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Author's Chapter Notes:

Emily finally gets to share her side of this tale.  Gives you more insight into her actions. 

As soon as Kylie left the room and closed her door, Emily set to work. Before Jason could make a move, she grabbed him by the back of his shirt and lifted him off the floor. Surprisingly, he didn't try to fight her. She didn't know if it was because he was still tired, or if he truly feared her, but at this point, either was acceptable.

Emily carried him a few steps to his bean bag chair. With a few practice swings, she tossed his scrawny body across the chair on to his back. He landed reasonably softly, but unfortunately for him, Emily's landing was not quite so soft. She didnt bother to sit slowly, falling from a stand, directly on Jason's chest.

He stifled a scream, simultaneously stopping himself from projectile vomiting all over them both. The loud crunch of Emily's big butt, connecting with his small torso left no doubt that she had broken most, if not all of his ribs in one go. Emily further twisted the knife, grinding her ass into the chair, eliciting more screams and shouts from him. After one more bounce for good measure, fully ensuring that Jason was buried from throat to knee beneath his big sister's thick ass, she finally spoke.

"Alright. . . . .here we are. . . . I think we both know this has been a long time coming. Like, even before this whole shrinking thing. Don't you think, little brother?" Emily asked calmly and waited for Jason's response.

Firmly compressed between a bag full of rocks and 185 pounds of hard place, Jason said nothing and instead focused on just breathing and not passing out.

"Hmm. . . . Nothing to say." Emily commented. "Isn't that just like you. Never willing to admit when you're obviously at fault." She ground on his chest to get her point across.

"I mean. . . . As a little brother, you're only real job is to be comfortable to sit on! And may I compliment you on what a fine job you're doing with that." Emily said, laughing to herself.

"Seriously though. Do you know how many of my friends have little brothers, and how many times we've beat them up or picked on them? Too many to count! And you don't see any of them reacting like you. Hell, none of them ACT like you at all! I get that being small sucks. . . Shrunken or not. . . But that should be all the more reason for you to not act like a complete dick ALL THE TIME!" Emily exclaimed, bouncing hard on him in frustration.

"Because eventually, someone big enough to squash your little attitude will take notice of you, and squash it they will, little man." She finished, grinding into him and continuing to flatten him out.

"It's just unlucky for you, that that someone happens to live in the same house as you! Most people have the luxury of escaping their giants when they go home. . . No pun intended. "

Emily sat quiet for a moment, deep in thought.

"The thing that really pisses me off though, is how you insist that you're the victim in all of this. Word always gets back to me about all the shit you say you know. How you never deserve anything you get from me. How you act like I have nothing better to do than kick your ass. We both know that's complete shit!"

"I guarantee you never told any of your little friends the whole story, did you! It's always just "Emily did this or Emily broke that!" But you conveniently forget to mention the moves you make leading up to our little dances. Like the time I crushed every one of your collector dolls or action figures or whatever. . . There was no mention of the fact that you decided to melt down my Jr. High trophies for some fucking stupid science experiment that you didn't even follow through on, was there!" Emily shouted.

In her bout of passion, she wasn't paying attention to the little human trapped under her ass. Jason had stopped squirming at all and was laying still, his face a deep blue. When Emily did actually notice, she quickly lifted her butt off of his chest.

Jason didn't immediately start breathing again, but after a few seconds, his flattened chest started rising and falling weakly. He had his skinny arms pinned limply at his sides. He had made an attempt to stop Emily from smashing him, but after being trampled multiple times, his strength had been severely drained and she had plowed through them on her way to her mark.

As she looked him over beneath her, she finally saw his eyelids flutter and then in standard Jason form, he let out a loud gasp as he came to. To her surprise, Jason immediately began to cry as he held his chest. For a moment, she felt pity, but the feeling faded instantly.

"Aww, is little bro in pain?" Emily asked, feigning empathy as she held her butt ominously above him.

For the first time since Kylie had left, Jason was allowed to speak.

"E-enough is enough Emily. . . No more, please! You've proven. . . . You've proven you're point. I don't think I can take anymore." He managed to say between sobs and heavy breathing.

Emily stroked her chin, apparently considering his plea. She gave it just enough time for him to think she might actually listen to him, before she sat down, almost as hard as she did the first time. Without ribs to take some of the blow, Emily sat with a wet sounding plop. The noise that came out of Jason's mouth was unlike anything she had heard before and Emily was actually amazed that no organs flew out of it.

"You may THINK you've had enough, but I assure you, you're not even close!" Emily proclaimed, again grinding her big butt cheeks on Jason's outmatched frame. She watched Jason's face change from red to green as she mercilessly mulched his insides under her ass.

"You better stop with the tears! This isn't even for all the shit you pulled when you were tiny. This is still for when you were a small, but more or less regular sized asshole!"

Emily lifted, allowing Jason to breathe, only to keep him conscious. She was sure to butt drop him again when she sat on him. By this time, Jason had reached the point where his body had given up control, and he was left defenseless to even brace against her as Emily squashed life lesson after life lesson into him.

The tears were streaming down his defeated face, not because of the pain, which he had learned to deal with. The tears were streaming down his defeated face for the fact that he was reduced to nothing more than a rag doll or squishy seat cushion for his number one nemesis. Not only that, but because he was bigger than he was before, and he had still been beaten without too much effort. For Jason, his soul was in about the same state as his body.

"Truth be told, I was planning on shit stomping you anyway while mom and dad were gone for that stupid rumor you tried to spread about Ryan and I, a couple weeks ago. Everything that transpired as of late just made the decision easier and the execution more complete. The fact that you HAD to go into dad's lab after he specifically told you not to, totally serves you right. It totally serves you right!" She ranted, bouncing him into next week.

"And don't you even get me STARTED on your stupid friends! You love to talk about my friends and how they will fuck with people just because I ask them to. But what about your little assembly of shit stains? I understand Clyde, but the rest of them?. . . . I know for a fact that Rachel only ever TOLERATED you and your fucking smug attitude and stupid pranks! Then all of a sudden, because Kylie and I mess with you, for reasons she knows nothing about, she is suddenly ride or die for you? FUCK THAT!"

Jason couldn't see it from his position as a pancake, but Emily's face had gone red as she got all of the thoughts off her chest.

"And Mya? I don't know what the fuck you said or did to convince her to fuck me over, but I hope it was worth it, because I'm steam rolling her next! That cunt came over and helped me, specifically to have some alone time with you! If she says anything other than that, she is both a bitch and a liar!. . . This one is personal. I would even say I considered that little bitch a friend!. . . Just thinking about her. . . . I won't bore you with the details, cuz Lord knows you have your own problems to deal with, but her. . . . Someone is going to be peeling her off of something when I get done with her."

Emily lifted, but had waited too long again and Jason was out. She rolled her eyes and sighed as she slapped at his face, trying to wake him. It took longer than before, but he came to violently, like always. And like always, Emily welcomed him back with her plump ass, pounding him into the bean bag chair. This time there was no noise and no objection, just the thud of muscle and fat, sinking into the beans.

"Not to mention shit head Steve and Malcolm! What the fuck is their problem? They don't even know me! That is exactly what I'm talking about! I've never said two words to either of them, but they still let you talk them into waging fucking World war 3 behind the grocery store!. . . I admit, tricking Clyde was dirty, but I didnt deserve to have my FUCKING CAR DESTROYED!" Emily shouted.

"I know you haven't had to work for anything yet, but I had to work for 3 summers at uncle Geoff's camp ground before mom would buy me that car, and now. . . ..now they are going to take it away when they see what you little fucks did to my interior if you don't own up and admit that you did it with that repulsive bomb. Who does that anyway!? We. . .someone could have been killed! I bet you didn't think about that did you? . . . .of course not! Because you never think! Not about anyone other than yourself anyway! The proof is the fact that you're still here, the last man standing, and every last one of your friends got what was coming to them! No help or even a second thought about any of them. You'll sleep like a baby tonight. I'd bet anything!"

With that, Emily finally decided Jason had had enough. She stood up and dusted her ass off. Her shorts had become wet with sweat, although she wasn't sure if it was his or her own. She turned around, and was actually taken aback by what she saw.

Jason's chest was completely flat, and his whole body was squished into the butt print Emily had made in the chair. He had gone out again, and he didn't appear to be breathing. His face was a sickly purple and wet from his tears. She crossed her arms and just looked down on him.

"I hope you're happy! You made me do this, you know. Because of you, my car is ruined! Because of you, Kylie is going to be grounded for at least 2 months for "bullying" her little classmates. Mya isn't a straight A student anymore. . . . All of it. . . It's all on you." Emily said, grabbing the front of Jason's sweat soaked shirt.

She peeled him from her wide ass print, and dangled him in front of her.

"Well. . . I'm still not done with you, but I'm sick of hanging around in your grungy ass bedroom. I think I'm going to deal with you, Clyde, and Mya a little later. Give you guys the real "Emily experience" . Until then, your going in my closet. I have homework to get done. You know how I sometimes fall asleep in study hall, right?"

Chapter End Notes:

This dream took longer than I thought it would to get through, but now back to the actual story.  

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