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Damn the Torpedoes               

Tom awoke feeling surprisingly refreshed, the gash over his eye throbbed a little, though the incessant headache was gone. Sitting up in the near absolute darkness, he stretched his arms overhead before touching the side of his face that had hit the floor, wincing slightly. He wondered about the time. He thought about climbing out of his makeshift bed and making his way over to the ribbon of light visible under the door but memory of nearly being trampled upon by Miss Harwood by her shower gave him sufficient pause to reconsider and wait for Cassidy.

It hadn’t been quite a month since the accident, yet it had seemed a lifetime of experiences had been crammed into that short little span of time. A smile crossing his face before transforming into a yawn. Soon his life was going to change. He didn’t blame Tess. Couldn’t. He bullied and brow beat her to get her to smuggle him into the party and everything that followed resulted from that was on him. The week he had been secretly living under her bed, nothing happened. She had kept him safe from harm, safe from discovery. Then it was the party. Even then, she acquiesced to his demands, all the while still trying to keep him safe. He was the one who snuck out of the purse and found Janine’s room and waited for her. Him. Thinking of Janine made him smile. She terrified him, but thrilled him. No one who wasn’t small could possibly understand what it feels like to be in the position she put him in. Did he regret it? He shook his head, there were certainly aspects of it he could do without, but regret it? No. He knew things would change drastically under his mother’s rule. He had no doubt he would be provided for, safe and sound for as long as he was small. He hadn’t been embellishing when he talked about an aquarium. He could certainly see her doing that. HE chuckled, if he ever was restored, he could see her trying to fit him with a GPS implant jus to be safe.

The door opened, a huge female form backlit and silhouetted in the doorway. “Tom?” Cassidy asked, disrupting his period of reflection.

“Alive and kicking,” he replied, speaking very loudly in order to be heard.

“I’m going to turn of the light,” she announced, pausing before flicking the switch, bathing the room in pale yellow illumination. “How are you feeling?” she asked softly, crossing the floor to come sit on the bed near him.

“Actually, I feel pretty good,” he answered with a smile and a sharp nod.

“Your sister left only a few moments ago, she was here the whole time you were asleep,” she informed. “She’ll be back tomorrow.”

The mention of his sister’s name reminded him of the fact he had been a self-serving shit. “She’s an amazing sister,” he said with a smile. “Huge cock block though,” he mused.

Cassidy smiled back, “Katie, Miss Harwood is here,” she advised.

Chuckling, Tom arched an eyebrow, receiving a mild sting from his wound, “Let me get a little fuel in the tank and then I can put your ladies in your place,” he boasted, climbing to his feet.

Shaking her head, she reached down and carefully picked him up, taking him out to the living room area where Katie was seated on the chesterfield. Setting him down on the cushion, “I’ll get you some food to nibble on,” she said, vanishing from his sight.

“That looks nasty,” Miss Harwood said, eyeing the split on the side of his forehead.

“You should see the other guy,” he chirped, giving her a grin, “put a run on her something fierce.” Jessica had been gorgeous, but given her impulsivity, he could definitely see himself encased in another Lindholm ass. If only she hadn’t been squeezing the life out of him, maybe.

“I think you are an incorrigible rapscallion,” she ventured.

His grin melded into his dangerous smile and he winked, “I know I am,” he said slyly.

“I heard about your plummet. I’m guessing Jessica is related to Janine,” she said.

“Older sister,” he said.

Miss Harwood nodded. Looking at the frail little youth on the cushion. “As much as I wanted to screw the living daylights out of you tonight, I think perhaps you need to rest,” she lamented.

“Scared?” he taunted, knowing grin.

“Of hurting you,” she replied, pointing at his wound.

“It’s just a scratch, a mere flesh wound,” he said back, using a Monty Pythonesque accent.

Cassidy reappeared with some cut up bits of fruit and pieces of whole grain bread on a small saucer, sitting down on the coffee table and putting the saucer on the couch near him.

Walking over to the plate, he pulled some of the food near the edge of the saucer and sat down to eat. Feeling the scrutiny of both women on him, he paused, looking up at Miss Harwood, then to Cassidy. “Is there something on my face?” he asked, brushing the back of his right hand across his mouth.

Cassidy Chuckled, “No, just watching you,” she replied.

Katie grinned.

“It’s kind of creepy, sort of, just watching someone eat,” he stated, tossing another morsel of bread into his mouth.

“I told Tom tonight would probably be best if he just gets his rest,” Katie said, looking at the nurse.

Cassidy nodded.

“Forget that. Why? Because I got a little bump on my noggin?” he protested.

Shaking her head, Cassidy chuckled, “You basically did a triple gainer and landed head first on the floor,” she countered.

He snorted, dismissing her concern, “Right now I’m standing here looking up at two of the most beautiful, amazing women I have ever had the good fortune to not only meet, but also be intimate with in a way no other human being possibly could. A mortal supplicant before two magnificent goddesses. The thought of getting another chance to lose myself in your passion fills me with desire,” he proclaimed.

“Tom,” Cassidy said.                                                

“In two days my mother shows up and my life, such as it is, will be over. You think Tess is stubborn? Not even close to our mother. Regardless of the future, I cannot live each moment huddled in fear trying to anticipate every possible threat that might appear. That’s not living, it’s existing, nothing more. I place myself in your charge,” he said spreading his hands apart, flashing that charming smile.


Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter, Tom, Cassidy and Miss Harwood.

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