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My best friend's pet 



My best friend's pet


In a society plagued by the shrinking virus, random shrinkings are just a fact of life.  If someone shrinks they lose all rights and become the property of whoever registers them.


Rob and Tim, both aged 16, are best friends.  


One day while hanging out Tim comes down with the shrinking virus and reduces down to 3 inches right in front of Rob.


Like most people Rob doesn’t have a tony of empathy for Shrinks, but he’s basically gentle.  He messes around with his buddy, teases him a bit, but doesn’t hurt him or do anything terrible.


After messing around a bit Rob offers to give Tim over to Tim’s family, and is surprised when the Shrink reacts with terror.  


Tim’s family kind of sucks.  His mother is deeply depressed and his home is ruled by his two big brothers, a pair of awful bullies.  The idea of being owned by them is horrifying.


Tim begs his friend Rob to take him to a registry center and keep him.  That way his family won’t be able to do anything about it.


Rob is skeptical, he’s never really wanted to own a Shrink and the idea of owning his best friend weirds him out.  “Jeeze, you really want to live with me?  Won’t that be awkward?”


Tim is adamant.  “


"Better than my family.  My brothers will literally torture me, I'd be like their toy".  


"I don't know man, I can't make a whole life for you, I don't know how to do that."  


Tim doesn’t care.  "Let's get real man.  Shrinks don't get whole lives.  Just keep me safe and I'll do whatever you say, I'll make it really easy for you.  Please, keep me in a shoe box or something, just don't give me to those assholes.  C’mon, I promise that if you keep me I’ll be the best pet anyone’s ever have, I’d bring you the paper in the morning if it weren’t too big.“


Rob is convinced and kind of amused.  “Ha, all right then, let's shake on it.  Welcome home I guess.  Man, how's this going to work, do I take you with me when I go places, or just like let you run around?  What happens if there are bugs or a rat or something?"


"Shit, I guess I need an enclosure or something.”


"Like a cage?  Are you asking me for a cage?"


Tim is relieved, although embarrassed at his new relationship with Rob.  Wondering if he's going to be kept in a cage, if he'll get clothes, if Rob will still be his buddy or go power mad.  However it goes, he’s deeply relieved and grateful that he’s going to be safe from his brothers.




Rob has a little sister Emily, 9, who agrees to help take care of Tim.


Emily thinks Tim is insanely cute and is very excited.  She and Tim have known each other for a long time, Tim’s twin sister Allison often babysits her.


“What about Allison?” Emily asks.


Tim is a little sad, he love his twin sister Allison but Rob agrees to let her visit whenever she wants.


Emily is frustrated, Tim and Rob don’t get it.  Emily has been studying shrinks in school and knows some more about them.  “You boys don’t get it.  My teacher told me that twins shrink together, like almost always.  She’s probably shrunk too.  That’s sad, Allison is so nice.”


Tim starts freaking out.  “Oh god, Allison was at home the last time I saw her.  Our brothers might have already found her,  they’re probably tossing her around or hitting her or…or…or I don’t know!  Rob, you have to save her!”


"What?  Tim, I don't even know where she is?  What can I do?"


"She's home, she's definitely home.  She has her own room, no one bothers her in there, and she hides out to keep our brothers from teasing her.  I bet no one is going to find her until dinner!"


"And I'm going to just break into your house or something?  Your mom won't let me in, and if your brothers catch me sneaking in they'll kick my ass.  No way Tim, you're lucky I'm keeping you, I'm not going to get head kicked in.”


Emily is upset and starts ragging on Rob, trying to convince him to save her.  He’s resisting, but then Tim has an idea.  “Ok Rob, you’re the boss and I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to.  But I just want you think about my sister a second.  Think about owning her.  Use your imagination man.  You could dress her however you want, feel her up any time.  Think about those tits of hers, even shrunk down they're going to be huge."


He has Rob’s attention, and pushes on.    "Right now Allison is 4 inches tall, probably terrified, having the same thoughts about my brothers that I had.  If you save her she'll be grateful to you forever, I promise she'll do anything you tell her.  For fuck's sake, you'd be her master, dumbass!"


Rob thinks about it and is convinced.  "You really want me to do that to your sister?"  


"Better than my brothers, they'll do all the same stuff but hurt her too."


Emliy is all for it.  "Oh my god she's gonna be so cute!  Pleeeeease Rob, please get us a cute little barbie Allison, pleeeeease!“




Driving over Rob puts Tim into a cup filled with tissues and places it in the cup holder.  


Together they sneak in, after a little deception with Rob’s mother.  


They find Allison in her room, hidden under her bed, small and naked and terrified.  She won’t come out and Rob hears the brothers come home, she’s just too scared.


Tim squirms out of Rob’s hand runs to Allison to talk to her.  "Allison, Rob is going to save you, ok?  Just come out from there, and we can go live with him.  We'll get out of here, you'll never see our brothers again.  Please.“


Allison is eventually coaxed out, but by that time the brothers come in.  Tim & Allison run away and Rob confronts them, but not before the brothers see their tiny siblings.


Rob punches one brother and shoves them both into the hallway, then locks the door.  

As they’re bashing the door down, Rob grabs the shrinks and climbs out the window.  He makes it to his car and takes off, brothers in pursuit.




The shrinks are in the car seat, naked and terrified holding each other.  Rob can't help but notice that Allison looks amazing like shrunk, and Tim is embarrassed by her nudity as they tumble about in the bouncing car.


Allison is smart and gets with the program fast.  "The shelter, take us there!  If you register us then Jake and Mac can't do anything about it, you'll be our legal owners!  There's one on 5th street!"

Rob makes it to the center and runs inside, carrying both siblings in one hand (their naked bodies pressed against each other) and quickly fills out the registration form.  He puts them on the scale and they get collared.  It's a humiliating process for both, but they're grateful to Rob.


Just as he finishes registration the brothers arrive and make a scene.  It’s too late though, Tim & Allison have been collared and registered.  Rob legally owns them, and there's a collar tracker in case they ever disappear.  Being caught with someone else's shrink has a 1 year jail term.


The collars feel thick and heavy, and they have "Property of Rob Grayson" printed on them.  



The police come and take the brothers away, and Rob drives home carrying the siblings in a little box.  


In the dark box Tim & Allison talk, now that the storm has passed.  Tim tries to convince Allison to go with the program.


"I told Rob that if he saves us we'd be good pets, and not give him any trouble.  So please, promise me, just do what he says and be grateful it's not Mac & Jerry.  Ok?"  


Allison nods, she gets it.  She’s embarrassed to be somebody’s pet but she thinks Rob is a good guy.


But Tim continues.


"Ahm…I also told him that…he could…use you, you know?"  


Allison looks at Tim like he's an idiot.  "Tim, Rob has been staring at my chest since I was 12, I think I have a pretty good idea what being owned by a teenage boy means.  He saved us from hell, I'm all his." 



At home Rob opens the box lid and unpacks his pets onto his bed.  


Allison is still a little stunned by the whole situation.  Looking around she sees a gigantic version of what is very much a boy's room.  Messy, laundry scattered everywhere, action figures and comic books.  Standing on the nightstand is a very sexualized action figure, and Allison she smirks noting that the clothes would probably fit her.


She looks up at the gigantic boy looming over her.  ”…wow, I can't even process all this, but thank You Rob.  You don't even know how scared I was, life at home was going to be unbearable."


Rob is crouched over on the bed, looking at them both, still pretty amazed and kind of awkward.  He rubs his finger on Tim's collar and says "Well, I don't know how to say this, but I guess welcome home you two.  I don't have any stuff yet, but I'll work out somewhere for you guys to sleep and food and stuff.  I've never had a pet before, so…"


Allison giggles and walks forward.  "I'm sure it'll work out.  So, is there any way that I could show my gratitude?  Maybe it would be best if Tim & I got started learning to obey, Master?”




Allison and Tim live their life as pets from then on.  Allison gets played with sexually a lot, often in front of Tim, and both of them learn tricks and games.  They both are obedient to Rob, and he treats them like pets, but treats them kindly.


Rob’s little sister is delighted to have a pair of human dolls, and they spend a lot of their time playing in her games, having fake meals together, dancing together, pretending to go on dates while she crafts romantic scenarios.


In the end they both find that being good pets makes them happier than they could have imagined.


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