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Author's Chapter Notes:

Here's the second part, I hope you like it! Part 3 may be a little while off though. 

Part 2 "The Weekend"

Katie walked through the backyard of the sorority house, pulling her long blonde hair up into a ponytail, thankful for the large nine-foot tall privacy fence some previous sister had thought to install. She put her hands on her hips and looked at the large object that dominated the yard, proud of her work. There was a large wooden platform base that was about a foot thick, it was actually a piece of a Popsicle stick about an inch long that she'd eaten from the night before. She liked the idea of everyone standing on a sliver of wood that she'd been sucking on (she'd like to think that some of the boys would get boners just from the mental image of her deep throating an orange popsicle alone). Almost as though they were remnants of the flavoring. She'd cut it down and then coated in lacquer until it was smooth and enlarged. Despite the lacquer, it somehow retained the delicious scent of orange sherbet, or perhaps that was just her imagination. On top of that were large white plastic picnic tables and benches. The tables were doll furniture she bought cheap from the various thrift stores and Goodwill’s around town. Each seat had nylon seatbelts affixed to them. Safety first, after all. On the far left side of the platform was a large metal shelter about seven feet tall, that'd been glued to the platform. Underneath it were a counter (also plastic like the doll furniture) containing a large amount of cheap alcohol (vodka mostly) and there were several large coolers full of beer and more with food, as well as a nice working metal grill. All of this had been shrunken down to a manageable size and glued to the Popsicle stick by the petite blonde. There were also several lounge chairs stacked under the platform. On the other side of the yard, a lone lounge chair and cooler sat in the corner with a pool towel draped over them.

She admired her handiwork as the guests began to arrive. The various sorority sisters and fraternity brothers began filing into the house, helping themselves to the free beer and vodka available. Katie walked upstairs to her room and changed. She switched into a nice tight red string bikini that showed off her nice assets. The main reason she chose this one was that it had the largest bikini bottoms she owned. The bottoms were still nearly skin tight, but they covered more of her ass and pussy than some of her other suits. She looked at herself naked in the mirror, as she got dressed. She'd had a bikini wax a day earlier, which, while painful, was necessary if she wanted to look her best. 

She walked down the stairs and back into the yard to see that all of her guests had gathered and had begun helping themselves to the free booze. Everyone was there. There were fifteen boys from Kappa Omega, including a guy named Chad that she'd been fucking for the past few weeks. He was cute, but she didn't see much future there. There were also thirteen other sisters from her chapter of Phi Zeta. She walked out into the yard, everyone towering over her diminutive form. She stepped onto the concrete patio opposite the party platform she'd made. She hopped up onto a chair and shouted for everyone to pay attention. 

"Okay, everyone, listen up! There's been a change of plans. We are still going to a private pool, but it's going to be in a somewhat unusual location. Also, it's going to be nude!"
Most of the crowd cheered the cheap beer and vodka having already begun to work their magic. A few of the sisters looked at each other unsure about what's going on. 
"So, yeah, all of those who want to go to the craziest party of their life step up here. Those who want to pussy out," Katie paused to giggle to herself, "There's the door!"

No one wanted to be singled out, so everyone stepped onto the giant wooden platform with the portable grill and stereo on them. Katie told them all to take a seat and tie themselves down with the ropes on it. The crowd murmured, confused, but did as she said anyway. 

Katie held up a plastic bucket and walked between everyone on the benches. 
"Alright, no one leaves until I have every single phone and camera. That's the only rule. You're all going to see something that few people have seen and I want to keep it that way. Remember, what happens here stays here. Anyone not cool with that can hit the bricks. Things are gonna get weird."

Katie got the last phone and hopped off the platform. She set the bucket inside the living room near the sliding glass door, pulling the sizer from its hiding place there. She handed Angie, the most trustworthy of the group a two-way radio. Angie recognized the sizer and her eyes got big.

Katie held it up and pointed it at the group. 
"Buckle up, everyone!" The partiers complied, hooking the makeshift seatbelts. "No matter what happens, stay in the ride at all times! Everyone ready?" She asked, excited.
The crowd cheered in response, save for Angie who opened her mouth to protest. Before she could, Katie pulled the trigger and they all vanished. Katie sighed to herself, contently. She turned and walked over to the corner of the yard, grabbing the cooler and lounge chair, dragging them towards the concrete patio. She then stepped into the grass to find her friends. She slipped her feet from her flip-flops, wondering briefly if Ruby was still alive at her feet after multiple runs, showers and lotions. Ruby was, but that didn't matter. She switched on the two-way and heard Angie's panicked screams. 

"Katie! Katie? What the fuck, Katie?" Angie shouted into the radio over the murmur of drunken confusion behind her. 
"Hey, babe! How's everyone doing?" Katie asked sweetly, stepping onto the cool grass with her bare feet. 

"Katie! You shrunk us!"
"So? SO?! What the hell?"
Katie sighed as she walked through the grass, sizer in hand, looking for the platform. "You'll see soon. Is everyone still buckled up?" She asked, spying the platform about a foot away from her, only about an inch long. 

A moment later, Angie responded that they were.

"Good, keep them that way," Katie replied, a wicked idea popping up in her head. "I'm still looking for you guys."

She walked towards the party platform, feeling the damp grass between her toes. "Where are you guys?" She called out, making sure that her right foot landed just beside the platform, the displaced air blowing grit over them. 
Her left foot rose above them, clumps of dirt and debris falling off as it descended. At just the last second, she sat her foot down to the left of it. She was straddling the tiny platform between her legs. She heard panicked screams come from the radio in her hand. 

"I don't see you guys anywhere. I guess I'll sit down and take a break."
"Katie! No!" came the screams over the radio as Katie squatted down over the platform. 

A camel toe had formed in her bikinis from her walking and that hung overhead, only to be replaced by the red cloth stretched tightly across her ass as if fell from the sky towards them. The screams of terror increased, causing her to giggle. She moved forward, planting her knee ahead of the platform and turning around to look at it. She got down on her hands and knees, her massive breasts hanging above her friends. 

"I'm just kidding, guys. I knew where you were the whole time! Angie, is everyone still on the party platform?"

Angie, like the rest of the group had to tear her gaze from the largest pair of breasts she'd ever seen. Breasts that were hanging far too close to them for her comfort. She looked around, noticing that one or two of the boys had visible erections in their swim trunks. 

"Y-Yeah," She replied nervously.

Katie smiled to herself. "Good. So, who's ready to have some fun?" She asked as her hand descended to pinch the piece of Popsicle stick between her thumb and forefinger. 

Katie stood up, trying not to rock her tiny passengers too much. For them, it was as if they were on the ascent of a massive roller coaster, rocking back and forth in their seats. Katie walked over to the lounge chair and sat down, laying back on it so that her stomach was fairly level. Katie placed the party platform on her cleavage between her gigantic breasts. The tinies looked up to see the mounds of flesh surrounding the little platform on all sides. Katie's scent mixed with suntan oil filled the air. Katie reached over and grabbed a cold water bottle, careful to prevent her breasts from squeezing together. She opened in and poured some into her belly button, filling it to the brim. She then picked up the little platform and sat it down next to her navel. She hit it with the shrink ray one more time, reducing it to about half an inch long. 

"Pool's open!" She declared, triumphantly, before adding with a giggle, "Well, the first pool anyway. The second is still being prepped."

The guests hesitantly unhooked their seatbelts and stepped out onto her warm, firm, tanned skin. The ground rose and fell softly with every breath she took, every word she spoke. Fine blond hairs reached up to their knees, scattered across the stomach. The hairs would be invisible at normal height. Beads of sweat that'd be nearly imperceptible to Katie at normal sized were the size of kiddie pools to her guests. 

Katie was thrilled as she leaned up slightly with the sizer and saw her tiny friends disembarking from the platform and gathering around her navel. She smiled brightly, beaming down on her little ones. She almost wanted to think of them as worshipers. After all, she was basically a massive goddess to them, and they were now about to enjoy themselves on her. She was Gaia the Earth Goddess, only a lot sexier, Katie thought to herself. 

After a while, the party got going in full swing. They'd switched on the gas grill, cooked up some burgers and hot dogs, and reclined around Katie's water filled navel as they ate and drank. The majority were enjoying the water "facilities" that Katie had to offer. The water pooled in her navel was surprisingly deep and extremely clear. It'd started out cold, but Katie's natural body heat had warmed it up nicely. A few of the Kappa Omegas decided to hold a challenge. They'd see who could dive the deepest into the massive navel cave. If someone returned with belly lint, they'd win. 

It was Chad's turn to dive. He got up to the slope of her navel and took a deep breath preparing to jump in. 

"I think he's got an unfair advantage over us!" one of his frat brothers said jokingly between swigs of beer. 
"Yeah!" Another one with his arms wrapped around the shoulders of a hot brunette said. "We all know Chad's had plenty of time to look over every inch of Katie. Not that there's much there!"
The brunette jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. 
"Not much? Are you kidding, we're like smaller than fleas on her! If this isn't much I'd hate to see your idea of what is a lot!"
Everyone laughed lightly. Chad took a deep breath and dove into his girlfriend's navel. Was she his girlfriend? Yeah, they'd slept together a few times and gone on dates, but he'd always gotten the feeling that he was just a means to an ends for her. The light from above shined into the cavern as he swam deeper. 

How small was he anyway? He wondered to himself. He was so small that the tiny girl he could normally sit on his shoulders with ease now had a belly button deeper than anything he'd ever swam in before. He kept diving deeper into it, looking for anything that might resemble belly lint. The cave curved upwards slightly, so he swam up the curve, admiring the tanned wrinkled walls of the navel. There was nothing in here. This had to be the cleanest navel in the world, he thought bitterly as his lungs burned for air. He swam towards the surface thinking to himself that he must be the only guy alive who was pissed off that his girlfriend had a clean navel. 

4 hours earlier

Katie lay on her bed with her back and head propped up on her pillow and headboard wearing nothing but a matching black lacy bra and panties. She was thumbing through a magazine, and kept glancing down at her navel in boredom. She could feel a slight tickle in it. Outside of it, there were what appeared to be tiny black trash bags. They were actually large Hefty brand bags that she'd shrunken down for her little worker. She poked her belly slightly, just above the belly button. The tiny man inside jolted and a moment later crawled out of the hole. He was covered in sweat, both his and hers. He was skinny and rather pale with a mop of brown hair on his head. Hair that was now matted with sweat and trash from her belly button. He was wearing what appeared to be blue scrubs like a nurse would wear. He drug a large scrub brush with a long handle out with him and dropped it at the base of her navel with the trash bags that were full of trash from her belly button. The bags stunk and Tim stunk. Though it was so far away, Katie could not smell it. 

Katie reached down, pinched him between the tips of two fingers gently, and brought him up to her large blue right eye. He was about a quarter of an inch tall to her. He looked like a pale bug wriggling between her fingers. She could squish him with no effort; it actually took more effort to keep from doing so. 

"How's it looking, Tiny Tim? You done in there yet?" She asked, impatiently. 

Tim tried to squeak something back to her but was too small for her to understand. She held him for a moment before sighing impatiently. 
"Fine," She said, lifting her long blonde hair away from her ear with her free hand. 

She then brought the hand holding Tim to the ear and roughly tossed him inside, dropping the hair back over the entrance. She knew he'd take a minute or two to wander deep enough into her ear so he could shout loud enough for her to barely hear him. That reminded Katie; she needed to buy batteries for the two-way radio she'd use at the party. 

Tim or Tiny Tim as she teasingly called him was normally a six foot four skinny biomedical engineering major at her school. He was awkward and kept to himself. She found out early into their freshman year that he had an interest in size changing technology due to him bugging her about it once he learned that her father was a leading researcher in the field. She also caught on quick that he had a thing for being shrunk. Now, she indulges his desires whenever she needs a shrunken service, or for him to help her with her exams. She fondly remembered one physics exam she had where she'd shrunk him and smuggled him into the exam. He ran around on her paper showing her the right answers. After a while though, she grew bored and began chasing him around the paper with her massive pencil. 

She didn't want to admit to him that she had a bit of a size fetish too, so she always acted like indulging him bothered her, though she secretly thrilled at completely controlling a boy who was normally more than a foot taller than her. He was not her type and she'd never date him at normal size, nor would they really ever socialize normally. She'd usually indulge him in exchange for his doing various jobs for her. Sometimes the jobs she'd give him would be cruelly demeaning. Once she had him trim her entire bush using a pair of hedge clippers. It took forever and it was all she could to do prevent herself from plunging him into her vagina. She was also amused by the thought that the first vagina this microphile ever saw was the size of a building. It felt appropriate somehow. This time Tim was cleaning out her navel in preparations for it being used as a swimming pool. 

She didn't have to worry about Tim spilling the beans that she had a sizer. If anything, he'd be jealous of their secret getting out. He liked having his own personal giantess. Katie could feel him stumbling about in her dark ear. It almost felt like he was humping her ear canal, which, she reflected, probably would not be the first place he's humped on her while tiny. In reality, his foot was stuck in the wax built up in her ears. While trying to pull it free, he fell against the side of the ear and had become mired in it. 

"Katie!" He called out, beginning to panic.
"Yes, Tiny Tim?"
"Katie! I'm stuck! Help!"
"We'll get to that later, Timmy," She said in a teasing and dismissive way. "How's my belly button looking? Is it clean?"
"Spotless! I just finished it."
"Great!" Katie said, leaning up and placing an upturned nail just behind the bags and brush. She then used a nail on her other hand to push the trash onto her nail which she then dumped out over the trashcan by her bed. 
She then stood and walked to her dresser and began pulling out various bikinis to choose from.
"Can you help me, goddess?" He pleaded. 
"How did you get stuck?" She asked, feigning confusion and concern. She knew perfectly well how he'd gotten stuck. She unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor, and held a white bikini up to her chest before shaking her head in disapproval and letting it drop. As she shook her head, she heard a squeak of fear in her ear. 
"I'm stuck in some earwax, can you get me out?" He could tell that she was playing some game of control with him and while part of him was thrilled that she could be so domineering, another part of him was worried and wanted free. 
"How much is it?"
"A lot, it's like everywhere."
"Everywhere? Are you saying that your Goddess isn't clean?"
"What? No, I-" 
"In that case, I think my little servant should be punished. I think I'm going to leave you in there for a while."
"But!" He began to protest before she cut him off. 
"Every time you make the slightest sound, I'm adding another hour to your punishment. I'll let you know when it's up."
Tim swallowed nervously. He knew not to argue with her at this size. He just hoped she didn't forget him.

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