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The roaring HVAC system did little for the shrunken man inside the drinking glass, resulting in a restless night as Ned tossed and turned against the cool surface. By the time he finally gave up on sleep, and sat slumped at the bottom of the tall glass, Ned found that he was coated in the watery backwash that remained when Lana had finished it off the night before. Sitting there and watching the hungover giant stir in her bed, Ned still tried to wrap his head around the fact that she knew who he was.

Had he really been such a horrible employer for a first time babysitter that she didn't even hesitate to nearly swallow him whole? Or did Lana just not care?

Staring at her mountainous form beneath the sheets, Ned found it suddenly easy to rationalize her younger sister's behavior. Brittany was an entitled brat whose every whim was indulged by her rich parents. Of course she would treat a shrunken person like she did, and in some way Ned knew he had made it all the worse for himself the moment he picked up that scrub brush. And if she had no idea who he was, it was probably easier to pretend that he wasn't real.

No matter how much Ned pleaded with the huge bratty blonde, and begged her to call his wife, to her his wife was just an imaginary person who might not even exist. But Lana did know Joanne, they had talked regularly after she stopped babysitting his son, a person she had taken care of for years. She knew that they existed, and that they were probably heart broken that he was trapped in a cage just a few streets over. Lana probably had his wife's number in her phone.

Yet, there he was, trapped at the bottom of a glass, staring up at the giant young woman's featureless ceiling, wondering what torture would be visited upon him next.

Ned could already hear the distant thunder of the Sachs family getting ready, the quiet sounds of a holiday morning; the slowed down almost lazy morning routine accompanied by hushed last minute questions and restrained arguments. Muffled by the doors and the distance, the giants almost sounded normal to Ned's ears, and it was only when Lana let out another sleepy snore and Ned's eyes were pulled back to the enormous world around him that he remembered just how abnormal it all really was.

The world started to shake, and Ned found his bare buttocks sliding back and forth across the slick glass as the door to Lana's room was flung open. Brittany stomped in, still dressed in her pajamas though now with the addition of her Uggs to keep her feet warm, and with a piece of jam coated toast in her hand. A loud crunch erupted as she bit into her light breakfast, and prodded her older sister with her foot, “Lana.”

The older Sachs daughter grunted and flailed at Brittany's foot, her voice absorbed by her pillow as she said, “Go away.”

“No,” Brittany replied, munching on the toast and giggling as crumbs rained down on her sister's bed. “Mom says you have to get up and shower first because she doesn't want you slowing everybody down.”

Lana grunted again, her hands trying to desperately brush away the tiny bits of toast from her bed, “You shower first.”

“I'm not pissing Mom off,” Brittany said before snatching Lana's blankets off of her bed.

The enormous girl groaned in frustration while standing up, and Ned found himself blinking as he watched Lana stare up into her younger sister's eyes. Brittany was only taller than her by a few inches, but the difference was staggering as the younger girl cocked her hip and took another lazy bite, daring the shorter blonde to argue with her. Lana shoved past her sister, muttering to herself in a slow burning rage before saying, “Whatever.”

“And I hope your boots are clean or whatever cause I'm taking my slave back,” Brittany sneered, her huge eyes scanning the room for Ned before she grabbed Lana's sheets and tossed them in a ball back onto the bed. The tiny man found himself trying to lean back into the drinking glass's wall as Brittany spotted him and sauntered up to her sister's desk. Having watched her just lord a few inches of height over her older sister, Ned started to squirm under her gaze, wondering just how powerful she felt looking at his tiny body. A few crumbs clattered down around him as she bit into her toast, her eyes raking over his trembling form as she pouted, “Poor thing, you look like shit.”

Her long fingers dipped down into the glass, grasping at air as her hand was blocked by its narrow mouth. “Stand up, little man,” she commanded and while Ned dreamed for a moment of resisting, he realized it would only end with him being tossed end over end into her palm. “Good boy,” she cooed as he allowed himself to be pinched between the nails he had painstakingly painted, their silver edges digging into his skin.

Brittany tossed him into the pocket of her pajama bottoms like he was any one of her possessions, and he landed with a huff on the lint covered cotton, unable to right himself as it swung about. The pocket swayed back and forth, bouncing him against Brittany's thigh and then out into the open air as she returned to her own room and without warning collapsed down into her desk chair. Ned lay sprawled awkwardly against her thigh, his limbs tangled up in the heavy cotton, while the warmth radiating off of her giant body started to make him sweat.

He tried to get her attention by thrashing about but if Brittany noticed, she was too busy humming along to the latest Taylor Swift album to care. Instead, Ned lay there, feeling the sweat slowly trickle down his body where it was absorbed by the warm cotton enveloping him. Brittany simply tapped her foot, causing him to bounce back and forth against her meaty muscular thigh as the thick pajama bottoms kept her toasty warm.

Battered and sweating, Ned was barely able to process what was going on as he felt himself tumbling toward the ground, his limbs too wrapped up in the pocket fabric to even windmill about before he crashed onto a thick bundle of soft cotton below. Panting, he struggled his way out from the rapidly cooling pants pocket, his head finally hitting fresh air just in time to watch Brittany wrap a towel around her tight butt cheeks and step out into the hallway. The tiny man flopped out onto the surface of the pajama bottoms, and tried to ignore the intermingling scents of Brittany's crotch and backside as he clambered across the wrinkled mass to the carpet below.

His whole body shuddered as he fell down onto the thick carpet fibers, the sweat on his skin starting to cool rapidly now that Brittany's burning hot flesh was long gone. Wrapping his arms around his clammy skin, Ned forced himself to his feet and shuffled toward her overturned Ugg. The wool interior reeked of her bare feet, but it offered far more warmth and protection from the drafty room than the pajama pocket did. Rounding the heel, Ned collapsed against the top of the shoe and let out a soft sigh as the musky air filled his lungs and warmed his tiny body.

The tiny man hadn't even realized his eyelids were drooping down until he was forced back into wakefulness by Brittany's return. He could see her bare glistening feet crash down on the carpet outside his warm hiding spot, the toes he had painted the night before shining in the morning light, but he simply turned back around and let his head sink back into the sheepskin. The air was still warm but his nose had adjusted to the collected years of sweat inside the boot, and to his own surprise, Ned found himself able to relax for the first time in weeks.

Several powerful quakes knocked Ned back awake as Brittany's voice thundered, “-in my pocket, Mom. I told you already.”

“Well did you expect him to just stay there?” She snapped back, and Ned found himself watching as the peep toed heels he had polished for Jennifer crashed down outside the Ugg, the woman bending down to look underneath her daughter's desk.

“Yes, he should know better than to wander off,” Brittany growled before shouting, “LANA!”

Ned's ears were still ringing as he heard the other giantess's distant call, “I told you I don't have him!”

“Maybe if you were picked up in here a little more this wouldn't be such a project,” Jennifer muttered as she gathered up a handful of socks and panties before marching across to the girl's hamper, “You did check the hamper, right?”

“Yes,” Brittany replied with an exasperated grunt, and Ned watched as the giant teenager's green booties shook the floor before they stopped. “I've looked everywhere,” she pouted, her monolithic chair squeaking as she sat down.

Ned's heart was pounding as he sat inside of the cavernous boot, watching as Brittany twisted her feet about nervously, unable to comprehend why the girl hadn't checked the boot yet. “I'll go check my closet again,” Jennifer announced, her footfalls causing Ned to fall over as she passed by, “I'm sure he'll turn up, sweetie.”

“He better,” Brittany replied with a sniffle, her word punctuated with a stamp of her boot's stacked wooden heel.

All Ned's hope that the girl's pouting was out of genuine concern dissipated the moment he saw the heavy heel strike against the carpeted floor. There was no way he would be able to avoid the girl's wrath, and he doubted the girl would be much nicer if he stayed inside the Ugg any longer. Creeping down across the sheepskin shaft, his toes sinking into the soft material, Ned started to pray that she wouldn't be too angry, or that he would be able to reason with the enormous brat.

His neck craned back as he walked across the carpet to her towering seated form, his eyes traveling up the bright white tights to the faded green skirt and cream colored sweater till he finally saw her massive pouting visage in the sky above. Nervously, he came within a few yards of her gargantuan feet and shouted her name with all of his might.

Her head perked up before she tilted it down, the sad look on her face instantly replaced with anger as her brow furrowed. Stumbling back, Ned fell over while she called out, “I found him!”

The floor was shaking so much that Ned couldn't even stand, his whole world overtaken by darkness as Jennifer's feet crashed down next to him, and Brittany stood to her full skyscraper like height over him. “Where the hell was he?!” Jennifer asked, exasperation and anger in her voice as her dark brown eyes narrowed in on the shrunken man.

“Cowering in my boots apparently,” Brittany replied, arms crossed and foot tapping in anger.

Her mother snickered, drawing an angry glare from the girl, “Oh sweetheart, you have to admit it's a little funny. He was probably hiding in there because he was cold or something.”

“Probably,” she said with a huff before adding, “I should probably still punish him though.”

Jennifer laughed and shook her head, “Brittany, come on, why not just be thankful you have a tiny slave and leave it at that?” Her hand gently touched her daughter's arm as Ned felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. “Besides, I doubt he'll ever do it again.”

“He better not,” Brittany growled, her eyes trailing back to the tiny man at her feet as she ground her right foot against the floor.

Another set of heavy world shaking footfalls made Ned scramble to look toward the door as Lana's titanic form filled it, the girl's shining wine red boots matching her patterned black tights and dress. “Dad wants to know if we can go yet or not?” She griped.

“Oh, actually, no,” Jennifer then said excitedly before shouting, “Michael come up here, I want to take a picture!”

Even with his hands clamped over his ears, Ned found himself writhing back and forth as Jennifer's shout rang through the house, and Michael Sachs's grumbling preceded his arrival. His shiny black leather shoes crashed down behind his daughter's booted feet as is voice boomed across the room, practically making Ned's bones shake, “Why do you need me to take a picture?”

“Of me and the girls, with the little slave who made our shoes look so nice,” her hand gestured for Lana to get closer, the girl's shoulders slumping as she marched into the room, her heavy soles rushing directly above Ned's tiny body as she went. Jennifer then tapped Brittany on the shoulder and said, “Give Daddy your phone so you can put it on Instagram.”

Brittany did as she was told without any fuss, while her father simply grimaced as he worked the phone. Ned remained frozen in place as every member of the enormous family shuffled about Brittany's oversized bedroom, finding the best position and placement for themselves. He remained sprawled on the floor as the three Sachs women finally placed their shoes directly down next to him, toes pointed toward him while they stretched high above. Despite their differences, Ned found himself marveling at how alike they all looked as they angled their bodies for the camera, and all three carefully placed a hand on their hip to make their already trim bodies a little slimmer.

“Kneel at our feet, little man,” Jennifer ordered with a laugh, Brittany snickering along while Lana and Michael both groaned.

Knowing better than to disobey, Ned sat up onto his knees and bowed down before the giant women as the phone's camera clicked several times in quick succession. Michael Sachs's huge feet smashed against the floor as he handed Brittany her phone back, and kissed his wife, “Can we get going now? We're already running late.”

“Oh hush,” Jennifer replied, shooing her husband out of the room as her heels swung over Ned's tiny body and crashed into the floor beyond. Lana followed her parents but not before prodding him with the toe of her boot and sending him sprawling to the floor again.

Brittany remained in her room for an extra minute or two, then with her eyes still on her phone she bent down and snatched the tiny man off of the ground before dumping him into his tank. She glanced down at him before fluffing her long blonde tresses. Her phone buzzed in her hand and she smirked, “Already got one like, loser.”

With that she wandered off, shutting the light out as she went, and leaving Ned to shake and shiver in the fish tank. Whimpering, Ned crawled toward his makeshift bed and bundled himself up beneath Brittany's old shirts, wishing that Thanksgiving would just end and his wife would have the sense to stay home with her family in the South.

The shrunken man had no idea how much sleep he had managed when the lights flared to life above his head, but he didn't bother to dig himself out from his pile of old shirts as Brittany strolled back into her room.

“I don't know why you needed to come back here to change,” the voice of her boyfriend Eric made him stop and shiver as he realized the two young giants were probably alone.

“Because I've been cooking in fucking heels all day and my feet hurt,” Brittany snapped back.

A soft smack and a cut off yelp drew Ned out of his blanket fort to watch as the titanic teens turned toward each other and kissed. Their lips opened up and their huge tongues slithered out, as her arms looped over his thick shoulders and his beefy biceps pushed against his shirt as he held her close. When they finally broke apart, Eric said, “Yeah, but they make your ass look so hot.”

Ned cringed as he watched the behemoth's massive hand grope her right butt cheek, eliciting only a giggle from the giantess as she slipped out of his grasp. “Just give me a minute, ok? I just want to change into my flat boots.”

“Sure, babe,” Eric replied, his eyes drifting across the room until they landed on Ned's tank. The tiny man tried to scramble back into his bedding, but the huge giant was already looming over his world. “Hey, little fuck,” he practically grunted down at Ned as a thick finger smashed the shrunken man onto the plastic floor.

Ned tried to scream but the finger cut him off as it poked him again, the giant teenager's laugh echoing off the walls of the fish tank. The hunky young man knocked him over with a single swipe of the oversized digit, and Ned watched as his bright blue eyes widened and one of his light brown eyebrows cocked up in surprise. “Are you even feeding this little shit?” Eric asked, his hefty finger poking against Ned's deflated stomach, causing it to rumble and churn simultaneously.

“Yes,” Brittany replied, clearly annoyed that her boyfriend would even ask the question.

A second later she was standing next to her gigantic man, and his arm was wrapped around her, rubbing her shoulder as he kissed her in apology. Brittany crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as she looked down at Ned, “But I didn't today because he tried to hide from me earlier.”

Eric laughed, “I thought you said he wouldn't do that.”

“That's what I thought,” she growled, and then leaned down over his world, “And I'm sure he'll be telling me he's sorry for it for a very long time.”

While Eric continued laughing, no doubt completely unfazed by his girlfriend's voice, Ned was trembling on the floor below, her intimidating words cutting through to his very heart. Nervously he nodded his head before shouting, “I'm sorry, Brittany.”

A smirk crossed her face as she rose back up to her full height, and looked back at Eric, “Come on, let's go.”

The giant nodded and they walked out of the room, arm-in-arm. Eric flicked out the light and as he strolled down the hall, Ned could still hear his voice clear as day, “Oh, did Stephanie tell you what she saw when she was getting groceries yesterday?”

“No,” Brittany's voice drifted back.

“Apparently she saw Jeremy Cooke, you know that nerdy kid who had that thing for what's her name?”

Ned's entire body froze as he heard his son's name, uttered with such passing disgust by the enormous jock. He was already answering the huge teen's question in his head when Brittany gave her questioning reply, “Heather?”

“Yeah, Heather.”

“Ok, what about him?”

“Apparently he's shrunk like half a foot already,” Eric started laughing before he even finished the sentence.

The shrunken men pitched forward, his heart stopping as he heard the words, the words he had been fearing since the day he was diagnosed. His worst fear, that his son had inherited his condition, was confirmed amidst the laughter of two of his gigantic more popular classmates.

“Oh my God,” Brittany squealed, “What a little loser.”

The front door opened and crashed shut as the pair left, but Ned found himself unable to even sob as he tried to process the news. His heart suddenly thumped erratically in his chest, he writhed on the floor as his whole body started to shake, each breath coming in ragged gasps, while spots danced in front of his eyes.

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