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Author's Chapter Notes:

Whew, this one took me a bit didn't it? I was kind of agonizing over how to write it properly and settled upon this. I'm actually quite happy with it! ...Which probably means its meh.

Anyway, enjoy. As always, comments, questions, critiques and the like are welcome!

Lyria found herself unable to do much of anything but stare helplessly up at Sally as the human looked down at the shrunken troll. Her mind however was exploding with every possible scenario she could do to salvage this situation. If she captured Winona before the troll opened her stupid mouth then maybe she could explain it away as something work related. There was a way out of this she just needed to stop the troll from saying anything to Sally-

"You have to help us! This crazy bitch has been holding us captive for weeks; she even ate one of us!" Winona cried.

Like that for example.

Sally blinked and then looked to Lyria, who had gotten to her knees. "Wha-what is she talking about Lyria? Is- is this like a real fucking person?"

The elf pondered exactly what she could say here, for once finding herself at a complete loss for words. The cat was very much out of the bag and down the next street from Winona's words. Sally could see with her own eyes exactly what Lyria got up to in her free time and she did not predict this would go over well. The blue haired young woman looked at her helplessly, trying to make sense of the situation obviously. The elf locked her jaw for a moment before settling on trying to talk her down.

"Now, Sally, please calm down. I can explain." Lyria said, trying to keep her tone level and calm.

Winona yelled up at Sally. "Don't believe a word she says! She's going to lie to you!"

The elf very wanted to pound the troll into a very gooey red paste at that very moment. Instead she gathered herself up and smiled slightly at Sally. If she approached the matter calmly and coolly then she might have a chance here. Sally did not yet know it but she stood on the brink of being able to utterly ruin Lyria for good. All she would need to do was let out this whole thing and the elf would be very dead very fast. As such it was important to get the young woman to see her side of things.

"I am not going to lie to you, my dear. Please, just come sit down on the couch with me so we can talk. You can bring Winona over with you if you like." She said, offering an encouraging smile as she adopted a comforting tone.

Sally nodded dumbly and carefully offered Winona her hand, the troll clinging to her like a drowning man on a rock. Lyria gestured over to the couch and sat down beside Sally as the human placed the troll on the glass table. Good. Things were reasonably back in her control. Now she just needed to keep the situation from escalating overmuch. Sally continued to stare at Winona, almost as though she couldn't believe her eyes. Lyria imagined that she might very well not.

"Winona, since you are so mouthy why don't you talk first."

Lyria then endured the troll shouting and waxing lyrical about what the past few weeks had been like. She went into especial detail about how she had eaten Leth, which earned a shocked look from Sally. The blue haired young woman looked at her warily however Lyria remained completely outwardly calm. If she lost her temper then any chance of her ever salvaging the situation was lost. When Winona finished both looked at her, the troll in triumph and Sally in something bordering horror.

Seeing that expression on her girlfriend's face hurt a lot more than she would like to admit. Lyria buried that hurt and instead turned her attention to Winona. She didn't snarl, she didn't glare or anything like that. What she did instead was to move her hand closer to the troll, curl her finger up against her thumb and then flick Winona hard. The troll had the breath knocked from her lungs and was thrown onto her back by that. Sally looked mortified.

"What the hell, Lyria!? What the fuck are you doing!?" She cried.

Lyria gave her a calm look. "Look closely at her, Sally. Tell me what you see."

Sally obliged. "I see a woman you just fucking hurt!"

Lyria shook her head. "Really? Because what I see is a worthless worm barely worthy of being considered a person."

"What Winona failed to mention was why she is like this. She and two others orchestrated a level of corporate sabotage that got several people killed and almost cost me my position. My superiors gave me allowance to do with them as I pleased. I have one other here who can attest to that being true as he was a survivor of their actions." The elf stated.

Sally looked at the recovering Winona a bit more warily and Lyria almost smirked as she could practically see the gears in her head turning. The wind from the troll's little horror story was mostly knocked from the sails, now Lyria had a decent chance of turning this in her favor. Sally thought for a moment before turning her attention back to the elf. The look in her eyes showed that things were turning the elf's way.

"Let me talk to this other guy."

"Wait! But he's her trained little pet! You can't-!" Winona started.

Sally looked at the tiny woman. "Shut the fuck up! Seriously, let me... fuck, just let me figure this shit out. Goddamn..." She said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Lyria smirked at that response and walked into her room. If she played her cards just right then she might well get out of this. Of course that all depended upon Sam. That thought struck her like a lightning bolt, stopping her hand from pulling the drawer out. Her fate was quite literally in Sam's hands. It would be quite easy for him to go along with Winona's story and free himself from her once and for all. He might well be her pet but when a chance like this was presented to him perhaps he might well see hope of getting his old life back.

The fear almost stopped her from opening the drawer. Even still there was no other choice here. Sam's story was her only hope of turning things her way and keeping Sally calm and on her side. If she could erase any sympathy for the conspirators from her mind, make her and Sam appear their victims then there might be a chance. It was her only chance really. Lyria had never been much of a gambling woman but right now she was flipping a coin. On one side was a way out of this awful situation and on the other was her almost assured death.

Slowly she opened the drawer and held Sam up in her hand. "Listen. Sam. Sally found Winona. I need you to tell her all about the fact that they screwed your team over. If she doesn't believe me then..."

Sam's eyes widened. "I- You are serious? She knows?"

Lyria nodded. "Please Sam. Please, I need you to help me here."

Sam looked thoughtful for a long moment. The elf couldn't get a read on exactly what he was thinking for once and that scared her. The thought that this could be his escape had to have crossed his mind once. No doubt he was thinking about it even. However when he simply nodded in response to her pleading she still had no idea what his plans were. The whole walk back to the living room Lyria could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Real and actual fear was spreading through her veins like ice as she set him down on the table.

All eyes were on Sam. Sally's curious ones, Winona's desperate ones, and Lyria's fearful ones. He looked at each one in turn, his gaze lingering upon Lyria's for a long moment before finally he spoke up.

"My name is Samuel. I used to be a shadowrunner." He started.

Sally's eyes widened. "Woah! Like, a real honest to God runner?" She interrupted, sounding rather impressed.

Sam smirked at her. "Yeah, the real deal chummer." He said.

"That's six kinds of badass, man. I knew this one guy- sorry, keep going." Sally said, noting the looks she was getting from both Lyria and Winona.

"Anyway. My team was given a mission to hit Yamatetsu for some experimental bioware. Formula 27. Didn't know what it did, wish I didn't now. We were given something to help us take out the power so we could get in, grab the data, and get out. We got in, but the getting out never happened for most of us." He said.

"It was a set up. Winona and two others set my team up as a distraction so they could steal some experimental cyberware. Every last one of my team got killed and I ended up a test subject for Formula 27, the pricks probably laughing at themselves at disposing of me like that. If Lyria hadn't picked me up and given me a chance I'd be dead and long dissected." He finished.

Winona looked fit to say something but Sally raised a hand. "Why did she help you? Just out of the kindness of her heart or some shit?" She asked

Sam scratched the back of his head and Lyria cleared her throat, opting to answer that one. "He and I had met in a bar and slept together. That was before we were together mind you. I recognized him and thought he had used me to get inside somehow. I was going to... punish him for that but I believed he honestly had no idea that I worked for Yamatetsu."

Sally was quiet for a long while, getting up off the couch and pacing around a bit nervously. Lyria swallowed hard out of her sight. The human might still very well decide to expose this whole thing despite the tale. Sam's testimony seemed to have at least taken the horror and disgust from her mind. Really, at the moment Lyria couldn't get a clear feeling on what Sally was thinking. Usually the human wore her emotions on her sleeve but now... now she was a little different.

After a minute or two the blue haired woman sat down and looked Lyria in the eye. "I want you to tell me fucking everything from the beginning. How you met Samuel here, whatever this Formula thing is, how you found out about these guys. Everything. Don't you dare lie to me."

Winona looked mortified. "But you can't-!"

Sally snarled at the troll. "Did I say, 'Winona you can talk'? I don't think I fucking did, so sit down and shut up!"

The troll promptly clamed up, likely realizing that alienating her one hope of escape was not the wisest of ideas. Lyria held back a smirk and recounted the entire sordid tale from her perspective. Honestly she was very surprised Sam had gone along with her. It tugged at her affection towards him and she made a note to reward her loyalty after this was done with. Right after she punished Winona in the worst ways possible of course. That was a task she would approach with especial glee.

Lyria obliged Sally's demand though it was with some hesitation that she spoke about certain events. It was classified information after all though, between exposing corporate secrets to her crass girlfriend and being exposed and silenced as a compromised asset the elf opted for the former. The blue haired woman listened attentively and honestly, telling it all back to someone just drove home how twisted and convoluted the whole thing had been. Sally's eyes widened when she mentioned Xana.

"Wait, like a real vampire? Fangs, red eyes, the whole thing?" She asked, sounding a bit skeptical.

The elf shivered as she remembered her dealings with the woman. "Unfortunately, yes, she was quite real. Sam and Win and both attest to that."

Sam simply nodded while the troll muttered some unflattering words towards Xana under her breath. With that question answered Lyria continued wrapped up her story and let Sally digest everything she'd been told. The blue haired young woman was still for a long while before she offered Lyria a slightly nervous smile. The expression itself told the elf nothing but how crazy all of this sounded to her.

"Babe, I get the feeling living with you won't be boring." She said, pecking the elf on the cheek.

Lyria felt a swell of victory as she looked at Winona's expression of pure despair. "Wait! You can't be serious!"

Sally turned a cold look towards the troll. "You tried to screw over my girlfriend, bitch, and you let some poor sap take the fall for your crimes, talk about a dick move. You're damn right I'm not gonna lift a finger to help you." She said, flicking the troll in a manner that Lyria didn't mind saying excited her.

Sally stood and sighed. "Right, I'm gonna go finish getting my shit all settled in. Once you finish up here I think we should... talk or something about this."

As soon as Sally was out of the room Lyria's hand lashed out and gripped Winona in something that could only be called a vice. She smiled in a sickly sweet manner as the troll had the breath crushed from her lungs. The look of terror upon Winona's face was delicious as she struggled to breathe. The amount of effort it took for her not to squeeze the troll into a gooey mess between her fingers was rather heroic but she did hold back. Oh no, she wasn't going to make things easy for the bitch.

"Win, Win, Win, I don't think I need to tell you how very displeased I am with you. Honestly, did you really think you could outwit me?" Lyria purred dangerously.

"Let me assure you, I will be punishing you most severely for this. I won't kill you though, not yet anyway. Instead I'm going to make every waking moment of your worthless life a complete hell. Starting now." The elf promised.

With that Lyria moved her grip so she could take one of Winona's arms between the thumb and forefinger of her other hand. Without so much as a pause she snapped the woman's arm, bone shattering under her grip easily. The troll howled in agony as her right arm was twisted at an odd angle now, thrashing wildly in Lyria's grip. Pleased by this the elf unzipped one of her boots and pulled it off, moving into the kitchen with both Win and it in her hands. She was going to enjoy this far more than was right.

Lyria riffled through one of the drawers and smiled as she pulled out a roll of masking tape. "If you don't want to be my pet then I'll just have to find another use for you." She stated, placing the struggling troll face down where the arch of her foot would normally rest inside.

The elf then maneuvered two strips of tape into the bottom of her boot, humming to herself as she worked. Once she had her victim secure within Lyria placed it down on the ground and slowly lowered her blue socked foot inside. The arch was really the best place to put her aside from area around her toes. It would greatly reduce the likelihood of her getting squashed prematurely. Winona's screams were cut short as her foot slid right into place and Lyria zipped up her boot. She smirked as she could feel the pleasant writhing of the pathetic woman under her foot.

"Ah, I think you are the perfect fit, Win. Enjoy your new job." The elf stated, though she knew the troll couldn't hear her.

She could only imagine what kind of personal hell Win was going through right now, trapped between the arch of her boot and her socked foot, though the constant writhing and squirming told her all she needed to know. It was of course extremely sadistic but considering what the troll had tried to pull Lyria was willing to make her a permanent addition to all of her footwear. If she ended up squished like a bug one day it was no skin off of her back. Sam and Akane were perfectly obedient after all.

Lyria walked back to the living room, her socked foot pressing into Win's tiny body again and again with each step. All joking aside the troll was quite a good fit right where she was, neither too much of a protrusion to make walking uncomfortable or too unnoticeable to avoid Lyria feeling pleased by her struggles. She returned to Sam who stared up at her with a raised brow. The elf offered her hand to her favorite pet and he stepped up onto it gratefully.

"So, what did you do with Win?"

Lyria smirked enigmatically. "Oh, I gave her a new job. She's much better suited for it than she ever was at being a pet. You won't be seeing too much of her but she'll be around."

With that the elf walked back to her room and placed a kiss upon the crown of Sam's head. He fell onto his back and Lyria promptly peppered his body with kisses. Her plush lips pecked at him again and again, and she noted his arousal was front and center. Idly she slid the door to her room shut as her silky tongue peeked out from behind her lips to flick over his erect member. He let out a low groan as she swished her tongue around between his legs liberally, showing her adoration to her favorite pet.

He squirmed under her tongue gloriously and Lyria made a note to use this method more often. She knew that he feared being inside of her mouth after her first punishment, however perhaps she might be able to work past that. At this stage she could well just force him into it and he would not protest much most likely, but she greatly preferred moments like this. With him pinned beneath her tongue and practically begging for her to dominate him completely. Forcing him into certain things held little appeal.

Under the constant stimulation he let out a strangled cry as his body tensed and he rode out the orgasm. The salty tinge of his release peppered onto the tip of her tongue, the member drawing back into her mouth. She swallowed the pitiful offering and smiled down at her heavily breathing pet. For his part Sam gazed up at her in gratitude, lying out in her hand covered in a thin coat of her saliva. Such a small amount merely tingled at his skin no doubt rather than burning at it.

"That is for being a good and loyal pet, Sammy." Lyria purred as she opened her drawer.

Sam smiled up at her strangely. "I thought about it, about trying to escape. I don't think I could go back to that life. Not after living with you, Lyria."

Those words warmed her heart slightly. "It makes me happy to hear you say that. You never need to go back to that life, not when you have an owner to dote over you." The elf said.

Sam opened his mouth to say something then closed it and then opened it again. "Lyria, I- Ah, never mind. It's... not important right now." He said.

Lyria lifted an elegant brow but simply shrugged it off and lowered Sam into her sock drawer, suspecting he'd vastly prefer a place there. She left the drawer open with a slight crack to allow light to enter. With him rewarded for his loyalty and Win enduring literally tons of punishment the elf felt a slight skip to her step as she left her room. Sally was waiting for her in the kitchen and she lifted a brow at her.

"So what did you do with the cow?" She asked.

The elf lifted her boot. "I tapped her to the arch of my boot. Inside mind you, I am not in the mind to forgive her soon."

The blue haired girl shook her head and leaned back at the kitchen table. "Could have just given me a warning, ya know something along the lines of; 'hey babe, I've got a bunch of shrunken people scurrying around my apartment. Watch your step.'" She grumbled.

Lyria sat down on her lap, earning a slight grunt from the other woman. "Now, now, would you have believed me if I told you that?" She purred.

A sharp bark of laughter. "Nah, I guess not. So, what's the deal? I mean with Sam and the other cunt that tried to fuck you over."

Lyria kissed Sally lightly on the lips. "What do you mean? I own them both; they are my pets, pretty simple really."

Sally pushed back slightly. "I mean now that I know can I... ya know handle them?"

Lyria pondered that question for a good few moments. She pressed her foot down slightly to compress Win a bit under her arch, pinning her completely to keep her squirming down as she thought. Honestly she hadn't thought of what Sally might want to do now that she knew. The fact that she wanted to handle them at all was surprising. Technically she was her girlfriend so if anyone should be allowed to handle her pets it would be her. She doubted Sam or Akane would protest too much.

"Certainly, my dear. My pets are your pets as long as we are together. Just be gentle with them. They are more fragile than you might think. If I'm not here then you can find Sam in my sock drawer and Akane in one of my old boots." Lyria said.

Sally beamed. "Thanks and I promise I'll be super careful with them!"

With that Lyria opted to indulge in a long kiss with her human girlfriend, who was only too happy to reciprocate. Sally's arms wrapped around the elf sitting upon her lap as she chased after her lips. The elf had a newfound respect for the human; certainly her acceptance of the bizarre situation was a sign of loyalty. Of course she was also feeling more than a little horny after making Win a new addition to her boots and getting Sam off. The metal table screeched as Sally laid Lyria back on the kitchen table with a smirk.

The human stripped off her boots, pausing for a moment to stare down into the one that held Win. The blue haired woman stuck out her tongue at the screaming and crying troll, and set the boot down. She unbuttoned the elf's jeans and unzipped them quickly, sliding them down Lyria's smooth and creamy legs. Her blue panties were similarly discarded, displaying her wetness for her partner to see. This had not been how she had planned to enjoy Sally's first day here but she had to admit it was a bit more arousing.

The human squatted down and dragged the elf's legs closer to her before all but burying her face between Lyria's thighs. The normally domineering woman let out a loud moan as she felt Sally's tongue slid between her moist folds, curving upwards to mercilessly assault the ceiling of her inner walls. The elf's eyes flew wide and her back arched, toes curling with delight as the human delved into her. Her fingers worked themselves into Sally's hair, digging into her scalp and trying to push her deeper.

"Ah! Sally, that's-!" Lyria gasped out.

She squealed in pleasure as Sally found exactly where to touch, her nails digging further into her lover's skull. Her walls twitched in response to the skilled tongue of the human and Lyria found herself growing closer and closer to the edge. This wasn't some slow seduction; it was rough, passionate, and fast. The elf rocked her hips forward, trying to drive her lover deeper. Normally she liked being in control but Sally taking what she wanted was quite enticing in and of itself, in more ways than Lyria cared to vocalize.

Under the constant assault it did not take long before Lyria let out her loudest cry and convulsed with the force of the powerful climax. Her eyes rolled about in their sockets as she lay back on the kitchen table, twitching as Sally licked her clean. That... had felt pretty good. Maybe having a housemate would have more than a few perks. She found herself being pulled up and into a kiss, Sally smirking at her as the elf drifted in her state of afterglow.

"Bet that felt good. I've wanted to fuck you all day. Let's go break in my new room, eh?" Sally suggested.

Lyria nodded breathlessly. "Ah, if you can do that thing with your tongue I don't think I'll ever ask you to pay rent." The elf said with a chuckle.

With a problem pet dealt with, her girlfriend accepting of her situation, and her good pet properly rewarded Lyria felt this had been a very productive day.

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