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Chapter five Divine Intervention.

The Army Commander was scared "Drive faster damn it " he yelled, what had been a simple plan was now falling apart like a motsaball. Above him he heard and felt the giant close behind still shouting her tont, "Come back and play with me". At that she had been at for the last five minutes "Come on we got to go" he shouted as boom suddenly they crashed into something hard. The Commander almost flying forwards but saved by his harness, shaking it off he yelled "What the hell why are we stopped" ? Then above him he heard the other one "There you go my Nease now crush them so we may have our victory " it was the damn Queen the Commander thought. "Yes thank you my Queen" the girl said and then the Army commanders view was filled with blackness as the Nease's foot came down on them.

A few miles away Ran and the pilot walked the pilot sitting on Ran's hand as they talked, "So no our universe is not like StarTreck" Ran said answering the pilot's reesent question. "Also any one well at least" Ran said, pausing to think for a moment. "Will tell you that StarTreck sucks trust me we know" Ran said. "Oh true" the pilot said looking up at Ran, "So what is it like then" ? Ran looked down at him then smiling he said "Star Wars and that Halo Game that is so popular now" , "Now " Ran said looking down at the pilot "Where in the hell did you humans come up with ratchet as a word for something bad because doesn't that mean hammer in your language" Ran asked? "I don't know I got a thirteen your old daughter that says it all the time" the Pilot said, "Yep and how's that going for you" Ran asked? At that the pilot looked up at him dumb founded, Ran just kept walking now his footsteps were the only sounds to be heard. Desperately Ran searched for something to add something that would save him from looking like a Bantha ass to this human, "Hey look my base" the Pilot shouted breaking the silence. Ran surprised he was their already looked up and smiled as he lay eyes on it, just a few miles away. Unimpressive by Universal standards, or Rebel standard's, hell even by Pirate standard's the human base lay in front of him and with it the various activity that accompanied any military base. But Ran smiled for it did kind of feel like home in a way, "So what's the plan for getting in " Ran asked the Pilot? "Right because you being a giant you can't just walk right in" the pilot said. Then they were interrupted by a voice that seemed to come from everywhere, "Attention giant do not come any further you are on land that belongs to the Israeli Military"." Come any closer and we will blow you up" the voice said, "So I'll just stand here and talk to you" Ran shouted, "And if you stay there" the voice droned on "We will blow you up". "Wow tuff guy" Ran said,"Yep that's Commander Rosenblatt","But between you and me we call him Commander Rosenbut" the pilot said. At that Ran snickered "Commander Rosenbut I love it".

"Yeah it's funny but you want to" the pilot asked? "Yep on it" Ran said, "General I am here to serve on your side to aide you in your fight against the giants". "As a token to you I have saved one of your pilots and have brought him hear" Ran said, "Show us him" the General said. At that Ran held out his hand and the pilot stood on it, "You do have him and you are responsible for his safe return" the General asked? "Yes sir I have" Ran said, "So what do you want for him then" the general asked? "To serve again to rid the Universe of the Queen" Ran said. "Then you are welcome to join us but I must warn you the latest news is not good" The general said. "I know but with our new alliance we can change this" Ran said,"Then enter and we shall talk and also are you hungry I have pork chops" the general said. "General" everyone suddenly yelled.

The people in the car were beyond screaming their car now crushed beyond recognition, with them as will they only wanted it to end. "Here we go again" the girl said in a hoarse voice, as they watched as their car entered the vagina of the Nease. Once again they felt the car squeezed by her vaginole walls, everything around them becoming tight and the car groaning. Then just as quickly they were pulled out again, then they were jerked forward again as they were shoved back in. Above them the Nease sat against a building a pained look on her face. Which was only broken by the Queen approaching, walking and trying to crush everything under foot she spotted the Nease. "Hey" she called jumping onto then off of a truck, then seeing the look on her face she asked "What is wrong"? "Cars don't make good dildos this hurts" the Nease said, "Then stop" the Queen said as she kicked a building. "Stop" the Nease asked? "Yes stop" the Queen said turning to stair at her, "So how exactly are you related to someone as smart and pretty as me because I swear you're dumb as a dirt snail". "Hey" the Nease said defensively,"I am pretty", the Queen just turned away and went back to smashing stuff.

"Wow and these are called pork chops and they come from the ass of a pig" Ran asked? His mouth full of the meat, "No not the ass of the pig the non ass part of the pig" the general added. "I don't care which part of the pig they come from they are good" Ran said, "Good because their only worth an eternity in hell for us" the cook muttered entering the room. Another cart of pork chops in front of him, "So Ran" the general said "What's our strategy"? At that Ran put down his plate which was actually the entire top of a tank that was not assembled yet. "We attack again but this time your whole Army", "One problem with that" the general said cutting Ran off. "And what's that" Ran asked? "We used our entire military in the last attack" the general said, "Then who are all these people" Ran asked? "Ok not the entire thing but like seventy nine persent of it" the General said, "That's ok I only need you guys to keep up a constant stream of fire on us while I fight the two of them".

The Egyptian President now had a hedeck and his aid was not helping, "So sir would you say you have a giant hedeck". This had gone on for the last half an hour which was when he had watched as his city was destroyed. Finally not being able to control himself the President yelled "I swear to Allah if you don't shut up I'll kill you". At that the aid grew quiet "Thank you report" the President asked? "Still the same as before sir" an aid said. "Yeah damn it I thought those Jews were supposed to be helping us". "I know sir what do you think we should do" an aid asked? The President frowned as on the screen a foot came down crushing a store, "I think we should the President started to say. When suddenly he was interrupted by an aid running in, "Sir "he yelled grabbing the remote and flipping the Channel. "You got to see this" he said gasping, and as the President looked he could hear the booming voice of the Queen.

This was so all over the world on every radio all over the world the Queens voice broadcast. Translated into a million different language's she made clear her intentions. "And now that you know who I am and why I am here I for sport of course, "Am going to give your Army's twenty four hours to respond to my challenge and meet me hear". "To fight me on even terms", "Before I declare myself your Queen so meet me here if you dare I wait" the tail end of the Queens message said.

At the Israeli military base Ran watched or heard with clinched teeth, "That bitch will die today" he wisperd. Behind him the man Rosenblatt had just finished talking with an aid. He walked over to Ran's leg and with his micro phone said, "The reports are coming in from all over the world". Ran looked down at him and asked "What do they say","Is the rest of your world going to help us"? "Yes but they need time to plan" at that Ran yelled so loud that the General had to cover his ears, "There is no time to plan we must attack now" Ran yelled. "Yes but for us it doesn't work like that ","Even we aren't prepared for this" the General said. "You are not ready but you said you were" Ran asked? "Yeah I'm sorry but we aren't and Command says were not and I think I have to agree" the General said. Ran face sagged "I need you out their General","I know and I'm sorry but we need time" the General said. "Fine then I know what I must do then" Ran said then before the General could say anything he was out into the desert.

"So my Queen where to next" the Nease asked? The Queen who was busy looking at her datapad scowled, "I am not Shure it seems that the Republic Of Planets erased all maps of this Planet". "Hum curious will I have a suggestion for you " the Nease said, "Oh yeah what is that" the Queen asked? "We just start walking and the first city we get too we ask to surrender or we stomp it flat" the Nease yelled stomping her foot for infases. "Or you can fight me" Ran yelled , "Oh look Earths hero what were the rest to pussy to show up" the Queen asked? "Nope there on their way and with a force that you could only dream of" Ran countered," OH I'm Shure of it because these humans are so scary" the Queen said laughing.

But her laugh was short lived as Ran punched her in the mouth, sending her backwards "Queen" the Nease cried. The Queen on her ass yelled "Don't just stand there defend me", and needing know other words the Nease ran at Ran. But Ran was ready this time and caught the Nease with his leg sending her falling. "You dumb bitch" the Queen muttered,"Attack him together this time". "Right" the Nease said getting up, with the Queen they attacked. This time with a barrage of punches and kicks, but Ran was ready this time. Blocking each one by quickly grabbing a metal pole from something. Sending the Queen stammering back, she panted "Ok so it's a Malay fight you want". Quickly the Queen tried to look around when she was hit in the face by ran's punch, and just as quickly he blocked a jump kick by the Nease.

"Holley crap this guy is amazing" the Egyptian President yelled, all but forgetting his headache. "Yep if he keeps going we won't need to use our Military " the President said, "You mean what's left of our Military" an aid said. "Also Mr. President" an aid said running into the room,"What" the President asked? Behind him two people suddenly yelled "Holley crap did you see that". "What what happened" the President yelled, then turning back to the aid he yelled "See you made me miss something beast". "I am sorry sir but the General wants to know","If we should use this distraction to launch what's left of our Military" the Aid asked? The President didn't even look over this time only saying "Nope I think he's got it" ,"Now who wants pork chops" he added.

They were retreating now the two women being pushed back as Ran pressed his attack. At this he smiled as with every punch he threw they retreated back. But Ran new this was only a ruse for every punch he threw the more energy he exerted. Damn where are those humans I can't keep this up for long Ran thought, "Ok that's enough you can stop Nease" the Queen said. As she said this Ran threw another punch but this time to his surprise the Queen caught it. "Ok I am calling an end to this ruse is that ok"? "You mean you knew all along and you've just been pretending to lose" Ran asked? "Daugh " The Queen said casually as she broke Rans right wrist, "But how" Ran said with a scream. He was tough but even he couldn't help from screaming at his wrist being broken. At that the Queen laughed evilly as she lifted Ran into the air, "My dear boy one doesn't become Empress of our Empire by being stupid" she said as she kicked Ran in the stomach. As Ran flew he felt a kick in his back as he was kicked by the Nease, landing on the ground on his broken wrist. Ran howled in pain and for it he received the Neases foot in his face as she kicked him. Sending him back into an apartment, suddenly filled with rage he grabbed the building, and Ran at the Queen. Managing to hit the Queen in her face, "And I'm still full of surprise's" Ran yelled. But was cut short by the Nease hitting him from behind,"How do I keep forgetting about you" Ran said as he met the ground. "I don't know but I seem to remember you just fine" the Nease said, jumping on Rans head. Then to add more insult to injury she said "You know all this space travel has made me have to go to the bathroom you mind". Ran tried to scream in protest but soon her pants were down, and she was squatting over Rans head. Her warm piss hitting his short hair, and Rans muffled screams below her. Above him the Nease laughed "Oh hush I'm almost done".

Back in the bunker the President said "What the hell". "Oh my that is so hot" an aid said causing everyone to stare at him. "You heard what I said get over it" he said. "Yeah so sir I think you should reconsider launching our Military" the aid said, "Yes but not that something else must be done" he said rising and walking over to his desk. "What are you going to do" an aid asked? "I need popcorn " the President said picking up his phone, "You damb coward you would let that good giant die while you hide like a" the aid stopped himself. "I would say Jew but they have done more to help then you have" the aid yelled. "It is too late for us" the President said going back to his T.V.

All across the world from America to Bolivia, from England, to Russia, from China, to North, and South Korea, an invasion force that had not been seen since World War Two was preparing to move on Egypt. Filled with words of courage from their Leaders they were ready to kill, but this time things were different. Not only were they united by just Army but this time in a common goal, this time the fight would be for the planet their family's friends and country. This time man was truly united like we had never been before, and as these military's moved they truly knew what it was like to be united.

"Oh my I wish I had my cam to re corde this" the Queen said laughing, as below her the Nease still sat on Ran. Keeping him pinned by his head he couldn't seem to buck her off, "I know right it's too bad you can't record this on your datapad or something like that" the Nease said. At that the Queen face palmed herself, "How could I be so dumb", "It must run in the family" Ran managed to say. "Nease please hit him for me" the Queen said, "Ok" the Nease said then with a grin on her face she started to rise. Then just as quickly she slammed her self back on him, "Yeah you like that bitch"

The Nease yelled. "Yeah ok looks like you got some issues to work out" Ran yelled, "Hey he's still talking" the Nease cried. "I know I can hear just hold on a minute" the Queen said snapping a vid.

All over the world the leaders of the Nations were in meeting, some gathering some communicating by Skype. But all saw the picture and heard the Queens voice, "Look at your hero look how he lies defeated at my feet like a hound your hero is dead"."Now give up I am ready to except your surrender and am happy to rule over you" the Queen said. As natcharol for us maybe we are just defiant like that, the American President was the first to respond. She chose the words of a famous World War Two General's words, which everyone on Earth got but went over the Queens head.

A minute later the Queen received the Americans President's response in text, looking down at it she frowned "Nuts what is Nuts"? "Maybe it means we should kick him in the Nuts " the Nease said,"No " Ran cried. Above him the Queen said "you know that's not a bad ideal have at him" the Queen said. "Let's see if I can break them" the Nease said evilly getting to her feet, "Hold him for me Queen". "Ew no you hold him" the Queen said turning away from them. As soon as he was free Ran tried to punch the Queen, "Watch out" the Nease yelled punching Ran in the side. Sending him to the ground face forwards , with both girls in front of him "Ok this ends now no more screwing around" the Queen said. Then the Queen kicked Ran in the face,"You hear that Nease" the Queen said? "I hear something look" the Nease shouted pointing over to the horizon. The Queen followed her gaze and her mouth dropped open, as this time the skies were filled with fighters, and below them tanks. "We can take them right" the Nease asked nervously, "I don't..." the Queen said. Below them Ran rose laughing, "You shouldn't of issued your challenge now we will feel the Wrath of man like we haven't felt in a millennium" Ran said. At that the Queen turned on Ran punching him and shouting hysterically "You damn fool they'll kill you with us". Ran now sitting on his backside hands behind him only smiled up at them. "I know" he said smiling, "But the difference between you and me is that I have already accepted my death".

General Rosenblatt watched from the base as the fighters attacked, and smiled "Ran you might die today but you're a hero to us". As right then a pilot said "One hundred meters to target". "Get ready to fire first barrage with drone strikes" another pilot said. "Are all Navel batteries ready" Rosenblatt asked into the radio. "Roger all Navies standing by" someone said, "Good and may our Gods be with us all" the General said.

Ran watched with wide eyes as the fighters fired on them, to him it was no different than watching the fireworks back home. In his mind he was ten standing on his dad's shoulders watching the Parade go bye laughing and jumping, "Hold on their buddy" he heard his dad say also laughing. "I'll be home soon dad" Ran whispered "And I can't wait to see you all Vensent,Starblack, and all of you who died in this war".

For the first time the Queen was unsure of herself, confident all of her life the feeling hit her hard. "Stand and fight" she yelled to the Nease, knowing the dumb bitch would obey her didn't help her. For the first time she felt her words wavering, could the Nease tell. But as she looked over she was reassured as she saw her standing proudly, "I am ready to fight for you my Queen" she said. "You're a good soldier after this you will be re worded" the Queen yelled over the roar of jets, "All lies you and her and me will all die hear" Ran yelled up at them. "My Queen he speaks as a trader shall I kill him for you" the Nease asked? The Queen wanted to yell yes to scream it, but she hesitated for she knew his words were right. "See she knows it " Ran shouted, "Shut your mouth" the Nease yelled hitting Ran. "You damn fool pay attention" the Queen yelled, but it was too late as the missiles hit them covering them in white.

General Nebula Starson sat in the High Senate building of the old Galactic Capital. Board for the amazement of this place which had once been the center for Galactic politics for well a long time. Which to him was sad for he had never imagined himself hear where so much had happened, board because the Senate he was supposed to be creating. Was arguing about well politics this did not astound him, as much as the thought that they had only been in power for an hour and they had already resorted to fighting. To him they were supposed to be above all this, the Senate he had learned about. At night when his grandfather was Shure there were no Imperial guards or informers around, did not break down and argue they worked as a team for all beings. But maybe that was the foolish thoughts of an old man Starson thought. As he looked around trying to regain focus he couldn't help but spot his aid.

Enter and start to walk down the stairs to the annoyance of all in the room. "And that is why Tiffin's" but that was as far as the bug man got before the aid got to Starson. Now standing below Starson the aid below "Sir sorry to interrupt but there is someone who says he must talk to you", at that Starson almost jumpt from his seat with glee. But quickly composed himself, choosing to say "Who is it can't they see I am doing important work" Starson boomed. At that one Senator yelled "Yeah important stuff", but the aid smiled slyly for he knew the undertone of Starsons message. "Yes and I do apologize to you and everyone hear" the aid said turning as he said this,"But he did travel all the way here to talk to you personally" he said this facing Starson of course. "Then if he came all this way I must talk to him" Starson said rising, as several Senators yelled things. Starson banged his gavel calling everyone's attention to him. As several million senators from a million different planets, asteroids, and territories stared at Starson, he spoke with the wisdom of his grandfather in his head. Guiding his words as he said "Shorly you don't need me here to argue like children do you" then he left. Then he was out of the high Senate building and onto the marvel stairs, staring up into the deep blue sky and fresh air. At this he sighed he missed being outside hearing the birds chirp, reveling in the fact that on most world's capitals one couldn't hear any birds. Then he started to walk aid in front of him, thinking that he was lucky to be here, even though he had to deal with them. For this capital was different the creators had wanted the Government of the Galaxy to be at peace. So they had limited the city around them to only a few stores, restaurants, and homes, keeping it to a small village setting instead of a bustling metropolis like so many worlds. This was decided by the first Senate so that they could relax better so they could take recesses and walk through the woods, to help them make better choices and less fighting. Also it was done to keep lobbyist's away and the Senate clean and this had worked there had been peace Starson thought, well until the Tyson Empire had attacked and had moved the Senate to their world. But soon Starson was brought out of all thoughts as they approached the planets one and only spaceport.

It was named Sun H Walker spaceport named after the builder of the capital. To appease him and besides they needed to name it something, but the place like most of the Capital was still a mess. Evidence of this was everywhere as soldiers struggled to clean and rebuild buildings, and repave streets that hadn't seen use in a long time. As he walked he saw his men burdened and struggling trying with all their power to restore this place, all while not complaining actually having a few laughs as they did. This brought a smile to him and as he walked past soldiers he couldn't help but think several Senators could learn from my soldiers. "Sir we're hear" his aid said as they walked into a docking bay, the bay filled with a giant ship Starson saying "What an ugly beast" "Yes sir" his aid said indifferently, "Oups did I say that out loud" Starson whispered? "Oups sorry you're speaking out loud again sir" his aid said, "Yeah thanks for warning me after I've made the ass of myself" Starson said.

"Oh don't worry I think it's funny when you speak your mind" a male voice said, "Wait I know that voice its". "Yep Colonel Burgess the hero of Tyson" the male said walking down the ramp of his ship. "Promoted all the way to Colonel what did all the really good soldiers dessert or something" the aid asked. "Oh yeah the one soldier from my unit to leave speaks funny how it is only when his precious commander is near" Burgess said. "Enough Burgess I thought you were in the Athens sector hunting remnant what brings you hear" Starson asked? "Important events that I think involves the Queen" Burgess said, "The Queen how we sent them both away" Starson said. "Yes but someone has released her" Burgess said,"Who" Starson asked? "Remnant agents we think" Burgess said. Then adding "We've received some interesting radio broadcast from Earth" Burgess said, "Like what" the aid asked speaking for Starson. "General" Burgess said turning to face Starson, "Yes" Starson asked? "This information must be played on something you understand right" Burgess asked? "Yeah I understand walk with me I have a home here for now" Starson said walking away.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the home that General Starson was staying at. A small white washed town house near the Low Senate, by most standards' it was a nice home. The kind of home that would belong to a upper middle class government worker, with its small front yard with a small garden grown and maintained by Starson himself. This he did in his free time when he had free time of late time was mostly spent listening to Senators argue he thought with annoyance. They soon found themselves in Starsons small kitchen, comprised of a small wooden table with one chair, he had left and managed to find two more. One a metal folding chair and watched with some small amount of anger, as Burgess took the nicer one leaving the Aid with the metal chair. "Take that chair" Starson said gesturing to his chair,"Now while I fix drinks speak Colonel" Starson said walking over to his refrigerator.

So with drinks pored the Colonel told them what he had learned from the Earth transmission's. Now at the end of his story Starson sat thinking drink half drunk,"So you think the Queen is on Earth and Ran is there too" Starson asked? "Yes sir " the Colonel said,"But how would that happen that system was cleard from all records after the fifth occupation" Starson asked? "Some of the transmissions are from Jent I think that damn fool found Remnant and went there to find his beloved Captain" Burgess spat that last part. "I hate to agree with him" the aid said pointing to the Colonel, "Feelings mutual but thanks kiss ass" Berge's said smiling. "Go ahead" Starson said glaring at the Colonel, "After the battle of Tyson Jent seamed lost non responsive and did one day just disappear" the aid said. "And why was this not brought to my attention" Starson yelled? "I am afraid the report was lost over looked during all that was going on" the aid said,"But now we can't ignore it" Starson said. "Which" Starson said now staring at Burgess,"Is why you are hear"? "Yes sir it is" the Colonel said,"And what is the plan" Starson asked? "With your permission I would like to take two capital ships to Earth to quell this situation" the Colonel said. "You'll take three ships The Exsecutor,The Silent, and The Freedom " Starson said coming to his conclusion. "Sir but what about the Senate" the aid asked? "You'll babysit them" Starson said, "Me sir" the aid asked? "Yes and don't worry you'll be fine all you do is sit there"."And listen to them argue " Starson said,"Sir any advice" the aid asked? "Yeah bring a book or hollo movie " Starson said getting up.

It had only taken an hour for Starson to gather the three ships, the soldiers and crew, and the weapons and vehicles they would need. Now they stood in the docking bay Burgess glaring at Starson and Starson ignoring him, "So you'll be back in three days" the aid asked? "Yep this won't take long we just have to go in and calm down the Natives" Starson said with a smile,"And your Shure that the senate is to busy arguing that they'll give me any trouble" the aid asked? "If they do just throw them in the brig for a few days" Starson said trying not to laugh, "Even I find that thought funny" the Colonel said. "We're real glad for you" Starson said sarcastically, "So you'll be ok then" Starson asked? "Yes sir good luck" the aid said, "Thanks" Starson said then they turned and walked up the ramp.

The small shuttle craft left the planet flying up and away, "I hope you know what you're doing" Berge's said. "Why do you think I'm leading this mission" Starson said, as they flew towards his ship. Starsons ship The Executor was a huge ship it had been his since he had taken command of it during a battle long ago, and it was his pride boasting over one million cannons and one hundred different docking bays. Which contained over seven million fighters, shuttle craft, tanks, and other weapons of military might. His ship was his pride and joy. The ship its self was a long gray rectangular shaped thing with the bridge on the front end. With two towers that resembled a half pike to us, which functioned as upper gun turrets with others along the sides. Also attached to the bottom of his ship was a little known secret weapon, captured at one of the Queens military bases on Tyson. A device called the glasser a circular thing that could fire a giant burst of energy, which was supposed to hit the planet it was fired at and spread out. In every direction killing everything, but Starson had never used it in fact it was supposed to of been destroyed. But Starson hadn't gotten around to that yet, "Ok we are landing thank you for flying air Starson" Starson said landing the shuttle. Now walking onto the bridge the Captain saluted "We are ready to go as soon as you are sir", "Good then jump now " Starson said sitting in his chair.

Ran was amazed why he didn't know was he supposed to be impressed that he had survived the first attack. It was after all only a small attack a test fire to gage the giant's reaction, and Ran liked the reaction he saw laughing as the Queen and the Nease tried to bat the missals away. Laughing out loud as the Queen screamed as a missile hit her as she screamed things like "My butafull face", and his favorite one so far "Nease tell me my face is still pretty". To which the Nease had respond with "Bitch I got my own problems to deal with fuck you", after that all Ran heard was a vicious bitch slap. Yep all in all Ran was doing ok Shure every once in a while a missile would hit him. And it would hurt but to watch the Queen suffering made it all worth it in his mind.

The Queen was losing it collapsing under the constant fire as she tried desperately to bat away missiles or fighters, trying to smash tanks under foot. The Rebel had warned her hadn't he yes, but she didn't listen and now she actually regretted it, regretted it what was wrong with her she didn't regret anything did she she asked herself? "Queen" she suddenly heard over the constant fire, "Nease is that you" the Queen asked? "Yes no don't speak" the Nease said before the Queen could speak, "We need to get out of here I have a ship we can leave" the Nease yelled. "You have a ship" the Queen yelled jumping up and down. "Yes it's in orbit we can beam up are you ready" The Nease asked? "Yep let's go and now" the Queen yelled, "Ok " the Nease said walking over to the Queen.

Ran heard all this and was pist the ship he had forgotten about the ship, and with that glee filled him and he rose to his feet. Weakly shaking as he was forced to only use one arm, finally at his feet he yelled "Wait take me with you". At that moment it dawned on the Queen what he had overheard, she looked at him evil smile on her face and said "No you wanted to die on this world hear have your grave" she shouted and kicked Ran. But Ran was ready grabbing her foot as she did trying not to reveal that he had grabbed her foot with his broken arm. "You'll take me with you now" Ran gasped, "Let go of me Nease rid me of him" the Queen demanded.

The Nease saw all this and laughed, the Queen stared at her "What's so funny" she demanded? "What I've decided " the Nease said off handedly,"And what is that" the Queen demanded? "Oh that you're not worth saving that you're a spoiled bitch and that I'm going to leave you to die" the Nease said, "You bitch you can't just leave me" but she was cut off as suddenly the Nease disappeared vanishing. "You rotten bitch you" the Queen yelled then remembering what was attached to her foot she smiled, then she let lose several punches on Ran. Ran took it all the punches the kicks it was all worth it to him, and what could she really do to him they were both dead anyways.

A pilot cried "What the hell" as he watched the Nease disappear, "I saw it to but I don't believe it either brother" another pilot said. "Cut the talk you two" another voice said, "The Generals want us to start our final attack so get ready and line up".

The Queen now lye panting over Ran as he lay bleeding on the ground still smiling. Will as much as he could with teeth missing,"Your still fucking happy aren't you well you would be you aren't losing the last thing you have left are you" the Queen asked? "Well I guess now you know what it's like to be us", "To have everything taken from you" Ran said. "You know what " the Queen said turning to face Ran,"Maybe I do". "Strange what you figure out when your doomed and are about to die" the Queen said. "Yeah it is " Ran said walking half stumbling over to her. "You know there's no point in fighting truce" Ran asked? "Shure" the Queen said and smiled at Ran, green eyes shining in the sun light. Then at seeing Ran's face she said "What"? "Y I mean it's your eyes I never noticed how pretty they are" Ran said, "Really of all the times for my eyes to be noticed it's on a battle field". "Well I guess it's not the worst place I've been flirted with,"And you're not the worst looking guy either " the Queen said giggling. Ran laughed at that "So then who was the worst" he asked? The Queen was about to speak when they heard a booming voice, "Hello giant bitch this is Commander Rosenblatt of the Israeli Army","And you are about to go lights out as we bring the ossum might of the Israeli Army"." And the rest of the world" he sighed at that part, "Ran thank you for all that you have done I'm sorry you have to die with her" he said. " Maybe in another time we could have been friends there you go a quote from StarTreck my favorite show growing up", "StarTreck sucks" Ran yelled back interrupting Rosenblatt. "Yeah ok thanks ass whole I'm glad I shared that with you","You may attack now" Rosenblatt said sadly.

As Rosenblatt signed off the Queen glared at Ran and said "You know that was rude he did open up to you". "I'm sorry I couldn't help it I really hate StarTreck" Ran said, "And anyways look who's talking Ran said and both of them burst into laughter.

Rosenblatt's aid watched the screen and couldn't help but ask "Ah sir are they supposed to be laughing"? "Shure he's delusional why do you think he said StarTreck sucks" Rosenblatt said. "Um because it does sir but that's not the point look she's changed maybe even for the better " the aid said. "Wait a minute what do you mean by Startreck sucks it was a great show" Rosenblatt yelled, "Sir that's not the point " the aid said. "Then what is" Rosenblatt yelled, "Maybe you should call off the attack or at least halt it" the aid said. "No that bitch has brought out the WRAF of America on it and I'm not dealing with that one" Rosenblatt said shaking his head. Suddenly someone ran into the room yelling sir, Rosenblatt turned to face the young man "Yes what is it"? "There's a ship in space and they want to talk to us" the man said,"A ship bull" but he was interrupted by a face appearing on the monitor.

"We're entering Earth system now" the Captain of Starsons ship said, "Ok good as soon as we are over the planet get communication down to the planet" Starson said. Then Starson sat back in his chair staring out into space watching Earth, "It really is a butafull world to bad we had to leave it". "Sir we have communication with the world's leaders" a technician said,"Really that fast" Starson asked? "Yes sir it appears they are less primitive then before also it helps when all of their leaders are on the same system" the tech said. "You don't say am I through to them" Starson asked? "Broadcasting louder then a solar flair sir" the Coms Officer said, "Good " Starson said as he prepared for what he would say. "Hello peoples of Earth" he began, "I am High General Nebula Starson and on behalf of the Galactic Republic of Planets I have come to retrieve two beings". "The first you will know as Ran he is a soldier of mine" Starson said pride in his voice, "And the second one is called the Queen I wish the return of them unharmed " Starson added. "You have five minutes ", " Please make this easy" Starson said. "We only wish to retrieve our beings", "I a Shure you that the one called the Queen will be punished". "Thank you " Starson said then turned , and yelled "Send it also get a lock on their location" Starson said. "I have troops standing by to capture them if they should be come hostel" Burgess said, "There will be no need " the General said in annoyance. "I have everything under control " Starson said as he sat. Then suddenly a loud alarm sounded "What is going on " Starson yelled. "Sir" a young woman yelled from her station, "The Earths are firing on us". "Missals incoming we count three" someone else said, "See you're a damn fool attack them" Burgess yelled. "Belay that order and get him the hell off my bridge" Starson yelled, "What you can't" but he was cut off as two big Snappers grabbed Burgess. AS Burgess struggled against him his efforts futile, "Where do you want him to go" One of the reptiles asked? " The aft air ", "Sir we got a lock on them what do you want me to do" an officer yelled cutting Starson off. "Hold him for me" Starson said with a hiss, then to the officer he said "Get a lock on them we might not have much time". "Sir" another yelled "it looks like their lining up for another shot should I fire on them"? "No but get a move on it" Starson said, "On it" the officer said.

The American President turned to the General closest to her , "Are the missals away" she asked? "Yes madam President but I would just like everyone to know", "Yeah bitch on your own time conscientious objector " the President said. "Ew she told you " an aid said, "Now send word to every Army to attack" the President said.

"Sir " Rosenblatt turned to watch his aid walk over to him, " We have the order to attack our forces are ready what do you want to do"? Rosenblatt stopped and turned to face his aid, "You know if you had asked me an hour ago what to do". "I would of said blow them both to hell" Rosenblatt said, "Now I'm not so Shure I mean we fired on peaceful people" the General said. Looking up into the air as if he could see the ship, "I have decided" Rosenblatt said as he turned and walked to his computer. "Attention all forces of the Israeli Army" the General said, "We are not going to attack them"."We are going to aid the alien General retrieve his beings","Now regretfully I know some of you will have mixed feelings about this" the General said. As he said these words a tear came to his eyes for his next words would feel like a knife in his heart. But he said them "If any of you feel that I am being a traitor and want to go on with the attack", "Then I can't stop you but I must warn you" the General's voice rising in his throat. "Then you'd better find a new home because you'll not be welcomed back hear that is all"," And please make the right choice I don't want any one of you to be cast out". "Then you should of thought about your choices" a cold voice said. Then all Rosenblatt heard was "Sir down" and then blackness, followed by the body of his aid as the man shot him as well. Then the man walked forwords kicking the General's body as he walked over to the computer, his white and black suit and sun glasses worn for intimidation .Letting everyone know who and what he was, "Attention belay that last order the General is not thinking", " So I have taken his place and I am agent Willis code word benchmark" and that was all he got out as he was shot in the back. "FBI scum" a soldier said kicking his body, as another soldier ran over to the computer. "Damn it's too late the attack has begun we couldn't stop it" the second man said. "What about our guys" the first soldier asked? "It's too late there in attack formation and the bombs are already going off" the second soldier said bowing his head.

The bombs and missiles and guns all were going off now, surrounding them in white fog as they came closer and closer. But that was ok it was all ok the Queen thought, she had accepted her fate and was ready to go. It also helped that she had this manly soldier holding her she thought with a smile, "Hey" Ran said rubbing her shoulders "You ready" ? "Yes I think I am but one request" the Queen asked? "What's that " Ran asked soon finding the Queens lips pressing against his, he kissed her back and was about to pull away thinking it was over. When he felt the Queen pull him back to her, "Please don't go" she said softly. "I won't", "And I want a long kiss" the Queen said pushing herself against Ran's body in what would be the longest kiss of Ran's life. As around them the bombs and missiles rained down on them like fireworks the Queen thought, and she imagined that it was fireworks after all who cared. It was fire works for them to celebrate her freedom and the love she now shared with this rebel, now she was ready to go and she surrendered herself to death. Looking up with her eyes just in time to embrace the white flash, that took you into oblivion.

The next thing she knew she was grabbed by something, and thrown landing hard on something and felt as her hands were grabbed by something hard and metal. All around her she heard different voices some yelling "He's hurt get him to med bay". She heard something else but she couldn't make it out, as she felt something hard kick her in the back. "Yeah nice kick Vryan" someone yelled, as she felt her self lifted up by two big soldiers. One of them looked down at her for they were very tall, "Your ours bitch and this time you're going to get it". Then she was dragged down a hallway and dumped into a cell. The Queen didn't know how long she sat in the cell, most of it she spent sleeping on the hard bed. But one day or night she didn't know she was awakened by the Generals face. Was he smiling yes he was she thought, as she watched him walk over to her "Hello" he said pleasantly. She was taken aback by this and suddenly found herself saying "What's with the smile is this the day I am to die"? "It might be but only if you choose it to be" the General said still smiling, God it was becoming annoying then suddenly she realized what exactly he had said "Only if you choose it to be". "Are you giving me a choice of faits" the Queen asked? "Yes I am" the General said as he walked over to her,"And what are they" the Queen asked? "Ok right to the point god I wish the Earth Government was that good"," But there just as bad as ours is". "Are's ","It's not important" the General said. "But suffice to say that after spending a week with the Earth beings", "That one of your choices is to be excicuted by them after a trial where we will be involved". "To make Shure you get a fair trial", "Which is more then you deserve but Ran was persuasive" the General said, "Ran how is he where is he" the Queen asked? "Very far away on another ship in another sector" the General said, and Tarah understood what he was saying and sighed. "So he can't try to rescue me right" she asked? "Oh there is no chance of that","I made it very clear to him what would happen if he were to be that stupid" the General said. The harshness in his voice brought it home to Tarah, "Which brings us to choice number two" the General said this time the smile was back. "Which is what" Tarah said with fear in her voice. Reasonably for she was afraid of what the General would say next, how much pain could you withstand if it meant returning to him she thought. As in her head visions of torchers danced in her head,"Choice two" the General was saying."choice two is to spend sixty years doing hard time" and at those words Tarah's face sagged. Hard time meant over a billion worlds each more hellish then the first, and there were plenty of ways that the guards of said world could arrange for an unliked prisoner to meet with a fatal axsadent Tarah thought. "A prison world of your choice" he said with disgust,"In which you will serve your time and then you will be taken into Ran's custody where we will move you and him to a secret world of our choosing".

"Ok and choice three" Tarah asked? "Choice three is I bring you back to the Capital and they decide what to do with you

You need to make your choice quickly" the General said. "Make it count because I have ordered my guards to throw you to Earth if you don't decide". "Ok I have made my choice" Tarah said,"I knew you would make it quickly do I need to ask" the General said. "No" Tarah said this time she was the one to smile,"Then hear make your choice" the General said his face grim as he handed her a piece of paper. She reached out and took it a wave of grimness hitting her hard, "The prison worlds" she asked her throat suddenly dry as a desert world. "Yes" the General said sadly "And I should warn you that they all are horrible". "That's ok it's worth it for Ran" she said with a smile as she placed her finger on a planet. It's all worth it for you baby she thought and smiled, as she saw the General take the paper and leave.
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