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Chapter Four


            “I didn’t know she had one of these.,” giggles Dallas as I watch her hand lower into the drawer as I cower beneath a cotton pair of panties. The perfume of this giant makes my nose tickle as her hand passes over me and grabs onto something large and plastic, it passes by me in a blur as I watch her stare at the enormous flesh toned tube.


            “What in the world is that?” I think to myself as I watch her nonchalantly drop it back into the drawer. My eyes bug out as I realize that it is about to fall on me and I cannot move to avoid it as that would mean detection.


            The sound of the door opening rips through the room and I watch the blonde haired giant vanish from my realm of sight. I breathe a sigh of relief as I struggle to remove the flesh-toned tube off me.


            “Hey Rochelle, I let myself in, I hope you don’t mind.” Shouts the blonde-haired woman as I hear he voice get more and more distant. I push the flesh-toned tube off me and stare up out of the now open drawer.


            Realizing this is my chance to escape or at the very least get in contact with my sister, I grab the flesh toned tube and struggle to lift it up so that it is leaning up against the wall of the drawer. I smile at my ingenuity as I start climbing the ribbed tube.


            As I reach the top I gulp as I realized just what this tube is, I have been climbing Rochelle’s dildo. A bit shocked by my revelation I almost let go but I manage to regain composure from my shock and climb onto the tip of the dildo, from the tip of the dildo I leap onto the edge of the dresser top and pull myself up.


            “Caitlin, I’m sorry but I find this whole thing hard to believe. Your brother who is now G.I Joe sized is stuck in a purse somewhere in the city, and you have reason to believe that someone on this list has him?”


            “Yes, you are a reporter Chloe, Editor of the school paper, do your reporter junk, tap your sources, flaunt yourself around like you usually do.” snaps Caitlin as she looks at her best friend and roommate. I made you a copy of the list find out what you can. Please!”


            “I will try but I make no promises alright? And what do you mean flaunt myself around like I always do?” says Chloe as she gets in her car.


            “It looks like I am on my own” huffs Caitlin as she looks as she looks at the first name on the list. Melissa Fuentes she says to herself as she heads


            I could not believe how much effort it took just to get to the floor of this place. I was only on top of a dresser and yet it seems like a mountain or at least a very tall tree. I started running across the bedroom floor, I wasn’t even a quarter of the way there and already my chest was heaving, my lungs were begging for air as my legs felt like they were about to fall off. I kept praying that Rochelle would not walk in, then again if she did walk in would she even see me. She thinks I am still in her drawer. I cringed at the thought of my life being exterminated like a cockroach unknowingly.


            The floorboards start to rumble as the wind begins to stir, dust flies up into my face making my eyes water as I look around for a place to hide. I spot an overturned sketcher to my left and a small bag lying to my right. I glance at the shoe and then back at the small bag. I decide on the small bag for no real reason at all but it just feels right. As I make it to the bag, I look over my shoulder seeing Rochelle carrying a full laundry basket talking with the blonde girl who almost spotted me in the drawer. I immediately crawl into the small bag.


            As soon as I crawl into the bag, I immediately get blasted with smells of various make ups all mixed together. I struggle to hold in a cough as I lean up against a compact still breathing heavily but a small smile across my face as I have freedom at last.


            The rumbling increases getting louder and louder breaking my thoughts of happiness and freedom by the image of a foot smashing down into the ground mere inches from the bag I am in. I start to think how bad of an idea this is as one wrong step and I could be a goner, the shoe would have provided a bit more protection, hindsight is 20/20 I think to myself as another devastating footfall lands nearby.


            “You are such a pig Rochelle.” Blurts Dallas as she folds a t-shirt.


            “Hey I can keep my room however I want Dallas, and you are not exactly one to talk.”


            “Yeah, yeah, at least keep your make up bag off the floor, I almost stepped on it. I would feel bad if I ruined your make up, especially since you got some of that expensive French import stuff.”


            My entire body paused as I heard those words. I felt the bag begin to lift up slightly and then crash onto something hard. Eyeliner, lipstick, compacts; etc fell over me as the bag crashed down onto what I can only guess is a table of sorts.


            Chloe pulled out her cell phone as she closed the door to her 97 navy blue Pontiac Grand-am. She stared down at the list of names eyeing them closely until one pops out at her.


            “Hi, business services, I need a phone number, I am doing a story for the gazette and yes, uh huh. The first name is….”


            I looked over at Rochelle as I stood atop of her vanity table, behind me stood bottle after bottle of various nail polishes, lipsticks, eyeliner and blush. I headed towards the edge of the table; I gulped as I looked down the side of the table. It had to be a hundred foot drop. Just great, I thought to myself. I escaped from a drawer to be trapped on her vanity table. Just fucking beautiful I thought to myself as I sat down on looking out at the two giants.


            The time passed by slowly as they had left the room quite a while ago. Rochelle seemed quite pleased with herself as I saw her look over at the drawer a few times, as she was talking with her friend Dallas.  I huffed as I stood up a bit upset but admiring how good it feels to stretch my legs. I walk to the far side of the vanity table and look over at one of the sides of the vanity table. I look down much to my surprise I see salvation. A small light cord is running down the side of vanity table. There will be a bit of a drop from the outlet to the floor but it does not look like it should be severe, not wanting to waste anytime, I grab hold of the cord and begin to shimmy my way down. It is a bit more work t hen I had thought it would be but I did not dare slide down the cord, as I did not want to get a burn.


            I finally touched down on the carpet and looked back up at the top of the vanity table. Its huge I think to myself, I cannot believe I was all the way up there. That is unbelievable. The room being empty I casually head out across the floor not overly concerned with much of anything as no one is here right now.


            I made my way into the hallway as I heard a knock at the door. I rounded the corner anxiously as I knew whoever was coming would have to leave and that’s when I can make my escape.


            The closer I get the more excited I find myself becoming. I start running towards the door halfway forgetting where I am but it all comes rushing back to me as I see Nadia sitting on the sofa next to Rochelle.


            “Hi, I am with the newspaper and we are doing a spotlight article on students and you two have been selected.”


            “Us?” curiously asks Rochelle


            “Yes, you see we are honoring students who are recommended by their teachers to be hard working but not necessarily straight A students.  We feel too often that the only students who get recognition for hard work are the students who are pulling in a 4.0 or close to it. So we are decided why not honor those who do work hard just to get a B or even a C. Sometimes getting a C is just as great as getting an A.”


            “It all seems interesting but I still don’t understand how you got our names. I mean why would any teacher recommend me?”


            “Would it be all right if I used your bathroom?”


            “Oh sure”


            As I rounded the corner I could not believe what I saw, it was Chloe. My heart did somersaults as I watched her frame rise up and move towards me. I started to shout and jump up and down in glee as she neared me; her eyes locked on the floor scanning from left to right. I knew that it was just going to be a matter of time before she spotted me however as she neared me I saw her head start to swivel to the left.


            “No, Chloe! CHLOE!! OVER HERE” I shout as her foot lifts over me. I run forward not wasting anytime. I can feel the vibrations of Chloe’s footfall. I turn back to see her back to me.


            “Just great” I think to myself as I kick at the wall in anger. As I turn around, I am met with a wall of flesh. The fingers curled around my body sealing me in darkness muffling my voice. I flailed my body but it was no use as she only exerted more pressure flattening my body firmly against the palm of her hand.


            The movements of the giant quickened as her body rocked from side to side at near breakneck speeds. A door closed as light shone down onto me. I nervously looked up…


            Caitlin dejectedly walked out to her car, as the first two names on the list were failures. There was always hope that he was at this Rochelle Martin’s house but what are the odds. A four-inch tall man in a city this big, Sam could be anywhere. Caitlin thought to herself as she started her car up.


            Caitlin struggled to maintain her composure as she neared the address, As much as she knew that Sam wouldn’t be there part of her knew that he had to be, that if he wasn’t she would never see him again, hope was all she had left.


            Meanwhile, I looked up at Chloe from the counter top; I leapt at her stomach and buried my face into it. Tears started to well in my eyes as I felt a finger lovingly stroke me.


            “You know, you have someone really worried about you?” whispers Chloe as she curiously stares at me.


            “Who? Caitlin? I doubt she misses me all that much. I mean we get along and all but she doesn’t really….”


            “Just shut up Sam. She has been going crazy the past day and half or so looking for you. She is your sister you know. Give her a little credit.” snaps Chloe as she bends down so her face is level with me.


            “Yeah, your right, We have our differences but we are always there for one another. So how you getting me out of here, I can conceal myself under your shirt you know!”        


            “Ummm how about NO!” shouts Chloe.


            “You can’t blame a guy for trying can you?”


            “Yes, yes I can. Just for that, I may just have to keep you for myself. I could do a lot with a little man. I could wire you tap you and you could crawl into conferences rooms or lie in wait by a phone so I can get exclusives and breaking news. I could be lead anchor for CNN or MSNBC.”


            “Come on, let’s get serious. I want out of this damn place.” I try to say as firm sounding as possible but it still comes out squeaky.


            “I love your new voice Sam. It is so you….Immature.” laughs Chloe as she pulls out her phone.


            “Very funny, just get me out of here.” I plead as I stare up at my giant sized savior.


            “Alright, you are going to have ride in my backpack out of here.”


            “How’d you get a backpack in here without them realizing you were up to anything?”


            “Girl stuff and I really don’t want to talk about it, so you coming or staying,” asserts Chloe as she stuffs me into her backpack quickly zipping it shut.


            Chloe smirks as she looks down at the backpack and lifts it up slinging it over her shoulder making sure to give it an extra thud against her back as she heads out of the bathroom.


            “You may not have noticed me before Sam, but you are going to notice me now.” mumbles Chloe as she heads into living room and sits down just as her cellular phone rings.


            “Hello, oh really…okay, I will be right there then.” Says Chloe as she hangs up the phone. “Sorry we are going to have to reschedule this, I have to get back to the office. I will be in touch with you.


            “Alright” says Rochelle as she walks her to the door.


            Chloe hustles down the hallway not wasting a single movement as she reaches the elevator. The elevator slowly meanders down two floors when it stops and door opens.


            “Did you get him?” excitedly says Dallas.


            “Yeah he is in my bag. So far so good right? They didn’t suspect anything when you left?”


            “Nope, I told them I forget that I had a load still in the wash.”


            “Shall we?”


            “I think we shall. Enjoy the ride the little man,” shouts Dallas at the bag as she pats on the bottom. Both girls then dart out towards Chloe’s car not looking back once.


            “Hey Rochelle, Have you seen the little man, I thought he was in your drawer.”


            “He is!”


            “Not anymore.”


            “You don’t think he escaped?”


            “Not without help he didn’t… we might have to pay a little visit to a near and dear friend.” Says Rochelle as she cracks her knuckles.

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