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I had just finished reading my book when I looked at the clock. It was already 8:10. I was supposed to meet with Aruna in 50 minutes but I still had mixed feelings about it. What could she possibly want to talk about? It seemed more like another one of her plans to put me in a vulnerable position. I thought for a moment a decided that maybe I should sneak into her room now and spy on her to see if she says or does anything odd before our expected meeting.

The plan seemed fair so I changed into some comfortable clothes and headed to my door. I opened the small door to my room and checked both directions before entering the hallway. It was clear. I needed to get inside her room without letting her know, but what was the best way to do that? I remembered the air vents that connected each room were typically located behind the doors. The closet was the closest room to hers so I should be able to enter through there. I snuck my way across the hall and into the closet. The apartment was quiet other than the bathroom, which was obviously occupied based on the commotion coming from within.

I took a quick look around, scanning for the vent that I could enter and quickly spotted it behind the vacuum in the corner. I made my way to the opening and was fortunate enough to find the vents were easy to pop off and on. I unhinged it and set it beside the vent, peering into the metal tunnel I was about to enter. It looked fairly clean and Aruna's room couldn't have been far away. I hunched over as I entered the crawl space, making my way to Aruna's room. After walking a few yards down, I took a left, following the space to another vent opening. Light was shining through but no sound was coming from within. Hopefully she wasn't there yet.

I approached vent quietly and again watched for any movement from her room. Nothing. Gaining some confidence from my adrenaline and the absence of people, I quickly unhinged the vent door and darted for the bed, taking cover underneath. I searched the room, ensuring that my location was truly the best. While doing so, my eyes ran across a curious object. A book laying on the ground near her dresser. Across the front of the book, written in cursive letters was "Diary".

My thoughts began to race with curiosity and temptation. It was after all her diary. If she used it often it might say what she thought of me or maybe her future plans for me or the other girls. So many secrets could be in there, yet it was very much a violation of her privacy of I looked through it. My inner self was in turmoil, as I sat under the bed just staring at the book. My thoughts boiled down more and more, as temptation took control. I justified the violation of privacy by seeing it as a precaution to my own safety. I slowly crept out from under the bed, with my sweaty palms and a racing heart, and slowly walked in the direction of the book.

After making it a little ways, I found myself standing over the brown leather book, bound by a leather strap. The book was beautiful and well made for all the secrets it kept. As I slowed my breathing, I finally gathered the courage to flip over the cover. In it was her name and number. Flipping past that I read the first date, which dated back a couple years. I didn't want to bother with everything, so I began rummaging through the book, looking for the last entry. I flipped through quite a few pages, so she must have journaled often. Finally I found the last few entries I was looking for, and began scanning for the date of there move in.

Not much later my eyes settled on the entry:

"Just met our roommates, they seem cool. Kate and Rachel are very close...almost too close. Feels like you're third wheeling whenever you're with them, but they are fun and athletes like myself. Lastly there's Vick, the owner of the apartment. He is actually very cute and nice...and very, very small. Not short, or even a midget, he's another level of small. I think he's like the size of my foot. It's crazy. We are going to meet in a few hours again for pizza and I just wanted to write down my first impressions."

I continued reading curious for more:

"Pizza was good. We just played twister and I won. That game seems easy for me since all my body parts are so long. I basically just knows the other girls off. Also, I kind of checked my theory about Vick and compared my foot to him; he's just a smidge taller. Then I sort of stepped on him as a joke, but it felt exhilarating. Then the girls had to massage em, and it was quite funny to watch their small hands try and wrap around my feet. Then we all went to bed."

Next day:

"I was doing my workout in the morning when all the others decided to shut off my music. I almost exploded. I don't think they understand how important my workouts are. We wrestled over the remote for a bit, and I even got to step on Vick again. I don't think it'll ever get old; I just want to play with him like he's a live doll. Then I went to practice. The team is doing well, hopefully it stays that way. After practice I came home to a trap basically. They pranked me and got me good I must say. Tonight I think I might try to snatch little Vick first and show him a taste of his own medicine."

I gulped and I continued to read more, my heart still racing as I re-enacted each scene in my own head.

Morning of the next day:

"Left Vick a note last night to come see me. I just want to talk, and maybe see if he's interested in making a little trade: I won't bother him if he becomes my little servant. Not even a servant, but I like feeling like a giantess. I'm already tall but nothing quite compares to a tiny man being absolutely powerless to your will. Anyway headed to practice and I think I'm gonna get a pedicure and grab some supplies I need before school starts."

That was the last entry. I was appalled by what I had just read. I was so curious to now read more about her that I reversed through the book, scanning for interesting facts. As I did I could her shuffling outside the door. My eyes widened and my reflexes took over as I bolted for the nearby closet taking cover in a pile of clothes. I repositioned myself to try and peak out between some clothes. As I did, I heard the door burst open meaning Aruna was here.

All I could see was a small portion of the floor in front of me, including the book. The door was closed again before I saw a pair of familiar feet walk in front of me. With a fresh new pedicure, and crazy large feet, there was only one person it could be. The cherry red nails pointed in the direction of the diary. Shit, the diary. I left it open!

The feet didn't move, as if they were staring at the evidence in front of them. My blood was frozen and I almost forced myself not to breath, fearful that she knew exactly where I was. The feet in front of me shifted, the shiny nails now pointing at the pile of clothes that I was hiding in. Fuck, she knew. Her long toes wiggled as if to say hello. I could only imagine what only her toes could do to me. Then as if an angel of mine had just whispered in her ear, she took off and back out of the door, which she shut behind her.

I couldn't believe it. My luck had finally pulled through. Not wanting to waste my chance, I crawled out from the clothes and bolted for the vent again, sliding into the opening. I quickly placed the door back on, and then ran for the closet entrance again. I couldn't run fast enough, my adrenaline pumping through my veins. I paused before the vent, catching my breath. I walked out and snatched the door to the vent to place back on the wall. After doing so I I turned to make my way to my room, when I was greeted by the same two tanned feet from before. This time I followed her lengthy body all the way up to her very displeased face with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well hello, Vick. Read anything you liked?"
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