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Giants are supposed to be things of myth and legend. History is filled with tales of giants and their exploits. In America giants were not woven into the culture as much as in the old world instead there were tall-tales that told the stories of individuals who were larger than life and were metaphorical giants.

One thing was for certain for Hannah she was no tall-tale or storybook giant but she was now very much a giant among people. She had always been tall even really tall but now she had left that adjective far below.

She took up the better part of a room. Her wingspan could easily reach across her bedroom, which was a good-sized room. She couldn’t stand up straight anywhere in her home. Everything that she had and knew was too small and no longer worked for her. Her cell phone was useless. Her shoes, her pants and shirts everything was much too small for her. He only real option to be dressed was to wrap up in her bed sheets like some kind of toga.

She was frantic while she waited for her mom to get home. All the while she worried if another growth spurt was coming. She cried at the thought of growing any larger.

When she had called her mom she could barely use the phone since it was not big enough to reach between her ear and mouth. She wondered if this was like the story of Alice in Wonderland. She could understand the panic of the character better now that she was kind of living through it herself.

She tried to eat while she waited on her mother to get home and found that her normal snack size was not anywhere near big enough any more. So she ended up eating a six pack of yogurt and was still hungry but stopped because she didn’t want to eat through all the food in the house.

At last she heard the keys in the front door and the front door opened. Her mother called out to her and so Hannah replied back. “I’m in the kitchen mom.” Hannah had not known what to tell her mom when she called so she had made it sound serious without giving a lot of details. Hannah’s mother walked into the kitchen sitting down her purse and other items in her hands. She then caught a glimpse of her daughter. She did her best to muffle a scream “Oh dear God Hannah, baby what happened?” “I don’t know mom, I just got home and was in my room and I just grew and grew. I was so scared. What are we going to do? Help me.”

Hannah’s mom seeing her oversized daughter wrapped in a bed sheet felt like weeping. It had been such a challenge to raise her daughter who had always been taller and bigger that not the girls but boys she grew up with. Her and her husband had comforted her through many nights where she cried herself to sleep from bullies torment. She had no easy answers for her baby girl. “Hannah people don’t just grow that much all at once. I don’t understand how this could have happened. We need to call your dad and get you to your doctor and see what is going on.”

Looking at her daughter again she wasn’t sure if she could get her daughter in her car. She was also pretty sure she wouldn’t fit into her own truck very well anymore. She was not crazy about calling an ambulance though. She called Hannah’s doctor and told him something had happened and that they needed to see him right away. He accepted the urgent request and told them to come in as soon as they could and that he would see her when they got there. She called Hannah’s father and told him that they were on their way to the doctors office and that he should come too.

“Hannah baby we are going to see the doctor now so lets see if we can get you into your truck and I’ll get us there. Just stay calm and we will see what the doctor has to say about this.”

Hannah wedged her way out of the house and quickly climbed into the cab of the truck she had to more or less lay the passenger seat down and lay across the bench seat in the back and stick her long legs out of the window. It was the most uncomfortable she had even been in her life while riding somewhere since she was a pre-teen and had to be stuffed in the back of her mom’s old SUV.
Her mother drove quickly to the doctors office. Once there she walked in alone to sign her daughter in. The real trick was going to be in getting Hannah out of the truck and into the office without drawing to much attention.

Hannah grew tired of being cramped up in the truck though after a few minutes of waiting and climbed out of the back seat and stood outside of it stretching her legs for the first time maybe since she had grown to this new height. She was easily taller that the truck and could reach up and touch the windows on the second floor of the building with out barely having to raise her hands. Her dad arrived about that time and got out of his car mouth standing wide open.

“Dear Lord.” Seemed to be all her father could say but he said it often enough that it made up for his lack of other words. Hannah went into the building and waited against a wall until her name was called. The entire time every eye in the building was trained on her massive body.

When her name was called every eye followed her as she made way into the back. The nurse stood there slack jawed taking in the sight of her. After a moment a level of professionalism surfaced and she went about her work. She tried to weigh Hannah but couldn’t with the scales they had on site. A couple of nurses measured her height, which was 10’2” tall. She tried to take her blood pressure but it was too high to record. Her pulse was very fast.

Dr. Jefferson had been Hannah’s doctor for the better part of ten years. He had became her doctor once it was noticeable that she was way above normal height for her age and he did a lot of work with people of advanced height. Still the doctor was floored by what he saw in the young woman. He had last seen her a little over a month ago and there had been no signs of anything like this kind of growth from the tests they had run. He had been prepared to say she was finishing up with her growth since her average growth from year to year had started to creep down some. This came as a total shock.  

The girl could barely fit in the room and even sitting down was a challenge. He was afraid for the girl’s health. People were not supposed to get this big. He knew her heart had to be straining to pump blood and he also knew that her mass was going to make it very hard for her to stand or walk. Just as these thoughts were finishing in his mind he swore that he saw her grow a little before his eyes.
Hannah felt a surge flow through out her body. It spread like fire from her chest out to her fingers and toes. Her body began growing again and this time people were there to see it along with her. Her legs stretched, her feet elongated. He calves and thighs swelled larger. Her waist expanded as she grew. Her torso grow longer, her shoulders broadened. Hannah moaned as her breasts expanded outward as she grew each one larger than an inflated beach ball . The bed sheet she had wrapped around her became to small and just fell off of her. He arms and hands got larger. The floor groaned under the added weight and Hannah began to crowd out the others in the room as she was soon outgrowing the room she was in.

Everyone in the room made a hasty retreat toward the door. Just as it seemed that she was going to burst through the walls she stopped growing. She had to be more than fifteen feet tall now. She was crammed in the room like a person in a suitcase. How was she going to get out of the building without bringing the whole place down on everyone’s head? She didn’t know but she was more scared than she had ever been before in her life. She worried what if she grew more what was she going to do?

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