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Author's Chapter Notes:
Hope you enjoy. Please review when you're finished!! Thanks!

Kay ignored my greeting and propped her foot up onto my knee. The weight of her leg alone was almost overwhelming with her heel digging into my lower thigh. As I tried to distract myself from the discomfort, Kay then crossed her other foot over her ankle, doubling the weight. The soles of her flats caught my attention as she wiggled her foot back and forth. It was actually worth the discomfort to have a moment to stare at their size, especially since they were so close. Kay was busy speaking to Molly, paying no attention to my reaction of being used as a footrest.

"So Molly, me and Ben here are going to speak with a group of clients today. You have that liability contract drafted up for us? We are probably going to leave soon to meet them." She asked.

"I thought I had some time. You said we were going to wait a little before meeting with them." Molly replied.

"No. We are doing this today. Go finish it if you haven't. Ben here has some work too. Don't you?" She said with her eyebrows raised.

Molly immediately headed for the back office while I, on the other hand, had zero clue what Kay was talking about. My puzzled face obviously gave that away. "Uhhhh what was I supposed to do again?"

She raised a foot up and twirled it. "Your boss needs a little massaging. I think you owe me one anyway," she answered, setting her foot back onto my lap.

I gulped as I reached for one of her massive shoes. Meanwhile, Kay leaned her head back and closed her eyes, relaxing her body in anticipation of my massage. Using my fingers, I gripped the bottom of her flat around the heel and pulled, popping it free. Her bare sole became visible as I slid the shoe upwards, releasing her toes from the leather prison. Gently, I set Kay's shoe aside and looked back to her enormous sole. The excitement built with each passing second, but I was becoming equally nervous to touch them. What if she found out about my fetish? I would never hear the end of it.

Slowly my hands stretched out and grasped her giant foot. It was super warm and a little damp from being in flats all day, but most interestingly was how soft it was. It felt like baby skin. It took both of my hands to grip her foot completely. Using my thumbs, I began to knead the arch of her foot, slowly working my way up towards the top of her sole. Kay made it clear she was enjoying it.

"Wow that feels so good. You may have found your life's calling," she commented, half-jokingly.

I continued my work, digging into her sole with the tips of my fingers. I was intently analyzing her sole while soaking in the sensation of her soft skin. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Kay had open her eyes and was watching me. I snapped out of my stare and did my best to hide my pleasure. She leaned forward, getting a closer look.

"Oh my god. Your fingers are so small. Look."

She snatched my wrist and guided my hand to the top of her foot. Nimbly, she lined my fingers up with the base of her toes, creating the optimal comparison. Her toes were undoubtedly longer and she wasted no time in pointing it out.

"My toes are longer than your fingers! I do sort of have long toes, don't I?" She asked, observing her own feet.

Sort of? She easily had the longest toes I had ever seen. Even for the size of her feet, they were still proportionally long. My thoughts escaped my head as I accidentally made a daring comment aloud.

"Yeah, freakishly long." I said before sliding my fingers in between all her toes as though we were holding hands.

Her foot jerked back in reaction.

"Hey that tickles! Get those tiny hands back to work." She commanded while placing her foot back onto my lap, nearly knocking into my raging erection.

I grabbed the top of her foot in one hand and used the knuckles of my other hand to dig deep into her arch. My fist pushed deep into her warm soles while sliding across the damp surface. For several minutes, I continued to massage her feet, enjoying it all as much as she was. Kay reached over and grabbed candy from a nearby bowl. She pinched one in between her fingers and offered it to me.

"Try this."

I paused my duty to unwrap the candy before popping it into my mouth. The punch was extreme, and was a combination of bitter and sour, forcing my mouth to pucker. It was extremely fruity but the taste was so extreme it was hard to finish. Kay got up to check on Molly. Several minutes later, my eyes fought to stay awake before finally shutting, leaving me in my own darkness.


I awoke to my body sway back and forth, as though I were in a gentle earthquake. Blackness surrounded me and I was unable to see much of anything. I slowly began to panic as I tried to piece together where I was. The swaying continued, and I struggled to keep my balance from the heavy movements as I was forced side to side. My hands traced against the walls which were soft and felt like suede leather. I felt around, finding nothing in my small confines.

I could hear some voices suddenly as the swaying suddenly stopped. I listened intently, hoping it was someone I knew.

"Hello ladies. I'm glad we could all meet on such short notice. I figured that we could move our deal along here a little sooner if that was okay with you ladies." Kay stated. Her voices seemed different to me now. Almost louder.

"Yeah that sounds great, but you just said you wanted to delay a couple weeks ago. What changed?" Another woman asked.

"We were unsure of some of the effects of our product but recent testing cleared my worries. In fact, would you like to see the final product?" Kay asked.

Excitement filled the room as the ladies unanimously agreed to see. My curiosity brewed when suddenly light began to pour into my surroundings from above as a large hole appeared in the ceiling. I squinted for a moment as my eyes adjusted to the incoming light, only to find a giant hand incoming. I froze in fear and by the time I realized what was happening, I was too late. Kay's fingers wrapped around my waist before lifting me with ease out of the leather prison. My feet flailed as I ascended into the air and out of the ceiling hole.

Six women stared in awe as I appeared from the darkness below. They ranged in age, but appeared mostly to be in there 20s and 30s. Slowly, Kay set me down onto the table, allowing my feet to touch the ground. Equally shocked, I stared at my hands, arms and legs as though they weren't mine. What the fuck happened to me?

No words were spoken. Instead a woman quickly slapped down a checkbook and began scribbling into it before quickly ripping it out and handing it to Kay. Kay smiled and kindly accepted the check from her.

"First buyer. Take a closer look at your product."

The woman approached with hesitancy, unsure of how to proceed. She was probably in her late 20s and absolutely gorgeous, almost on par with being a model. Her shoulder length blonde hair had a unique cut, along with some piercing eyes and luscious lips. She stuck and hand out to touch me, grazing my body with a couple of well-manicured fingers. The delicate touch still made me cringe, and I immediately took a couple steps back. Kay prodded me forward with two fingers.

"Don't be rude Ben. Go introduce yourself."

I looked back at Kay for a short moment and then back at the woman who's hand was still extended. Taking a couple steps forward, I reached out and shook her finger tip. The woman became giddy and wiggled her finger in response. It didn't take long for all the women to whip out their checkbooks.

"Just so to know, ladies. This one is 18 inches. In case you prefer yours larger or smaller, just make sure to calculate the dosage correctly." Kay informed them while patting me on the head with a couple of fingers, forcing my head into my shoulders.

"When will receive the product?" Asked a brunette in the back. Her checkbook was raised to grab Kay's attention.

"Remember this is going to be a STRICTLY run operation. So if you can all make it, tomorrow evening we can have dinner at my house. Bring that special person and with you and you shall all be treated to a night of fun. Never will this leave outside the premise of my house," Kay informed her. "Please show up at 7pm sharp. If you are not there by 7:05, you will forfeit your opportunity without a refund. See you all tomorrow."

Kay's fingers quickly latched onto my upper body, squeezing it forcefully as she lifted me up. I was tossed back into the leather bag from earlier and I watched as the only light was erased from view as the hole re-closed. The swaying began as Kay began to walk away. The silence and darkness accompanied my hopeless thoughts as I attempted to comprehend my dire situation.


Light seeped in again, blinding me for a brief moment. Kay's hand intruded the dark space and quickly snatched me up. I was lifted from the prison cell before she gently set me on the floor in front of her. Everything seemed enormous. Furniture, counters, lights, and obviously Kay all appeared to be the size of buildings or cars. The world seemed entirely new to me again. My observations were interrupted as Kay spoke.

"You know Ben. You have been more help than I ever thought you were going to be and I have to thank you for that. Did you know that the shortest adult ever, before you, was nearly 4 inches taller than you are now. And they probably had a slew of health problems that you don't. You are a prefect example of science! My clients couldn't have been more excited to see you. So here's to you!" She exclaimed while holding up a glass of champagne.

I was still in awe of my surroundings, watching as she lifted a glass in my direction. She looked like a smaller version of the Statue of Liberty, except very much alive. She sipped from her glass before kicking of her flats and taking a step in my direction. I took a step back as the massive peds neared me. Each of her glimmering black nails staring at me.

"Is there something wrong with my feet?" Kay laughed.

I gulped and quickly responded, "Na...nnnn...nope."

"Is there something right with them?" She followed, her eyes staring intently upon me with a small grin across her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Don't pretend you don't know. You're always staring at my feet. Does Ben have a little fetish?" She asked, giggling slightly.

My thoughts ran wild as I attempted to throw together an excuse. I couldn't stand her knowing, and I needed to reason with her.

"No. It's just easier to look down than up." I lied, failing miserably. Really? It's easier?

She gazed at me coldly as she continued to sip her glass. "Ben...don't ever lie to me. Ever."

"I'm not." I pleaded, still in denial.

"Well then, have it your way. I know Molly has been waiting to get her hands on you, but before that happens I might as well have some fun myself."

My blood froze at the sound of her unsympathetic words. At this point, I was no longer another person, but a toy. I scanned my surroundings for a brief moment, searching for any potential escapes. It was pretty open, with limited cover around and certainly not enough to stop a giantess.

Kay took another step in my direction, triggering an instinctive response. I bolted, running as fast as I could in the other direction. Having no plan was a bad idea as I found myself panicking to decide where to run. Kay's steps quickened behind me and I continued to push myself faster, making my way down her hall. For a few moments, I actually thought I was outrunning her, but soon the shadows appeared on the ground near me. Each of her footsteps rang nearer until finally a defined shadow appeared over my own. I didn't need to look up to know my fate, and suddenly a heavy weight slammed into my back, knocking me off balance.

I stumbled forward several steps, managing not to fall, but Kay ensured I wouldn't get far. Her foot shot in front of me faster than I could react and I tripped over her toes, falling flat on my face. I screamed at her out of fear and anger.

"Get the fuck away from me!"

She bent down, her figure looming over me as she stared down at me. Her hand creeped forward before pinching my face, forcing my jaw shut.

"Is this how you normally speak to your boss?" She asked. "I suggest you be a little more respectful."

Kay suddenly grabbed one of my legs and lifted me into the air, leaving me suspended upside down. My stomach became queasy from the jerky movement. With my arms hanging above my head, I watch helplessly as Kay stood back to her full height, making the ground dangerously far away. We walked down the hall, headed to her room, my body swaying to and fro. She gently tossed me onto her bed causing me to bounce and land on my back. Kay began changing into some more comfortable clothing, sliding on some sweats and taking off her shirt, leaving only a bra. She remained barefoot and I watched anxiously as she approached the bed. While I was at the foot of the bed, Kay laid on her back with her head on the pillows at the other end of the bed. Each foot landed softly to each side of me, leaving me in between.

Kay's voice called out to me, "Let's see your massaging skills now."

Slowly I stood to me feet, balancing on the soft mattress. As I stood before her feet, I was reminded just how small I really was. The tips of her toes were about level with my nipples, making them roughly three quarters of my height. I placed a hand on each of her toes to balance myself but found myself staring in awe at their size. She wiggled her feet, shaking my hands free to regain my attention.

"Is this how you massage now?" She asked irritated.

I snapped back to reality and bent down onto one knee, ducking from her view. With my elbow, I firmly rubbed in small circles into the expansive sole. Slowly I worked through her arches, switching arms every so often to give the other a break. I could tell when I was doing a good job, because Kay's toes would flex and relax in response. I worked tirelessly to massage all parts of her foot, even taking time for each individual toe. Secretly as I work with my hands to knead each toe, I leaned in close, breathing in her delightful aroma. Suddenly Kay's foot slid back slightly, lowering her toes to waist-level. I was admiring her long shapely toes, when Kay nudged them forward. Her toes found their mark as they prodded my hardened member.

My eyes widened and I slowly lifted my head to face Kay who now had one eyebrow lifted. She had caught me and there was no way to explain this one and she knew it. I instinctively placed a hand over my groin feeling about as vulnerable as if I was actually naked. Her toes prodded it again as though to make a point.

"Ben, you know what I'm feeling there?" She asked. "I'm feeling your lie. And you know what happens to liars? They get punished."

I grew fearful of what was to come next but did little to show it. I stood my ground, watching as Kay placed her feet back onto her heels. Her toes wiggling again in anticipation. She pointed a finger at me and then gestured me to come closer, assumingly to her foot.

"Kiss my toes." She commanded.

I hunched over and gently pecked the tips of her toes. It wasn't the worst punishment I had ever had. I continued to kiss the soft digits until finally she told me to stop.

"Now that isn't your punishment. I just want to know what it was like to have a little man kiss me toes. All I can say is 'not little enough'."

She kicked her foot forward, sprawling me onto my back. Before I could defend myself, her sole descended squishing my torso into the soft mattress. Despite the forgiving surface, Kay was still managing to press the air from my lungs under her immense weight. Her toes pressed firmly below my neck, while the rest of her sole secured my body, her heel resting below my crotch. I fought back with my arms and legs, but did little other than flail wildly, exampling my weakness. Even in my dire situation, I couldn't help but admire the soft warm sole enveloping my body. It felt angelic.

My admiration quickly subsided when Kay leaned forward and gently pinched my nose shut with her fingers, forcing my to breath from my mouth. Then with incredibly precision, she used a pipette to squeeze several liquid drops into my mouth. I squirmed viciously to break free of her grasp, but her strength was too much. I defeatedly swallowed, knowing all too well it wasn't for my benefit.

Kay released me from underfoot, laughing at me as she proceeded on with the bizarre torture. Within moments the world around me seemed to enlarge as my vision began to spin. For several minutes, I nearly vomited until finally my vision calmed back down, returning to normal. I was scared to open my eyes again and after a few quick breaths, I peaked around.

Kay was gigantic...she must have been twice the size as before. Meaning I must have been about half the height I was previously, making me roughly 9 inches tall. I was in shock, staring at the goddess above me. Her expression showed nothing but delight.

"That's better. Don't you think Ben?."
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