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Vanessa and Zvenka accompanied each other towards the ladies restroom. Zvenka was quiet, mostly on account of her rusty English skills. She decided she might enjoy herself more if she sought out one of the men who spoke her native Russian or even German, which she was much more fluent in than English. As soon as she release the thought, one of her previous partners casually entered their path, "Zvenka. Ya byl umeret za svoyu krasotu. Pozhaluista, vy budete razvlekat menya zaden?" He held out the paired half of his bracelet to her. 

She looked to Vanessa. "Is okay? You wish to keep Chris?" She hadn't considered her plans, but she certainly intended to stay with him through lunch. She nodded, and Zvenka accepted the bracelet. Before donning it, she headed towards Chris to politely thank him and excuse herself to her new partner. 

Vanessa entered the restroom alone. She reached for a toothbrush and removed the plastic wrapping before beginning her freshening. She thought about what she had eaten that morning as she felt a tinge of nausea sweep through her. By the time she was done washing her face, it had past. She approached the intercom kisok against the wall, and pressed her hand to the palm reader as was standard procedure for female patrons. A moment later the screen flickered to life, showing vitals read off her finger, taking her picture, and making a record of her current height. Six feet tall already? Only just a few hours ago it had registered only 5'10". Had she really grown two inches so quickly? She'd only participated in one tonyata since then, and from the other girls around her that was not nearly enough. In fact, six feet was her goal to reach by the end of the evening. 

She felt herself get slightly giddy at the unexpected progress when the screen flashed to a camera of someone in a white labcoat. "Miss Harcourt, I wonder if you have a moment." She nodded. "I'm Dr. Foley. Let me first say that you look stunning, and your progress is exceptional. Is this data correct that you've have only two tonyata's today, the most recent from our male guest Christopher?" A faceshot of Chris flipped up onto the screen, and she responded in affirmation. "Have you stood next to each other? Has he noticed your height?" She thought back in her mind, yes, she was pretty sure he had. That is, unless he was too focused on her rubbing her bare breasts up against his chest. She almost giggled at the thought as she nodded. "Excellent. I have a unique offer for you. As you have been told, normally the progression to level two takes a minimum of three days. However, Chris is an exceptional vessel for the the Rashja. In fact, you may already start to notice some discomfort from your session with him." Her mind flashed to the nausea from a few moments before, as she nodded and confirmed his suspicions. 

"We would like you to sponsor Christopher for joint promotion to level two, hopefully as early as this evening. Let me explain how the process works. As you know, men in level one are not aware of the Aztec ritual, or even that they are injesting Rashja. We try our best to let their subconscious mind observe and suspect growth in our female patrons before we approach them with the information. Even when they are not consciously aware of it, this subconscious conclusion allows the mind's split second conclusions to accept, rather than challenge the reality of the process." She remembered the explanation from her orientation, and she was quickly boring of his droning on. Her attention waned away from the screen for a moment, so he called her back to it. "I'm sorry, let me be brief. We would like you to partner with him. We would like you to intentionally assure he observes your growth, which shouldn't be hard given the current rate. Once his mind has undeniably seen the evidence, you may either confirm it if he challenges you, or ask him to accept that something at the resort is causing women to grow. We request that this occur in private if possible. Once this is completed, you are to invite him to join you to level two. As you understand, you are requested not to discuss Rashja, the Aztec ritual, or even admit you have any knowledge of the process yourself. In exchange for accepting this responsibility, you will also be allowed to enter level two early with him, preferably before..." he looked down at something on the desk, "..before five pm tonight. Will you take on this sponsorship?"

Vanessa was beaming at her good luck. If Chris was the source of this faster development, she was certainly going to stick with him. Not only was her development proceeding much faster than she expected, but in just a few hours she'd already be admitted to level two -- on her first day. She felt a small wave of nausea, and saw the Dr's face register concern. She held up her hand. "I'm fine, just a little of that discomfort you mentioned I might be having. I would be happy to sponsor Chris. Is there anything else I should know? What should I do when he accepts?"

"Once he accepts you can simply ring staff on a hotel phone, and they will take care of the arrangements. From the numbers I'm seeing here, you should know that you're likely to experience more discomfort, possibly even some pain, due to the accelerated growth. However, it shouldn't be anything exceptional, and if it's too great, please just discontinue any tonyata activities and contact a staff member. Now please, I've delayed you far too long, and Chris is politely waiting for you." She nodded, and turned towards the door. She paused as she heard his voice again, "one more thing. It would be ideal if he gave you his pairing bracelet. It's not required, but if he chooses to pair with someone else, getting his private attention may be difficult." Check. Pairing bracelet. She resumed her pace back out the door towards Chris.

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