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Ingrid hadn't said a word since her arrival. Her glassy and unfocused eyes were a stark contrast to her usual piercing gazes that sometimes appeared as if bullets could be projected from them.

“ Hey sis. . . how you doin'?” He asked trying to test the waters.

Her response went way beyond what he anticipated; without caution or warning Ingrid reached into his vicinity and pinched the fabric of his shirt between her fingers. From there Tanner received a full express ride complete with minimal safety up to her face.

“ I'm dooooin' guuuud.” She slowly answered. That sounded nothing like her usual vernacular, that accompanied with the strong scent of alcohol in her breath the dots started to connect and the picture began unveiling.

“ H-have you been drinking?!”

Ingrid showed a toothy grin and cocked her head back and forth. “ Maaaaaybe.”

He'd love to know why the heck she was drinking or better yet who or where she got the alcohol from, but the prime objective at the moment was to get back on stable ground. Being held so tenuously made the hairs on his neck stand in attention. Looking down for all of a brief second and seeing his legs dangling from dozens of relative feet in in the air almost made him queasy. The worst of it though was the way Ingrid was looking at him, there wasn't a hint of her steely yet gentle gaze. All he saw now was a drunken and amused young lady who looked like she was just now coming to an epiphany that she had not a person, but a tiny object at her disposal.

“ That's . .interesting how about you set me down so we can talk about it?”

“ Why'reyou so nervous for? I thought you . .” Ingrid attempted to keep a straight face throughout her comment, but her lips kept curving into a grin every time she tried to get the words out. “ Don't you. . .love me?”

“ I-it's, I don't know what you're talking about.” If he were in a more calm frame of mind he may have been able to play it off better, but the forefront of his mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and embarrassment that manifested in his reddening cheeks. In the back of his mind though, he knew Marcelle was behind this somehow, the only person he confided that secret in. How foolish he was to think she'd keep it to herself.

“I thiiiink you do.” She slurred, before breaking into a fit of cackling again. “ How does that even work!?” Ingrid tilted forward to hold her side with her free hand. Tanner yelped in momentary panic, the change in her posture made her grasp loosen and some of the fabric she had pinched slipped from her nails. If she was a second later in reestablishing her hold her stepbrother would've had a one way ticket to the floor.

“ Marcelle thinks you get off on that kind of stuff. I bet . .I look like I'm rocking D-cups from your perss-pc- . .perespe . .perspectivs. Don't I?” She stuttered at her attempt to say a three syllable word. She lowered him down a little and brought him closer towards her breasts to judge.

Tanner wasn't going to allow himself to look, no matter how tempting it was. He turned his head to the side, trying to find anything else to focus on.

Ingrid snickered at his attempt at modesty and found an easy counter by simply jutting her chest forward until they were brushing against his body and leaving him with nothing to look at but her breasts. It was too much to ask of any man to resist, at his scale her above average sized breasts may have well as been over inflated volleyballs. The temptation was there to try and touch one of the gigantic mounds, but he had to keep his priorities in check though he needed to get Ingrid under control at all costs.

“ Ingrid, stop it! For real set me down!” He exclaimed, still trying his darnedest to keep his mind out the gutter and focus on something in his peripheral vision that wasn't his stepsister's tits.

“ C'mooon, it's a liiittle fuuunny. You like it don't you?” She said, bringing her brother back up to her face and holding one of her digits nearby pointing it distinctly in the direction of his crotch.

He wanted to fool himself into thinking she wouldn't do it, but he was in no position to take any chances and as meager of a defense it was he closed off his legs to offer the bare minimum deterrence. Even in such a unable state Ingrid knew how pointless his resistance was.

“ Why are you so embarrassed?” She giggled, easily managing to wedge her nail in between his legs and forcing them open. “ Doesn't it feeel good?” She asked as she dragged her finger back and forth between his legs, purposely rubbing against his delicate privates.

Despite it being something that Tanner thought would only happen in his wildest dreams, he did everything in his power to keep a straight face and not show any reaction. A task that was becoming more futile with each and every brush of her soft digit that sapped away at his willpower. He attempted closing his eyes, thinking of the most unappealing images his imagination could conjure, nothing was cutting it and he couldn't contain the moans he tried repressing as the formation of an erection began to form that did not go undetected by Ingrid.

She stopped stroking and squinted her eyes far more than necessary to observe her handy work in the form of a small bulge in Tanner's pants. “ Heheheh . .I knew it.” Ingrid's face soured. “ Freak.”

Tanner dry swallowed. Freak? In a single word he felt so dirty and perverse for it all. Liking Ingrid, enjoying her teasing seduction on any level, being attracted to her, was he really a freak?

“ I . .I didn't mean to! I .. You were . .” Tanner's mouth was moving and words were coming out faster than his mind could properly make sense of them, he was losing it. “ Ingrid enough, you don't know what you're doing!”

“ I know . . exactlyz what I'm doing. . ” Ingrid lowly slurred.. “You look kindvescurred. You gonna . .do somethin' about it?”

Tanner's couldn't win for losing right now. He didn't know what to say or if he should say anything at all. Logic and reasoning weren't going to cut it, he'd have better odds trying to diffuse a bomb right now, he remained silent.

Ingrid snickered again.“ I din' think so. Since I'm such a nice big sister . . I have somethin' you can do for me.” She titled all the way down and sat Tanner on the floor. He never thought he'd miss solid ground so much. Though his predicament wasn't all that much improved at least falling to injury or death were not in the playing cards for now.

Joining him, Ingrid clumsily shifted her weight backwards coming very close to falling flat on her back only managing save herself by getting her hands behind her at the last moment to control her weight as she sat down.

“ I've been training sooooo hard and my feets are really sore, be a pal and give them a rubbin' bro?” Ingrid whined, stretching out her legs her feet stopping inches in front of her tiny brother.

Tanner didn't have any reason to believe he had a choice in the matter and with Ingrid in such a volatile mood, keeping her satiated was the best discourse even in the face of such a demeaning task.

Tanner cautiously stepped towards the over-sized soles while his sister drummed her nails waiting. He always found it so degrading to be by someone's feet, thinking back to his incident with Ivory or even Blake the other day propping them up on the table near him. They made him feel so small, not in the literal sense that most things do, but maybe insignificant was the better term. It certainly didn't help that he was now being asked to rub the gigantic appendages.

Just think of yourself as a masseuse.” He thought to himself to boost his morale. Though most masseuses didn't have to massage body parts that were three times there total size.

As his hands navigated the surface he detected several areas of tightness and tenseness in her soles, courtesy of all the running, kicking of balls, and other lower body exercises no doubt. Ingrid was undoubtedly working hard as usual and never taking a day off to rest. There was a lot to appreciate in the effort she put in and Tanner did want to help alleviate her stress. Given the size disparity which limited him to accessing a narrow area and natural toughness of the skin he had to rub and knead with as much force as he could generate to achieve results. To his credit he did feel some softening in the muscles of her foot and his work even elicited a couple of faint moans of pleasure from his stepsister. And if he dare admit it a part of him somewhere found it enjoyable . .in a strange sort of way. For as many gripes and nitpicks that he could rightly complain about right now there was a layer of fascination deep down in every crevice, every line, and every wrinkle, that made Tanner compare himself to an explorer of sorts looking navigate uncharted territory.

To any other person it was just another part of the body that was only there to get you from point A to point B. To Tanner it was it's own entity and only he was capable of noticing every subtle detail that would be ignored by average people.

“ Gotcha.” Ingrid beamed with a crooked grin, abandoning her docile state and bringing her foot straight down on Tanner's unsuspecting body.

“ H-hey!” The reality of his plight came back in full force, reminding him that Ingrid was still in an inebriated state of mind. To no avail he tried to wiggle his body to escape, being handily thwarted by Ingrid who simply implied some more force to render him immobile.

“ Don' be upset, think how much better you can massage now.” Ingrid teased, dragging her foot back and forth across the floor and by extension Tanner. His hands were pressed against her foot in a vain attempt to try and create some space; even without her putting additional pressure it'd be far too heavy for him to move.

Ingrid slid her sole downwards now covering the lower half of his body, concentrating her weight into the ball of her foot. “ . . .You's still got a hard on. Does the freak have a foots fetish too?” She rhetorically asked, lightly grinding her foot into his body from the waist down.

Tanner would be mortified if he had the luxury, but pain was far more prevalent as Ingrid again started her application of pressure on his body. “ E-enough stop it hurts!”

If there was any God Tanner thought they may have heard his prayers or maybe Ingrid finally came around as she graciously lifted her foot off of his body. It was a short lived reprieve however with Ingrid promptly securing Tanner into her closed fist and standing back up. This grip was nothing like the shoddy grasp she had him in before, this time her hand completely engulfed his entire body from the neck down.

Ingrid looked at the small boy in her hand, he looked so feeble, so weak, so small. She was probably only using five percent of her strength, a measly amount that she wouldn't consider anything special; yet it was enough to match and exceed Tanner's maximum efforts to writhe and escape 20 times over and then some.

“ You can't get free?”

“ No!” He yelped, his voice becoming hoarser.

“ Try harder.”

It was a pointless endeavor, Tanner was giving it his all from the start, it just wasn't enough.

“ I .. can't!” He squeaked as more oxygen was driven out of his lungs.

“ That's the best you can do?”

“ Y-yes . .” His voice was becoming hoarser.

“ . . .Does it hurt?” She asked.

“ . . .” Tanner was out of breath and was being squeezed to hard for him to get a sufficient inhale.

“ Patheetiiic.” Ingrid slowly applied some more force, if he had any air in his body Tanner would've screamed.

“ Ingrid stop!”

Ingrid turned around, to the sight of Marcelle who appeared genuinely scared. Marcelle contemplated whether or not to let the chips fall where they would when her cousin barged out of the room. As the moments went by without her not coming back, she figured she had to check to see what was going on and was glad she did. If she had remained apathetic who knows what may have happened to the boy in Ingrid's hand who was going blue in the face.

“ Since when the hell do you cares about my liiiiiitttle bro?” Ingrid smirked, shaking her fist in her hand, making things that much more uncomfortable for him.

“ I-Ingrid just calm down a little, you said what you needed to say, how about we-”

“ Oh shut up you bitch! I was always . .better than you.” She spat at her cousin “ And especially you!” She shouted bringing Tanner back up to her face, tears were welling in both of their eyes, the latter was barely hanging onto consciousness. “ Sometimes I wish you'd just-”

“ What's going on up here?” The commotion upstairs finally garnered the attention of the last member of the household, Ivory. At first she bore an inquisitive look on her face with a brow raised as she entered the room. With a single glance of her diminutive stepson in the harsh clutch of her daughter and the visible agony on his face, that look transformed into livid ferocity.

“ Ingrid what the fuck are you doing!? Put him down NOW!”

The message behind the words was clear and anyone in the right frame of mind knew what she meant. But, no sane person would deem Ingrid in the right frame of mind who took the words at literal value, opened her hand, and let her stepbrother free fall in the air and to the floor.


Chapter End Notes:

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