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Author's Chapter Notes:

As always, comments, critiques, and such are welcome. I think I'm getting back into the swing of these longer chapters.

The morning brought with it unknowns and Sam was unsure how to feel about that. His owner had come home late last night with this pleased countenance about her, and though they had not spoken he got that her search had yielded fruit. Of course he was curious but he had kept it to himself as they went through the morning routine. Pleasure practically radiated from the elf as she went about the morning and Sam simply chose to bask in it for a bit. She seemed to have a spring to her step through her morning run as well.

As for the conspirator that had caused her such trouble he wasn't sure he wanted to know how she had dealt with them. Possibilities swam through his mind, from shooting them in the sewers to dissolving them in acid and everything in between. If there was one thing he knew about Lyria it was that she was judicious with her retribution and punishment. As she came down from her exhaustion from the run and Sam occupied his time with kissing her fingernails at the kitchen table the elf finally spoke to him for the first time today.

"So, I have a surprise for you Sammy." She said, moving her hand from his attentions.

"Oh? It's not a new vacuum cleaner is it? One that shoots lasers?" He quipped, earning a reproachful look.

"Not as such."

The elf stood and moved to her purse, humming as she gathered up whatever contents were within. Sam's eyes widened at the sight of the glass tubes and on what exactly was within them. More tiny people like him. He winced as he noted Lyria's careless handling, phantom pain from his own experience coming back to haunt him. It seemed like ages ago that he first arrived in the tube. The elf uncorked each tube before shaking out the contents of each one out on middle of the table, giving Sam a nice eyeful of them.

One he recognized almost immediately. She lacked the headphones and wore a look of terror rather than disinterest but it was the same young Asian lady that had 'processed' him. The other two were strangers. The elf was as handsome as they come, his long red hair falling freely about his head. His features were sharp but no less elegant for it, looking almost fragile but Sam knew better. He had made the same estimate of Razor in their first meeting and had paid for it then. The last was a troll, standing head and shoulders taller than everyone else. Her tusks were filed nicely and her hair was cut short, horns sweeping backwards from her forehead. Judging from her physique if he had to guess she used to work security or some physically demanding position. Not bad looking for a troll either.

Lyria swept a hand over the trio. "Behold, the conspirators. Now my toys. I think there is a rich irony, don't you agree Sammy?"

Sam could certainly appreciate the irony. Victim to the formula they used as a decoy and taken as shrunken prisoners by the woman they nearly ruined. He also felt a bolt of anger cross his mind. If these bastards hadn't used his team like that then they would still be alive and he wouldn't be like this. In a way they were the architects of his misery. Hard not to hold a grudge towards people like that. He lifted a brow towards the nearest one, the elf, as he recovered from the rough landing.

The other shrunken man shook his head to clear his thoughts before beholding the gigantic kinswoman sitting before him. He paled and stumbled back. The human woman looked paralyzed from shock, staring up at Lyria like a deer in the head lights. The troll was shocked though she quickly seemed to recover and instead stared around to get her bearings. She turned an ugly glare towards Lyria soon after. The elven woman merely leaned forward in her chair and propped her chin up on her palm.

"I wonder if you three idiots know how much stress you put me under these past days. All because you decided to get a little greedy. Well look what that greed had bought you, shrunken to an insignificant size. I was thinking about just killing you at first but when this idea struck me I just had to do it. How does it feel, to be so pathetic?" Lyria said scathingly.

The troll was the first to speak up. "You bitch, you can't do this! Give us back our normal sizes! They've got you on record there by now!"

Lyria looked at the troll like she was a fly in her soup. "Hardly. I, unlike you, am not stupid. Security and observation was disabled and my superiors don't really give a shit what I do to you as long as you are gone forever. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you little shits." The elf hissed.

Her finger shot out and slammed into the troll, knocking her on her back before pinning her down a pressing slightly. Sam winced as he watched the woman struggle against the digit. He was now rather grateful that Lyria had been a bit more merciful towards him. The troll gasped and sputtered, her grey skin turning a bit darker around her face. After a few more moments the elf let up and gave the troll some much needed air. Her gaze turned towards the other two, who both looked rather horrified.

"However, I'm not unreasonable. I'm not going to kill you." Lyria said and Sam knew what was coming next. Likely the exhales of relief from the human and the elf would be short lived.

"I've learned what fun it can be to have tiny things like you as pets. So I'll make you three my newest pets. If you go along with your new roles you'll find a mostly comfortable life here. If not you probably won't enjoy your time here." The elf said, smirking down at the range of reactions.

The elf looked horrified immediately and it took the human a long few moments to process the words before her expression shifted similarly. The troll looked disgusted but considering the pain she'd just experienced the woman was silent. Sam knew well the range of reactions as all were emotions he's felt as he cracked under Lyria's will. The elf phrased it like they really had a choice, Sam knew far better than that. There was no real choice, it was submit or lose oneself. No choice there as far as he was concerned.

The human woman started crying. "P-please, Ms. Lysender... I have a little sister I need to look after. Please, please don't do this! Please..." She sobbed.

Lyria regarded her coldly. "I doubt your sister would be so little to you in that state, Izumi Akane. Maybe you should have thought of her before you engaged in corporate espionage."

The young woman wailed piteously and though Sam recognized her as his first poor experience in this new life of his he felt some sympathy. Obviously Lyria didn't as she just rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the other two, both of which obviously opted for anger as their new primary emotion. The former shadowrunner knew exactly what that would get them, it certainly wasn't a reward.

The elf was red in the face as he spoke. "Damn it, Lyria, you can't just make us into pets! We're people damn it! If you want us punished it should be a board of directors doing it, not you!"

Lyria rolled her eyes. "As I've said, I can do whatever I want to you. I've already made you my offer. It's up to you if you want to take it. Anyway, I should let you get settled into your new home."

With that the elf plucked each of them up and offered Sam her hand which he stepped on. She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where she set Sam down in his heel gently and just let the trio tumble out of her hand carelessly into the other. The elven woman stood and stretched before looking at the time. She cursed and cast a glance down towards Sam.

"Ah, damn it, I have to meet up with Sally in a few minutes. Pet, why don't you help get them acclimatized? I'll be back in a few hours so try to get along with your new playmates." Lyria said, her footstep thumping on the floor as she rushed to her bedroom to get ready.

Sam himself cast a glance to the neighboring heel and caught the sound of a combination of cursing and miserable weeping. Figuring that it was probably not the best time to go introduce himself the more domesticated human climbed up the rise in the heel and sat down in the heel section. He opted to start up his sets of exercises while the trio handled the situation themselves. He'd stop by when things had calmed down a little. Welcome them to the neighborhood he supposed with a wry smirk.

As it was it was an hour later when they were the ones to approach him. He was doing a few stretches when he noted all three climbing up the heel he occupied. Sam stopped his activities and gave them a neutral look. They all looked more than a little wary of him given that they hadn't said a word to each other though likely they had taken note of his presence at the table. He himself was wary of his new neighbors as they were unknowns. He had just started getting the hang of this whole pet business but now Lyria decided to shake things up a bit. At least she could keep things interesting.

He sat crosslegged when they reached the top and the two parties sized each other up. He had regained much of his lost muscle mass and his returning training regimens had kept him well enough in form. He was as naked as they were though seemed far more comfortable with it. Clothes had become a bit of a lesser concern though he had occasionally toyed with the thought of asking Lyria for some. Or even making some himself from napkins and the like. It was a long while before anyone spoke; the one to break the ice was the elf.

"Ah, hello. We noticed you at the table earlier." He stated.

Sam smirked. "Wow, I noticed you too, what a coincidence."

The elf cleared his throat slightly. "Ha, yes. I think I heard Lyria call you Sammy?"

The former shadowrunner opted to have some semblance of mercy. After what they went through he considered any real debts between them filled for now. He stood and offered out a hand with a smirk. "It's Samuel. Sam to pretty much everyone but Lyria."

The elf's shoulders visibly slackened in relief as he shook his hand. His companions, the troll especially, looked less convinced by the friendly gesture. "Lethanros Silverence. Leth will do. This is Izumi Akane and Winona Lyr." He said, gesturing to the human and troll respectively.

Sam nodded at Akane. "I've met one in passing before."

She looked at him in confusion which hardly surprised him. She probably had processed countless subjects and carted them to their doom without a care in the world. He could imagine ending up on the receiving end was probably the worst nightmare scenario for her. Lyria was certainly fond of irony, he would give her that. Sam didn't feel much hatred towards her though he was certainly willing to take her a walk down memory lane to see if it drew a reaction. A bit cruel given her circumstances but hey, Lyria was probably rubbing off on him.

"I was under a microscope at the time." He commented.

The woman's face paled almost immediately and Leth looked a bit less comforted by that. "I-I oh God!"

"I'm fairly certain she's sorry, Sam." Leth said hurriedly, obviously trying to keep things from degenerating.

Sam shrugged and sat down. "Hardly worthy of a grudge by this point. So, what brings you to my little slice of Lyria's home?"

The troll wrinkled her nose. "You mean you live in here? Like down there?" She asked, pointing to the toe section.

The human smirked a toothy smirk. "She uses scented soaps and hasn't opted to wear these since I got here so it's not bad really. Slept in way worse places let me tell you."

The disgust didn't leave the troll's face as she peered down once more. He could imagine the concept of living in something that one once wore was pretty difficulty to wrap one's head around. At this point, until he got in good enough to get a spot in her room the heel was home as far as he was concerned. Leth sat down in front of him and Akane managed to work up the nerve to sit next to him. Winona stayed standing and leaned against one of the straps, peering out at the sea of carpet.

"Right. So you've obviously been here longer than us. How long is that exactly?" The elf asked.

Sam looked upwards and sighed as he pondered exactly how long it had been. "A month and a half maybe? Lyria would probably know the exacts, time tended to blend together at times."

The elf seemed taken aback by that. Saying it out loud it did seem like rather a long time to be living like he had. It was probably actually longer than that but it was a long time either more or less. Most of it had been in a state of misery while at the moment things weren't too terrible. The troll turned her attention back to him at the number, surprise upon her face. A frown then crossed her lips as she spoke up.

"All that time and you couldn't escape?"

Sam laughed at that. "And go where exactly? At two inches tall I'm sure a rat would have a nice meal of me. Escape wasn't exactly my priority. More matching wits with Lyria."

The troll looked fit to say something again before Leth cut in. "A good point, I suppose. Escaping conventionally in our current condition would be unwise. Have you tried to contact the outside perhaps?"

Sam saw what they were here for now. They wanted hope. They wanted to cling onto some escape from this current situation. He couldn't really blame them as the prospect of living like this had seemed daunting to him at first as well. He could probably have given them some false hope to cling to, kept them going in some way. As it was at the moment brutal honesty suited him best. These folks weren't his friends and he owed them no soft lies, besides they would all find out one way or the other.

"Nope. Was mostly just trying to keep some modicum of self-sufficiency in the apartment. Take my advice here. When Lyria asks you if you want to jump, you say yes and jump. She's fond of giving people a choice between refusing her or allowing her to do as she pleases. Eventually she gets her way." He said.

The troll sneered at him. "Sounds like you're more a whipped pet than a man."

Sam offered her a smirk. "Talk to me after a month of that attitude and I'm pretty sure you'll agree with me, chummer."

A snarl replaced her sneer as she took a step towards him. "As if. I'll never be that bitch's pet. I'd slit my own throat before that!" She roared.

Leth stood and moved between them to prevent any conflict from rising up. In the meantime Akane spoke up again. "What's she going to do to us?"

Sam shrugged. "I dunno. She won't make you do anything probably. Not her style. She'd rather you give into her of your own volition."

The look she gave him was halfway between horrified and disgusted and the expression was shared among her companions. Leth cursed under his breath while Izumi pulled her knees up against her chest. Winona just looked pissed off and slammed a fist into one of the straps shouting 'damn it' over and over again. Sam wished he could have taken some pleasure in crushing their hopes but there was none to be found. Technically these three were the reason his team was dead and certainly he held some hatred for that. However in his mind, whatever fate they suffered at Lyria's hands would probably be punishment enough.

Akane spoke up again. "Wait... I do remember you... you were the surviving shadowrunner Lyria said she'd be disposing of!"

Sam nodded. "Yep, that's me. Pretty sure you never thought you'd be seeing me again did you? Lyria's sense of irony is pretty extreme." He said with a chuckle.

The troll growled and advanced on Sam. "You think this is funny, you piece of shit!?"

The street samurai got to his feet and gazed up at the taller woman evenly. "I think it's nicely ironic that you ended up asking the guy you screwed over for help yeah."

The elf paled. "You mean... you know?"

"That my team was a decoy? Yeah. Lyria was quite willing keep me in the loop. There are benefits to having her favor." He answered.

The troll growled and took a swing at him, which Sam easily ducked under and backed up into a low crouch. Leth and Akane backed up in alarm, the former shouting for Winona to back off to little effect. Sam knew the feeling she probably had. She was pissed and scared and frustrated and just wanted to punch something. He sure as hell wasn't going to be her punching bag though, that much was for certain. Her face was a mask of fury while Sam himself wore a tiny grin as adrenaline poured into his bloodstream. It had been a while since his last fight.

As he ducked and weaved his way through the troll's clumsy attacks, Sam remembered what Razor had taught him. If his foe was bigger and stronger than him it was best to use their bulk and try to turn it against them. The blows he landed were shrugged off but were mostly to goad Winona to follow him closer to the edge of the heel section. She snarled as she leveled a right hook at his head, her knee coming up to meet his ducking head. The former shadowrunner hadn't seen that coming and felt spots dance before his and stumbled back to the very edge of the heel, blood trickling from his nose.

Winona swung out again and Sam growled as he sidestepped it barely and gripped the troll's arm. He used her forward momentum to shove her towards the edge. The troll yelped in surprise, her hand reflexively grabbing Sam's which sent them both tumbling over the edge. They landed in a tangle of limbs, Sam finding his face shoved between her ample cleavage. He let out a muffled groan and could hear Winona making similarly pained noises. It was something of a fall even with the carpet.

Sam pushed himself off of the troll and rolled to the right, stumbling to his feet as he clutched as his bleeding nose. The troll wasn't far behind, shaking her head to shrug off her disorientation. Sam spread his legs apart and fell into a ready stance as the troll advanced again. Without the fall advantage he was very much outclassed in terms of reach and strength but speed was on his side. He ducked and weaved his way through most of Winona's attacks, countering with quick jabs to exposed weak spots like her liver.

He yelped when the troll's knee met his stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs and forcing him back. Winona wasn't done yet as she swept at his feet to try and send him toppling over. Sam managed to avoid that, reorienting himself enough to deliver a kick of his own between the troll's legs and squarely upon her lower lips. The troll howled in pain and stumbled back, giving Sam some room to breathe and think. He stared warily at the troll for a long while as he pondered how best to not get his face pounded in.

Winona spat to the side and was upon him once more, relentlessly pursuing him. Sweat and blood and bruises were on both of their bodies by this point but neither seemed fit to stop yet. Sam felt the rush of a good fight flowing through him once more and his smirk widened. Being stuck with Lyria had afforded very few opportunities for fights, aside from the odd killer vacuum, but now he was getting his fill with one he had to admit was pretty much his equal in combat. Maybe even better than him. It was exciting, thrilling, and refreshing all at once.

The two pounded away at each other, Sam landing a good hit on Winona's eye next and she a right hook to his jaw that caused his world to explode in pain. Leth and Akane were practically screaming at them to stop but neither could hear the pair over the roar of combat. Sam finally spoke as he leapt aside from a kick, his voice breathless but excited as well.

"Not bad. You must have been with security in the building." He remarked.

For the first time since they had met the troll allowed a positive expression to cross her face, a savage grin. "Not bad yourself for street scum."

The two slowly lowered their arms and regarded each other as they took great gasps of breath. Her anger seemed to have mostly been quenched from the brawl though her grin vanished to be replaced by her familiar frown. Sam let himself fall on his ass and laughed breathlessly. Damn she had certainly done a number on him. He predicted there would be a number of new bruises on his body by the time morning rolled around. Ah well, had been worth it really.

"This is so fucking fucked up." The troll said, shaking her head.

"I've been telling myself that for weeks. Doesn't make it any less real." Sam replied.

"Damn it... stupid fucking elf bitch. This isn't right."

Sam favored the troll with a frank look. "Right or wrong has nothing to do with it. Lyria does whatever she wants. As far as she's concerned we're just things she owns."

The troll glared at him. "I'm just supposed to lay back and accept that? Like you? Just content myself with living in her shoes and letting her domesticate me?"

Sam sighed and shrugged. "You probably won't at first. I didn't. I resisted for about a month. If you can last longer I'll commend you for that." He said, fighting hard to keep bitterness from his voice.

The troll turned away and kept to her own thoughts. Sam in truth partially hated what Lyria had turned him into. However he had lived the alternative and had lived it for a very long time. At least like this he could say in some twisted way he was sort of happy. He liked to think Lyria held some kind of affection towards him, even if it was only as an owner might have for a pet. At the end of the day, serving her was better than just living an empty existence. Serving the elf gave him some twisted sense of purpose. Of course he wouldn't expect any of these three to understand that. Not yet anyway.

Leth had managed to work his way down with Akane following close behind. "Winona, we talked about this! What the fuck were you-."

"Easy, elf, she was pissed. Perfectly understandable. Besides I haven't had a fight like that in a while so it's null sweat."

The troll turned her gaze to him again. "Yeah well, just stay the fuck away from me human. You might have given up but I'm not just going to roll over." She said scornfully, stomping away towards the heel Lyria had initially deposited them in.

Leth gave Sam an apologetic look and took off after the troll. Akane lingered to give Sam a long look. He couldn't get a read on what the look translated. Sorrow perhaps? Despair? Or maybe she was scared looking at what she might well become in Lyria's care. The latter one certainly would have horrified Sam if he was in her shoes. After a few moments the woman trudged after her companions. Sam for his part opted to just lay back and ride out the aches from his fighting with Winona. With those three around things were certain to be more... interesting.

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