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Author's Chapter Notes:

So here's the deal. I actually made a lot of progress on this dumb little story about a teen who shrinks, and...I really wanna post it all! BUT!....I have a schedule to keep so that I don't make past mistakes and leave the handful of people who might even slightly care about this story hanging sooo. You get a chapter early. Just this once! And a regular update on Thursday. So onto the third chapter! Hooray? Is anyone happy about this? 


Small Chapter 3: Little Sis


She heard crying. It was soft, distant, and tragic. Sabrina opened her eyes in shock. Her vision was still blurred from the morning tired. She blinked and reached a hand out in search of her sister. She should have been right next to her. Her hand brushed against something smooth and she heard a tiny shriek. She seeked out the form and could start to make out a dollish figure in front of her.

“Sabrina.” she peeped. She cowered away from her sister’s presence and tucked her face into her chest.

She reached a hand out to touch her new “little” sister.

“Stay away!” Izzellah shouted. Although coming from her new diminutive body it sounded more like a light squeak. It was cute. She imagined it’s what a fairy would sound like.

“I’m not gonna hurt you little sis.” She reached her hand out once more and felt a small thwick on her finger.

“Don’t call me that! And don’t touch me!” Izzellah was panicked. She had never feared Sabrina her entire life, but now staring at this monolith, knowing she held more physical strength in her finger than she had in her entire body. She was a nightmare. “Just leave me alone!” She bolted as fast as her legs could carry her. She scurried across the bed with surprising speed at immediately came to a stop. The edge of the bed was steep and it was a long way down. She contemplated jumping. A deep feeling of nausea came over her. Her vision doubled and she collapsed. She was surrounded by long tan snakes on both sides. They wrapped around her body in a tight stranglehold. Her heart stopped and her breath caught in her throat. More tears came. She couldn’t understand where this fear came from but it was in total control of her body and emotions.

“Put….me….down.” she rasped. She could barely even hear herself. There was no chance that Sabrina heard her meek plea.

“Don’t be scared little sis.” Sabrina squeezed her tiny sister gently quelling her meager struggles. “I’m here.” She pulled her in close and opened her palm to inspect her frightened sister. “You’re so cute now.”

“I’m not your little sister.” Izzellah growled. “I’m four years older than you.”

“I don’t know sis you seem pretty little.” She brought up her left thumb and pressed it next to Izzellah who laid curled in her open palm. “See. My thumb’s the same size you are.” She continued to leer at her sister’s vulnerable body. She pressed her thumb against Izzellah’s tight belly and moved it in circles. Her sister truly was beautiful. Sabrina noticed all the gifts nature had bestowed upon her. Her own figure had yet to blossom. Four years made all the difference apparently. Izzellah gripped her probing finger with her hands. They couldn’t even wrap around her appendage. Izzellah pushed with all her strength but it was less than nothing to Sabrina. The preteen continued to molest her older sister with inquisitive stroking. She felt up her smooth legs and inner thighs, to her swelled chest and beyond.

“Sabrina, please stop.” Izzellah quivered as goosebumps shot up her spine from her sister’s precocious touching. She felt the velvet plump of her sister’s lips press against the top of her head. Her hair was soon covered in a slick film of saliva.

“But you’re so cute!” Sabrina squealed. “I just want to eat you up.” For a brief moment the horrid thought of being swallowed whole by her kid sister shattered her flimsy hold on composure. She broke again and more tears came. She’d never truly stopped.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Sabrina cooed. “I didn’t mean it.” She cuddled her sister to her chest in an attempt to comfort her. “Please don’t cry anymore.”

Izzellah sucked in a panicked breath and hiccupped terrified air. She was shivering too and from more than just animalistic fear.

“You’re cold!” Sabrina observed. “I know what we can do.” Still holding Izzellah to her body, Sabrina rose from her bed and headed toward her dresser. She fished out a small box bedazzled with different colored rhinestones. She placed the box and her sister back down on her mattress and peered down at them from a kneeling position.

“Go on open it!” Sabrina urged. With trepid and frosted fingers Izzellah gingerly opened the garish box. Inside were a series of small faded clothes.

“There from my dolls!” Sabrina beamed. “I mean back when I was into that stuff. Dolls are stupid now of course.” she blushed. “But last night I thought maybe you could use them y’know. It could be fun to maybe dress you up….if you were into that.”

Izzellah looked at the doll clothes. Most were way too big, made for full sized Barbies. It dawned on her that she was now smaller than a Barbie doll. How small was she now?

“I don’t think they’ll fit.” she whispered.

“It’s okay!” Sabrina picked up the box surprising her sister. How did she even hear that. “I think I have some Polly Pocket dresses in here.” A small red dress was placed before her. The initiales P.P. were embroidered on the hem.

“Go ahead try it on.” Sabrina looked on in excitement as Izzellah slipped into the garment. It was still slightly too big. The dress covered her but hung over her shoulders. “It looks good on you.”

“Can..can we just go get mom please?” Izzellah asked.

“No.” Sabrina replied. She looked out the window. The sun had only started coming up. The room was still dim. She looked at her clock. It was only 4:50. “We don’t need mom yet. I’m responsible for you now remember.”

“Sabrina go get mom now!” Izzellah ordered with all the authority she could muster. Her titanic sister flinched for a half a second in surprise.

“N-no.” she repeated. “It’s still early. Mom came home late last night. We can talk to her when she wakes up.”


“It’s okay little sis.” She grabbed her sister and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “I know you’re scared but I’m here now.”

“Sabrina listen to me!”

“Shhhhhhh.” Sabrina pressed her index finger against Izzellah’s mouth and muffled her outburst. Izzellah tried to bite the finger in defiance but her skin was too thick and she got a mouthful of tough flesh. “Everything will be okay when you wake up again.” Sabrina cuddled her sister close and closed her eyes happier than she’d ever been.





Things were not okay. Izzellah stood trembling on the kitchen table under the cool gaze of her mother. Gloria sipped her coffee and inspected her terrified oldest daughter.

“Pull yourself together.” she took another sip. “This will not be the worst thing that happens to you in life.”

“How would you know that!?” Izzellah seethed. “Have you ever been shrunk before?” Izzellah gritted her teeth to help fight the trembling. Just seeing her mother was stirring a well of anger that was helping stave off the fear.

“I can’t say that I have, mija.” Another sip. “But you could be a lot worse off.”

“How so?”

“You could have been shipped off to one those Institutes for study. I can still volunteer you if you want.” One more annoying fucking sip.

“You wouldn’t!” Izzellah locked eyes with her mom. She was far more intimidating than Sabrina ever could be. It took all her resolve not to faint.

“No I wouldn’t.” Gloria agreed. “I would never donate my daughter to be experimented on. That is, if you are still my daughter.”

“I am your daughter!”

“Then act like it.”

“Izzellah was quiet.

“Stop trembling in fear at the family you’ve known your entire life.”


Gloria sighed and took another sip. She closed her eyes. How had it come to this? She almost wished they’d all been affected. Then at least she couldn’t look at her daughter and see this fragile, trembling, speck and think...what a waste. This wasn’t the future her daughter was meant for. All that time washed away in one unfortunate turn of fate. All those hours spent, working two jobs, putting herself through medical school, paying for dance classes, tuition to one of the finest schools in the state, keeping this family together after that selfish son of a bitch left them! Her phone went off.

“I have work. Sabrina watch your sister.”

“What about school?” Sabrina asked.

“I think today’s event warrants a day off.”

“Really?!” Sabrina’s eyes sparkled.

“But you’re not completely off the hook.” Gloria raised her index and middle fingers. “Two hours of violin today Sabrina. I’m not kidding Sabrina.”

“Two hours!?” Sabrina whined. “C’mon.”

“Two. Hours. Izzellah will tell me if you don’t. There are meals for you in the fridge.” With that Gloria was out the door.

“We’re going to have so much fun today!” Sabrina loomed over her older sister. She met her eyes with trepidation. This was going to be the first in a series of very long days.




Apparently Sabrina’s idea of fun was sitting on her bed eating orange slices and streaming episodes of Ms. Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. The show was the title. It followed the adventures of Ms. Kobayashi; a hard working office employee who lived with a maid that happened to be a dragon. While Izzellah found it only moderately entertaining she could see why Sabrina would like it. It was bright, and silly, and heartwarming, and all that crap her youth and innocence compelled her to still believe in...and the loli dragon was insanely cute. Sabrina for her part had at least given her some space since her episode this morning. She laid behind  her absorbed in the antics of Tohru the titular “dragon maid” as she knocked the stuffing out of a purse snatcher. Izzellah took in the novelty that the modest screen of Sabrina’s tablet was now the size of a theatre screen to her. She nibbled at a chunk of orange Sabrina had torn off for her. Even this fraction of a slice was bigger than her hand and more than enough to tide her over.

“Want some more little sis?” Sabrina offered.

Izzellah didn’t respond. She didn’t much feel like talking. The events of the morning and her mother’s callous threat stilled weighed on her. Would she really even consider donating her to one of those dreadful institutes? She was also very embarrassed. Breaking down in front of her younger sister was a new low point in her life. Even now she could feel her presence. Every twitch, every breath, every laugh, every random scratch or restless movement sent rumbles through the mattress and shivers down Izzellah’s spine. She turned to look at the giantess that was her little sister. Sabrina gave a warm smile and a wink before chomping down on another slice of orange. Izzellah had to bite her tongue to quell a terrified whimper.

“You okay?” Sabrina inquired.

“Sh-shouldn’t you be practicing or something?” Izzellah replied.

“I have all day to do that.” She dismissed. She plucked her sister from her resting position on the bed. “Besides. You wouldn’t actually tell mom on me would you?”

Izzellah trembled. Her sister wasn’t the type to use a threat or even an implied one, but at her titanic size it certainly seemed like one. “I-I don’t want to but.” She doubted she’d be able to lie to her mom in the condition she was in now.

“Fine.” Sabrina relented. She placed Izzellah inside the chest pocket of her pajama top.

“What are you doing?” Izzellah squealed. She squirmed against the modest curve of Sabrina’s body until she had enough leverage to peek her head out the opening.

“Practicing.” Sabrina groaned. She paused her tablet and bounced off the bed. She procured her violin case and headed towards Izzellah’s bedroom.


Her room was in shambles. Her mother seemed to have spent the better part of last night packing up most of Izzellah’s things. Her clothes and items laid around half packed or placed in a neatly folded piles.

“Mom says this is supposed to be my music room so I figured why not try it out.” Izzellah glanced around her room with a vacant expression. This was no longer her room but Sabrina’s music room. Pfft. What a cruel joke.

Sabrina opened her case and started plucking the strings of her instrument into tune. She was doing it all by ear with the practiced expertise of an veteran.

“Am I just supposed to stay in your pocket the entire time?”

“Why not?” Sabrina proposed. “I have to practice. I have to watch you. Two birds, One stone.”

“Because I don’t want to be jostled around against your sweaty flat chest like a stuffed toy while you try and fail at your-” Her little outburst was quelled by two immense digits forcing her head down into the pocket. She was surprised that she’d even had that much sass left in her.

‘Quiet, please. I”m trying to focus.” Izzellah continued to strum her violin until the notes pleased her. She then picked up her bow and after a few test strokes she went to work.

Izzellah had only heard her sister play the violin a few times. This was years ago and her ears almost bled at the scratched cords and jumbled notes. Her attempt at “Twinkle Twinkle” or “Mary had a Little Lamb” sounded like the wails of a dying animal. Since then she’d taken it upon herself to procure a pair of noise cancelling headphones. That might have been a mistake.

Sabrina had improved considerably in these last years. Her skills had grown far past tolerable. Izzellah might even dare say it was beautiful. The magnificent sounds she was producing brought upon an urge that left her body feeling restless. She didn’t know the songs that her little sister played but she let the melodies serenade her to a blissful relaxation she didn’t think she could feel at her new size. This continued for a half hour before Sabrina finally stopped.
“Break time!” She announced. Izzellah popped up startled. She’d nearly dozed off. She emerged from the pocket only to be knocked back down by the momentum of her sister prancing about. At a breakneck pace Sabrina skipped about the room and began rummaging through the boxes of clothing. She pulled out a pink top with a lemon wedge design on it. It was a blouse Izzellah actually liked.

“What are you doing?” she asked even though she already knew.

‘Mom said-”

“I know what mom said.” Izzellah winced at the thought of her little sister wearing that top. She’d rather have it donated. “Pick something else.”

“But I like this one.”

“I don’t care what you like! You shouldn’t even be in here!” Izzellah pulled desperately at the fabric of Sabrina’s pajama top and crawled out of the pocket. She leaped onto the pink shirt and Sabrina dropped it in shock. It fell into the box with the rest of the clothes that were to be donated.

“Little sis!” Sabrina sifted between the clothing with her finger in desperate search. She hoped Izzellah wasn’t hurt. Someone that small was so delicate. She couldn’t forgive herself if something had happen-.

“Don’t call me little sis.” Izzellah climbed out of the pile clutching the fabric of her pink top in both hands. Sabrina immediately seized her sister and gripped her protectively.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” Sabrina brought her sister close. She could barely make out the redness in her cheeks. Was she crying...again?

“What isn’t wrong!?” Izzellah choked. She wiped her face on her shirt.

Sabrina could feel something stir inside of her. The sight of her older sister so small and so vulnerable as bringing forth all kinds of emotions she’d never felt before. It was slightly frightening and incredibly alluring. She enjoyed seeing her like this. This had to stop.

“You can keep the shirt.” she said in a shallow attempt to end Izzellah’s mood swing. Truthfully she knew there was nothing her older sister could do to stop her from taking it if she wanted. “I’ll tell mom I want it but you can use it as a blanket.”

“No.” Izzellah murmured. She wiped her face again. “Fuck. Mom was right.”

“What?” Izzellah never agreed with their mom on anything.”

“I really need to get my shit together.” she chuckled to herself. “I’m a fucking mess.”

“It’s only been a day.” Izzellah stroked her “little” sister’s back earning a defiant swat for her trouble. “I can’t even imagine how I’d be freaking out if this happened to me.”
“Just shut up, please.” She dropped her shirt back into the box. “You didn’t shrink okay. So anything you say is just talking out your ass. None of this bullshit matters.”

Sabrina sneered at her sister’s sudden apathy. She took a deep breath. “Whatever.” she exhaled. She procured her sister and deposited her on a dresser. She then proceeded to strip down to her undies.

“What the fuck?” Izzellah observed her sister with curiosity. She procured another top from one of the boxes. It was a black to with a cute skull that wore a purple bow and matching eyeshadow printed on it. It hung off one shoulder. She didn’t bother to search for bottoms and the top was short enough to expose her belly. She then went to continue her practice. She’d never really seen this side of Sabrina before. She’d always thought of her sister and bratty and needy, always seeking attention and approval. Maybe it was the control she displayed in the intricate movements of her fingers on the violin, or the almost dignified posture she had while playing, but she almost seemed mature. That is if she wasn’t half naked playing dress up in her hand me downs.

As the melodies continued Izzellah felt the urge once more. No longer confined to a stuffy pocket she exercised her freedom with a few stretches. She tried a spin and to her delight her dress frayed out in a beautiful flourish. The only downside was that doing so exposed her nudity underneath. Unlike her sister she had no underwear to protect her modesty. She glanced at her sister. Sabrina’s eyes were closed and she was deep into her practice. They were both girls and besides she’d already gotten more than a peek of her fully exposed. The pace of the melody picked up and Sabrina hit a particularly energetic part. Fuck it. Izzellah danced.

The movements came almost faster than she could think of them. It wasn’t even ballet it was just. Emotion. A flip, a dive, a spin, a twirl, and another, and another, and another. The music slowed as Sabrina lingered on notes with long deliberate draws. Izzellah raised a hand falling into third position. She lifted her right leg back and then forward nearly parallel to her arm. She took a step and held herself, then leaned backward onto her hands and twisted into a slow cartwheel. Gymnastics had also been an avenue once taken. The music reached a crecendo. Izzellah took a running start and then leaped. So high she’d nearly scared herself. She landed hard on her feet and was surprised to find herself intact. How? That was a question for later. She wanted to keep dancing. She went into first position then transferred into second, a quick pirouette and, the music had……...stopped? The dresser was covered in shadow.

Sabrina whimpered. “That was incredible!” She pointed at her sister with her bow then pantomimed herself playing. “If I played some more will you dance for me?”

Izzellah lowered her head to hide her face. “No.”

“NO.” Izzellah turned away gripping her arm. The moment was over.




Chapter End Notes:

So that was a chapter I guess. Next chapter. Izzellah goes to school.....elementary school! It'll actually be worse than it sounds. I'll also keep lieing to you about this small surprise until it's actually done. Maybe this Thursday? I mean it better be! Literally nothing's stopping me but my own self worth!.....huh. Whelp, once again comment if you're into that and I will see you next time. 

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