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“Do it,” smiled Jenice. “Get in there. Get some.”

Dee-Dee leered at Jenice, braying with excitement. She spun on quiet Mona, her elongated hands more fully embracing the shorter woman’s ample bosom, and her eyes rolled in their sockets as she plunged her face deep into her friend’s cleavage.

“Oh my God!” Ariana laughed, pudgy hands on her perfect Cupid’s bow mouth. “She’s doin’ it again! She’s totally into this!”

Mona only canted her head back and grinned at the bus ceiling, her little feet spread on the grimy bus floor, arching her back and proffering her chest to the taller, lankier woman. Dee-Dee even went so far as to hook her thumbs into the neckline of Mona’s tank and tug it down a little—not quite to her nipples—working her jaw and nuzzling her prominent cheekbones into the huge, cushioning breasts.

Against the emergency exit door, Jenice looked much more relaxed. One foot on the floor, one heel pressed just below the emergency release handle, her short blue pleated skirt spilling off her tanned thigh like water, she watched the display distantly. There was no surprise on her face, no thrill, no curiosity: just satisfaction. Rachael was secured and immobile, Dee-Dee was debasing herself and Mona just because she said to, and Frances was letting her have this moment. Her glowing green eyes flickered to the leader, leaning tranquilly against the bus window in her seat. There was no question in Jenice’s mind that this was a gesture of largesse on Frances’s part, granting her second free rein. For now.

Jenice bit her lip and slid her palms down her sides to rest on her narrow hips. Her white Polo lit up occasionally with the headlines of trucks behind the bus: big, muscled, compensatory trucks that had to show the bus driver they were too important to wait behind a bunch of girls at this time of night. The headlights would draw near, illuminate all the young women’s shins and calves, then veer off to the left and darkness would fall once more.

She watched Dee-Dee’s bouncy brown ponytail flail about. The tall girl was making comical gobbling noises, like a bargain-rate Cookie Monster, as she rooted around in Mona’s cleavage. She stretched the joke too long because she had no sense of timing, like a young child repeating the same joke over and over and over untilw22;

“We get it, Dee-Dee. Dig him out already, let’s get this over with.”

Dee-Dee looked over her shoulder with a confused expression that melted into guilt or panic, and she plunged her head down into Mona’s boobs once more.

But the mood changed: where Dee-Dee had been caressing Mona’s huge breasts before, she now gripped them with plain determination, strictly functionally. Ariana’s curvy, expressive eyebrows arched and transmitted concern; Mona even tilted her head down, craning around Dee-Dee’s skull curiously, trying to see what the hell was going on down there.

Jenice’s fine brows furrowed. “Dee? Don’t eat him, we gotta think of more things to do with the little fucker. You okay?” The tall woman didn’t answer, only buried her head more determinedly into Mona’s breasts. Her ears were covered by the shorter girl’s bosom, and it almost looked as though the taller girl intended to climb up and dive into Mona’s chest herself.

Suddenly Mona let out a piercing and uncharacteristic shriek, wrenching hard to the side. Dee-Dee couldn’t keep up: her head popped out abruptly and she stumbled backward, disoriented, collapsing into the seat before Ariana and Rachael. Mona, however, was shaking her tank top out on the seat across the aisle from them… and the tiny little man tumbled onto the green vinyl seat, bounced once, and lay still.

When all the girls fell silent, Rachael knew something was wrong. “Please get off me, Ariana, I needw22;”

Ariana only hushed her, ineptly smacking at Rachael’s face with her pudgy fingers, against which Rachael was unprepared to adequately defend herself. Fortunately, it was more annoying than painful.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch,” her oppressor hissed. “I wanna see what’s goin’ on.”

Rachael sighed heavily, eliciting no more than a gentle heave of Ariana’s right buttock.

Mona was led aside by Jenice’s firm hand. Dee-Dee started to babble something, but one glance of those fiery jade eyes silenced the tall girl but good. Looking up once at her boss, Jenice strode forward and stood before the seat where the tiny little man lay, battered and dazed.

“You okay, little guy?” She planted two fine fists on two narrow hips and stood straight above him, her thick Dutch girl bob curtaining around her foxy features.

The old man only lay there, naked and exhausted, sprawled most gracelessly upon the vinyl.

Jenice inhaled slowly. The highway rumbled beneath her white canvas kicks, and her firm, lean, tanned thighs swayed gently around the corner of the seat. “Shit,” she said.

“Is he okay?” Dee-Dee’s concerned voice sounded unfortunately like that of Disney’s Goofy.

Flapping her hand impatiently behind her, Jenice tilted her head, as though pouring all the psychic energy of both her glowing green eyes into one huge iris, and training this with laser-like intensity upon the wretched, minuscule man. “Hey, little guy, snap out of it. Come on now.” The highway roared around the wordless girls in the back of the bus. Resisting the urge to glance back at her crew—sure to be interpreted as a sign of uncertainty and weakness—Jenice instead bent slightly at the waist and slapped the green vinyl seat with a swift palm.

The foam and springs absorbed most of the impact, but some of it heaved the tiny body an inch aloft. The tiny arms and legs jerked and flailed purpose at this: the old man’s wee head twisted left and right, straining to look for something useful to him, presumably, but he only settled back on the cold seat once again. He glanced at Jenice’s huge hand right next to him, and his tiny eyes ran up her forearm, up her bicep, to her white polo shirt, and then up to her suddenly pleased expression.

“You look really worn out, little guy,” she purred, and at this purr Dee-Dee grinned like a donkey and elbowed Mona, whose subtle expression of concern melted into a subdued expression of contentment. “You all tuckered out? Huh? Did Mona’s tremendous ta-tas take a lot outta ya?” She lifted her palm and traced a languid circle around the old man with her forefinger. “I don’t blame you. I understand. Her boobs are a little too much for even us regular girls. But to be as small as you, buried in all that sweet, sweet titty…” She licked her teeth.

“What’s going on?” Rachael asked, earning her a full-on smack against one cheek. The noise made Dee-Dee spin and stare.

Someone else did, too. Now that Dee-Dee and Mona were no longer shouldering unwanted attention away, one of the other players craned over her seat. “What’s going on, you guys?” asked a young woman with frizzy chestnut hair. She was smiling and her eyes were bright. She was leaning right over Frances, Jenice noted with alarm.

Turning her head only slightly, but never breaking her gaze upon the tiny man, Jenice whispered, “Fuck the fuck off.”

The girl’s smile faded away. “What did you just say to me?” she said with the strength of naivete.

Jenice straightened up, then turned on one foot, tucking her leg before the seat with the little man. She reached down to flare her tiny skirt, which fluttered through the air as Jenice threw her ass down upon the tiny man. She rested her forearms upon the seat before her, leaning into Frances’s airspace, and she quietly said: “You shut your whore mouth up and you never open it again.”

The frizzy-haired girl never changed her expression. She glanced at Mona, who only grinned with the sweetness of a Siberian homestead back at her. She looked up at Dee-Dee, who was leering at her and shaking her head in what she thought was a subtle and understated gesture, but which looked like St. Vitus’s Dance. When Ariana pantomimed drawing a thumb across her own throat, the girl simply faded into the background of the activity in the rest of the bus.

Jenice watched her go, and then her expression relaxed. The knife-like grin returned, and her eyes reignited with their playful fire. Added to this, she wiggled and rolled her hips on the bus seat, taking inventory of all the tiny man’s body parts between her ass. She could feel him squirming, but just a little. She couldn’t tell whether this was because he was so tired and shagged out, or because she weighed that much upon him. Whichever: she made a brief game of lining up what she thought was his chest beneath her tight little asshole. That amused her, because she knew she had a bony little ass, not big like…

“Hey, Ariana,” she barked over her shoulder. “How you doing over there?”

The Latina laughed. “No problems, no sweat. Little bitchy-bitch ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

Jenice nodded, her dark red hair swinging in the darkness. “Dee-Dee? Why don’t you hold poor little Rachael down with those abnormally large paws of yours.”

The tall girl glanced at Jenice for less than half a second before she hustled over to Ariana’s seat. The chubby Latina got up, and Rachael was too fatigued from being sat on to recover quickly. Dee-Dee had plenty of time to slip before the seat and press upon her with the full force of her straightened arms like pillars. Even so, this gave the frail little girl enough room to breathe properly, which she hadn’t done for about ten or twenty minutes.

“Yeah, Jenice?” Ariana sidled up to Jenice’s seat.

The second-in-command bounced gently upon the green vinyl seat before standing up. “I warmed him up for you. It’s your turn.”

Mona’s eyes widened and, finally, her teeth showed in a grin. Dee-Dee leered from behind a bus seat, braying mirthfully. Rachael felt the blood drain from her face.


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