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Anna lay on the fine sand, stretched out along a flowery blue beach towel. She could feel the soft texture under her back, giving way under her weight like memory foam, only less forgiving. A ridge had formed under her upper back, and it pressed the tie of her bikini into her spine. Shifting left, she rolled onto her hip and readjusted it, looking down at her toes and out towards the water. She was right, it did nag at her.

Her discomfort wasn't simply from the garment. She worried. Kal was out there, beneath the glassy blue, piloting a home-made submarine on a surreptitious underwater adventure. Or maybe she was just jealous. With the flaming sun glaring, it was hard to actually look out too far. Anna rolled completely onto her chest, letting her breasts slump into the indent formed by her shoulder blades, and reached for her bag, a simple creamy linen satchel. Her hand reached above and dipped inside, navigating through sunscreen, a water bottle, the distress light, crap! The distress light. He'd been out there for at least ten minutes, and she had been dozing and dreaming. It was no wonder she had that nagging feeling. She grabbed out the leopard frames and popped them on, then pulled up to her knees and plucked out the light. The red glass that housed the bulb was dark. Nothing.

'Just checking the ol' button, hey Anna?'

Sam's voice surprised her, and she fumbled with the device. Her shadow came closer, and shaded Anna, perched over the bag. Sam was looking up when she turned, staring off into the great blue yonder, likely watching the seagulls swooping far above.

'Yea. Yea. It worries me, Sam. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but lets face it. If the plastic shattered, or the hatch failed, a fish could just swim by and...' Anna snapped her outstretched fingers down on her thumb, simulating an alligator's bite. Sam giggled.

'Right, because fishes eating small plant bits occasionally hunt for tiny submarine passengers. Very common.'

Anna's face tightened. She could feel the pulse in her lips. Sam was mocking, and the idea was ridiculous. Still, this must be what motherhood was like. The analogy was terrible, she had no intention of babying Kal, but how else could she feel? Even if she was more willing to explore Kal's limits, or his limitations, it was different when he was all alone. Especially in an unknown, undersea environment.

'Screw it. Sam, let's go in the water?'

The question was only half-asked. Anna had already scrambled to her feet, adjusting her bra once more, and heading to the water. Sam's hopping footfalls, quietened by the sand, traipsed after. Anna halted at the water's edge, watching the light surf darken the color of the wet sand with each wave. She stepped onto the moist barrier, letting her toes sink in and form tiny puddles. Sam approached, and stood next to her. Anna just watched her toes, the silky foam tingling her feet with its sharp chill. It wasn't terribly cold, just by contrast to the sun's radiating warmth. Standing there, she felt the air pick up against her face, carrying the salt and lifting her hair. Sam's blonde mane blew over her left shoulder, obscuring her face. Like some terrible shampoo commercial. Anna laughed.

'What? What?' Sam asked. Her smile shifted, less grinning and more, complacent. Anna felt the understanding that shone from exuberant eyes. It was a soft undertone, but it was there.

'Nothing,' Anna replied, looking out to the water. Her eyes watched the waves, and began to inspect the nearby surface. Nothing moved underneath except tiny grains, tossed by current as it came ashore. Her feet grew colder as she waited.

'Let's go in. I'm betting there's a tiny submarine captain who would love nothing more than to find two giant girls playing in the water. As long as he doesn't have any torpedoes on board...'

Anna shot Sam a playful look before sidestepping into ankle depth. She strode out at a running pace, and was soon tripped up by the rising height of the water. The resistance caught her at her knees and Anna pressed off hard, gliding forwards against the surface. It caught her face, and she opened her eyes, watching the passing bottom as she swam forwards, frog-kicking casually. As the bottom grew more distant, she rolled and caught a breath, scanning again as her lips returned below the surface. The salty taste was already in her mouth, but it wasn't unpleasant. The landscape below was unchanging, until she felt a tug against her ankle.

Anna drew her knee up sharply and spun, vortexing the water as she turned and surfaced. Sam was treading behind her, speaking between the stifle of passing waves.

'Hey Anna, I think I've found our little captain. This way!'

Sam's head dove, and Anna pursued. The floor was now twelve feet below them, and the shoreline a fair distance back. Sam was down several feet, head twisting left and right as she scouted forward. The water was fairly clear as she hovered beneath the cover of bubbles up towards the sunlight. Little rays were dancing on the lines of sand furrowed out in the bottom. Sam suddenly maneuvered left, outwards even farther, and pointed. Anna followed her fingertip. As promised, the miniature submarine, Tiny Diver decal along its side, was zipping about thirty feet away. It plummeted down, leveling out and stirring up sand as it pranced. Anna began to swim in that direction, but was forced back up for air. She crawled along the surface for several strokes, before returning below, directly above the submarine. Bringing herself down to its height, she brought her length beside it. Anna paused there, feeling the easy tug of the current, rocking gently with the waves above. She watched his cockpit, and drew her face in close as he approached. Kal was standing above his foam seat, the submarine still propelling forwards, and was waving. Anna smiled and waved back, puffing up her cheeks and making fishy pursed lips. He darted along past her ear, past her shoulder and hiked around her toes. She felt the movement as it scurried past. He hiked around her feet in an arc and moments later came back into view, taking a bit of extra length to turn about face.

Sam had swum beneath them, exhaling a stream of bubbles so that she could prevent herself from floating upwards. They drifted up against Anna's legs, tickling them as they globbed on. Anna kicked at the sensation, sending them streaming onwards and up. Anna glanced down at Sam, she was making faces and dramatic clawing motions. In halted steps, she paced along the sandy floor, like an underwater Godzilla, before jumping up directly below the submarine. Kal darted forwards, just enough to dodge her. Anna felt the beveled end come into her chest, nuzzling itself against her bosom. Anna held it there and squeezed tight with relief. She pressed its entire length against her soft mounds, holding it horizontally. The rotor spun on one side, and Anna giggled, shaking her head. He wasn't getting away if she could help it. It was the call of oxygen that made her release, and she surfaced once more. Sam met her above the waves.

'Hah! That thing is awesome. But I think it's about time Kal learned that mermaids aren't always so nice.'

Sam disappeared, and Anna went after her. Sam was rushing down at the submarine, narrowly missing it with her arms as she whipped past. Anna approached slower, watching as he veered quickly to the side and then tipped upwards and away. She swam towards the submarine with a grin, sneaking close from behind, and swatted at it lightly. Her palm contacted the side and pushed it downwards. It wobbled as the rudder fought against the assault. Sam met it with an open palm, grappling the sub and pulling it farther towards the bottom. She brought it past her face, teeth bared, lowering the submarine at a slow pace. Anna held her face close as well, two smiling behemoths watching their prey capsize beneath the waves. Kal was pushing at the buttons in a panic, spinning the engine and waving the rudder back and forth. A stream of bubbles pulsed from her nostrils as she tried to stifle a laugh. She had to thank Sam for her excellent inventions. Even if she had no inclination towards becoming a giantess, she definitely had a spirited child within. And together, they were the dangerous, yet sexy, bikini clad creatures of the deep.



Anna rapped her fingers against the cockpit, prying at the plastic bubble that shielded Kal within. He jostled in his seat as her concussive taps pounded the roof. He was strapped in with a double shoulder belt, face forward and deadpan, focused on saving the ship. A true captain, he would get her out safely, or go down with the ship. Kal watched the gigantic fingernails as they searched for any opening, anything to grip and rip him from the pressurized safety of the cabin. It wasn't looking good. He lowered his captain's hat, anchor adorned brim lowering to cover his eyes. Things weren't looking good, but not every great commander made it home.

Not that failure was the worst option. He'd had a good run. Seen a few fishes, braved a few currents, explored the depths that no shrunken man had ever explored. Or maybe they had, he couldn't be sure. And if he did indeed go down, at least it was into the waiting clutches of scantily dressed women with hungry eyes and soft chests. A man could do worse. Kal whipped the rudder left and right, but it wasn't moving. An unseen force, likely attached to the demoness that strongly resembled Sam, pulled him down. As long as they didn't get inside, he was safe, eventually they would need air, and then he could make an escape. He knew from his captain's log of nearly twenty minutes that this particular breed needed to surface regularly. If he held out, he'd head for shore and for safety. If he could reach those forgiving, wavy slopes, he could burst the cap and make a run for the beach.

No, no. That was a terrible option. The beach was fraught with dangers of its own. Gigantic feet that left massive indentations in the sand. Winged white predators swooped from above. There was no winning for a tiny captain in an unforgiving world. Yet explore he could, and explore he must. A massive smiling face, sharp incisors bared neared from beside him, another perched above. They were happy to watch him sink. He was a toy to them.

And he kinda' liked it.

Not that he had a moment to think. As predicted, the monsters only held on so long. Kal jammed his index into the thrust, feet pressed down to brace himself. The sub shot forwards, and he navigated it towards shore. He zigged and zagged, following the incline upwards and to shallower depths. Were they still behind him? How had he forgotten to install mirrors? Luckily, it appeared that these pretty creatures lacked normal underwater trappings, no fins or gills meant he stood a chance. The lights danced above him, swirling along the bottom of his cockpit, brighter and brighter as he raced. The swimming temptress that resembled Anna appeared in front of him, smiling upside down. It's torso blocked his path. It was... inviting, so soft, so pretty... no damnit, Captain Kal would never be so easily swayed. The last crushing embrace almost collapsed the struts on the starboard side of the hull, and could have broken a rudder. He veered swiftly, just as two arms came forward expectantly, and managed a narrow escape between a hairless armpit. A length of string, easily wide enough to be scarf held down the covering of the monster's tempting breasts. It vanished behind him as he scuttled past, only to be met with the second demon. He was blown off course by a coursing blast from its kick. As it rounded to face him, its swirling force turned him yaw, leaving him disoriented. The submarine was rolling and diving, a torrent that would have rattled him about the capsule if not for his secure seating. He caught a quick breath, and thought to let his dizzy eyes settle, but there was no time. World spinning, sand below his head, Captain Kal fought onward. Upside down as he was, Kal aimed to bring the submarine between her legs. They were closing in, narrowing the gap that was his only viable route. It was too late to turn away, and he gunned the rotor, maximizing his acceleration in a furious burst. His hair was hung below him and it snapped back as he was pressed into the seat. Fingers approached from below, narrowly missing, but sending the boat into an uncontrolled spin. Kal held on, unable to prevent or even ascertain his course. Locked in a tight barrel roll, Kal yelled. Had he accidentally double-tapped R?! Light, sand, surface, depths, legs, bikini, legs, sand, light...


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