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Author's Chapter Notes:

Edovan wakes from his sex coma to find  no Yagaritte and be told he can't stay in her room.  But it turns out the folk of the Boar aren't exactly done with him yet!

Edovan is 4'9"   The Twins are 6'2"




“Little mouse,” a quiet voice called to him from the depths of sleep, a tender hand resting on his shoulder. He groaned, rolling onto his side. Who was that? Why were they disturbing his sleep? He was so very tired…


“Mama M, let me do it! I know just how to wake him up!” A nagging voice called from across the room. Bernadette. That one was unmistakable, even as his brain was still mostly asleep. She was lingering in the doorframe, her arms crossed protectively over her chest as she watched Edovan sleep.


Margara sighed, looking back at Bernadette. “I told you, child. Now go on, get!” she shooed her away as she spoke. Bernadette opened her mouth to protest, but when she caught the look on Margara’s face, her jaw snapped shut. She pouted, but wandered off, mumbling to herself.


She turned back to Edovan, a hand coming up to touch his forehead, then his cheek. He had been so flushed and sweaty when Yagaritte had brought him out of the laundry room, but he seemed fine now. She was worried he might have caught a chill, or worse, a fever, but that appeared not to be the case. She put her hand on his shoulder again, this time shaking gently. “Come on, little one, it’s time to get up,” she said softly.


Edovan groaned, squeezing one eye open to look up at her. “Is she gone?” he asked, daring not to look at the doorway in case she had silently snuck back.


Margara laughed heartily. “Yes,” she promised him, helping him sit up. “I’ll tell you a secret,” she added, picking up a small stack of clothing from her lap and pushing it into him. It was Edovan’s suit, all clean and dried, and even patched in places where it had more recently torn. “She’s a lot more scared of you than you are of her,” she finished, grinning. She stood up, brushing her skirts down. “Now get dressed, we’ve got something to show you.”


Based on his previous experiences with Bernadette, Edovan doubted very much that she was afraid of him, but he would just have to let that one go for now.  Margara waited for him just outside the door as he got dressed, quickly stumbling into his pants, still somewhat afraid that Bernadette had somehow snuck into the room unknowingly. His suit felt so nice, soft and warm. He sighed contentedly as he sat back down to put his socks on. His body was still tired, and ached more than it ever had before, and he was sure only a small part of it was from the physical labor. But even so, he felt his heart swelling. He’d been through a lot, before he’d arrived, and since, but it certainly wasn’t all bad. And… Yagaritte. He pictured her face, sweaty, rosy cheeked, surrounded by a halo of strawberry blonde. His heart skipped a beat. The way she had cared for him, bringing him to her bed… and! He blushed deeply, remembering her secret words.  Where was she? He was more than a little  disconcerted to find her not there in her own room.  He was in her room, but without her, it might as well be Bernadette’s room.


He got up, pacing in front of the bed for a minute, thoughts swirling in his head. Yagaritte aside, there had been so much happening. And now they had something to show him? Margara hadn’t seemed upset, in fact it was quite the opposite. She had been kind and gentle. So it couldn’t be something bad, could it? And she'd said ‘they.’ He wondered who they was. Her and Yagaritte? Everybody at the inn? Had he messed Mint’s work up beyond repair? But, no…


He made a small sound of aggravation, sighing to himself as he bent to slide his feet into his soft boots. He supposed the only way to know for sure was to leave the safe confines of Yagaritte’s room and go see for himself. He inhaled deeply, steeling himself for just about anything, and opened the door.


He stopped abruptly, looking out ahead of him. The hallway was full of people-- Bernadette, La, Svie, the twins, Margara, of course, and quite a few of the other girls he hadn’t met yet. He found himself instinctively looking for Yagaritte, his heart sinking a bit when he noted her absence. “What…?” he asked softly, looking from face to face. Mavka was not present, either, he noticed. “What’s going on?” he asked. Certainly he wasn’t being punished now. That was clear, but…? What was happening, he still had no clue.


Margara put an arm around his shoulder. “Come on, make way,” she told the crowd, who promptly parted as she gently pushed Edovan forward. “Come on, little one,” she said to Edovan, steering him down the  hallway through the masses.  “As you know, our Yagaritte likes her privacy.  And she gets very angry when it is violated,” she continued. “So for your safety and my sanity,  you can’t really stay with her.”  


Edovan’s heart fell.  Was this one of those “we took up a collection to send you on your way” kind of things?  He appreciated their generosity sure, but he wanted to stay here at the Boar. With Yagaritte. He couldn’t work in the same way the girls did, but he could do literally anything else, though he may need some training first. He was confident that his ability to learn new skills was impeccable. Besides… he could help Yagaritte with her work. He was an adventurer, too...


But, it seemed, Margara wasn’t finished yet.


“Everyone at the Boar pays rent  We have no free rides here! Normally newcomers at the Boar can only afford to to stay in the girls dorm in the basement...”  There was a loud tittering from the women he didn't know that well, hushed whispers from the others. “But for obvious reasons I don’t think that would be a wise idea in your case...”  she trailed off. This prompted a round of feminine “aaawwwwwws” of disappointment from those who had tittered earlier.


“But,” she continued, shushing the girls. “I believe in giving everyone a chance to earn their place here. You have desirable skills with majika, and arrangements have been made to find you employment outside of the Boar.”  

He breathed a sigh of relief at that statement.  The way she was talking earlier he was beginning to think that Margara might want him to actually work at the boar and, and not in the laundry room! That was not an ideal arrangement, and besides, he couldn’t see himself having much of a customer base. And while he held great respect for these women, it was not a profession he had ever envisioned for himself.


They continued slowly down the the large hallway.  Where were they going?


“If you do well at your new job, it may lead to other opportunities, but that of course, is up to you,” she finished, her hand still resting gently on his shoulder.


She had stopped about 20 feet down the hall, midway between Yagaritte’s room at the end and the stairs leading down behind the bar.  She was standing in front of a very nondescript door, tall but narrow and one that he had never really noticed before.


Margara spoke again “But, as long as you can afford the rent each week, this will be your new home...”


She stopped in front of the door and pushed Edovan’s hand onto the handle.There was a brief warm, tingly sensation in his hand,  he knew majika had flowed.  There was an audible click and the door creaked open on large hinges, ones that probably hadn’t seen oil in quite some time.


Warm lantern light spilled out into the hallway, softly illuminating a tiny room.  It was barely wider than he was tall, and twice as long as it was wide, but whoever had put it together had made the absolute most of the small space that could be made. There were a myriad number of small  cabinets and drawers seemingly  built into the walls at all angles and all other available exposed wall was covered in bookshelves which were already filled with books, many of which he knew, and still others he recognized from his brief time in Yagarittes room.  They were from her personal collection! His heart clenched in his chest-- if Yagaritte valued her books as much as he had his own… that was quite a gesture, indeed!


There was a large high single bunk bed above hom, covering most of the room below with a small alcove underneath that held  a small but usable desk, with parchments and quills and ink bottles ready to go. Above it, accessible by a small series of steps was the small  but very comfortable looking  bed itself, which would have been perfect if it hadn’t been covered in garish pink sheets, but the soft grey fur spread on the top and two very comfortable looking pillows were more than enough to make up for it.  He also noticed his staff was leaning against the desk on the side in a space that fit it perfectly.


Somebody had gone to a great deal of trouble and time and expense to create this, and he could easily guess that the earliest they could have started this was… when he first went down to the laundry? But why?  At that point he had only been source of chaos and disruption to the Boar.  He hadn’t even proven himself yet.


Edovan just stood there with his back to everyone, not moving for the longest time.  They seemed to be holding their collective breath, waiting for him to say something.  Anything! But Edovan was silent and unmoving.  But then his shoulders started to heave and shake almost imperceptibly, and wet splotches started to appear on the floor in front of him.


“He’s crying, I can’t take it!” Svie cried out and she had to turn away as she wiped her own tears. La had started to bawl as well. Slowly they all gathered in around him, the closest ones putting their hands on his shoulders or his head to show him comfort. Even Bernadette had joined the circle, forcing her way past some of  the younger girls till she was standing directly behind Edovan.


“I gave you my finest sheets!”  She called out proudly, almost shattering the current mood of the moment, but before anyone could chastise her,  Edovan suddenly whipped around and threw his arms around her hips, burying his head in her lap, tears streaming down his face.


“It’s beautiful...” he sobbed into her skirts, as a stunned Bernadette patted him on the head, awkwardly at first, but then with real tenderness and concern.  Without warning, she dropped to her knees and embraced him cradling him in her bosom as a mother would her child.  At that moment, the dam broke and all the girls, save Margara, were sobbing uncontrollably.  All of them smiling or even grinning as their cheeks were streamed with teas. They all crowded in around Bernadette and Edovan,  everyone hugging everyone in a huge sobbing circle for a good 30 seconds or so.


“All right , allright... that’s enough!” Margara finally interrupted.  “What is this, a brothel or a funeral procession?  We have patrons to attend to, and work to do!  Or nobody is going to have enough to pay me rent this week!”


All the girls turned and reluctantly filed out one by one, each one giving Edovan a small squeeze of the hand, or pat or kiss on the head, as they were able, sniffling and wiping at their faces. La and Svie left last. Each of them bending low and kissing his tear streaked outer cheek.  Strangely he was still clinging to Bernadette and she in turn was holding on to him for dear life.  


“It’s all right child,“ Margara said gently, as she came up behind the two of them.  “It’s alright. It’s been a long day for everyone.  Let’s let him settle in and get ready for bed,” she said, pulling her kerchief from her pocket and giving it to Edovan.


She gently tugged him from Bernadette’s arms as she reluctantly released him with a wistful gaze.  Edovan seemed to have his wits about him again, though still teary.  He looked up at Bernadette, still holding his hands, and whispered “thank you” to her.  Bernadette bit her lip.  


“You… you’re welcome, little mouse,” she replied genuinely, a small crack appearing in her usual upbeat facade.  


But just as she turned to leave, she quickly leaned down to whisper in his ear.  “I just want you to know I rubbed myself all over your  sheets…  so when you are sleeping, it’s just like you are sleeping all wrapped up in me… consider it practice... for the night when you will be..…”  


Then she bit his ear and turned and strutted away swinging her hips back and forth Like the pro she knew she was.


Margara was now the only one remaining.  He threw his arms around her waist next, hugging her tightly. She reached down and took his chin in her hand and lifted it so he was looking directly at her.


“You’re welcome, but do me proud and work hard, aye? I meant what I said. You have to pay your rent and earn your keep just like everyone else!  If you fail at this new job, I’ll have to put you to work at the Boar the old fashioned way!’  she teased and she gave him a wink, as His eyes went wide for a moment, till he realized she was kidding. “I promise I will do my best!” he assured her, grinning.  Edovan offered her the now-damp kerchief back. She took it, tucking it back into her pocket.


You had better! There are some very old, very large women, in town who’d pay top dollar for a night with a young wood elf as charming as you.  Pray you don’t put me in a position to take their coin!”


Edovan shuddered. Joking or no, he would work very hard indeed!


“Oh one more thing.  As you are aware, the lock is magical, and will only open for you, myself, or Yagaritte. Yes, Yagaritte. She’s sorry she couldn't be here, but she had very important business to attend to. You also have... “ and she paused, pointing to a portal of sorts, set in the door, almost exactly level with his face at standing height.  She unlatched it and flipped it up on the inward side on its small hinges. There was now a small hole just barely bigger than his head. “...this custom peephole. If someone knocks and you don't know who it is or you are afraid it might be Bernadette, just open the portal and peer out so you can see who it is.”


He flipped it back down and back up again to see how it worked. There was even a small hook to latch the portal open so it wouldn't fall back down again, and a latch at the bottom so unwelcome guests couldn’t peek inside willy-nilly. It was a very clever design, he thought. He figured Yagaritte had a hand in that.


“Get some rest, little mouse. Someone will be here to collect you at the crack of dawn for your new job, and you don’t want to be late! Remember, those dowagers are waiting!” she reminded him, chuckling to herself as she turned and headed back downstairs. She had her own to work to tend to, and a gaggle of girls to keep a watchful eye on.


“Margara. I have to ask, how did you get all this done in a day?” Edovan said suddenly.


“A day?”  Margara laughed, stopping to turn back, looking at him. “You’ve been out for three days, boy.  Had the lot of us worried sick about you. Today was the first day Yagaritte left your side.  Now get some real rest!”


His heart caught in his throat. Yagaritte had done that? She was that worried about him? He closed his eyes for a moment, willing the butterflies in his gut to settle down.


“Wait... who paid my rent?” he asked, opening his eyes again, looking at Margra.


“Who do you think?” she winked and disappeared down the the stairs.


Edovan was alone now, and still no Yagaritte.  He wanted to see her, to thank her.  He didn’t deserve anything as nice as this.  Especially after what he had done.  Yet here it was.  He walked into his little room and closed the door behind him. There was was an audible click and the door held fast, unless he grabbed the handle again. Once inside, with door closed, even for him the room was quite “cozy.” Definitely not a place you could stretch out or move around much, but for what it was, it was just perfect. And it was his. He slipped out of his suit and hung it on a hook in a little wardrobe built into the wall. Took off his boots and socks and placed them underneath. He rifled through the other drawers, mostly of curiosity, and was rewarded with a pair of large loose fitting pajamas. He slipped those on and climbed up the little stairs to his new bed.


True to her words, the pink sheet smelled strongly of Bernadettes perfume and her musk. Oh well, by now he was almost used to it.  But what surprised him most were the two objects lying atop his bed that he hadn’t noticed till now.  One was a small box wrapped in colored paper and ribbons with a note tucked under the ribbons. The other was a small old book with a green cover and worn out pages.  He realized with a start that it was the exact same book on dwemer runes he had planned to buy the other day in the shop for his own birthday present, but had left behind in order to pursue Yagaritte and return her herbs. His cheeks colored as he recalled their first encounter fondly.  At the time he had been genuinely terrified.  Looking back on it now, he wondered how he could get that same treatment arranged for GOOD behavior.


He pulled the note from the ribbons around the box and unfolded it:



      Sorry for not being there today, and missing your big reveal. Margara has promised to tell me all about it, so I hope you really liked it. It wasn't easy getting everything together in such a short time, so thanks for buying me that extra time sleeping in my bed with me for 3 days.  When you’re asleep, you’re not such bad company after all.

       I know you wanted to stay with me, but I need my privacy. It’s nothing personal. Besides, if you’re in my room, I would want you in my bed, and if you're in my bed I’ll probably break you.  This is better for both of us, believe me.

      We have not known each other long at all, but somehow I let you in when I’ve never let anyone else in before. It was a strange feeling having you in my room. Not bad, not good. Strange. I enjoy my solitude. I’m used to being alone. But then you came into my space and made me question why. I like you a lot, so there’s no reason to create the chance for me to get upset at you again. I may have overreacted. Truth his, it was so long ago and I’m a different person now. But you still violated my privacy, and that is something I take very seriously.

      I want you to know that I do forgive you. But you have work to do to repair my trust. I hope you will take that seriously. I know you have been asking Margara about me. Stop. If you want to know something about me, ask ME. I’m the keeper of my own secrets and I alone will decide who to share them with, and when, on my own terms.

      I hope you like your gift. The shopkeeper said you left it behind that first day. Consider it a late birthday present. In the box is another small gift, something very personal from me that you are to share with NO ONE under pain of a slow tortuous death. Also included is the rest of your share of the gold from the contest. The other half went towards your rent, I’m sure Margara told you.

      Mavka provided your desk and all the tools found within. She has somewhat of an affinity for magicka and alchemy, and has many tools and artefacts at her disposal. She sensed that same affinity in you, and is happy to provide you with any assistance she can.

      If you ever need me for anything, you know where to find me.


       - Y 


      P.S. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve given a fair share of my personal book collection for your perusal. If you so much as scratch a cover or crease a single page, I will have your head myself (and not in the good way).

      P.P.S. If you are a good little mouse… maybe the three of us might pick up again where we left off last time. Mavka tells me you are quite a fast learner.


Edovan blushed at that last bit, eyes going wide as he read. There were two very distinct kiss marks on the paper, he supposed one was Yagaritte’s and the other way Mavka’s, since it was twice as wide and full as the first one. He blushed, remembering their small moment together in the laundry room. There was more where that came from?


He cleared his throat, willing the stirring in his loins to go away.


Her words were blunt, but honest, and not unkind. He knew he had majorly messed up with the whole crystal fiasco, and the fact that she had forgiven him meant more than anything else in the letter, more than anything else at all. He was more than willing to earn that forgiveness, in any capacity that he could.


With the letter pressed to his chest, he leaned forward and took the box up, examining it. He shook it, feeling the slight weight inside, and the obvious jangle of coins. He set the letter down reluctantly, and untied the ribbon around the box, peering inside. There were two small bags inside. The first was a coin purse, holding a decent amount of gold pieces. He picked the other up curiously, noting the weight of it, familiar somehow. He untied it gingerly and upended it over the bed. A small illusion crystal tumbled out alone with a tiny folded note.


He swallowed. Surely not…? He took the crystal up, examining it. It sure looked the same, but? He frowned, confused. Was this a test? He set the crystal back down again and reached for the folded slip of paper. It was small, and the writing was short: “Make sure you’re alone when you use this.” That was it. Nothing else.


A test. It had to be. Right? She said he had to earn her trust back, was this part of it? He reached for the smaller note again, flipping it back and forth  to see if there was anything else. Nothing. But surely every single crystal in that room had been destroyed. He was certain that Yagaritte had made sure of that. This might be something different? She had said it was from her own personal collection. Maybe it was an illusion of someone else? Something else?


Edovan inhaled deeply. He steeled himself. And he activated the crystal.


Once again, an illusion of Yagaritte popped up, but this time it was different. She was pulling on her leathers . And she was clearly sober. The angle of the crystal was low, so that only her legs could be seen. She was dressing in a hurry, pulling on her boots. She stopped abruptly and crouched, bringing her face into the frame. Her hair was pulled up into its usual bun, messy, beautiful.


“Okay, Yagaritte,” she said to the crystal. To herself. “You can do this…” she continued, shaking her arms. She stood up again, stretching her legs. “Okay,” she said, stopping to squat down again, coming fully back into the frame. She had her protective bodice on now and was lacing up the front with remarkable speed. This must be how she did it when she wasn't putting on a show for him. “You’re still young… but you’re different than they are. You can take the higher path when others choose not to,” she told herself, nodding thoughtfully. “It won’t always be easy, but that’s not important, the important thing is you do what you know is right in your heart, in every situation. It’s never led you astray. ” she continued.


“You are going to make mistakes. But you don't have to let those mistakes define you. You are tough and you are smart. Do whatever you have to to fix things and make them right. You are not your family. You are not your father!” she said with a growing determination, and a flash in her eyes. One Edovan recognized.  “YOU are not your past. YOU are the maker of your own future!”


Edovan watched the crystal curiously. She was giving herself some soft of pep talk it seemed. She finished lacing her bodice and was pulling on her weapon belt and a pair of gloves. This was not at all what he had expected, but it was far better. This was a glimpse at Yagaritte-- honest, open, young, naive. This was her, laid bare. This was more revealing than anything that was on the other crystals. This was the real Yagaritte.


“Now,” illusion Yagaritte continued as she placed her dual daggers in their sheaths and strung a strap of throwing daggers over her shoulder. . “You know what you have to d--” She was cut off by a male voice shouting off screen, the exact same one she had been dancing for in  the previous illusion.  He seemed to be shouting for help. Yagaritte got up and strode out of the frame. Edovan instinctively tried to crane his neck to see before he realized what he was doing.  There was a loud SMACK noise like someone being slapped, hard. all happening off to the side, just out of sight. “Where is the shipment!”  SMACK.  “TELL ME!!!”  Yagaritte commanded before the crystal’s illusion dimmed, then blinked out of existence.


He picked the crystal up, rolling it between his palms thoughtfully. He felt like there was a thematic conflict between how most people would interpret those words and what she was actually doing..but that sounded exactly like the same  Yagaritte he had come to know and….love???  He bit his lip. Seeing Yagaritte this way… unsure of herself, but determined to shape her own destiny... she was the same as now, but different, somehow. It stirred something within him, something deep in his heart. He took the crystal and tucked it under his pillow. . Climbing down out of the bed, he rifled around in the drawers again until he found what he was looking for, a robe he had run across earlier. He slipped it on, tying the belt around his waist. It was enormous by his standards, but it was what he had, and he was grateful to have anything at all.


He started to reach for the door, but stopped abruptly. He turned back to the bed, crawling halfway back up its stairs. He reached for the little coin purse, coins jingling softly, then tucked it safely away in the pocket of the robe-- halfway down his calf.


He grabbed the door’s handle and stepped out into the hallway. He closed the door behind him, listening for the click of its lock, and leaned back against it once he was satisfied that it was secure. He glanced over at Yagaritte’s door. It was silent, and he could detect no movement on the other side. Either she was asleep or out.


Tying the belt tighter around his waist, trying to gather excess fabric up so he wouldn't trip, he gingerly headed for the end of the hallway and took the stairs down carefully, trying not to make any noise in case there were sleeping patrons. About halfway down the stairs he realized it was pointless, there was enough of a ruckus to keep anybody awake here, and he wondered how he hadn’t heard it upstairs. He thought maybe somebody had placed a noise-cancelling ward there…


He was deep in his thought, wondering about the ward, when he suddenly bumped into someone. Someone soft but solid like a pole with no give.  He gave out a soft “oof!” sound as they collided, stumbling back slightly. Or were their two of them? Edovan looked up, realizing it was the twins. Edovan was confused. She was bigger than him, sure , over a foot taller, but also very slender. Yet when he had collided with her it had felt like running into a tree, a shapely softly padded tree, but a tree nonetheless. She hadn't budged.  


Seeing them now, up close, he was struck by their understated beauty. They had cherubic young looking faces with large dark eyes that glimmered scarlet in the light.  They had long dark red hair braided into a single plait that hung forward over their shoulders, and their slight but shapely figures were covered by some kind of diaphanous black gown, which he noticed now was near translucent, as their alabaster pale skin was visible underneath it  to various degrees through the thin fabric. He was now acutely aware also that the gauzy gown was the only thing either of them was wearing. There were feminine peaks and valleys barely shrouded from his view.   The twin he collided with  reached out and tugged Edovan’s robe back into place , while the other peered behind him. “Just doing our rounds,” she informed him, nodding thoughtfully.


“What are you doing out and about?  Aren't you supposed to be resting?” gently accused the twin that was adjusting his robe. The second slipped silently around and behind him. The first took a step closer to him and he instinctively tried to backpedal, but his motion was impeded by the  immovable object of the twin that was suddenly right behind him as he pressed up against her front, her breasts pushing pleasantly on the back of his head.  The twin in front of him closed the gap between them burying his face in her small but full bosom.


“I don't think it's safe for a little mouse like you to be wandering around unsupervised late at night.”  she whispered down at him. Her beautiful dark red eyes boring through him.   “There are many hungry kitties on the prowl late at night. One of them might just eat you all up.” She smiled playfully and he noticed her perfect white teeth were slightly fanged on either side.


“Hush Now, Rinari, I think you are scaring him.” the twin behind him whispered somewhere right outside his right ear..her breath was cool against his skin as she spoke. It gave him shivers.


“Are you sure about that Adisiri? I think he wants to be eaten. Well… at least part of him does.”


Edovan realized with horror his fearless member was betraying him again, attempting to rise to the occasion through the robe. He flushed with shame and furtively tried to push himself back down with his hands inadvertently brushing across her (cool?) nethers in the process of trying to arrange himself. She gave a small moan and pressed herself closer to him. Pinning his hands in the v shaped valley.


“Sister...no.. “ said Adisiri from behind him. “We promised Yagaritte we would look out for him..” she trailed off.  Edovan took no comfort from the lack of conviction he heard in her voice.  Rinari ignored her. Grinding harder against his trapped hands.


“There's something different about you little mouse. We can't quite put our finger on it, but there is something about you that makes you… delicio.. “


“Irresistible!” Adisiri cut her off. “She means irresistible!”


“Yesssss.  Irresistible. . I had thought we were immune to it by our nature, but with every touch I feel my hungers growing..”


She had not stopped grinding. His thumbs were rubbing through the fabric against her cool flesh which was slowly yielding to their pressure. He realized with shock they were raising of their own volition, attempting to burrow deeper into her. He tried to will them to lie flat but much like his throbbing erection at this point his body had decided to mutiny against him. At that moment her outer labia finally yielded to his upward pressure and both thumbs plunged upward into her cool depths, fabric and all. Without warning she pushed his head to the left and bent down to press her cool mouth against his neck. He gasped as she started to suck hard against his skin. “Just a little taste..” she sighed breathlessly against his skin. “ ..to see...what he’s made of…”






Adisiri’s voice was suddenly low and resonant like it had been in the laundry room when they had stared down Bernadette.  Rinari stopped. Slowly,  reluctantly she rolled her hips back dislodging his thumbs, which were somehow still dry.


“Another time perhaps.. “ said Rinari as she stepped back away from him, deftly pulling her dress from where it had had remained tucked.


“Yes, another time sister.” agreed Adisiri as she moved from behind him.


“You should go back to bed.”


Edovan stood his ground. “I..I..I have something I need to do. I’d r-r-rather not wait if that's alright with you.” he stammered.


“And what would that be?” they said in stereo. “Do you need the water closet?”  Both twins were in front of him now, arms crossed disapprovingly.


“I need to see Mavka.” Edovan said.


“Of course. You want to see the biggest, hungriest kitty of them all.” Adisiri rolled her eyes.


“And why do you need to see MISTRESS Mavka?”  she put special emphasis on the word mistress, an emphasis that was clearly lost on Edovan.


Edovan paused. He doubted the twins would let him go anywhere near Mavka if he said he need to go to her room and give her a bag of money.


“I have something of hers that I need to... return.  And it needs to be tonight.”  He added that last part lest they attempt to get him to postpone. He didn't know why exactly, possibly Yagaritte’s words from the memory? But he felt very much like it was now or never.


“I suppose you can follow on our rounds then. We were headed that way after checking on you anyway. “ Adisiri said.


“Fine, but we’re not taking the blame if she gobbles you all up...” added Rinari, making biting movements with her sharp teeth in jest.


She seemed halfway serious, Edovan noted, with more than a little trepidation. He nodded hesitantly. He didn’t think they’d be able to save him, anyway, if Mavka really decided she wanted him as a snack.


“Come on then, little mouse,” Adisiri said, and turned to more or less glide down the stairs. No wonder she had snuck up on him. This time  Rinari was at his back silently trailing after him. They came out the bottom of the stairs to a cacophony of music and laughter, mugs clinking, catcalls, barmaids calling back and forth. The tavern floor was full of life and merriment with dozens of patrons drinking and eating and carrying on, various girls plying their trades, and drunken bar songs. La was engaged in some kind of drinking contest with a horde of burly barbarian looking types. She still waved and winked at him even as she was chugging something frothy from some kind of giant boot.  And she wasn’t the only one. As they passed through the crowd nearly every women present acknowledged him in some way. A small wave, a smile, a stare with unconscious licking of lips, a blown kiss.  It didn't matter what they were doing or who they were doing it with, each paused if even for only a second to give him notice, and then went right back to whatever they had been doing before.


Obviously the Boar was busiest at night. People were still walking in the door!  The air was full of interesting smells, roast meats, perfumes, and lots of alcohol.  The centerpiece of the tavern floor of the Boar was an enormous roaring fireplace, 20 ft wide filled with logs cut from whole trees at at least 6 ft long each. He could still feel its heat from across the tavern like some kind of small sun.  Above this fireplace was the head of a gigantic bear sized boar, his tusked face frozen forever in what could only be described as the most perverted looking leer he had ever seen on a nonhuman animal.  That must be where the name comes from...or he wondered, was it possible that they picked the name and then went out and hunted down this magnificent beast at exactly the moment of his copulation?


Aside from the women they slipped largely unnoticed through the crowd towards the larger main staircase heading up to the second floor rooms which all led off an exposed upper floor with a heavy railing lest drunken patrons tumble through or over it. It looked like several parties had either spread up into these rooms or spilled out of them into the tavern proper. At the top of the carpeted stairs they took a right away from the patron rooms and through a stone archway.


Adisiri nodded her head towards the circular stairs that lead up to the third floor. Edovan adjusted his robe and nodded back, following her as she started to climb. Rinari followed silently behind him. This was part of the inn he hadn’t seen yet. They must have passed another noise cancellation ward because it was a lot quieter, and also more dimly lit than the rest. The floor of the long hallway was covered in a plush dark red carpet and all the stone walls from below had given way to dark rich lacquered wood. Large paintings of various erotic scenes were hung at regular intervals and all of the doors, he noted, were closed. He could hear soft moans coming through some of them, silence in others, and cries of ecstasy from one (was that Svie?)


“This way,” Adisiri said, heading for the huge ornate double doors at the end. “You’re very lucky” she added as they ambled down the hallway, looking back at Edovan. “Mistress Mavka is a very exclusive hostess, most people can’t afford her company, and even fewer can handle it,” she added, grinning, baring her oddly sharpened teeth. “But she likes you, I can tell.”


Edovan blushed at that. “L-likes me?” me asked. That was… a shock? Or was it obvious? He wasn’t sure… all he knew his that she was beautiful, mysterious, terrifying. Why would someone like her ever have any interest in him? On top of that… Yagaritte, too? At least he thought… He furrowed his brows. How was it possible?


Adisiri laughed while Rinari chuckled softly from behind. They both closed in on him again without any notice, pressing him between them once more, but with Adisiri’s gauze covered bosom in his face this time. She tilted his chin up to her toothy smile and stared at him in a way that was more than a little unnerving.


“Yes, little mouse. In case you had not noticed. There are over 33 young, attractive women at the boar, 33 big hungry kitties.. and for some inexplicable reason nearly every single one of them wants you, little mouse, inside of  them...in one way.. or another.”


Edovan just stared upward at her, dumbfounded. What on Tamriel was she talking about?  She knew about the contest.. she and her sister had STARTED it!  It's not like that was just going to happen all the time?  Was it?


You’re a bit daft, aren’t you?” they asked in unison. But before Edovan could respond, they separated from him and backed away, their laughter trailing behind them, as they left him alone on Mavka’s doorstep, A defenseless mouse at the door of a ferocious lion.


“Assuming she doesn't just eat you on sight,” Adisiri called over her shoulder, “could you please let Mistress Mavka know her appointment tonight could not make it due to a military coup in his nation.”  and with that, the two sisters seemed to glide away down the hall back to the festivities below.


Edovan stood there for a moment, looking back behind him, then over the balcony, down into the second floor. It wasn’t that far… he could probably just leave before anybody noticed him there. But then he felt the weight of the coin purse in his robe pocket. No. He had come here for a purpose. And even though he had started to doubt that purpose now, he’d already come this far. Yagaritte’s holographic words played in his head. “Do the right thing..”



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