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Ned Cooke pivoted about, desperate to find somewhere to run as his world was engulfed in shadow. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he stared into the sky as Michael's immense assistant bent at the waist and planted her hands against the floor. The yoga mat shuddered beneath Ned while the gigantic brunette's face turned toward him, a wicked smile stretching across it.

“Oh come on, little guy,” she purred as she thrust her behind high into the air, “It's not that difficult.”

The floor seemed to groan as she shifted her weight to one side, and a huge sweaty finger rushed toward him. Ned yelped in a panic, and started running in a random direction, not making it more than a few feet before her thumb and forefinger wrapped around his waist and set him down on all fours on the floor beneath her. Whimpering, there was nothing the tiny man could do to resist her all-powerful digits as they painfully rearranged him on the floor.

“See,” she cooed as she pinched his hips and yanked them skyward, “It's a very simple position.”

Muscles Ned was only dimly aware of burned in agony as he realized she had put him into the same yoga position that she was in. Staring back up at her, he found her smile anything but encouraging as she took a deep breath, and returned her focus to her own movements.

He had only been in Alicia's custody for a day and he was already terrified of her. Ned had spent the previous morning pampering her feet while Michael Sachs was off dealing with something, and then she had shoved him inside her purse while she went to brunch. Traveling inside her purse had been terrifying, every step caused the dark world around him to shift, and he continuously feared he was about to be crushed. And then he had to sit there and listen to her and her friends prattle on about their jobs and their dates. The only silver lining he had been able to find during the meal was that he wasn't forced to stand before her gigantic friends so he could be inspected and fondled like some sort of toy.

Ned fully expected the rest of his day to be more torture, instead though, he was left inside of her purse, forced to listen to Alicia and Michael fuck across his suburban mansion, with a short break for dinner somewhere late in the evening. Ned was nearly blinded when the purse opened up and Alicia's hand snaked in. He found himself dropped onto a cold plate, his feet standing amidst beef drippings while a bone that had mostly been picked clean sat before him.

“You have until I finish cleaning up to eat your fill, little perv,” Alicia had thundered as she started to scour a cast iron skillet, the sound of the water running nearly drowning her out.

Having long ago lost the dignity required to refuse scraps, Ned jumped at it, and even though the steak had long gone cold, he couldn't help but nearly moan in pleasure as he swallowed bite after bite.

The ground shaking beneath him derailed Ned's train of thought, and he turned his head to see Michael Sachs's shining leather loafers come into view. The hulking giant pivoted, and his right foot landed on the other side of Alicia's yoga mat as he straddled his assistant from behind, his hands resting comfortably on her hips.

“Pants like these should be illegal,” he groaned, rubbing Alicia's behind.

Ned trembled as he watched the young woman's hips wiggle while she thrust her buttocks against the giant's crotch, “What else am I supposed to work out in?”

Mr. Sachs ran his hands across her flat stomach and then he pulled at the waistline of her yoga pants, “I could think of something better.”

“Oh?” She cooed, her head turning back to face her boss.

Ned started to run as he watched Michael pull the giant brunette's pants down in a quick and powerful flourish. Alicia was already panting with excitement as he started rushing beneath her torso, the sound of Michael's belt being undone echoing off the hardwood of the room. Looking over his shoulder, the tiny man's view was dominated by Alicia's womanhood before Michael's hard cock descended and pushed past her already glistening folds.

His lungs burned as the pair began to grunt and groan overhead, Ned gave it everything he had to get out from under the moaning titans. Finally breaking out into the sunlight of an early Sunday morning, Ned made it only a dozen yards before Alicia's hand slammed down on top of him. The tiny man was forced to the ground and pinned there by the growling assistant as Michael had his way with her, thrusting away with a satisfied grin on his distant face.

Alicia's huge brown eyes narrowed on him as he futilely struggled beneath her palm. A smile spread across her lips as she started to wiggle her fingers, watching him squirm toward freedom only for her grip to tighten once again. With each of his pathetic attempts to break free, he watched her get lost in pleasure, until he was completely immobilized by the unfathomable strength she possessed in one hand.

Her moans reached a fever pitch as the giant behind her climaxed with a virile grunt.

As always he pulled out and let his seed blast wherever, this time splattering across his assistant's yoga pants below. Her thighs trembled as she remained on her knees, her eyes closed and her teeth biting down against her bottom lip in satisfaction.

Michael grunted as he tucked his deflating beast away and zipped up his trousers. His thick powerful hands ran through Alicia's dark hair, causing the young woman to sigh and shudder before he leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I have to go meet someone, it shouldn't take long but it's very important.”

She leaned up and returned the kiss, “I don't remember you having anything scheduled for today.”

“It's not for work,” he answered as he returned to his full height, forcing both Ned and his assistant to crane their necks to look up at him.

“Then what could possibly be important enough to take you away from me this weekend?” There was a hint of a challenge in her voice.

“A gift for my wife,” he grunted in response as he stalked out of the room, his steps hitting with more force than when he entered.

High above him, Ned watched as Alicia rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed as she pushed herself to a standing position while simultaneously peeling her yoga pants off. The tiny man couldn't look away as she stretched above him, her arms reaching over her head, while her womanhood glistened. She glanced down at him, and then probed him with her big toe, “What are you looking at you little perv?”

Flinching away from her warm bare skin, Ned stammered, “I-I-uh, nothing.”

Her fingers brushed against her vagina as her big toe slid on top of Ned's stomach, pushing against him hard enough to force all the air from his lungs. “That's right, little man,” she said sweetly, “There's nothing for you up here.”

Snickering to herself, she bent down and balled up her soiled pants before turning on heel and walking out of the room. Ned blinked as she shut the door with a resounding boom, leaving him sitting on the floor of the Sachs's small home gym. For a moment, Ned thought of trying to hide or escape, but then he remembered he was somewhere in the basement of the giants' home. Even if he could slip underneath the door, there were still the insurmountable stairs to the first floor, another two doors, and then the long march to the sidewalk, where he was as likely to get stepped on as he was saved.




Jeremy Cooke stared up at the kitchen counter, screaming his lungs out, “Mom! Mom! Are you OK?!”

His father had been missing for almost two months when he noticed he was shrinking. At first, he didn't want to believe it. Jeremy could still remember all the conversations with the police after their dog Ginger had been sitting on their porch alone when he came home from school one afternoon. How he had explained that yes his father had been actively shrinking for the better part of a year and no he hadn't wanted to go into the hospital.

Disappearances were common they had said, but the worst part was when they said it probably wasn't anything malicious. Jeremy hadn't even thought it might be, he had just assumed his father had finally shrunken so much that his body gave out, like all the articles online said might happen. It was rare, but the disease was so new and so poorly understood.

He hadn't been able to sleep that night, wondering if his Dad had been kidnapped, trying to imagine what sort of monster would do such a thing.

It was still on his mind when he noticed his pants were a little too big one morning. At first, he wondered if he had been losing weight, since he hadn't had much of an appetite since his Dad had disappeared. Then he realized that the cuff was dragging against his heel, and that's when he knew he was infected too.

Kids at school picked up on it almost immediately, especially since everyone knew his father was missing, and presumed dead because he shrunk. At first it was just murmuring around the hallways when he walked by, people making quiet jokes and then laughing behind their hands like he wouldn't notice. By the time he had lost more than a foot, things started to escalate. People would push him to the ground and tell him that would be his view for the rest of his life. The worst day had been when he heard his crush, Heather, say she wouldn't let him get close to her unless he was six inches tall and holding a nail file.

He still didn't know if she knew he was standing close enough to hear her or not. After all, by that point, he was already below her line of sight. Jeremy had only stayed in school for another week after that, because even the freshmen were starting to pick on him.

He was smart, and he was basically on track to graduate anyway, him and his mom were busy making arrangements for how it would all work when disaster struck. She started shrinking too, and it was much faster than what he or his dad went through. Within a month, she was confined to a hamster cage they kept in the kitchen, standing three and a half inches tall.

For the past few weeks, he had been doing his best. Using what was left in their savings account to order groceries online, doing what he could to figure things out. They kept talking about making a break for where his aunt lived in the South, but to get there they'd have to cross a lot of states that had very questionable laws regarding shrunken people. He didn't let his mom watch the news anymore, where there was always talk about how the afflicted were a drain on communities, or worse let her go on any social media, where he had seen countless links to videos of people torturing and enslaving people her size.

Jeremy had been watching one last night when it had happened.

It had been posted by an old friend of his from middle school with the caption, 'Can't wait to do this when I get a #Shrinkee #Immune4Life #LivinLarge.' The video was shot from waist height, so that all you could see was the woman's knee high combat boots and ripped jeans. Kneeling before the comparative giant was a shrunken girl around Jeremy's age, who was wailing in fear as what he could only assume was an immense goth lifted her absurd boot and let it drop.


It was a wet crunching sound that made him want to vomit.

“Ew,” the girl's voice echoed in his headphones, “I have sororitute on my boot.”

She then started scraping it against the cement she was standing on before lifting her foot off the floor and showing the red gory mess that was mashed up in the tread. By that point, Jeremy's stomach was practically rolling in revolt, and his heart was hammering in his chest, and that's when he heard the girl snap her fingers and shout, “Bitch! Get over here and clean this the fuck up!”

The camera dipped slightly and another girl close to his age, and terrifyingly close to his height rushed forward with a clean white rag. The shrunken woman had to stand on the tips of her toes to reach the messy boot, the goth giantess stretching her leg up higher just to watch the tiny woman struggle. However, there was no hesitation as the girl used her spit to clean the larger woman's boots, running the rag through each tread with terrifying diligence.

The video faded to black, and then the hashtags #LivinLarge and #Immune4Life flashed across the screen.

The clip was so horrific that it wasn't until Jeremy could feel himself becoming lightheaded that he finally recognized the signs. He wasn't terrified, he was having another shrinking episode. Shoving himself away from his desk, he stumbled out the door and to the stairs, praying that he could make it down them before he collapsed.

Then he came to and it was morning.

It had taken him the better part of the day to get down the monolithic stairs, and he had to stop for a rest before trekking his way into the kitchen, where he now stood shouting up to his mother.

“Honey! Jeremy! Is that you?!” His mother shouted, her voice hoarse.

High above he could just barely see her standing at the wall of the cage, looking down at him nervously. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he called back, “Yes, Mom! I'm... I'm shrunk! Not much bigger than you.”

A curse word he had never heard his mother say echoed across the kitchen, followed by her smacking her arms against the cage, rattling it as she sobbed.

“No, it'll be ok, Mom! I'll... I'll get up to you and we can use the house phone-”

His words were interrupted by a horrific crash at the backdoor. Even though he couldn't see his mother, he knew that she had to have turned toward the sound too. “Honey...” his mother called out before trailing off, her place high up on the counter giving her a view of whatever was on the other side of the door.

Jeremy could hear the tumblers in the back door's lock being twisted about, and all he could do was shake his head in disbelief before muttering, “No, not now...”


The sound of their backdoor being forced open was terrifying and Jeremy didn't even have time to recover before he felt the whole world around him shaking. A pair of beat-up sneakers entered his vision as an immense man filled the doorway between the kitchen and the laundry room. The tiny young man craned his neck back as he tried to comprehend the immense being in front of him, unable to even guess at the man's actual height.

The giant looked like he had walked straight from a fairy tale village he had just finished terrorizing. His features were blunt and forgettable, with only a nose that had clearly been broken a few times worth noting. Then, Jeremy noticed his eyes gleamed like a hawk's as he looked around their poorly maintained kitchen, and his whole face lit up when he spotted Jeremy far down on the floor.

“Run, Jeremy!” His mother screamed at the top of her lungs, momentarily drawing the giant's attention.

Jeremy booked it at top speed for the living room, panting in terror as the linoleum blurred beneath him. Then the giant took his first step and the tiny teenager could feel the world shake. Each step made it worse and worse as the huge man approached and planted his scuffed up sneaker right in Jeremy's path.

He slammed into it and a second later, he was being wrapped up in a hand that reeked of cigarette smoke. Jeremy's stomach screamed in revolt as he was lifted skyward and then swung about by the giant, the world beyond turning into a surrealist painting as the giant turned toward his mother. Jeremy couldn't even move in the immense being's grasp as he stalked over to the kitchen counter and looked down at his sobbing mother.

The all-powerful being laughed as he unlatched the top of the cage and reached in to grab her, “I figured you had shrunk, but I didn't expect you to be this small. Ah well, I'm sure my client won't mind.”

Jeremy tried to make sense of the giant's words as his mother was pressed against him, shoved into the same fist by the towering being. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her and sobbed with her, neither of them able to do anything else as they were carried out into the sunshine of a weekend afternoon. Jeremy wanted to scream, but the giant merely tightened his grip, forcing the air out of both their lungs and preventing them from doing anything but silently sob until they were dropped into a box.

His body was overcome by a pins-and-needles feeling when he was finally released, and so it was difficult to push himself to a standing position. He had finally stumbled to his knees to shout at the giant when a lid was lowered down onto them, and they were plunged into darkness.

“Oh my God,” his mother wailed, “We're in a shoebox.”

A moment later a car engine roared to life, and the world beyond them was shuddering and shaking as the giant drove off to wherever he was taking them.

Unable to remain standing, Jeremy fell to the floor, while his mother shouted, “What kind of monster puts people in a shoebox?!”

“I don't know, Mom, just calm down... there, there has to be a way out of this.”

“Jeremy,” his mother said, sniffling in the darkness somewhere beyond him, “I... I don't think there is.”

“Mom, don't say that...”

“No, no, the police,” she sighed, “The police said that people get abducted. When your father disappeared and then you started shrinking, I looked into it. Jeremy, you have no idea what these... Immune people are doing to people like us.”

Tears started to stream down his face, all the time he had assumed his mother was unaware of what was going on, but she had had years to research the dangers of shrinking before he had started digging into it. Of course she would know. “Hashtag-living large,” he whispered to her, his voice almost overpowered by the car going over a pothole.

“Oh no, Jeremy, don't tell me that you looked at any of those photos...”

“Of course I did, Mom! Every time I watched a video or saw a fucking picture, I was terrified I'd see Dad and I couldn't stop thinking about what I would do if I did! Or fuck, what would happen if this happened to you!” He smashed his hands against their cardboard prison, “I never even thought that some sicko would be watching us, waiting for us to shrink, but they totally would because between me and Dad, the whole world knew that we weren't Immune!”

“Jeremy, it's not your fault...”

“Yes it is! If I had left school when it first started, no one would know...”

“No, you can't think that. This is their fault, it's this bastard's fault, not yours.” Jeremy felt his mother crawl over to him and then squeeze his upper arm, “Never forget that.”

“I...” all Jeremy could do was sob, while his mother wrapped her arms around him and held him close.

The pair of tiny people had no idea how much time had passed when they heard the car engine cut off, and then a moment later they could hear the muffled sound of two giants speaking.

“Perfect timing,” a voice Jeremy didn't recognize said, which he assumed had to be the client, “My wife and daughter are flying back later today.”

“Whoa, hold up,” a loud thump accompanied their entire world shaking for a moment, “You're not going to... kill them or something are you?”

Rather than get angry, the client merely laughed, “No, no, they're for my wife and daughter.”

“And they're not going to...”

“No,” the client's voice was firm, “And with what I'm paying you, what I'm doing with them shouldn't even matter.”

“Look, I just...”

The whole world lurched and both shrunken people were sent careening around the box. “Have finished your job, and should be going. Can you imagine what people would think if they saw the two of us together.”

“Whatever,” their captor said and a moment later, Jeremy could hear a car engine roar.

“Asshole,” the client muttered before he walked back to his own car, the sounds of the giant's movements almost as terrifying as the way Jeremy was tossed about by them.

Again, they were dropped somewhere in a car, and left to listen as the giant drove to wherever he was going.

“Mom,” Jeremy said nervously.

“I'm here, son.”

“What do you think his...”

“I don't know,” she grasped his hands in hers and squeezed, “But, but maybe they'll be nice. Maybe they just want to keep us as pets.”


“I know, I know it sounds crazy, but I'd rather be a rich woman's purse dog than...”

Jeremy's pulse quickened as his mother trailed off, and he hugged her tight, “I know, Mom, me too.”

They fell silent, listening to the giant world beyond their shoebox prison for some clue as to what was going on. Instead, they could only listen as the car finally stopped, and then the giant got out and carried them into his home. The box was only set down for a moment before they heard the giant man taping it shut and then it shook as he patted the box, “There, that should hold these little fucks.”

Even though it was dark, Jeremy swore he could see his mother glare in rage at the giant for calling them 'little fucks.' Then they sat and waited, listening as the giant spoke to someone else, talking about his wife's flight and other minor details, as if he didn't have two people imprisoned in a shoebox. The front door opened and then shut, and the two shrunken people were left in silence.

A silence that stretched on into eternity, until finally the door crashed open.

“-ood to be home,” thundered a female voice moments after it opened.

Jeremy listened as the woman dropped her bags by the front door, the sound echoing through what he now realized must be a cavernous house. Next to him, he felt his mother tense up and then she whispered, “I swear I know that voice.”

“Well, I'm glad that you both had a good time,” the man who had imprisoned them said.

“Dad, you have no idea, it was amazing, way better than Lana's school,” a second younger female voice boomed, and Jeremy felt a pang of familiarity run through him. “I can't wait to go back.”

Jeremy could feel his mother shake his head next to him, “No, it couldn't be.”

The box around them began to tremble, and suddenly they were thrown to the ground as the young giantess nearly screamed, “Oh my God, Dad, Isabel Marants!”

“Michael...” the older woman growled.

“What?” The giant's confusion was clear, “Oh no, that's not shoes. Here, put it down, and I'll get it open for you.”

Their prison shook and they were thrown about as they were pried from the daughter's hands and practically slammed back onto whatever table was holding them. Jeremy began to shake in terror as he heard the tape pried off of the box, and his gaze was immediately drawn to the sky.

“Oh, Michael, you didn't,” the older woman, Michael's wife, said with a chuckle.

Jeremy heard his mother once again say, “No, no, that's not possible.”

“Mom, what's going on?” He shouted back at her.

Suddenly the lid of the shoebox was pried off and Jeremy was momentarily blinded by the light. It faded quickly as a shadow crept over them, and then the shrunken teen's jaw dropped as he stared into the billboard sized face of Brittany Sachs, the head cheerleader at his school and one of the most popular girls there.

Her lips parted as she smiled, revealing bright white teeth large enough to slice him in half, while her eyes narrowed in on him an his mother. “No way,” Brittany boomed.

Another woman's face loomed over their world, her features were sharper than Brittany's though her hair was the same shade of blonde. Next to him, Jeremy heard his mother gasp in recognition, “Jennifer Sachs?”

“Oh my God,” Jennifer Sachs cooed as her hand reached down and snatched his mother up, “She is so small, I can hardly believe that they actually shrink this much.”

Jeremy stood up, his eyes locked on his imprisoned mother, ready to shout up in rage at the giants, when Brittany's fingers wrapped around him and the air instantly shot from his lungs. Her grip was firm, strong, and as she started to walk away from her parents, Jeremy realized it was well practiced. “Oh man,” Brittany thundered as she started to mount the stairs, her parents not even calling after her, as if shrunken people were a completely everyday occurrence, “You're Jeremy Cooke, right? That weirdo who was stalking Heather?”

Jeremy squirmed, wanting to defend himself but barely able to breathe in her immense grip.

“Don't worry, I can totally tell it's you,” she laughed as she opened her bedroom door, “Didn't my sister used to babysit you, too? That is fucking priceless.” Jeremy started to tremble in her grasp as she carried him into her room. “So if you're here in my hand, and that was your mom in my mom's hand, then I have a feeling that that makes this loser...”

Jeremy's eyes went wide as he was lowered into a huge fish tank, and set down on a cold plastic floor. Sitting in a pile of old unwashed shirts was a man who now looked like he was a foot shorter than him. The man was pale, with thinning hair the same shade as his own, and even though most of the fat had faded away, Jeremy could see a bit of a paunch hanging off the man's chest.


Brittany's voice thundered over his, “Your father.”

“Jeremy...” his dad's voice was weak, and hoarse. His eyes were brimming with tears as he shook his head back and forth, “No, no, this can't be happening...”

“Dad, y-yo-you're alive,” Jeremy could barely see as he started to cry.

The sound of a phone's camera app taking a picture caught Jeremy completely off guard, and he turned to see Brittany messing around on her phone. He shut his eyes tight and couldn't fight the tears any longer as he realized that Brittany Sachs had kidnapped his dad months ago, and as her phone buzzed above him because messages streamed in, he realized that she must have told people. He had walked around school, getting bullied by people who knew his father was being tortured by the head cheerleader.

Suddenly a pair of Brittany's flip-flops descended from the sky, and she nonchalantly announced, “These got dirty walking around campus, so clean them up, loser.”

Jeremy turned toward his father, watching as he walked toward the cheap sandals and said, “Y-yes, Brittany.”

“And now that there are two of you, you'll get the work done twice as fast,” she announced with a huge smile.

“Fuck you!” Jeremy screamed, “You giant fucking bitch, how dare you order me and my Dad around-”

His rant was cut off as Brittany's hand struck him like lightning, “No, no, no, little losers don't get to talk like that.” Jeremy struggled to breathe as her fingers pressed hard against his torso and she lowered him to the ground.

She dropped him into the mouth of her shoe, and in the distance, Jeremy could dimly hear his father screaming, pleading with the titanic cheerleader. The tiny teen hadn't even started to recover when bright white laces were wrapped around his chest and a thick knot tied against his back. He could barely figure out what as going on until he saw Brittany's huge socked foot ramming down toward him. She forcefully shoved him up against the soft smelly tongue of the sneaker as she slipped it onto her foot.

Jeremy's whole world felt like it was on fire as her body heat warmed up the exceedingly cramped shoe. Then he swore his back was about to break as she flexed her foot. Jeremy was just able to wiggle his head out into the open air, and found himself staring up her long athletic leg to her jean shorts. High above him, he heard her say to his father, “Now, those flip flops better be clean by the time I get back from Eric's. Is that understood?”

Jeremy could dimly hear his father pleading, but then Brittany started to walk, and all he could hear was the thunder of her footsteps.

Chapter End Notes:

That is not dead which can eternal lie...

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