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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here is the next chapter of my commission. It involves a lot of scat like material and an ending that might be different to what some people may be used to.
Alex Richardson looked up at the giant, beautiful face before him as she called his name. Declaring him to be her next victim. He had already seen the horrors that she’d inflicted upon others and there was no way that was going to go it as well. He would rather die. He would rather end his life.

Then he snapped. He’d had enough. He needed to end this. To end himself. He was going to die anyway. Why not make it on his own terms. Save himself from this cruel world and enter the great beyond of the afterlife, away from the cruel mistress that was Miss Mayweather.

In a fit of fear and determination, Alex jumped to his feet and ran for the edge of the table. He heard the laughter of his demonic teacher but didn’t care. He leaped over the edge and felt, for the first time in his life, truly free as gravity slowly took over and brought him rocketing downwards. But then he felt finger of power touch him. Miss Mayweather’s pointer finger collided with his back and in a single second his skin burst into painful light. His vision, hearing, thinking capabilities, memories. They all disappeared for that short second as all he could feel was pain. Then darkness.

Alex woke up with a throbbing … Everything. His muscles were sore, his lungs were on fire and his ears were shooting with pain. Everything was dark. Either his eyes weren’t open or there was no light anywhere. As his mind came back to reality, the scared teenager was able focus and analyse his surroundings a bit better.

The air was incredibly thick, warm and toxic. Each breath felt like breathing in coal dust except the smell was unimaginable. Alex’s mind couldn’t process or even understand the full odour that he was being subjected to. His lungs sagged and jerked with every inhale he took and exhaling was even more of a chore since the air pressure was so dense. The gas seemed to force its way down his windpipe.

There was the constant *THUMP* *THUMP* every few seconds which shook Alex’s head and made his ears ring with pain. Not only that, but there was a cacophony of other horrible sounds which permeated the air and forced its way into his head, no matter how hard he blocked his ears. Groaning, gurgling, and squelching. Just the noise itself made him want to throw up.

The heat was stifling and agonizing. It was worse than a hot summer’s day since there was absolutely no cool air blowing. Everywhere was simply hot and dark and stuffy. Whatever hell he was inside of, he wanted out right now. At that moment, his prays appeared to be answered as a blinding light appeared in front of him. Covering his eyes from the piecing aura, Alex heard it speak words in the unmistakable voice of Miss Mayweather.

“Well, here you are: another dimension of my own creation”

Clearing his throat and preparing himself, Alex pleaded with the goddess before him

“Please! Please! Whatever you want, I’ll do it. Just don’t leave me here! Please, don’t kill me!” He couldn’t handle it and instantly began to break into tears. The horrors of the situation getting to him psychologically.

“Oh, I’m not going to kill you … Directly. And definitely not if you can pass my little test. You’re being punished because of your obsession with different dimensions. Well, if you can escape my little dungeon, then I’ll let you go free. There is no time limit. Simply wander my little world and find your salvation. Explore, discover, adventure, be the hero you always imagined yourself to be. This whole universe id yours for the traversing. Oh, and I believe you’ll probably need this if you ever hope to escape. Bye, bye now”

With that a small object dropped out of the light before the blinding aura disappeared. Alex screamed in sorrow, calling the witch back, begging her to let him go free. But he was met with no response. He finally, groped the spongey, wet ground and found the strange objet she had let: A flashlight.

In an instant, the world around Alex was filled with light as a thick beam shot out of the small torch in his hands. The cave he was inside was larger than he could imagine with the roof being so high up the might couldn’t even reach it. The beam simply entering the deep darkness of the heavens and disappearing. The ground was the strangest. It was a faint red colour with almost a flesh-like quality to it. There were no walls around the shrunken teen as the expanse of darkness seemed to stretch on forever in all directions.

Alex knew he needed to get moving if he ever wanted to escape. Picking a random direction, he began walking, feeling the resistance of the thick air on him. It felt like he was walking through a heavy mist of hot air. His eyes burning slightly from the tainted oxygen. The ground squelching with each step, oozing disgusting liquid which slowly soaked his shoes. The *THUMP* *THUMP* still beating in his ears, hammering the sound into his mind. Even the vibrations of that mysterious thumping sending shockwaves into the teen’s body.

Walking for about half an hour, Alex didn’t find anything except darkness and the occasional brown mass. These masses being incredibly warm, almost to the point of being hot, and smelling far fouler then the surrounding air. He suspected that these strange mounds of filth might be creating the toxic atmosphere he found himself in.

It took a while before he came across something of importance. In the darkness ahead, he heard the eerily creepy groaning and grumbling sound. Something was moving in the darkness and as he got closer he started hearing more and more of the groaning and squishing indicating multiple, possibly hundreds of things. Whatever they were, they were moving about and coming getting nearer by the second. The hairs on the back of Alex’s neck stood up as the noises became louder, to the point of almost being deafening.

The teen swallowed fearfully as the light finally began to shine on the shadowy figures. Blobs. That’s what they were. Large, gelatinous beings, roughly twice the size of an adult male. Each with hundreds of long tentacles coming off of their bodies. Bodies which were clear and almost see through, with Alex being able to see other strange blocks and organs inside each monster. Whatever these creatures were, they were the strangest and coolest thing that he had ever witnessed.

“Amazing” he whispered to himself as he slowly walked closer to the large beings. “This strange dimension is sort of cool”

To Alex, even though this dimension had a horrible smell and ear throbbing sounds it was still a different dimension. A place no one had ever been. To him, this was incredibly fascinating and was very excited about finding these strange, alien-like creatures. Of course, Alex wasn’t where he thought he was and he certainly wasn’t in another dimension.

Unknown to the tiny teenager, he was travelling through the colon of Miss Mayweather while she tortured the other students. That intense, thick air that felt like it was pressurized and smelled so bad that it burned Alex’s lungs was nothing but a fart stuck deep within the teacher’s bowels. The groaning and thumping was simply the heart beat and natural bodily functions of her body. The liquid oozing out of the ground was just water that was being reabsorbed back into her large intestines. And, of course, those large creatures, bigger than the teenager, was bacterium commonly located within the human colon. He had been shrunk smaller than a microbe and forced to wander the bowels of his captor and he was none the wiser. After all, who would imagine that they might be walking through some girl’s butt?

Right now, he was stumbling around in the upper large intestine of Miss Mayweather. She didn’t want him being near the entrance since she didn’t want to shit him out too quickly. She also didn’t want him to find the exit anytime soon. Of course, being the size of bacterium, it would take Alex years to walk the length of her colon to get to her anal sphincter. And that’s assuming he would be walking in the right direction, which he wasn’t. He was, in fact, walking deeper into the young woman’s colon. Further into her ‘dimension’.

Alex continued walking slowly towards the ‘monster’, his eyes wide in amazement. He didn’t, however, realize just how dangerous these creatures could be. After he got closer enough, the tentacles of the closest being lashed out and grabbed a hold of the teenager’s arm, wrapping tightly around his jacket. Alex screamed in fear, realizing how much of a fool he had been. He pulled as hard as he could but the vines of the monster were simply stronger than him. It slowly pulled him towards its gelatinous form, groaning as it squished in his direction.

Not wanting to end up trapped within the blob and digested into nothing, Alex undid his jacket and ripped the garment away from him, falling towards the ground in the process. He looked up in fear as the creature gobbled up his jacket and moved towards him once again. He had to get out of here if he wanted to live. Jumping to his feet he ran in the opposite direction, coming face to face with another blob. Spinning his torch around him he saw that he was almost completely surrounded by these horrid monsters. Unknown to him, them being colon bacterium. He dashed for the only opening he found, quickly avoiding the tentacles less he be dragged into their blobby forms and devoured.

He ran as fast as he could, his lungs burning from having to quickly inhale large amounts of the poisonous gas. His body vibrating as the ground shook every few seconds with the *THUMP* *THUMP* caused him to stumble and slowed him more than he normally would, but after a while he found himself a safe distance from the dangerous monsters. The squishing and groaning sounds now off in the distance once more. His breathing slowly returning to normal. He finally comes to a giant wall which rises high up into the sky. The wall is wrinkly with many crevices. Fearing the return of the monsters, Alex decides to try and take refuge within one of these gaps. Of course, these are just lines within the intestinal tract of Miss Mayweather.

Alex takes his time to try and compose himself. To attempt to understand what’s happening. He feels that his head has been getting foggier and foggier ever since he entered this strange dimension. The putrid air, which at first choked him with every breath, is now almost tolerable. The tang of the winds which taint and rot his tastebuds wasn’t even noticeable. And his mind was almost able to ignore the deep thumping. What was happening to him? Was he acclimating to this world? He hopes that there isn’t any lasting damage from any possible changes.

The shrunken teen is suddenly wrenched from his thoughts by the most deafening groan so far. Not only that, but the entire world seemed to be convulsing. Shaking as if the realm was about to crumble in on itself. The wall that Alex was hiding in began to violently wobble, throwing him out of his hiding spot. The floor rose up and down repeatedly, making him feel like he was in a bouncy castle. Everything was in a state of complete spasm. Unknown to Alex, this was simply a bit of intestinal gas moving through the colon. It barely registered to Miss Mayweather who to her it was merely a slight grumble coming from her abdomen. But this pocket of gas moving down the intestine had the force of a hurricane behind it for the microscopic teen.

Alex dropped his flashlight as the rumbling got closer and closer until a wall of gas collided with the tiny man and sent him rocketing down the large intestine. At his size, he was less than a piece of dust caught in a breeze. He shot through the dark abyss, carried on the wind of toxic fart fumes. Fumes, which when compared with the current atmosphere, were 100 times more toxic. Eroding Alex’s nose hairs, scarring his throat and actually slightly burning his skin with the intense heat it had. He didn’t know how far he travelled before he came tumbling down. But he knew that it was a great distance.

He collided with the top of a pile of sticky, wet sludge, quickly breaking through the top and falling down layer after layer of slime and gunk before coming to a soft *thud* on the squishy bottom floor. His entire body was now covered in disgusting mucus which he was unable to remove. IT tangle in his hair, soaked through his clothes and got in his mouth. There was an even greater oppressive heat all around him and the scared teenager could tell he was in a confined space. He just realized he was blind without his flashlight when a hard object hit him in the back of his head and tumbled onto the ground. Picking it up, he shone the piecing light on his surroundings.

This alien cave was filled with holes and composed of a very wet and very soft mucus material. The smell made Alex’s eyes water and his chest heave. He wondered what sort of strange place within this dimension he was unaware that he was simply stuck in a small film of intestinal slime. This entire cave, which was ginormous to the microbe teen, was nothing more than an imperceptible layer of slime that builds up naturally within the bowels.

Alex walks up to the walls and begins pulling away the mucus which melts away very quickly and easily, dripping over his hands and arms. The cave starts wobbling and deforming both from his impact through it, the earthquakes that had taken place and the regular break down it does through natural colon processes. The teen suddenly found himself in a collapsing cave, large waves of slime landing on and around him, sticking to his arms and legs and slowly dragging him down. He clutched his flashlight as tight as possible before he was completely submerged within the gooey mass of bowel slime.

At this moment, Marissa was driving home from school after finishing her torturing for the evening. She still had some activities planned at home, though. As she drove she heard a slight gurgle coming from within her guts and gave her lower abdomen a soft pat. She could sense the life force of Alex deep within her colon. He was still alive. She smiled wickedly as she wiggled her backside into the seat, loving the fact that she had a teenager trapped within her rectum and there was nothing he could do about it.

Alex was half swimming, half walking through the now pool of slime that had cascaded onto him. It was so thick that he was unable to swim to the surface and had to move horizontally within the hot, sticky mess. Flashlight gripped lightly in his mouth, the shrunken teen pushed through as hard as he could, his mouth slowly filling with the tangy, toxic gunk. His lungs began to heave and burn inside his chest when he felt his hand reach free space. Thrusting forward, Alex flipped free of the wall of goo he had been imprisoned in, falling to the ground with a wet thud. His entire body still drinking with the disgusting mucus, making him resemble and over iced cake.

Alex laid on the ground, panting and heaving. His body slowly regenerating from the trauma. However, his rest would soon come to an end as he heard another rumbling which shook the Earth. Not only shook much once again caused the entire cave to wobble and convulse as if it were alive. What he didn’t realize was that Miss Mayweather’s colon was simply processing some more food and right now a new wave was approaching him. A giant mass of liquid, brown filth that had just finished digesting and was ready to be drained of water by the large intestine.

The quaking got louder and harder until Alex finally got up and looked around. He couldn’t understand what was happening. He couldn’t understand the strange rules and laws of this new dimension.

Shining the flashlight ahead of him, Alex was shocked and terrified by what he saw. In front of him, about a hundred metres, was a wall of moving lava. A wave of dark mud slide towards him, reaching high up into the sky. His flashlight only barely illuminated the top of this monstrous avalanche that was snaking its way towards the shrunken teen. Of course, this mobile mountain was really only a couple of millimetres thick in reality and yet it was half the size of a skyscraper to Alex.

The teen turned a started running before collapsing under the weight of the gunk covered clothes. Stripping to his underwear as quickly as possible, Alex left his jacket and pants behind before bolting for safety. He could hear the groaning of the mountain get closer and closer and knew he was making no progress at all. He could feel the intense, burning heat from the brown lava and knew that if it touched him he’d be consumed with no hope of escape.

Just then, a miracle happened. Marissa was getting out of her car. She smacked the car door shut with her wide booty before making her way to the front door. However, this motion caused some built up gas to become dislodged and she felt the sudden urge to fart. Letting out an airy squeak from her powerful behind, she pondered how this would affect the microscopic teen within her.

Well, the change in pressure sent Alex flying once more. Soaring through the air like he was a bullet and landing in a lake of some sort. His bruised and aching body doing a body slam into the hot liquid and sinking towards the bottom. Of course, being liquid tis was much easier to swim through and Alex was able to reach the surface and to breathe. Clutching the flashlight in his teeth once more, Alex looked around for any land to try and swim to.

He had no idea that at this point he was swimming through a small puddle of water and shit which was being absorbed into the large intestine. The intense taste of the water, the heat, the soupy qualities. He just assumed this was water from another dimension. But it wasn’t. It was water from his teacher’s large intestine. He swam for several minutes looking for land all the while drinking in this water, even swallowing a few chunky bits of digested shit.

Alex finally found safe land to collapse onto, not knowing that it was a soft piece of stool floating in this lake of intestinal water. He had gone on quite an adventure inside of this strange dimension, the teen realized. He’d fought off monsters, survived slime avalanches and even been shot through the air by strange, tornado like winds. Though dangerous and horrifying, Alex had to admit this dimension was pretty amazing. He was happy that he didn’t have a time limit to find the exit, since he can stay here as long as he wants to explore.

Suddenly, his stomach gave a grumble and Alex realized just how hungry he had been. All of this running, swimming and fighting and given him a huge appetite. He made his way over to a small pool of thick, soupy brown liquid about a metre in diameter. He didn’t know if this was going to kill him but figured that he had been through enough that if this dimension was poisonous then he’d already know.

Putting his hand into the hot, sticky liquid, he scooped some up and began to drink, instantly retching and spitting it out. It was possibly the foulest taste he had ever experienced. Not only that but it left the strangest feeling in his mouth. Unknown to him, this liquid was a mixture of food material, excess water and enzymes left over from digestion. If he kept drinking it then the enzymes would have digested him from the inside and turned him into a literal piece of shit to be compacted within Marissa’s colon and expelled in the morning. After tasting something so bad, Alex had to lay down for several minutes to recuperate.

Getting up, Alex walked over and found a small mound of very mushy brown stuff. He couldn’t tell what it was but appeared to be made out of the same stuff everything else of was made of. It had the same intense, horrible smell everything did. Though he was pretty much use to that smell by now.

Feeling the pile, he realized that it was pretty soft and comfortable and realized just how tired he was at that moment. The best thing for him, right now, would be to take a rest and look for an exit later when he’s fully energized. Slowly easing himself onto the bed-sized brown form, Alex closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

He slept for a little while which allowed gravity to pull his body deeper into the mass until most of his body was inside of it. As he dreamt, his penis became erect and started pushing up against the brown mass around him, exciting him more. In a now half asleep daze, Alex began humping and rubbing his crotch against the shit he was slowly being consumed by, enjoying the sensation as his primitive male brain was overcome by pleasure.

Marissa had finished her games. Everything was done and she decided it was time for her to go to bed. However, before she fell asleep she wanted to see how tiny Alex was doing exploring her colon. Using her powers, she peered into the microscopic depths of her body to see what horrors the teen had befallen. However, what she saw was him having sex with her shit. A tiny piece of shit a thousand times smaller than a pin head, and he was using it to get off. Marissa couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how far this tiny freak had dropped. First there was that fat kid who ate her shit without hesitation, now she has a guy fucking her stool. Well, if he wants a fuck, she’ll give him something to get it on with.

Alex was still have humping the shit around him when he felt the pile begin to move and slowly transform. This caused the dazed teen to fully wake up as the brown mush mutated and altered until it was the shape of an attractive young woman. A brown, squishy woman made out of the material that Alex was half consumed by. The teen couldn’t tell if he was hallucinating or if this was just another thing about this strange reality.

“Hey” The brown mass says seductively.

The woman slowly moves towards Alex, all the while squeezing and caressing his crotch. Since she was still connected to the mound around Alex she was able to control it as if it were her own body. The teen, who was surprised and shock by this strange development was now moaning and panting as the soft and slimy material compressed and massaged him. His mind started going into overdrive and didn’t hesitate to kiss the woman once she started kissing him.

He had no idea that he was having sex with a sentient pile of crap at the size of a microbe within the colossal form of his evil teacher. To him, this was just another dimension. An amazing dimension. Filled with mystery, danger and excitement. And now that he’d discovered that there were also beautiful women who he could bang inside of this dimension, he was absolutely in love with it. His mind slowly caved in to this new world as a powerful orgasm rushed through his system. In the heat of his passion, he swore his love and allegiance to this world. It may be weird and horrible sometimes, but he loved it none the less.

He groaned in pleasure as his orgasm pumped out of him harder and harder to the point that it was almost painful. However, then another pain suddenly washed over him. A legitimate pain that mixed with the pleasure of his orgasm within his mind creating a horrifying mixture of feelings overloading his senses. The woman started laughing as the massaging and caressing turned to a crushing pain. In an instant his crotch and legs we crunched and obliterated within the mass, completely destroying his bottom half. The teen howled in agony as the woman kissed his, forcing the brown material down his throat.

The woman pumped more and more disgusting, warm and thick sludge down his neck, filling up his stomach and lungs. He could feel his body beginning to fill up. His stomach starting to burst, his intestines rupturing and his lungs collapsing. In the last moments of his existence, his entire body was filled up with the mass until he was more brown mud then he was human. All this this happening while his bodily aggressively orgasmed until both ultimate pleasure and final death met in unison.

He opened his eyes to a blinding light ahead of him. A beautiful and shining beacon calling to him. He could swear he heard the voices of his grandparents and his uncle whom he had lost many years previous. They were calling to him, drawing him into their embrace as he floated up to the heavens above. But then he felt a sharp tug at his being and he could no longer head for the light above.

“And where do you think you’re going?” A voice behind him said. He knew instantly that that beautiful voice belonged to his twisted, demented detention-teacher

Twirling around, he came face to face with the shimmering image of

“Miss Mayweather?” He was terrified. He didn’t know what was happening but didn’t like it one bit

“Oh, come now. You don’t need to call me that anymore.” She smiled wickedly “Now that you’re dead”

“Wait … What do you-“

“It’s simple, sweetie. You’re dead. You died in that … Dimension”

“Then … What are you doing … Here? Isn’t this … Heaven?” He shuddered.

“Well, usually you would go to heaven. I may be powerful but I don’t have the ability to consume people’s souls. Unless, of course, they give them to me.”

“I never-“

“Oh, yes you did.” Miss Mayweather chuckled softly. Suddenly, the light behind him disappeared and the world transformed back into the dungeon he was before. The dimension “You gave me your seed. You swore your allegiance. You became one with me”

“What do you mean?” Alex was freaking out. He didn’t like where this was going

“You weren’t inside of another dimension. Not one you’re thinking of, at least. You’ve been trapped somewhere a little more closer to home”

Marissa took his hand forcefully and put it on her stomach. Her gut gave a gurgle and a grumble and Alex wretched his hand away horrified.


“Yes. You’ve been inside of my bowels all this time. Those monsters? Bacterium. Those tornadoes? Simply my intestinal gas having its way with you. I don’t think I need to tell you what all the brown stuff was. So when you had sex with that beautiful woman made of soft, mud …”

“I was having sex with …”

“My shit!” Marissa couldn’t take it. She burst out laughing at the horrified look of realization on the teen’s face”

Suddenly, Alex turned around and started running. He needed to get away from this woman. But he only got two feet before she appeared in front of him again.

“No, no, no” She waved her finger disapprovingly “You aren’t going anywhere … Ever. You belong to me now. Your mind. Your body. And your soul. Your entire existence belongs to me, by cosmic law”

Alex couldn’t take it anymore. He clenched his fist and went to punch her but found himself instantly reduced to a hundredth her size. Her wide smiling hanging above him.

“This realm will be your afterlife. You’ll never get to see your family again. Never get to see your friends. For all eternity you’ll be trapped within the dimension of my colon. After a million, billion, trillion years you’ll be here. After I’ve forgotten you, you’ll still be here. Even after I, myself, die you’ll still be within my body. Within my bowels. But don’t worry, I know you might get lonely living here forever. So I’ve got you a friend”

Suddenly, the brown sludge around Alex transformed into that woman again. This time, though, she was several times bigger than Alex.

“My littler servant here will make sure you never forget where you are. She’ll consume you, beat you, torture you, rape you, and hurt you. Forever. I hope you’ve learned your lesson about talking in class”

And with that, Marissa disappeared, leaving Alex to his new existence. To his new life. Trapped within the confines of Miss Mayweather’s colon for all eternity. No matter where he went or how fast he ran, he could never escape the shit-woman that Miss Mayweather had left to torment him.

In his eternal stay as Marissa’s soul bacterium, Alex experienced everything a million times over. He’s been compressed into her shit, drowned in a literal ocean of liquid crap, chased down and consumed by her bacterium and even absorbed by her large intestine. No matter how much pain he went through he would always come back. Because it wasn’t possible for him to die. He was already dead.

The creature left to torment him did so without reprieve. She would never let him sleep or catch a moments rest. She would beat him, rape him and force him to do the most humiliating and degrading acts imaginable. He was the bitch of Miss Mayweather’s shit. And Miss Mayweather was literally his god now. She had power over his very existence.
Chapter End Notes:
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