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Author's Chapter Notes:

Wow. So this is coming to ya a lot later than I had originally planned. Most of this was written about a week ago and I just got so distracted writing other stuff. This isn't my favorite chapter, especially because I feel like the mood changes a good bit halfway through...and not in a good way. Anyway that's just me. Next few chapters will be better and for all you Vera fans out there, yes she will be returning shortly. Anyway (shameless plug imminent) as always please comment on the story, it helps me keep track of what people do and do not like. Also, if any of you are potentially interested in reading anything else I've written message me. I do a good deal of other (non giantess) stuff that I think is better and more carefully constructed. Oh and, as always, enjoy!

You know that disgusting, slimy, greasy feeling you get in those late summer afternoons? The same feeling that drips down your back along your spine. The same feeling that makes you wince as you feel your clothes move against you. That was all that ran through my mind as I walked back down the gravel stretch leading out of the containment facility. Cinna kept pace beside me. When I had emerged from the chamber he seemed different. I can’t quite say how. Perhaps it was something in his demeanor. He carried himself the same; stupid grin on his face, tousled hair lazily slicked back, limbs jittery with enthusiasm. It was something in his eyes then. Like he sensed a storm on the horizon.

“Are you sure its them?” I asked after bounding over a large stone in my path.

Cinna scratched his whiskers. “I’m positive. The scout said one had a white scar across his left cheek. I know that scar.”

“So you think they’re coming for her?”

“Either that or they’re running out of food…”

Now that was a frightening thought. Luckily I had been spared witnessing one of their “bacchanales” thus far. I couldn’t bear to hear the people scream.

“Will it be a problem? I mean, you guys are prepared right?”

Cinna didn’t look quite so sure. As we pattered down onto the dock he let out a weary sigh. A nervous hand swept up to the back of his neck. In all it was not a reassuring sight. Seeing him slowly devolve into a state of severity made me scared for my life.

“We took quite a hit a few days ago. I don’t know if we can really stand up to another attack. We don’t have the supplies, or the preparations…”

“But-but…your Cinna! Can’t you pull some crazy sneak attack and hit ‘em when they least expect it.”

The spring returned to his step for a moment. Cinna furrowed his brow and an amused smirk appeared. He clapped his hands over his belt and looked up to the sky in a flourish of curiosity.

“Ha, you know what...you’re right. I’ll think of something. They won’t get within three miles of here don’t you worry... in fact. I already have delightful idea…”

With that we both swung our legs over the side of Nixie’s boat and took our old seats. Cinna continued to stare up into the clouds like a small child. I never took my eyes off of him. He was making more skittish than usual. God, I hoped he knew what he was doing

Moments later I stood back in the dusty grid of tents that made up the primary mesh of the camp. People didn’t even look as me as I passed them along the roads. There was a lingering somberness in the camp. Everyone seemed to carry along with muted expressions. I would have thought that living in a camp next to such a beautiful lake would breed at least a little pleasantness. Unfortunately, it would seem that even the murky waters and fresh pine air aren’t enough to drive away that grim stench of death.

An attendant was taking me to my tent. As we moved closer to the waterfront I noticed the lodgings became more and more extravagant. To be honest I got a little excited. My quarters back at Juliet were typical, drab, but suitable for the likes of me. Yet here, the living conditions were...well comparatively luxurious. I eyed the pavilions as we crossed over a small footbridge that spanned a tiny creek. Finally, we stopped.

The building in front of me was...well…just that: a building. Instead of a series of poles, ropes, and canvas flaps it was a solid wooden structure. Beams of hard oak supported walls of dark burgundy bricks. Layers of tiles served as the roof. It wasn’t particularly well made, but its two stories seemed welcoming enough.

“Here it is…” the man said. With a sweep of his hand he motioned for me to climb the wooden stairway leading up to the second floor. I obliged and soon found myself inside a spacious loft complete with all amenities I could ask for. It was...incredible. I was speechless. As I turned to thank the man I found he had already left.

Naturally, I wasted no time in getting settled in. It was a shame I’d only be staying there for another day. Oh, that’s right I forgot to explain how my schedule worked. You see I wasn’t permanently reassigned. Constable Treble wouldn’t hear of it! So, I’d spend two days at each camp and then switch back. This way they thought I could keep both subjects off balance. It wasn’t the best plan but I wasn’t one to argue. Initially I thought Subject Bet, I mean...Amora, would be a welcome break from the emotionally strained Vera. However, after our first meeting it quickly became apparent that this would be a far more dire task. Amora was more direct, I’ll giver her that. She hated me enough that she was willing to talk just so that she’d be left alone. Vera, on the other hand, would drag our conversations out for the exact opposite purpose. It was a peculiar duality I saw in these two. I can’t say for sure what I saw in them. Everything at this point made my head spin.

Gravity carried me down into a desk chair waiting next to the neatly polished mahogany table. My momentum caused me to spin around a few times before coming to a lazy stop facing my bed. The usual military cot was gone. In its place was an actual mattress. I mean, sure it was a shitty mattress but a mattress nonetheless. As I looked over the other features of my room I began to weigh my future plans in the back of my brain. How should I go about questioning Amora? Should I even risk going back in there? Could I somehow use this ‘Gurn’ guy as leverage?

So many choices, so many decisions. Perhaps I should draw up a mental map to help me. Then I eyed my bed.

“Maybe after a quick nap…”

The rest of the day passed without incident. By the next morning I was well rested and well fed. I hadn’t felt that together in months. In fact, for a few sparse moments I had completely forgotten about all the troubles in the world and my harrowing responsibilities. The knowledge that in just a couple hours I’d be staring into the face of a cold-blooded murderer seemed absent from my consciousness. Instead of grinding my knuckles into my skull, I walked along the banks of the lake. The waves were gentle and the breeze was refreshing. It wasn’t until I looked out across at the far shore and saw the wasteland created by Amora’s struggles that reality returned to me. After letting out a pent-up sigh, I decided to head over the containment facility. Might as well get it over with for today.

When I hopped aboard Nixie’s boat I was met with a rather unpleasant scowl. Maybe it was my close association with Cinna. Maybe it was my line of work. Maybe she just wasn’t a people person. Whatever it was, she was definitely not happy to see me.

“Excuse me…” I started to grumble as we pulled away from the dock. “Did I do something? Offend you or…?” normally I wouldn’t have said anything. I’m not really the type to press people in passing social interactions, especially when one party seems to harbor an unjustified grudge.

“Hmph, its nothing...sir…”

“Is it? It doesn’t sound like nothing. Look if I did something I’d like to apologize I didn’t mean to…”

“Of course you meant to…”

I was about to make a defensive retort when Nixie suddenly forced the throttle forward. The boat lept over the waves and crashed down on the water. A torrential wake was all we left behind as our vessel sped towards the far shore. I held on to my chair for dear life. Even had I managed to focus my thoughts I would not have been able to speak over the screaming engine. I reminded myself that I would have to pick my battles. This one could wait.

By the time we reached the other dock I was so nauseous that I couldn’t even thank her for the ride. I tumbled over the side of the boat and began the uphill trek to the containment facility. Ignoring the signs of destruction and malice, I waded through the dust and grime that speckled the poorly cut road. Once I had reached the top I found my boots and shins coated in pallid, chalky dust.

Much to my surprise I was greeted by a collection of friendly faces. Everyone from maintenance men to the overwatch seemed happy to see me. I couldn’t pass anyone without a healthy greeting or an appreciative smile. It was unsettling honestly. After the reactions I had garnered from Juliet this all seemed too good to be true. I would’ve been content with apathy, but this...this was too surreal. It was almost as though they had choreographed it all.

I approached the vault door and the attending guards nodded to me.

“Have you been cleared by Constable Speck or Silver sir?”

Confusedly I searched the libraries of protocol in my mind. “Uhhh, do I need to be?” I asked with legitimate curiosity.

The two men looked at each other. “I guess not…”

Wow, that was...easy. Weird.

The next thing I knew the enormous mechanism had been pushed aside. The misty, primeval chamber within pulsed with monstrous intention. Much like Odysseus being drawn by the Siren’s song I felt some invisible force tugging at my innards. My intestines felt like they were being strung along a long cord. It wasn’t a torturous sensation though. It was compelling. Tempting. So I gave in.

The journey into the chamber itself was more like stepping into a dream. The haze that hung around my field of vision seemed to buffer against the terrible sense of danger that I felt as soon as I saw Amora’s  massive body waiting within. She sat cross-legged in the center of the room. Her torso was hunched over and her hair drooped down around her, shielding most of her upper body from view.

As soon as I heard the heavy ‘clunk’ of the door shutting behind me I cleared my throat and spoke.

“Amora...it's me again.”

At first nothing. I thought maybe I should speak again, perhaps a bit louder. But, after another thirty seconds, her shoulders rolled back and a weary, tormented groan echoed out. Her viridian gaze met mine. Then she spoke:

“You...and who are you?”

“Amora, it’s Ellis….”

“I know your name but who are you?”

I considered her question intently. Without breaking eye contact I inched over to the ledge and sat down.

“Well, we can talk about that first if you’re interested.”

“Let's say I am.”

“Ok, well, you know why I’m here, you know my name, what else do you want to know?

Her expression sagged, her shoulders slumped again. Then, she planted one hand on the ground in front of her and let her weight rest against it.

“Do you think I’m cruel? Do you think I am a monster?”

“I think you’ve done some pretty cruel things.”

“So yes then?”

I choked on my answer at first but eventually I managed to squeak it out. “Yes...I...guess so.”

She chuckled noiselessly. In a rhythmic wave she drummed her fingers on the ground.

“Tell me then. Are you really capable of telling a monster from a god?”

Each of her words pounded down on me like a hammer. She thundered with the same bravado that I imagined would come from the mouth of Zeus himself. I had to give it to her, from where I sat, she did somehow come off as a deity. She didn’t quite look the part, but there was just a deeper aspect of her that had a divine bearing.

“I think I know enough about what a god is supposed to be...I am certain I know what a monster is supposed to be.”

“Oh? Enlighten me then.”

This was clearly a trap. One from which I couldn’t hope to escape. But, just as my workings with Vera, I needed to press on. No matter the cost. Wow, looking back now I can’t believe just how brave I was. Maybe time has altered that perception. Its difficult to tell now.

“A god must be worshipped. A monster is a beast to be slain.”

I didn’t receive the violent reaction I had been expecting. Instead I watched her eyebrows as they raised up. Again she seemed amused by me. I guess that’s better than what I had initially anticipated.

“What if you were wrong?”

“Then what is the distinction?”

“There is none…”

The silence that followed was unequivocally and paradoxically deafening. The complete stillness of everything in the room made me truly question whether this was all a vision or perhaps a waking dream.

“What?” was all I managed to say.

“Gods are self made. You don’t get to become one without demonstrating your power. Back home, there was a god. Now, you probably wouldn’t have thought it was one. You expect it to appear in living flesh. You expect it to have some tangible form you can see and hear. But it wasn’t. It died before I was even born. Now there are no gods where I come from. Now we have come here to climb that ladder.”

“So you come and kill and torment for...for what?”

“I used to think it was self-assurance. Now I see it. I see it in you. I drink it in everytime I witness your little body shake. Even if you won’t admit it you feel it. I know you do.”

She was right. Logically I knew she was just a delusion homicidal maniac but still everything she accused me of was there. In my skin. In my mouth. I had originally felt it with Vera, but now that it was being brought to the forefront of my dynamic awareness. I shuttered at just how real it was.

“Why do you hate humans so much?”

“Hate? Hate? I don’t hate humans. In fact I can honestly say that I hate my own race far more than I hate yours. You are...stepping stones is all.”

I think the most troubling thing about it all was how quickly she had adapted. The Amora I saw the day before was not the same Amora that I was trapped with now. It's like she had spent all her time formulating her little speech. It was well crafted I’d have to give her that.

“Well, why don’t we talk about something else…”

Amora set her other hand down and leaned in even closer. Steadily, she lowered herself down until her chest rested on the floor.
“Fine.” was all she whispered.

A few subtle gestures later I was ready to begin. Now I had to progress this relationship of ours (if you can even call it that). Vera had grown fond of me, but then again whose to say she wouldn’t have grown fond of anyone? What was it she liked about me again? Did she ever answer that inquiry? I can’t even remember. It didn’t matter anyway, Amora was vastly different and would likely never develop any sort of tenderness for me as Vera had.

“So why don’t you…”


“...Tell me…”

“What?” she mumbled.

I swallowed hard and winced prematurely.

“Tell me about your relationship with Gurn…”

I opened my eyes and saw only a blanket of gold in front of me. Amora had bowed her head and now waited with her eyes fixed on the ground. It was a fresh wound and I went for it. It was cruel, sure, but it was a necessary pressure point.

“Shut the fuck up…” was her initial response.

“Alright we could-”

“I SAID SHUT UP!” she suddenly screamed.

I fell flat on my back. My ears were ringing. It was all I could think about. If this was to keep up I’d be completely deaf before I turned thirty. My limbs instinctively tried to get me as far from her as possible, but it ended up just being a pitiful fit of flailing.


“You leave him out of this. You think that this has some sort of deeper meaning to me? Well it doesn’t so just SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

I managed to pull myself up. Between my crude gasps for breath I managed to wheeze out a follow up:

“I’m....sorry...I didn’t know…you cared...so much”

Then, like a shy cat, she turned her face away from me. The sudden realization that my assumptions might not be as accurate as I thought slapped me clean across the face. What was it I had gotten wrong? I didn’t have long to wait till I found out.

“I don’t care…”


She slowly turned back to face me. Her face was a mix of disappointment and regret.

“He abandoned me. Left me to be captured by you little people. He’s nothing to me.”

Fair enough. For a moment I thought I saw a tear welling up in corners of her glossed eyes, but she didn’t weep. Not once. Nevertheless, I could sense it would remain a sensitive subject for quite some time. It was strange that the first hint of affection amongst the giants was discarded in a matter of days. The link between their self-imposed isolationism and their trust issues was unmistakable. I’d have to ask Vera about it. I felt she would have a different perspective on it all.


Whoa. Damn. I was daydreaming again. As bad at it seemed it was also a good sign. It meant I was at least growing a little accustomed to Amora’s temperament. Lucky for me I never seemed to drift off in extremely tense encounters.

“Wha- sorry I-”

“So you just going to stare at me or do you have something else to say?”

“I-suure-hold on”

There I went again, getting all flustered. It was maddening really. But I think I had the right to be at least a little flustered, what with me getting as close as one can get to a giant without a death being involved. One of them most certainly wanted me dead, whilst the other treated me more or less like a plaything. It wasn’t the most comfortable existence but it was one I was willing to lead at that point in my life.

“You’re such a waste of time…”

“Well, I’m sorry, how about you tell me more about Vera while I get my questions together?” I nearly bit my lip off as I peered up at her looming face. She looked thoroughly annoyed. Blindly I started shuffling through the files in my satchel to give the illusion that I was actually organized.

“There’s not much else to say.”


“Well, she liked animals…”


“They didn’t like her though…”

That could be a useful little tidbit. I didn’t really have the time or energy to engineer exactly how I was to go about using it but it was helpful nonetheless.

“What about people?”

“I assume you mean you...things? And what about them?”

“Vera, how was she with people…”

Amora regarded me with another puzzled look. It was a calm confusion but it passed quickly.

“Why are you so interested in her?”

“I’m just trying get a different perspective on her.”

She stared back skeptically.

“She wasn’t that different from anyone else. I mean...she didn’t like to touch them. She liked scaring them mostly…”

That was nothing new. Everything she had told me had come at no surprise. Old Vera didn’t seem all that different from the Vera I knew. Not a menace, more a distant hazard that should be avoided rather than assaulted. Lonely, but not a loner. But, just when I was satisfied with Amora’s response, she continued on:

“Of course there was the incident at the river…”

“What incident?”

Amora shot back up into her original position. Another grin of malicious satisfaction awaited me when she finally settled back down. Her tongue slipped out like a serpent, ran over her upper lip, then vanished once more between her fulgid teeth.

“Why don’t you ask her about it?”


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