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Monday Night

Returning to his room, Tom was greeted by his roommate, Morgan Johns. Though cluttered, the room was tidy.

“Man, I heard you were back, you’re looking good, dropped a few pounds,” Morgan greeted, smiling.

Tom grinned back, “Yep,” he replied patting his lean stomach and eyeing his bed.

“Sorry about the mess,” Morgan said contritely, shrugging his shoulders. “How do you feel?”

The condition of the room wasn’t too bad. Setting his books down on top of his crowded desk, he glanced over at his roommate, “Wrung out. I kind of just want to flop out and grab some zees,” he answered, sitting on his bed.

Morgan raised his hands, “No worries dude, I’m going out for a while so you can get a few winks,” he said, plucking his jacket of a hook next to the door. “You need anything?” he asked, hovering in the open door.

“Nah,” Tom replied, shaking his head.

Morgan grinned before slipping out the door.

With his roommate gone, Tom pulled his feet up, curling up into a fetal position on top of the bed, eyes drooping.

Sleep came quickly to him, though it was fitful and filled with broken dream fragments. He was with evil Janine, swaying back and forth on the pink dildo stuck to a chair as she lowered herself down on him. Next, he was standing on Miss Harwood’s bath mat as her foot descended toward him. Trapped in Tess’s bra, he could hear her laughing. Miss Addison’s army of fairy figurines surrounded him. Moist wetness crushing down all around him making it impossible to breathe.

Tom awoke with a sudden start in his darkened room, body slick with perspiration. Reaching over to the stand beside his bed, he clicked on the lamp. Looking around the room, he chuckled to himself, half expecting to wake up and find himself shrunk again.

The green light on his phone was flashing and there were a half dozen messages on the device. Three from his mother, one from Tess, another from Janine, the last one from Cassidy. All were essentially the same, asking him how he felt blah blah blah. If anything he felt slightly hungry. He checked the time on his phone, 6:17pm. Curfew for the school grounds was ten, in the dorms by eleven on a week night so there was still plenty of time to knock off a couple of hours of homework. He could hit up one of the food vending machines to put a little fuel in the tank.

He fired off a couple of short texts reassuring everyone he was still alive and kicking. A small smile crept across his face as he gathered up the homework for Miss Harwood’s class. He could visualize her in is mind’s eye, gorgeous and confident. He was of half a mind to see if he could sign up for the same hot yoga course she and Cassidy regularly attended.

Exiting the dorms, he crossed the Commons and made his way to the library.

Sliding through the double doors, he made his way into the book repository, catching the eye of the library’s curator, the bespectacled Miss Gaynor.

“A moment Mr. Wentworth,” she said, rising to her feet from behind the long counter.

“Miss Gaynor,” he addressed, setting his armload of books on the counter.

“I understand you are only recently returned to our fold. Is there anything you require?” she asked pleasantly.

Looking at his books and then back to the librarian, he shook his head, “Just time I think,” he answered with his smile.

She returned the smile, “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask,” she offered.

“Thank you,” he replied, sliding the book off the counter and making his way deeper into the library, finding a carrel near the back for privacy.

As expected, the material wasn’t overly difficult, just plentiful. Plugging away for what felt like an eternity, his cell phone, though set to silent, vibrated noisily on the desktop. Grateful for the distraction, he swiped the screen and saw it was a text from Tess asking him where he was. Rolling his eyes, he typed in library as a response.

“See you in ten,” she responded.

He picked away at more of the mountain of homework while he waited. Almost ten minutes on the dot, Tess arrived accompanied by Janine. He smiled. Tess was ever reliable.

Spotting him, the two girls approached his sheltered space. “We just came to see if we could help out,” Tess stated, grinning at him.

Tom smiled weakly back, “I appreciate it, but I’m just trying to get on top of it,” he answered, looking into the faces of each of the girls.

“You look malnourished,” Janine noised, frowning.

Tess nodded, “Have you eaten anything?” she inquired.

Tom shook his head, “I meant to,” he replied.

“Come on then, Janine has her mother’s car and we can go out and get some food into you,” she stated, her body language and facial expression clear she would not take no as an answer. Janine too folded her arms under her breasts, countenance stern and unyielding.

Opening his mouth to protest, Tom quickly realized his diminished chance of successfully countering the two girls, so relented, nodding slowly as he began to pack up his homework.

“Getting some food in you will make you feel better,” Janine commented, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Chuckling softly, Tom mentally chided himself. Why did he feel awkward around her? Shy almost. The contact with her was electric and he could feel himself becoming aroused.

Stepping back from him to allow his to stand, Janine withdrew her hand. It was funny. It felt like he trembled under her touch. Even restored, he enflamed her passion. She wanted to be with him and was certain he reciprocated her feelings. Although he had already been inside and subjected to her whim, this was different, almost as if coming together for the first time. Shaking her hand, she grinned before falling in beside Tess.

Exiting the library, he trailed the girls toward Lina’s car. Looking at the pair as they chit chatted, a smile touched his lips, glad his shrinking had the added effect of bringing the pair together as friends.

“Where to?” Janine asked, glancing over her shoulder at Tom.

“You’re driving,” he replied.

Tess stopped, a concerned look crossing her face as she looked at her brother, “There was one other thing,” she said.

Rolling his eyes, he exhaled sharply, a plume of steam rising up in the cold air, “What?” he asked, suspecting it had to do with their mother.

“Shotgun,” Tess said, grinning.

Janine chuckled.


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