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Author's Chapter Notes:

Alex tries to appease Barrie, which succeeds for little while. Barrie finds out she enjoys and misses Alex's company. Barrie is later emotionally startled as well as hurt by Alex, who reveals some of the reasons why he they are no longer friends or close to each other.




"Does it really take all that? If you mistakenly fell, you just fell. Why are wildly waving your hands about and hurriedly backpedaling away from me? Do I disgust you that much? Am I that much of a monster to you! What is it, huh? Tell me! Am I a mobile infectious disease or something Alex?" Barrie hysterically said, gazing at Alex trembling a little from her gaze as he unconsciously put a little more space between them.


Alex loosely gazed at Barrie thinking about how he overreacted to being close to her, even though he mistakenly fell on her forbidden area. If it was one of his friends he would have just fell on it, they would have laughed it off and probably make a joke out of it. He probably did overreact a little, but could Barrie really be compared to his friends? After all, she was his socially awkward neighbor, who he has known for numerous years. It's just that they were not close like that. They have chatted several times and hung out a lot, yet not really as friends, but as people who have problems with their parents, so they reach out and help each other. 


His eyes focused as he gazed over her big black gothic like boots, thick calves and thighs, bountiful chest that was almost hidden by her loose long cut up sleeve white shirt with a silver design on the front, her supple graceful pale white neck, and her above average face as her hazel eyes darted back and forth looking at him and impatiently waiting for an answer. He looked over her pink lips that stood out against her pale white skin, her dainty nose, her impatient hazel eyes, her eyebrows that looked as if they were perfectly etched onto her face, and her luscious fiery red auburn hair while a few strands floated in the wind.


"I really don't think monsters can be as beautiful as you." Alex quietly said, yet Barrie still heard him and could not believe what he just said as her eyes became big as she gawked him.


"What did you just say?!!" Barrie exclaimed,  raising her body up as she pressed her hands against the ground as she moved forward to make sure she heard him correctly.


"Uhm...I...I like said sorry! Uhm...I'm sorry for overreacting! Peace? We're good?" Alex stammered, avoiding eye contact while blushing a little as Barrie looked him over, then surprisingly smiled.


"Whatever midget." She said, taking off her book bag to put her belongings inside as Alex hung his head.


"I am not midget...you are just too tall." Alex murmured, hearing Barrie giggle at him, which caused to get a little upset and embarrassed as well. He dusted himself off as he hurriedly got up off the ground. He started to walk at a brisk pace towards home to avoid being around Barrie, however it was meaningless due to her long legs. He grimaced as he watched and heard her come up right beside him. He hoped she would keep on walking home as she usually does for he would not have to feel so awkward by being next to her, but she slowed down once she got beside him to walk at his pace.


They walked past a few blocks in silence without saying anything to each other, but the sound of cars driving by, kids playing, a few dogs barking, and a few birds chirping. For whatever reason, Alex actually found them walking together is kind of soothing and he does not feel that weird out of place feeling he felt earlier. He smiled as he inwardly thought that he would not mind this lasting forever. He glanced up at Barrie beside him to surprisingly see her fondly gazing down at him with a slight gleam of sweat on her forehead, which made him blush as he quickly turned his head while he sped up his pace, but Barrie was still relaxingly walking beside him.


"Uhm...it is kind of hot out today, don't you think?" Alex said, giving up the idea of running away to hide his embarrassment from her, so he made small talk.


"Yeah, it is kind of hot, but why are you complaining Shorty? You are walking in my shadow. I am the one soaking up all the sun." She teasingly said, stunning Alex with her sweet voice. He blankly blinks up at her a few times, then quickly turns his head when he sees her impish knowing smile she is giving him.


"Well, thanks for being my umbrella.  By the way, could you move forward just a little bit? I feel a little of the sun is on my forehead." He teasingly said, hearing her giggle while saying "oh, really!" 


They made small talk for awhile until they arrived at  Barrie's house. Alex quickly said, "Bye!", for he was in hurry to get away from her due to strange way she was gazing down at him, so he was about to keep walking, but Barrie was blocking his path on the sidewalk with her full figured 6'3 frame towering right over him as she amusingly gazed down at him.


"So Alex, like where are you going?" She teasingly asked, seeing Alex confusingly look up at her and cautiously take a few steps back.


"Uhm...home. Why?" Alex confusingly ask, seeing Barrie's amused expression plastered on her face.


"Well, I wanted you to come over to eat for we could you know, chill and talk more." She said, gazing firmly down at Alex, who was nervously shuffling his feet from her gaze.


"I would love to come over Barrie, but you have to study for that Calculus exam you failed last year for you can pass and also, I need to get back home anyway." Alex hurriedly gave a nervous rebuttal, shuffling his feet as nervously saw Barrie arch her eyebrow.

"You do not have to worry about it. I did not take the test or my classes seriously because I was still mourning over my grandma last year. I just went to school for I would not become a shut in. Plus, I am the one who tutored you in Calculus amongst all the other things I have tutored you in. Anyway, it's not like you got anything better to do. You probably do not even have anything good to eat." She matter of factly said, seeing Alex crinkle his eyebrows as he thought of reply to avoid going to her house as she tried not to laugh at him.

"I do have something to eat. I was going eat a pack of ramen noodles. Also, you most likely was going to stop by and give me something to eat anyway, so why do I have to come over?" Alex hesitantly said, trying to think of something to say to tell her no, but he could not think of anything.


"First of all, ramen noodles is not fulfilling food and it also is not healthy. Secondly, you just proved my point. Almost everyday, I come over to your house to give you a plate of food and you hardly ever invite me in. The only time that we hangout now is when I am tutoring you at the library or when you need help moving something in your house, then you find an excuse to leave or an excuse to get me to leave. When we were younger, we used to hangout together all the time. Everyone used to say you were my shadow...what happened between us?" She started off jokingly, then got emotionally serious as she put her hands on her hips as she awaited for an answer seeing Alex nervously gaze up at her as he opened and closed his mouth several times.


I...you...ugh! Sorry! It's...just you turned into a different person when your grandma died last year. When I started high school, I was actually looking forward to seeing you...it's just I didn't know you were a...uhm well, social outcast and target of humility for everyone at school. I already knew you had problems academically wise, but I did not it flooded over to your social life too. I wanted to talk or become close to you, but I was and still am in the popular hierarchy at school and I do not want anything to change it. I am already five feet tall, I do not want to make myself a public target of ridicule at school...by being around you to much. Sorry..."  Alex hesitantly said, drooping shoulders while avoiding eye contact with Barrie as she loosely gazed down at him in disbelief.


"I cannot believe you actually said and felt that way about me! I...I have always like took care of after your parents died and even persuaded your caseworker for child services with my mother to let you stay in your parents house and let us act as a fill in for your guardian until you come of age, since your coworker was a friend of the family. I have been your emotional and physical support, since the end of your third grade year and you are now telling me that you cast me aside because of my social class in high school! I can not like, believe this! All the dinners I made you, coaxing you when you have nightmares about being alone, cleaning up your scrapes and bruises, and tutoring you 'the so called genius' everyone raves on and on about! Ugh! I really ought to beat to beat the shit out of you!" She angrily exclaimed, stepping towards Alex a few times as he fearfully edged back away from her and shook under her gaze. She found his actions comically cute, but she was to upset with him right now to tease him or laugh.


"Wait! Barrie, please calm down! It's not like I completely avoid you!" Alex hurriedly exclaimed, holding his hands up at her to protest and calm her down, but it was not working.


"You little prick! You want me to calm down! Huh?!! You probably just hung around me at those few times at school because you felt sorry, isn't that right you little prick?!!" She angrily exclaimed, prodding him in his chest as he tried to avoid her and cower, which made her inwardly feel good for some strange reason seeing him fearfully gaze up at her.


"I...I...I..." He fearfully stammered, but was interrupted by Barrie's icy glare and voice.


"You! You! You what?!! Huh?!! Say something!" She angrily exclaimed, seeing Alex lip quiver as she prodded him. 


Alex fearfully gazed at Barrie as he flailed his arms desperately to get her to stop and try to calm her down, but it was not working. He was hoping that one of the neighbors would come outside and help him, but no one came. They were most likely all on vacation or a few might be at work, but that was not relevant at this point because Barrie's prods and pokes were becoming more and more heavy as anger seem to incite further as she icily gazed down at him with tears starting to form in her eyes. He inwardly felt bad, for he knew he did her wrong and there was not that many definitive excuses for his actions. His fearful gaze started to turn to a pained one as he gazed up at her flushed red face as she glared at him and prodded him.


Perhaps it was because he was not watching his step as he backed away from her or her forceful pokes, but he awkwardly tripped backwards as he painfully fell down on his butt and back as the back of his head solidly landed on the grass in her lawn. His vision darkened for a few seconds as he started to see a myriad of different lights in his blurred vision, then surprisingly saw the huge sigh of Barrie towering over him as she icily and amusingly glared down at him with one of her huge black gothic boots clad feet on either side of him while he smelled a not to pleasant odor lingering out of them, which made him unconsciously crinkle his nose as he hesitantly ran his eyes along her left boot to her thick shapely calves and thighs to her crotch where his gaze uncomfortably stayed for few seconds as he felt a weird feeling come over him, then moved his gaze upward.


He could see her pale white flesh of her slight stomach pudge through the opening revealed between her shirt and black tights as he hurriedly moved his gaze as he blushed a little to see her two large mounds protruding from the inside her shirt while the sun reflected off of the silver design on her shirt to glimmer, which caused a slight stir in his nether region for some reason, but he did not notice. He tried gazing up her towering figure to see her face while his body kept sending signals to his brain about his dull aches, but he could not see her face due to her bulging breast. The weird feeling he was having started to sen an even stronger signal as he notice his joggers and boxers were a little uncomfortable as he vaguely gaze up at her towering form.


Barrie was feeling kind of bad at the moment for making Alex fall, but she was still to angry to really care. She still could not believe he purposely avoided her due to the childish antics of schools hierarchy. She moved forward as she placed a foot on either side of him as she stood over him while thinking for a few seconds about what should she do to him as she loosely gazed off to the distance, but could not really think of anything because she was so angry at him. She mockingly shook her head at herself as she lowered gaze to angrily glare down at him, but realized she could not see him due to her breast, which unconsciously made her grin as her nipples grew stiff a little bit and her thighs quaked for some reason. 


Causing her to shuffle her feet as she heard a gasp beneath her. She felt kind of bad, hoping she did not step on him because she did not feel that she did as she was about to step back, but stopped herself as she saw Alex appear in her view using his hands and arms to backpedal back for he could get up. Some of her anger eased away as she saw his comical display, but it rapidly returned when they both happened to make eye contact and she saw Alex angrily glare up at her. She was visibly taken back as she saw his angry expression as she felt rage kindle inside of her.


'How dare he glare up at me like that after he admitted he avoided and felt sorry for me! After all things I have done for him! So what! I mistakenly made him fall...not like I did it on purpose. Plus, it was logical for me to overreact after hearing what he said! So, whoopty doo! He fell! What?!! He is still glaring up at me! Oh, since he is so freaking upset, I will give him something to really be freaking angry about.'


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