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“It's not so bad,” Ned Cooke's voice sounded hollow as he tore another fist sized chunk out of the boulder sized piece of cheese sitting in front of him and his son, “It's kind of like a picnic...”

Jeremy shuddered before stuffing his own piece of cheese into his mouth. Jennifer Sachs had thundered in to Brittany's room and dropped it without even looking down at them because she was too busy talking to her husband on the phone. The cheese had landed with a loud squelch, and small bits sprayed across their glass and plastic prison. It would have been demeaning enough, but then Jeremy realized some of the fancy cheese had landed on Brittany's immense wedge heeled sandals.

It had already taken him and his dad the better part of the day to clean them, and Mrs. Sachs hadn't even realized how easily she demolished their work. Falling down beside the big shoes, Jeremy had wept for nearly an hour before he forced himself to work through the tears. He had almost recovered when he watched his father scrape a thin layer of cheese from an imprint of Brittany's pinky toe and then swallow it.

His own rumbling stomach made it hard to be disgusted by what his father, once the head of an entire corporate IT department, had done but it was impossible for him to see it and not start crying again.

“Even got some shade,” Ned added, gesturing to the sandals with a smile, “And there are flowers...”

Jeremy's eyes drifted up to the heel, where white fabric was dotted with pink and purple flowers, matching the soft fabric that would wrap around Brittany's huge feet. Reaching for another fistful of cheese, Jeremy nodded his head, “Yeah, it's great...”

“Look, I know I sound crazy,” it felt odd to watch a man he used to look up to pull his knees up against his chest like a scared child, “But it's these little moments that have gotten me through this, and we all need to accept that this isn't going to change.”

“I-” the words caught in Jeremy's throat, he wanted to protest but it hadn't even been a month and he was already losing the words to describe how unjust their imprisonment was.

“I know, I had those dreams too,” his father said, scraping a piece of cheese off the glass wall of their prison, “That one day the police would show up here with a warrant, and I'd get to go home to you and your mom, and we'd sue the pants off these giant bastards.” His voice tightened and Jeremy had to shut his eyes as he saw tears running down his father's sunken cheeks, “Sometimes, I even thought for a moment that they'd find a cure for this but that's not how this is going to go. The sooner you give that up, the easier it'll be to deal with all of this.”

Jeremy stared at the greasy wad of cheese in his hand, and his own voice sounded meek in his ears as he said, “I can't, Dad.”

“Eat some more cheese.”

“Dad, I went to school with her. I had fucking AP US History with the girl who has had you imprisoned for months. I'm never going to be able to let that go-”

“You're going to need to start, Jeremy.” His father's voice was quiet but firm, and it stopped Jeremy before he could start shouting.

“I-I don't-”

“She doesn't care,” there was no anger or sorrow in his dad's voice when he spoke, instead Ned Cooke simply grabbed another hunk of cheese from the blob in front of them, “None of them care about how things used to be, so you need to stop.”


This time Jeremy's voice was cut off by the sound of the front door blasting open, and the heads of both tiny men snapped toward the shadowy hallway in the distant.

“I still can't believe you're not going to have a party or even have Eric spend the night,” the voice of Brittany's best friend Stephanie echoed up the stairs.

“My parents are only gone till tomorrow afternoon.”

“That leaves, like, an entire day to clean up any mess.”

“Not if I'm hungover.”

“I think it's kind of nice that you're not,” the third voice made Jeremy's heart stop.

The front door shut and the whole house shuddered in response. A second later the sound of three titanic teens stomping up the stairs made both shrunken men inch back from the glass wall of their prison.

“You would,” Stephanie sniped back, giggling.

“So there's no party, that doesn't mean we're not going to have any fun.”

As Brittany spoke, all three of the girls traipsed right by her room, and Jeremy started shaking as he watched them go by. First came Brittany, her tanned muscular legs bare beneath her short sundress, a pair of black flip flops slapping loudly against her feet. Stephanie's bright white Reeboks were the first thing he saw of the much shorter brunette, followed by her legs going right to a pair of denim cutoffs and a gray Greentown High Athletics shirt that hugged her tiny gymnast frame. The still comparatively enormous girl snapped her gum loudly as she passed, her head turning to look in Brittany's room, and winking when she saw him and his father sitting in their fish tank.

The final girl stood well over the fun sized Stephanie, and Jeremy knew that she even had a few inches on Greentown's Cheer Captain. He had had a crush on Heather Fuchs for most of high school, the awkward and lanky girl he remembered from middle school had filled out while playing for almost every one of the school's female sports teams. She was dressed simply as always, long flowing yoga pants covered her muscular legs, a plain long sleeve shirt clung to her nearly flat chest and broader shoulders, while her dark shoulder length hair was pulled back in a no-nonsense pony tail. A pair of well worn sneakers crushed the hallway's carpet fibers beneath their tread as she walked, not even looking in his direction, like always.

Jeremy was lost in memories he didn't want to think about when Stephanie's laughter echoed across the second floor of the Sachs's house, “Oh my God, she's so small!”

Stephanie was still laughing when all three girls strutted in to Brittany's room, their arrival making the walls of Jeremy's prison shake. Clenched between the brunette's fingers was Jeremy's mother, squirming as the giant girl molested her; spinning and twisting her about to get a good sense of the shrunken middle aged woman's three and a half inch frame. His view of his mother's torture was blocked almost instantly as Brittany and Heather stood in front of them.

“Hello, losers,” the blonde boomed, her voice barely covering Stephanie's cackling.

His father's gaze was focused on some point in the distance, no doubt wishing he could see some sign that his wife was ok, but Jeremy found himself unable to do anything beside stare up at Heather Fuchs. Her dark blue eyes looked at him over her prominent aquiline nose with a mixture of pity and disgust. An immense hand that Jeremy had once watched spike a volleyball into a linebacker's face so hard it broke his nose appeared high above him, and casually entered his tiny world.

The tiny teen's teeth clenched as he feared being grabbed in such a powerful grip, but then he watched her snatch their meager meal from the tank and carry it high into the sky. She popped it into her mouth with a triumphant smile, “Your mom has the best taste in food.”

Brittany's hand came down, and grabbed her heels, their world shaking as she carried them back to her closet, “Yeah, I don't know why she wastes it on them.”

His view suddenly clear, Ned Cooke raced to the edge of the tank and pressed his face against the glass. Stephanie was sprawled across the immense plateau of Brittany's bed, smacking the toes of her sneakers high above the head of Jeremy's mother. The tiny woman simply sat there on her knees, whimpering as the mattress continuously shifted with the giant girl's playful movements.

“Can he even hold a nail file?” Heather's question reminded Jeremy that the girl was still towering over his world.

“Of course, who do you think has been doing my nails?” Next to the fish tank, Brittany was sitting at her desk, absorbed in something happening on her computer.

“The other one.” Heather's finger shoved his father back away from the wall, causing the tiny man to fall over onto his backside and stare up at her. Jeremy frowned as he watched a smile spread across her immense face.

The keyboard clacked as Brittany typed out a reply to something, “I mean, well, yeah before I got both of them, it was just his Dad but you know what they say, like father like son.” The gigantic blonde laughed as she leaned over their tank and blew them both a kiss.

Jeremy cringed at the humiliating show of affection, and then he was suddenly in the air with Heather's thick fingers wrapped around him. The tiny young man screamed as her warm hand completely engulfed his torso, leaving his limbs to windmill through the open air. The giantess's voice easily overcame his terrified screams though, “I only have clear polish in my bag, Britt. Do you have something I could borrow?”

A drawer thundered open far below Jeremy, and Brittany reached into it absentmindedly before pulling out a shimmering bronze he had never seen the blonde use before. “I think this would look great on you, especially with your gladiator sandals.”

“Aw, you're the best, Britt.”

“I try,” she said with as shrug, “Oh and use the coffee table downstairs, we'll come down in a bit.”

The whole world swung about as Heather started to walk, and Jeremy found his tiny body sliding ever so slightly across her fingers. With his own screams reverberating in his skull, he somehow could still hear Stephanie whine, “I thought we were going to all have your slaves do our nails together.”

“Let her have fun with the little perv.”

Heather remained silent as she jogged down the stairs, each quick step making Jeremy's bones shudder inside his body. Brittany and Stephanie's voices became distant echoes that were quickly lost amidst a playlist. The immense brunette bent over a coffee table and dropped him onto it from just high enough that he let out another terrified screech as he fell. Jeremy's entire tiny body was wracked with pain when he hit the hardwood, and he was still struggling to breathe as Heather deposited the nail polish down next to him.

Through the spots that were wandering over his eyes, he watched as the sporty goddess sat down and untied her shoes. The wood quaked beneath him and the air was filled with the smell and taste of footsweat as she set her sneakers down a few relative yards from him Struggling to his hands and knees, he watched her pry sweaty socks off of her feet and lay them across the table in front of him. Gagging, he wondered if his crush on her ever could have survived the stench of her feet at normal size.

The stench seemed to spread out like a fog as Heather laid her large powerful feet down onto her socks. The naked toenails wiggled against the sweat soaked cotton and Jeremy swore he could hear the socks squelch as they were played with. “Pfft,” she snorted dismissively, “Don't tell me a little post-workout sweat is too much for you. I've seen Brittany after cheer practice, she sweats through her shirts, so don't even pretend my feet smell worse, Jeremy.”

The tiny man cringed as she used his name, and he realized he hadn't heard a giant say it since Brittany recognized him that first day. High above him, Heather was already leaning back against the couch, her hands behind her head, propping it up, while she smiled down at him.

“What?” She thundered, leaning up ever so slightly so she could literally look down her nose at him. “Do I have to literally tell you what I want you to do?”

Jeremy trembled and tears started to well up in his eyes as he tried to comprehend how Heather, how anyone, could do this to him.

The toes splayed out before him, and another wave of smelly sweat-soaked air washed over him, while he had a front row seat to all of the lint and gunk that had settled between her toes. “You know why I would never have dated you?” Heather asked casually, as her right foot rose up onto its heel, looming over him as she stretched her leg ever so slightly. “Cause you always were a little loser who was too intimidated by me to ever actually ask me out.”


Heather's foot fell so fast that Jeremy didn't even have time to react. All the air shot from his lungs as her toes crashed down on top of him, and the sweaty ball of her foot engulfed the rest of his body. The table beneath him quaked as she drummed her toes against the hard wood, making him flinch as they rose and fell around his head.

“I mean, I think it's pretty funny that mostly pathetic nerds like you are the ones shrinking,” she mused as her foot started to press down harder, suffocating him with ease as she started to roll the powerful appendage over him, “It must be something in your genes, right? Everything has a genetic basis, so like, maybe the shrinking disease only afflicts people who have some sort of predisposition toward being awkward and weird.”

Her toes nearly crushed his skull as she continued to toy with him, and he was left with only glimpses of her distant visage. The torture momentarily eased up and Jeremy found himself sucking in deep funky breaths while her face loomed larger as she leaned down to look at him.

“You know what you can do for me?” A wicked grin played across her face as she spread her toes, “Why don't you get all that fucking lint and shit out from between my toes?”

He stared back at her, wanting to protest, to fight back, to at least defend himself, but instead all he could do was think about the fact that she hadn't lifted her foot.

“Did I fucking stutter?”

With his arms pinned beneath her immense foot, Jeremy leaned up and dragged his tongue across the soft spongy flesh between her toes. He lapped again and again, prying lint off with his teeth, and trying to ignore the earthy funky taste that coated his tongue. Every time he finished with one dirty crevice, she simply pivoted her foot so that his head was trapped between another pair of toes, and then when he finished her right foot, she pinned him down with the left one. He cried silently as she simply sat there, playing on her phone, while he licked her toes clean.

When he finished the last one, Heather didn't move her foot, instead a huge finger came down from the sky and crammed itself into the same space as his face. His whole world seemed to be composed only of Heather's skin for one brief, terrifying, moment and then the finger went back into the sky, where she inspected it with a smirk. “Brittany was right, you little fuckers are useful,” turning her eyes back to him she then added, “And I bet that was fun for you too, huh? Getting to be so close to me, and basically make out with my feet?”

Jeremy shut his eyes and tried to ignore the girl's taunts, trying to reconcile the cruel titaness above him with the girl who he knew had run in countless charity races and coached a little league softball team. He could feel her breath on his face, and opening his eyes, Jeremy found himself staring back up at her.

“Well, did you like it?”

Struggling to breathe as she loomed over him, he managed to cough out a small pathetic, “Pl-please.”

Laughing, Heather leaned back against the couch, “Like I can hear your pathetic little mouse voice anyway.”

A second later the huge foot lifted off of him, making Jeremy's entire body seemingly scream out in pain as blood started to circulate again. Looking down at his limp body, the tiny teen grimaced when he saw that he was coated in her sweat and several dark bruises were already forming across his skin. Two loud snaps brought his attention back to the frightening reality that he lived in.

“Now, how about you get started with the nail polish, Jeremy?”

“Y-yes, Heather...” he whimpered, flopping over onto his chest, and slowly crawling toward the bottle of bronze nail polish.

As he started on the first coat, his body aching with each small movement, he heard the distant thunderous footfalls of Brittany and Stephanie on the stairs. Both of the girls were giggling as they approached, but it stopped instantly when they arrived, and Brittany said, “He's only finished one toe?” The question made Jeremy freeze with fear, and then the world darkened as she leaned down over him, her blonde hair falling like a curtain around him, “Do you want to be punished, little boy?”

Turning around, Jeremy realized that he was already shaking, instantly remembering the last punishment Brittany had inflicted on him. For the apparently high crime of letting nail polish drip onto her sheets while she played games on her iPad, he had been forced to clean all the gunk and grime from her electronics. At first, it was merely demeaning and backbreaking labor cleaning out dust from her keyboard or getting fingerprint smudges off the tablet, but then she started stuffing him in her purse next to her phone so he could keep it 'as clean as the day I bought it.' It only got worse as she put him in her back pocket with her phone and then went to see her boyfriend, where he was groped along with her ass and then sat on by her. The only silver lining was that the deep cushions of Eric's couch had saved him from being crushed to death.

Before he could offer some sort of humiliating plea or apology, Heather's voice rang in his ears, “Oh no, I just had him get all the lint out from between my toes first.”

Brittany and Stephanie laughed, the blonde thumping off into the kitchen while Stephanie fell down onto the couch. The smaller brunette was no longer chewing gum, but instead let out a soft sucking sound every few seconds.

“Where are the others?”

There was a momentary pause before Stephanie answered, “Brittany has the little man in her bra and I have the eensy weensy woman.”

“Right, but where is she?”

Against his better judgment, Jeremy turned to see where Stephanie had stuffed his mom, and immediately regretted it. The petite giantess reached into her mouth and pulled his saliva coated mother out from between her lips.

“That is so terrible!”

“My gum lost its flavor, and I still had something stuck between my teeth from lunch sixth period,” Stephanie whined as she bent forward, “Plus, now I can get this damn spot out of my shoes.”

Joanne Cooke screamed as she was dragged across a barely noticeable scuff on the toe of Stephanie's sneaker. As soon as the mark disappeared, Stephanie dropped his mom onto the coffee table like she was a used tissue.

Jeremy instantly moved toward his sobbing mother, but Heather's foot blocked his path, “Uh, my toes aren't going to paint themselves, Jeremy.”

With his mother struggling to get up onto her hands and knees, coated in a thick sheen of Stephanie's saliva, Jeremy frowned and walked back toward Heather's toes.

“That's a good boy.”

The world shook as Brittany returned, glassware clinking in her hands, “Who wants cosmos?”

Looking skyward, Jeremy could see his father treading the bright pink drink in Brittany's right hand. Then Stephanie's hand snatched his mother up and dropped her right into her glass, the petite brunette giggling the whole way. Gazing up Heather's seemingly endless body to her face, he hated himself for breathing a sigh of relief as she simply sipped the cocktail without adding him.

Then, he went back to painting her nails.

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