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Just before the guests began to arrive, Kay escorted me back to the guest house. She was dressed to impress, but not in her usual business manor. No, tonight she was releasing her sexual prowess for all the guests to see. From her tight red dress down past her thigh high black stockings all the way down her endless legs to her newly polished heels. She was a damn model and I couldn't help but stare at the woman who already controlled every part of my life...and now I was almost lusting after her.

"Let's walk a little faster there Ben. I don't wanna be late because you couldn't get those tiny little legs moving. On you go." She urged as we made our way to the guest house, each of her steps enlarging the distance between us, forcing me to run and catch up. "You wait here. The others will join you in here soon, and we'll get started with the evening's activities." Kay directed, leaving me alone in the large room as she walked away to retrieve the guests.

For nearly twenty minutes I waited in anticipation, building my own anxiety and letting my thoughts run rampant. What exactly was happening tonight? They could just sacrifice us all, and no one would even know. Just as my fears began to overtake me, the sound of the door snapped me back to reality. Immediately I could hear several women chatting as they entered the space. I watched as each stepped in with something in both hands. An glass of wine in one hand and small man in the other. It was such a bizarre sight to see and sent chills up my spine as I watched them roughly swing them about. Molly sprouted out from between everyone, revealing her smaller stature to the group.

"Hello everyone. Kay and I are both so happy you could make it out here. I see everyone has their Little with them so let's get started. I took the time to create a little game for these special moments and so tonight will be the first official play though. Woo hoo! It's called 'Giantess or Giant-no'. It's pretty simple: roll the dice and pick up a card from the stack. If you complete the challenge, you move that many spaces forward, and if you don't, you move that many spaces backward. Got it?"

All the woman began obnoxiously cheering as they set the men down. I sympathized as I watched each of them look around in fear and panic, clearly overwhelmed by their new size and environment. Not only that, but it looked like none of them were even the same height as me; if I had to guess, I would say 5-7 inches was the range. I guess this serum wasn't exact science yet.

Molly continued her directions, "Alright ladies, grab a board game piece and put it at the start, and your Little is obviously your partner. I guess I'll grab one too, since I wouldn't want to leave little Ben out."

Kay suddenly shot out from the background and reached over the much smaller Molly, snagging the piece from her grasp. "I'll take Ben. You just make sure the game works as you designed it."

I gulped, unsure of what to expect of the game and the titanic woman that picked me. My attention was quickly diverted as the ladies figured out who was going to start the game.

"Chloe why don't you start. Your little is looking a bit nervous." Molly suggested.

The woman who's partner was balled up on the ground next to her looked completely unable to do anything. She poked him several times, forcing him out of his fetal position. Once he managed to sit up, she grabbed the dice and rolled, sending the small cube tumbling...6. Not a bad first roll and all the women clapped as she reached for her card. Turning it over, Chloe began to read it aloud.

"Put your Little in your mouth and take a shot with him inside. Careful not to swallow him." She finished, her eyes widening as she looked around to see everyone's reaction.

The women gasped at first but quickly egged her on, pouring her a shot of brandy as they cheered. Chloe grabbed the small glass before looking back at her partner. He didn't look excited, but that didn't matter. Her hand jetted out, snatching the helpless man before pushing him into her gaping mouth. He was a bit larger than a mouthful so she struggled to keep him inside, but she managed to keep him secure enough as she poured the shot over him as though chasing her first human drink. She swallowed and then slowly reaching into her mouth, pulling out a sopping wet man and gently setting him on the ground. A massive applause followed.

"You may move your piece 6 spaces forward." Molly instructed.

The woman ecstatically moved her piece forward while another young woman eagerly grabbed the dice. When she finished her move, the dice immediately hit the game board...4.

"Grab a card, Ashley." Chloe said, now an expert.

Ashley grabbed a card and silently read it before awkwardly chuckling. She hid the card, shaking her head.

"What's it say?!" Everyone yelled, dying to know the answer.

"I can't. It's embarrassing." She pleaded.

Molly ripped the card from her hand and turned to the group, reading it aloud for her, "Perform oral sex on your Little for 2 minutes. If he cums in under a minute move double your roll."

Ooos and Ahs filled the room as they laughed at the idea. "Come on!" They chanted

Peer pressure was more than evident and worked flawlessly in getting the women to do the challenges. Ashley looked at her Little who was already shaking his head no.

"Drop your pants big boy!" Ashley commanded.

"No, come on. Why are you doing this to me? What is this?" He argued.

"I'm not gonna ask again. Do it!" Ashley said aggressively.

The lack of a response from the man provoked Ashley to take over. Pinching his head between her first three fingers, she lifted him off the ground and ripped his pants down, revealing his manhood. She then laid him down and instantly went to work, plugging his mouth with one of her fingers. One of the women grabbed a stop watch as the act continued.

"30 seconds in..."

"45 seconds in..."


Her rhythm was subtle but steady and with grace, the little man gave in, his body convulsing as he spilled his juices into her mouth.


She popped up, swallowing the assumingely small dose of semen inside and quickly moved her piece forward, leaving her partner sedated on the ground. The women were laughing, clapping and drinking as the game proceeded on.

"Who's next?" Molly asked. Obviously that was a tough act to follow.

To my horror, Kay stepped in and grabbed the fateful cube. She eyed me as she let it drop, seemingly falling in slow motion until settling on a number...6. Thank god I thought, wanting to finish as quick as possible. Molly handed her a card, which Kay pinched between her huge fingers. Similar to Ashley, she read the card silently and snickered before lifting the card up to read.

"Using only one foot while sitting on the ground, you must pin your Little to the ground and get his head between your toes for ten seconds. If he manages to be free after 2 minutes, you will be ejected from the game and your Little will be free of obligation."

The women gasped, recognizing the high stakes of Kay's card. I was extremely motivated to win now being that I could be done if successful. I knew it wouldn't be easy though, watching as the giantess sat next to the other clients. One of the ladies quickly noted the size of her monstrous peds, holding hers out for comparison.

"Oh my god, this should be easy for you. I'm a size 8.5 and I don't even come up to your pinky toe." She examined while holding a foot out.

Kay laughed, displaying her foot next to the smaller woman for a moment before peeling her stocking off. I could see the perspiration on her glistening sole as she stuck out her foot to greet me in the make-shift ring. I smelled the faint scent of her aroma as it settled in front of me. Regardless of my fear, I was still excited for another opportunity to touch her foot, even if it wasn't so intimate.

"Good luck Benny Boy." She taunted.

Molly picked up a stop watch to track the time and signaled us to start as she clicked the side. "Go!"

Kay's foot shot forward predictably right at me, which I was able to side step and dodge. The women, impressed by my agility and speed, giggled and clapped, some even cheering for me. Kay's foot shifted positions, moving from an upright stance to her toes pointing at me while resting on her heels. She spread her toes, displaying their threatening grasp. Again, her foot shot forward and I instinctively hurdled it, landing safely on the side of her foot. Her toes immediately swept around and I hopped one more time into safe ground. My dodging skills were building my own confidence, but my luck ran out as her toes propelled forward again. I side stepped, managing to avoid a big blow, but her long toes snagged my left arm.

Her toes curled while forcefully pushing down, bringing me to my knees and onto the ground. Now the game had change. I fought desperately to maintain leverage with my legs, but her foot was backed by muscles much larger than me. Soon I was pressed flat, leaving me perpendicular to her toes. Her toes engulfed my body, squeezing me into their grasp, while pressing down to immobilize me. The smell was stronger than I had imagined, nearly paralyzingly me, yet the delicious scent only made me want more. The good news however was that the surface of her foot was still slick and she still needed to maneuver me into a new angle to pin me as the card read: head between the toes.

She left me tucked under her toes for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to turn me around. When she finally made the attempt to move me, I exploded with everything I had to break her grasp. Pushing away, my arm slipped from between her toes and I managed to slide out from under her foot. Before she could recover, I decided to go on the offensive and hopped onto the topside of her foot where I gripped onto her foot like it was a bucking bull. She shook her foot fiercely, but I squeezed tightly, listening as the countdown began.

"10...9...8..." Molly counted.

The numbers seemed to blur together until finally, "0".

I released my hold, flopping onto the floor near her foot. I laid there, breathing heavily, exhausted yet excited that I had won. I was almost afraid to turn around, and rightfully so, since Kay didn't seem like a person who took losing well. Her eyes met mine, but her eyes pierced through my soul with a coldness unlike ever before. For several seconds we were locked in a gaze while the others continued to laugh and chat before Kay finally stormed off, not saying a word to anyone as she left.

Molly nodded at me before patting the floor next to her, implying for me to sit next to her. Not sure of what else to do, I made my way to the area next to her and sat down, watching as the other men struggled to finish the game. Between the challenges, the drinking, and the ladies all being friends, the noise was constantly escalating. Even Molly was getting a little rowdy as the game continued, gulping the champagne that was constantly refilled in her glass. Her words began to slur noticeably as she continued to host the game. At one point, Molly did the unthinkable. She pulled out a small vile of liquid and waved it around.

"Which...one of you men...want to grow back to normal. This is the..." Her struggle to speak abruptly ended as she tripped over a discarded shoe, sending her flailing backwards in my direction.

I dove out of the way as her body smashed into the ground where I was sitting. Immediately the vile popped from her grasp and onto the ground. This is it! I bolted for the serum and slid to the ground where I immediately popped off the top and began downing the liquid as quick as I could. I could see Molly still trying to get herself up, completely unaware of what I was doing. By the time she realized, her face changed to horror when she saw nearly half of it was gone.

Suddenly it was ripped from my hands, spilling some of the contents to the ground around me, before floating into the air above me. I looked to see Kay standing above me, the vile pinched between her fingers. She was pissed, but tried to hide it by only giving Molly her fiercest, coldest gaze. Then back at me for a moment before storming off yet again and shaking her head.

All the women were oblivious to the exchange since they were all infatuated with their own toys and conversation. Molly was trying to apologize as Kay walked away, but even I knew that it was hopeless. She knew she was in a great deal of trouble and stood up to follow Kay. Looking as the two walked away and then back at the group before me, I decided it would be best to simple hide and get myself out of the mess. Without drawing the attention of anyone, I made my way to the closet, where I found a corner with spare blankets and made myself comfortable. The serum was actually making me surprisingly sleepy. It wasn't long before my eyes were closed and I was dreaming of better days to come.


I awoke to the sound of someone screaming my name over and over. "Ben! Ben, are you in here?!"

It was Kay undoubtedly, and I immediately got up to see why she was so frantic. I groggily popped out from the closet and noticed something spectacular. I had grown! I was still significantly shorter than Kay, who was faced the other direction, but I found myself thigh-level now. She was in sweats and barefoot, with a white tank to top it off. I reached up and tapped her on the hip. She whipped around, and saw me standing there, clearly taller than the night before.

"I guess the serum works after all. Look at you, all grown up." Kay mocked.

I stupidly rebutted, "Still bitter I won, I see."

The banter quickly escalated with Kay gripping her fingers around my throat. Even with both hands wrapped around her wrist in defense, I was outmatched in strength and unable to break free. She continued to press forth until I was backed into a wall where she proceeded to lift me until we were eye to eye. With my legs dangling near her waist, I quickly acknowledged my mistake.

"Sorry...I didn't mean..." I struggled to exhale through my constructed airway.

She simply stared at me, clearly enjoying my discomfort as I squirmed against the wall. Her grip loosened until I was released, dropping me back to the ground. I coughed and hacked violently, massaging my throat to comfort the pain. Kay's legs remained in front of me, and I could only assume she was basking in her dominance.

"Don't ever forget your place, Ben. I surely haven't. Because if you do, I will be more than happy to remind you. Also...you've been promoted. Molly's carelessness last night was disappointing so I'm allowing you to take her role. Don't blow it...I'm starting to like you." She informed me before roughing my hair in her large palm. "Go and clean up. We will be having our first meeting in office room in 15 minutes."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Despite nearly killing me, she obviously liked me enough to promote me. After taking a few moments to myself, I quickly hurried to find a suitable outfit to match my new body. Fortunately the guest room was filled with various sizes for the new business. There wasn't much to choose from other than a white t shirt and some casual black shorts with some socks. Unsure of how else to get ready, I made my way to the office to meet Kay.

At my new size, I was actually able to stand on the tips of my toes and reach the door handle. I jiggled it free, letting an enormous smile slip across my face from the small victory. When my eyes saw Molly, I was shocked. Standing on the desk was a shrunken version of the Molly from yesterday. She appeared to be around a foot tall, although her busty proportions were still obvious. She refused to look in my direction and instead stood motionless in front of Kay, who was sitting down.

"There he is! Come, sit. Let's get started." Kay instructed, breaking me stare from Molly.
Chapter End Notes:
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