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Author's Chapter Notes:
Most of the following is based on actual Easter Island history and mythology.
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9 MARCH, 1943
(2:11 A.M./UTC-3)

"How do you intend to do that Senhor Profesor," Gonsalves mockingly inquired: "...when you cannot even pierce her skin at giant-size?"

Kraus' grin was equally smug.

"Gustave radioed me, yesterday afternoon, how the two of you affected her capture, Herr Gonsalves. So, we shall transport her into our main laboratory the same way. By using a diamond-tipped elephant syringe to inject her with scopolamine! Nor will she give us any resistance at the time of injection as her sailcloth bindings have been well-sprayed with copious amounts of...chloroform."

Gonsalves shook his head: "You are biting off more than you can chew, pendejo."

The last part of that utterance caused the biochemist to stiffen his posture.

"Und you are greatly underestimating me, schweinhund! Giants shall, indeed, walk the Earth, once more...in service to Der Third Reich. Hei...!"

Before Kraus could complete that damnable salute, the expatriate Portuguese bounty hunter lunged forward. Driving Kraus to the ground, flat on his back, with Gonsalves' bare hands clutched tightly around his throat! Unfortunately, his Waffen-SS guards recovered from their momentary surprise, just as swiftly.

The nearest two of them using the butts of their Schmeissers against the back of Gonsalves' head. And, once they had helped Kraus back on to his feet, the biochemist glared at the unconscious Gonsalves.

"Lock him up with the giantesses. But, first; have Fraulein Santapietro bring the Easter Islander, here. We do not want to arouse Fraulein Herrera's jealousy...just yet."

* * * * *

Kaikala was having a dream, and she knew it. Yet, it was the strangest one she had ever had. For one thing, she was still in the huge warehouse. But, the blonde Prussian giantesses who had been guarding her were nowhere to be seen. Furthermore...

...her bindings were gone!

She was now standing on her own two feet, again. Still naked; but, also, still one hundred feet tall. Then, she noticed the air. It seemed to have become suffused with a translucent blue mist! Before she could ponder that any further, however, she heard a voice softly utter her name.


The raven-haired giantess spun about and confronted...another raven-haired giantess. One just as tall as Kaikala. And, almost just as naked. A long cloak of black feathers being the only article of clothing the former seemed to have.

"Q-Q-Quien...?" Kaikala stammered.

The voice that replied did so in perfect English. But, Kaikala somehow sensed that she was hearing it in her mind, rather than with her ears!

"I am Ina, goddess of light. And, you and your brother are the sole surviving descendants of myself and my consort; Alika of the Marama Clan."

Kaikala could not help gasping.

"Alika is my brother's name!!"

Ina nodded: "When my people, the Hanau epe, ruled Rapa Nui, they prevented inbreeding by having the menehunes of the Eight Clans perform a great feat, once a year. All the able-bodied young adult men of the clans would swim the shark-infested channel between Rapa Nui and the neighboring islet of Moto Nui. There, they would each grab up the first-laid egg of each of the nesting manu taras. Then, they would swim back across the channel to the cliff of Rano Kau. The first one to scale that cliff, with his egg unbroken, would win stewardship of the island's sacred palm trees, for himself and his clan, for the next twelve months. And, the winner, himself, would become the consort of the eldest daughter of the Hanau epe's high chief. Thereby fathering her children!"

"But, I fell in love with my consort. So much so, that I willingly helped Alika and the kahunas of the Eight Clans rise up in successful revolt against my people! Unfortunately, they would not allow us to remain a couple. I was driven into exile, by the magic of the kahunas, along with the rest of my people. Which is how the Tangata Manu came to rule Rapa Nui in our stead."

"And they abused their rule more than the Hanau epe ever did. Exhausting almost all of the island's natural resources by the time the Chileans enslaved their descendants! A fate that will befall the rest of the world if this other race of white men learn the secret of your mana, my child."

"What must I do, My Goddess?" Kaikala was now able to ask without stuttering.

"Wait for the sign I will send you. Then, strike! Strike against these evil haoles with all your might. And, of course, with the help of your chosen menehune."

Kaikala felt herself blushing at Ina's knowing wink, just before the dream-vision ended.

Chapter End Notes:
*Hanau epe ("Long Ears"): Polynesian term for the semi-mythical first rulers of Easter Island.

Rapa Nui: Polynesian name for Easter Island.

Menehunes: legendary little people (mostly of Hawaiian myth).

Manu tara: sooty tern.

Tangata Manu ("Bird Men"): theocratic society that ruled Easter Island after the Moai Period.

Mana: Polynesian term for spiritual power.

Haoles: Hawaiian term for white men (I did some liberal borrowing, linguistically speaking).
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