide spread discontent and who could blame them in their overcrowded and overworked conditions of . . "

"My, my, my. Glendoria.. It is not everyday that I get to meet a Goddess!" The Floor Speaker heartily began to laugh keeling to the side with mirth. Glendoria patiently allowed her to have her amusement at her expense and waited to get another word in edgewise.. But it did not come.
"I would think with this interesting development you could use to make them work even more energetically. Any Goddess that I've ever heard of would! This is actually a wonderful development that will see our ability to raise their productivity ten fold if I were to wager. It is only a question of you using it to our advantage. I want them to work more hours now. If only to appease you that is.

I need not remind you how important this crop is... With all of the separatist talk from the Senate buzzing around, our Federation needs all of the finances that it can get and this is a honey pot if we've ever had one. The largest projection crop of the entire Empire at this point! With this boon we might just be able to break away and stop having to suck all of their crazy notions down our throats like poison with such weird ideas as human emancipation.

At the next conference call in three months I want to see our Glowberry production up at least 20 percent. We'll round up even more humans for you. We're already getting them at a pittance of what the breeding farms used to get for them. We've had to threaten asset forfeiture on most all of their facilities too but it doesn't matter because this is more important than any two bit human breeding business.

And yes, we'll even divide them up if it will make you happy. But we need more work from them at this crucial moment in or history. Not less. They are just pests to begin with after all. Like trained rats pulling a sleigh through the snow.. Nothing more. So stop trying to be miss humanitarian and start doing more important things like saving your job and future honey."

Glendoria's last gamble this session had backfired yet again.

"Now if you'll excuse me Goddess Artemis, I must take my leave and gather the proper sacrifices that need to be made in your honor! Lest the omens of good Glowberry fortune dip down below the accepted production values once again! " The vile lady laughed once more as her video image began to fade to black.

But she was not done yet....

Now, another lady was visible on the Floor Speaker's viewing screen who had pale skin, amber colored eyes, and short dark brown hair cut in a bowl style.

"Madam Floor Speaker, an honor and privilege, I have my intelligence reports ready and am ready to turn them over to you." A fake smile of affection washing over her face.

"I'll look at them later Fayaa... It has come to my attention that their are governments forming in that Tolbot stadium amongst the vermin... Perhaps we can get ahead of the curve and start our own faction.. One who worships a Goddess like yourself" Garba grinned.

"Oh, you mean like that statue they're building for the Viceroy?" The security chief said with a knowing smile.

"How about it Fayaa.. Up to the challenge of being worshipped by your own little cult? It might do us a lot of good to get them fighting each other rather than uniting and throwing down their collection baskets."

The security chief smiled again.. "Oh, I've been worshipped by many for less Miss Gleebo."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha! You and me are going to go far Fayaa!"

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