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Lisa picked up the hotdog and brought it toward her gaping mouth. I watched as the front of it entered, sealing one man’s fate. The little guy that had the misfortune of being stuck at the front of the hotdog pulled with all his might, but the ketchup refused to let him escape. Her teeth passed over him and then slowly bit down. This left him in complete darkness for a moment before there was light once more, though not for long. The girl was chewing with her mouth open, which wasn’t very ladylike, but it kind of made sense. Lisa wasn’t just some young girl anymore; right now she was an executioner. After a couple seconds of more chewing she swallowed, sending her first bite down to be digested. I had no idea if he was still alive or if he had been chewed up along with the hotdog, but that didn’t really matter. Either way, he was dead.

The next man on the chopping block was at the middle of the hotdog and had seemingly given up on freeing himself. While some people fight for their lives to the last moment, others resign I guess. It was really sad to watch. The man hung his head, expecting to be the next thing to enter her mouth, but he was given a small amount of hope when she set the hotdog down. What was she doing? Her hand reached for a chip, which caused those in the dip to beginning panicking more. They were still trying to swim through the goop to reach the side of the bowl, but the dip was much thicker than water. It stuck to the skin and bogged them down, almost like a swamp. A chip descended toward them and scooped up two men, leaving one to be spared for now. Lisa’s mouth opened, but I could also see a slight grin as she did. This must be her favorite dip or something, because she made an audible moan of delight when she started chewing up the chip. The loud chewing noises made me grimace. I didn’t want to imagine what they were experiencing right now.

Due to Lisa’s somewhat sloppy table manners, a bit of dip was messily getting onto her top lip. I was both shocked and happy to see that there was a speck in that dip. One of my friends was not chewed alive yet, he was simply stuck to her lip. I’m sure if he could just pull himself away that he could-“Oops.” Lisa giggled as a pink monster poked out of her lips. Oh no. As quickly as I had noticed him, Lisa noticed her mess as well. Her tongue darted out of her mouth and licked her upper lip, pulling him back with the rest of her food. She then swallowed once again, having now killed a total of three of our friends. There was still so much dinner left, but I was ready for this nightmare to be over. As I mourned my lost friends, I began to consider my own life. I was stuck in a slice of cake. Did that mean I was to be saved for last…or was she the type to go straight for the good stuff?


Chapter End Notes:

Three down, seven to go! What do you think she'll be going for next?

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