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The sound of ruffling sheets woke Henry as he groggily sat up. Looking around, he saw Claire standing up making her bed. Annoyed, Henry laid his head back down covering his ears in an attempt to block out the noise. His actions were void as Claire began poking him with her foot.

"Wake up, Henry. It's time to meet the priestess."

Henry turned over to look up at Claire who was staring down at him and then to the window, noting that the sun was barely rising. He was still exhausted and now he needed to wake up to service some priestess. Forcing himself up, Henry stood making himself eye level with Claire's midriff. Placing a hand on his back, she guided him down the stairs to the door. Opening it she gestured for him to exit. After closing the door behind them quietly, Claire led Henry across to the temple.

"Wait here a moment." She said pointing to a spot away from the door.

She then walked to the entrance, knocking several times on the door before waiting for a response. After a short moment, the door swung open. Henry couldn't believe his eyes; in front of Claire stood a woman that dwarfed her in comparison. The top of Claire's head lined up with the woman's breast, making the priestess about 12 feet tall. She greeted Claire with a large smile on her face and the two began conversing quietly. The exchange lasted for several minutes before Claire pointed in Henry's direction, leading the priestess' eyes to follow until they settled on his tiny form. Nodding her head, the priestess listened as Claire began explaining to her Henry's story. Finally, Claire waved Henry over for his introduction.

"Henry this is our priestess. She is in charge of all the temples and is our primary leader within Triceivism. Listen to what she says, and she'll explain what you can do. I'll come get you in a bit."

Henry nodded until watching Claire walk away to which he looked to the priestess. She put him in awe. His eyes aligned a few inches above where her vagina would be, forcing Henry to shift to a nearly vertical gaze. He observed her intently, taking in her holy appearance. She was draped in gold accessories everywhere, and was dressed in a toga-like dress which was white. Her feet were covered by brown sandals that covered most of her skin. She wore a small crown which wrapped around her head and intertwined with her brown hair. Her blue eyes complemented her beauty and smile. Henry's observations were interrupted as she greeted him.

"Well hello, Henry. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the temple. Follow me in and I'll explain our process for today."

He followed her, seeing nothing other than her butt, inside as she led him to a throne like chair where she took a seat and began explaining to Henry what was happening.

"Well Henry, you may be wondering why you were brought to me. The reason is simply because I'm a rather special person in our community. I oversee the temples and ensure the rules are being followed. When I visit, I am serviced out of respect as I pray for the good spirits to remain in our lands. As you may know, we hold our feet in high regard, so unsurprisingly you might be able to guess your first task for now." She said looking down to her sandals. Henry was still in disbelief how large she was and thought he might faint.

"After you finish, I will guide you through the temple to explain our beliefs and rules you must follow. You may have figured out your special role as a server of servers. There aren't many, but occasionally we have other wanderers like you, and now you are a part of our community and must contribute as such. Now come here before I go any further."

Henry reluctantly walked to her, belittled by his rank as a server of servers. She eyed him carefully as he approached her. Once he neared her feet, she crossed one leg over the other and began bobbing her foot up and down.

"You may remove my sandal and begin. Don't forget to grab the bowl of water and that rag next to it." She told him as she waited patiently.

Henry walked to retrieve the bowl which was very large and filled with water. Careful not to spill, he began dragging it until it was near her feet. Next he grabbed onto her elevated sandal and began unlacing her straps that wrapped around her ankles. As he did the priestess explained more about their society.

"You may have noticed Henry that there are no men around. And for the most part, we don't really need them. There are some exceptions however. Our kind is very special from the rest of the world and in one obvious way, we are much, much taller. We are aware of the others that live past the outer forests of our land, but so few cross through the dense and dangerous lands like you did and so no one posses a threat. We live peaceful lives and intend to keep it that way. The only time we need outsiders is for...reproducing."

Henry's curiosity brewed as she began to explain more and more about their society. Yet at the same time, he was focused on his current task of servicing her feet. He was keeled and had removed both sandals and now gripped one with one of his hands which looked so minuscule against it. The length of his hand was shorter than the width of her foot. He stared in awe while the priestess paid little attention and continued on with her explanation.

"So, you are one of the chosen outsiders that will help with this. You may never go back, and you will serve us and partake in helping our little society blossom. In the past 100 years, we haven't had one birth result in a small nor male baby. Claire will be your carrier, and she will provide the next child for our community. Is that understood?" The priestess asked Henry.

He was lost in thought with the fear of never seeing his family or village ever again. Was this going to be his life from now on? Henry stared off into the distance as he contemplated this new reality. Henry's moment of reflection was broken as the priestess pushed his head to the floor using her large foot. Henry submitted to her, understanding her strength greatly outmatched his nor did he want to upset her.

"Did you hear me, Henry?" She asked.

"Yes, sorry. It's a lot to take in, but I feel honored." Henry lied, his voice trailing from underfoot.

"Good, because I would hate for you to be disobedient." She commented while pressing her long toes hard against his face to emphasize her point. "And may I mention how darlin' you look underneath my feet. I may just have to borrow you from time to time."

Henry laid there as she toyed with his face. Her toes were nearly the length of his hands, each having their way with his face. He did his best to remain motionless, ignoring the smell emanating from the undersides of her toes. With the side of his head pinned to the floor, he had no option other than to keep his gaze forward, looking to her arch as well as her other foot that remained firmly planted on the ground. Her nails were black as well, just like Claire's. It was becoming warm underneath the priestess' foot, but Henry didn't dare complain. He endured for a couple minutes when suddenly the pressure released from the side of his face, allowing Henry to regain a normal stance.

"Do you have any questions, Henry?" She said looking down on him from her throne.

This was his opportunity to ask anything, so he asked the first thing that popped into his head. "Why do you all have black nails?"

"Interesting first question. The black color is harvested from the root of a nightshade. It is meant to bring luck and wellness to those who wear it." She answered swiftly. "It even has a sweet taste to it. Try it."

Her toes repositioned themselves in front of his face before he caught on to her implication. Opening his mouth, Henry watched as the priestess inserted her big toe into his mouth. He closed his lips around it, barely able to fit the massive digit in his mouth, and sucked, searching for the sweet taste. A berry like flavor bled from her nail, confirming her claim. He pushed her foot back, causing her toe to slide from his mouth, and nodded his head to her.

"You're right about that one." He said.

"Anything else?" She asked.

Henry thought, sorting through the many oddities he had witnessed when the most obvious of questions floated to the top of his mind. "Where and when did Triceivism come from? Why is it so important to you all?"

The priestess stared at him with slanted eyes before answering, "Nearly 200 years ago, women were the subject of abuse by men. In response to their mistreatment, groups of women would meet in secret where they would pray, perform rituals, and be thankful for things they had despite their abuse. The 3 things almost all of them had, their feet, a house, and the earth. From there they continued to meet in secret when a peculiar phenomena began to occur: they grew. As generations continued on, a trend became apparent, the women were no longer the shorter, submissive subjects of men. Scared and threatened, the men banished the all the women for witchcraft, and the women were forced to create their own community, which was the start of what you see now. Our generations continue to grow and succeed because of Tricievism, while maintaining peace and order. We are an elite group of women, and always will be." She said confidently.

Henry was actually glad for the their empowerment and was impressed by their ability to form a community. But one thing bother him: people don't just start growing, she must be leaving something out. Not wanting to inquire further and raise suspicions about his loyalty, Henry asked a different question.

"And what are my duties to this elite group of women?" Henry followed up.

"You will maintain their feet, clean the house, and harvest from our beloved earth, and as explained already, you will provide our community with the next baby. You will do anything they ask, and do it happily. This includes me as well. Now wash my feet in the holy water."

She propped her feet up on her heels, exposing her soles. They were a bit dirty from being trapped in her leather sandals, so Henry worked quick to rid her foot of the grime. Using a rag that he dipped into the water, Henry scrubbed every part of her foot until her sole glistened in a newly cleaned state. He pecked the bottom of her sole as instructed before by Claire, making the priestess smile.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Just one more thing before I let you go." She replied while sliding to the edge of her chair. Her hand slid under her toga, parting it until exposing her vagina, where she then gestured Henry to come closer. "It's been so long since I've had my own server of servers. If you would be so kind as to pleasure me, I would be so happy."

Although she seemed to be asking, Henry knew he didn't have a choice as he walked closer to the exposed vagina. Once he was close enough, the priestess ran her fingers through his hair before roughly palming his head and bringing him closer. Henry prepared himself as his head was forced between her legs into her already wet vagina. Henry did his best to lick up and down the vagina as her fluids painted his face. He could feel contractions that would occasionally cause her legs to pinch his head as he worked for several minutes. He glanced up to see her eyes closed, with one hand over her breast and her mouth slightly ajar in pleasure. He worked harder and faster as his tongue cunningly moved between her lips.

"Oh yes," She whispered. "Keep going, I'm almost there."

Continuing his work, Henry was unsurprised to feel her body convulse as her vagina contracted, and found his head pushed farther into her as her juices leaked out onto his face.

"Perfect." She concluded before wrapping her toga back around her body. "Continue to be a good servant and I'll see you again. The next time we meet, we will hold a ceremony to embrace you in the community and bless you for your duties. You might even meet some other server of servers. For now I must go."

She quickly tied the straps of her sandals back on and exited the temple. Henry was left alone with his thoughts, and there was so much to think about.
Chapter End Notes:
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