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Anna lifted her palm until it lay, face up, inches from her face. Stark naked and three inches in height, Kal stood, feet balanced to either side of her central palmar crease. She made a kissy face, and then smacked her lips, blowing on him gently. Kal raised his arms in defense of the breeze, curled brown hair rippling.

'So, umm, can you talk Kal?'

Anna watched his mouth open and lips move in rhythm as he spoke. The sound that he produced was mouse-like, and quiet. She turned her head, pressing her ear closer. And yet, the best he could manage was a louder, quiet squeak. Anna felt her ear touch his body, the helix forming a cavity around his entire torso and head. His pitch was unintelligible, even at this distance. Anna shook her head in frustration, the motion pressing her earlobe directly into Kal's chest, bowling him over onto his back. Turning back, she saw him laying there, body easily strewn across the breadth of her palm, rubbing his head as he rolled over onto all fours.

'Can you hear me Kal?' she asked, her inflection dramatic. The tiny figure in her hand, a miniature duplicate of her boyfriend Kal, nodded slowly. Anna sighed with relief at the gesture, but forgetful of her distance, blew him off balance once more. He managed to stay upright, barely.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This is just, this will... take some getting used to.'

Kal wouldn't able to speak to her. Or, she wouldn't be able to understand his speech. Anna lowered his platform to the counter, palm upright, and he stepped off, onto the glass plateau.

'He looks cute, Anna. And it's just the body-care kit today? Or did you find something else to your liking?'

'Thanks, Candy. He, I mean, we really appreciate you doing this. Did you have any other suggestions? I'm just trying to figure this all out. He's really delicate.'

'Actually, you'll find that a shrunken man is quite resilient. Without going into details, you can think about the strength of an ant, strength and durability don't scale like you might imagine. If you want my advice, spend some time with him, and when you decide to try some new things, I'll be here to help you along.'

'Alright. Ok. Then we're off I guess.' Anna said, then paused. 'Is there a better way to carry him around? I don't want to crush him.'

Candy laughed playfully at the remark.

'Anna, you are far too uptight. As I said, try not to worry so much, after all Kal is now your property. He's your toy to play with as you please. You can put him wherever you want, whenever you want. Perhaps try being creative, you might find yourself enjoying it.'

It didn't feel right to consider him a toy. Glancing at her sun-dress, she had no pockets. Her purse was jumbled full of plastic accessories and makeup for Kal to be crushed in. With a determined look, she reached down to the counter where Kal stood, staring up at the two of them, and grabbed him. Her fingertips locked into a pinching grip, Anna lifted his naked body up, and then brought her hand in close to her neckline.

'In you go Kal. Consider this a warm-up.' said Anna. Then she released him. His tiny hands landed against the skin over her clavicle, and he began sliding. Without watching, Anna strode towards the door, feeling him slip past the joining curves of her breasts. He passed between the mounds, and then stopped abruptly, pressed within the triangle of her bra and flesh. She could feel him there as she walked, each subtle bounce squishing his body and then recoiling. It felt... nice. It was just passing noon, and the sun was sweltering. Anna walked half a block, making her way back to her parking spot just around the corner. Anna had no way of knowing if he could still breathe, his tiny body was no match for the dense fatty walls that engulfed him. No, he was fine. Candy said that he wouldn't damage easily. Reaching her car, she pulled keys from inside her purse and found the unlock. Sitting down, her breasts stilled, and Anna felt him pressing against the upper fold of the bra. His head poked above the fabric, and he scrawled himself high enough to sit atop her left mound.

'Alright Kal, we're heading home now. I think it's best you get back in there for now. Safety first after all. I don't have a seat belt in your size, so my home-grown air bags will have to do.'

He obliged her, both feet pushing softly into her skin. With a leap, he vaulted up and tucked into a diving position, hands pointed straight down, and then disappeared into her chest once more. His body formed a small lump in the mid line, barely noticeable. Anna snickered as he dove. She barely caught it, having to look straight past her nose without curling her chin down. Once he was securely positioned back inside her bra, Anna twisted the key. The hum of the engine vibrated Kal against her sternum. Hands turned to pull out of the stall, and set into first gear, Anna paused her foot on the brake. With swift rub, she slid Kal away from the mid line, leaving him flattened against the center of her left breast, nipple jutting into his naked body. She patted him lightly with four fingers, then pressed into the gas.

'Much better. Be a good boy and rub that, will you?'

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