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Author's Chapter Notes:
10 MARCH, 1943
(2:25 A.M./UTC-3)
* * * * *

It was like a scene out of "Dante's Inferno" illustrated by Hal Foster.*

Flames all around. Waffen-SS troopers, totally out of ammunition, running for their lives. Stark terror etched on their faces...and highly evident in their voices. The reason being the giant half-naked blonde women chasing them! Chasing them, snatching them up, and swallowing them whole, when possible. Crushing them--literally--underfoot, when it wasn't. The isolated handfuls that managed to avoid both fates?

They wound up suffering an even more ignominious fate.

Brevet Captain Phillips and Vasco Gonsalves had tripped the emergency release lever to all the cages housing the gigantized guinea pigs. Whereupon, the two men started making like cattle rustlers in a Western movie. Firing their grease guns over the heads of the albino rodents in order to make them stampede out of the research building!

Consequently, the few terror-stricken storm troopers still surviving wound up getting flattened like freshly poured asphalt beneath a steam roller.

The guinea pigs, themselves, did not outlive their accidental victims for very long, however. Upon reaching the shore of the island, they took to the water like Alaskan lemmings. But, unlike lemmings, these rodents would never get the chance to drown from exhaustion. Not when all their panicky swimming was generating sound waves easily detectable to the female Elasmosaurus...and her brood.

Meanwhile, back within the Nazi compound, the Prussian blonde giantesses reassembled around Kaikala and her newly arrived allies (Vasco and the Allied commando team).

"Look!" exclaimed the twin sister of the group's leader: "More little snacks. Are you nicht still hungry, Helga?"

"Ja, Ilsa," replied the latter: "Und I think these will do just fein."

"NO!" shouted Kaikala (immediately placing her legs on either side of the commando team, so that she straddled them like a nude-yet-maternal Colossus of Rhodes): "No mas muerte anoche! I will not allow it."

Helga openly scoffed: "You may be twice our height, individually, hure. But, collectively? We will still subdue you like we did before. Only this time, we will smother you to death!"

"ALTO!" shouted a new voice (even louder than Kaikala had shouted less than two minutes ago).

The Chilean-born Easter Islander looked to her right and gasped. She had returned! Ina; the goddess of light. Just as Kaikala remembered her from the dream. Long, raven-black hair. A cloak of equally black feathers concealing her otherwise naked body. And extra-long canine teeth, that were more like fangs, protruding from...

Then, it dawned on her.

"You are not a goddess. You are a demoness!"

The latter smiled: "As the gringos say; six of one. Half-dozen of the other. My true name is...Labia. And I will need these young mujeres to restart the Order of the Melissae. The gringo scientist was half-right with regard to one thing. Giants _will_ walk the Earth, once more. But, they will not do as puppets of little men. Rather, the mistresses thereof!"

Kaikala immediately started to move forward, in an instinctive urge to stop the false goddess. Yet, even as she did so, her immediate surroundings suddenly became enveloped in a bluish haze. Almost as if she were swimming underwater through a cloud of translucent India ink!

She was not moving a muscle, however. Neither were Vasco and the Allied commando team. All of the aforementioned were completely paralyzed! Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Labia and the Prussian giantesses. The latter started gathering around the former as if they were walking in their sleep. Labia then placed each of her arms across the shoulders of Helga and Ilsa in a maternal triple hug.

All before sneering at Kaikala.

"Until we meet again, mi hermana."

Whereupon, they disappeared. Blue haze and all.

To Be Concluded.
Chapter End Notes:
*Hal Foster: creator/author/illustrator of the now classic "Prince Valiant" comic strip.

"No mas muerte anoche! (No more death, tonight!)"

Order of the Melissae: see A "SMALLER" SHADE OF GRAY.

"...mi hermana (...my sister)."
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